the console jump but can help speed up operation when scrolling
is slow.
+ Sometimes, for example if the display is mounted in portrait
+ mode or even if it's mounted landscape but rotated by 180degree,
+ we need to rotate our content of the display relative to the
+ framebuffer, so that user can read the messages which are
+ printed out.
+ Once CONFIG_LCD_ROTATION is defined, the lcd_console will be
+ initialized with a given rotation from "vl_rot" out of
+ "vidinfo_t" which is provided by the board specific code.
+ The value for vl_rot is coded as following (matching to
+ fbcon=rotate:<n> linux-kernel commandline):
+ 0 = no rotation respectively 0 degree
+ 1 = 90 degree rotation
+ 2 = 180 degree rotation
+ 3 = 270 degree rotation
+ If CONFIG_LCD_ROTATION is not defined, the console will be
+ initialized with 0degree rotation.
Support drawing of RLE8-compressed bitmaps on the LCD.
obj-y += splash.o
obj-$(CONFIG_SPLASH_SOURCE) += splash_source.o
obj-$(CONFIG_LCD) += lcd.o lcd_console.o
+obj-$(CONFIG_LCD_ROTATION) += lcd_console_rotation.o
obj-$(CONFIG_LCD_DT_SIMPLEFB) += lcd_simplefb.o
obj-$(CONFIG_LYNXKDI) += lynxkdi.o
obj-$(CONFIG_MENU) += menu.o
void lcd_clear(void)
- short console_rows, console_cols;
int bg_color;
char *s;
ulong addr;
+ /* setup text-console */
+ debug("[LCD] setting up console...\n");
+ lcd_init_console(lcd_base,
+ panel_info.vl_col,
+ panel_info.vl_row,
+ panel_info.vl_rot);
/* Paint the logo and retrieve LCD base address */
debug("[LCD] Drawing the logo...\n");
- console_rows = (panel_info.vl_row - BMP_LOGO_HEIGHT);
- console_rows /= VIDEO_FONT_HEIGHT;
- console_rows = panel_info.vl_row / VIDEO_FONT_HEIGHT;
- console_cols = panel_info.vl_col / VIDEO_FONT_WIDTH;
- lcd_init_console(lcd_base, console_rows, console_cols);
if (do_splash) {
s = getenv("splashimage");
if (s) {
addr = (ulong)lcd_base + BMP_LOGO_HEIGHT * lcd_line_length;
- lcd_init_console((void *)addr, console_rows, console_cols);
+ lcd_init_console((void *)addr, panel_info.vl_row,
+ panel_info.vl_col, panel_info.vl_rot);
- * (C) Copyright 2001-2014
+ * (C) Copyright 2001-2015
* DENX Software Engineering --
* Compulab Ltd -
+ * Bernecker & Rainer Industrieelektronik GmbH -
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+
#include <common.h>
#include <lcd.h>
#include <video_font.h> /* Get font data, width and height */
+#if defined(CONFIG_LCD_LOGO)
+#include <bmp_logo.h>
-#define CONSOLE_ROW_SIZE (VIDEO_FONT_HEIGHT * lcd_line_length)
-#define CONSOLE_ROW_FIRST cons.lcd_address
-#define CONSOLE_SIZE (CONSOLE_ROW_SIZE * cons.rows)
-struct console_t {
- short curr_col, curr_row;
- short cols, rows;
- void *lcd_address;
static struct console_t cons;
-void lcd_init_console(void *address, int rows, int cols)
- memset(&cons, 0, sizeof(cons));
- cons.cols = cols;
- cons.rows = rows;
- cons.lcd_address = address;
void lcd_set_col(short col)
cons.curr_col = col;
return cons.cols;
-static void lcd_putc_xy(ushort x, ushort y, char c)
+static void lcd_putc_xy0(struct console_t *pcons, ushort x, ushort y, char c)
- uchar *dest;
- ushort row;
int fg_color = lcd_getfgcolor();
int bg_color = lcd_getbgcolor();
- int i;
- dest = (uchar *)(cons.lcd_address +
- y * lcd_line_length + x * NBITS(LCD_BPP) / 8);
- for (row = 0; row < VIDEO_FONT_HEIGHT; ++row, dest += lcd_line_length) {
- ushort *d = (ushort *)dest;
-#elif LCD_BPP == LCD_COLOR32
- u32 *d = (u32 *)dest;
- uchar *d = dest;
- uchar bits;
- bits = video_fontdata[c * VIDEO_FONT_HEIGHT + row];
- for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
- *d++ = (bits & 0x80) ? fg_color : bg_color;
+ int i, row;
+ fbptr_t *dst = (fbptr_t *)pcons->fbbase +
+ y * pcons->lcdsizex +
+ x;
+ for (row = 0; row < VIDEO_FONT_HEIGHT; row++) {
+ uchar bits = video_fontdata[c * VIDEO_FONT_HEIGHT + row];
+ for (i = 0; i < VIDEO_FONT_WIDTH; ++i) {
+ *dst++ = (bits & 0x80) ? fg_color : bg_color;
bits <<= 1;
+ dst += (pcons->lcdsizex - VIDEO_FONT_WIDTH);
-static void console_scrollup(void)
+static inline void console_setrow0(struct console_t *pcons, u32 row, int clr)
- int bg_color = lcd_getbgcolor();
+ int i;
+ fbptr_t *dst = (fbptr_t *)pcons->fbbase +
+ pcons->lcdsizex;
- /* Copy up rows ignoring those that will be overwritten */
- cons.lcd_address + CONSOLE_ROW_SIZE * rows,
+ for (i = 0; i < (VIDEO_FONT_HEIGHT * pcons->lcdsizex); i++)
+ *dst++ = clr;
- /* Clear the last rows */
-#if (LCD_BPP != LCD_COLOR32)
- memset(lcd_console_address + CONSOLE_SIZE - CONSOLE_ROW_SIZE * rows,
- bg_color, CONSOLE_ROW_SIZE * rows);
- u32 *ppix = cons.lcd_address +
- u32 i;
- for (i = 0;
- i < (CONSOLE_ROW_SIZE * rows) / NBYTES(panel_info.vl_bpix);
- i++) {
- *ppix++ = bg_color;
- }
- lcd_sync();
- cons.curr_row -= rows;
+static inline void console_moverow0(struct console_t *pcons,
+ u32 rowdst, u32 rowsrc)
+ int i;
+ fbptr_t *dst = (fbptr_t *)pcons->fbbase +
+ rowdst * VIDEO_FONT_HEIGHT *
+ pcons->lcdsizex;
+ fbptr_t *src = (fbptr_t *)pcons->fbbase +
+ rowsrc * VIDEO_FONT_HEIGHT *
+ pcons->lcdsizex;
+ for (i = 0; i < (VIDEO_FONT_HEIGHT * pcons->lcdsizex); i++)
+ *dst++ = *src++;
static inline void console_back(void)
cons.curr_row = 0;
- lcd_putc_xy(cons.curr_col * VIDEO_FONT_WIDTH,
- cons.curr_row * VIDEO_FONT_HEIGHT, ' ');
+ cons.fp_putc_xy(&cons,
+ cons.curr_col * VIDEO_FONT_WIDTH,
+ cons.curr_row * VIDEO_FONT_HEIGHT, ' ');
static inline void console_newline(void)
+ int bg_color = lcd_getbgcolor();
+ int i;
cons.curr_col = 0;
/* Check if we need to scroll the terminal */
- if (++cons.curr_row >= cons.rows)
- console_scrollup();
- else
- lcd_sync();
+ if (++cons.curr_row >= cons.rows) {
+ for (i = 0; i < cons.rows-rows; i++)
+ cons.fp_console_moverow(&cons, i, i+rows);
+ for (i = 0; i < rows; i++)
+ cons.fp_console_setrow(&cons, cons.rows-i-1, bg_color);
+ cons.curr_row -= rows;
+ }
+ lcd_sync();
+void console_calc_rowcol(struct console_t *pcons, u32 sizex, u32 sizey)
+ pcons->cols = sizex / VIDEO_FONT_WIDTH;
+ pcons->rows = (pcons->lcdsizey - BMP_LOGO_HEIGHT);
+ pcons->rows /= VIDEO_FONT_HEIGHT;
+ pcons->rows = sizey / VIDEO_FONT_HEIGHT;
+void __weak lcd_init_console_rot(struct console_t *pcons)
+ return;
+void lcd_init_console(void *address, int vl_cols, int vl_rows, int vl_rot)
+ memset(&cons, 0, sizeof(cons));
+ cons.fbbase = address;
+ cons.lcdsizex = vl_cols;
+ cons.lcdsizey = vl_rows;
+ cons.lcdrot = vl_rot;
+ cons.fp_putc_xy = &lcd_putc_xy0;
+ cons.fp_console_moverow = &console_moverow0;
+ cons.fp_console_setrow = &console_setrow0;
+ console_calc_rowcol(&cons, cons.lcdsizex, cons.lcdsizey);
+ lcd_init_console_rot(&cons);
+ debug("lcd_console: have %d/%d col/rws on scr %dx%d (%d deg rotated)\n",
+ cons.cols, cons.rows, cons.lcdsizex, cons.lcdsizey, vl_rot);
void lcd_putc(const char c)
- lcd_putc_xy(cons.curr_col * VIDEO_FONT_WIDTH,
- cons.curr_row * VIDEO_FONT_HEIGHT, c);
+ cons.fp_putc_xy(&cons,
+ cons.curr_col * VIDEO_FONT_WIDTH,
+ cons.curr_row * VIDEO_FONT_HEIGHT, c);
if (++cons.curr_col >= cons.cols)
--- /dev/null
+ * (C) Copyright 2015
+ * Bernecker & Rainer Industrieelektronik GmbH -
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+
+ */
+#include <common.h>
+#include <lcd.h>
+#include <video_font.h> /* Get font data, width and height */
+static void lcd_putc_xy90(struct console_t *pcons, ushort x, ushort y, char c)
+ int fg_color = lcd_getfgcolor();
+ int bg_color = lcd_getbgcolor();
+ int col, i;
+ fbptr_t *dst = (fbptr_t *)pcons->fbbase +
+ (x+1) * pcons->lcdsizex -
+ y;
+ uchar msk = 0x80;
+ uchar *pfont = video_fontdata + c * VIDEO_FONT_HEIGHT;
+ for (col = 0; col < VIDEO_FONT_WIDTH; ++col) {
+ for (i = 0; i < VIDEO_FONT_HEIGHT; ++i)
+ *dst-- = (*(pfont + i) & msk) ? fg_color : bg_color;
+ msk >>= 1;
+ dst += (pcons->lcdsizex + VIDEO_FONT_HEIGHT);
+ }
+static inline void console_setrow90(struct console_t *pcons, u32 row, int clr)
+ int i, j;
+ fbptr_t *dst = (fbptr_t *)pcons->fbbase +
+ pcons->lcdsizex -
+ for (j = 0; j < pcons->lcdsizey; j++) {
+ for (i = 0; i < VIDEO_FONT_HEIGHT; i++)
+ *dst-- = clr;
+ dst += (pcons->lcdsizex + VIDEO_FONT_HEIGHT);
+ }
+static inline void console_moverow90(struct console_t *pcons,
+ u32 rowdst, u32 rowsrc)
+ int i, j;
+ fbptr_t *dst = (fbptr_t *)pcons->fbbase +
+ pcons->lcdsizex -
+ (rowdst*VIDEO_FONT_HEIGHT+1);
+ fbptr_t *src = (fbptr_t *)pcons->fbbase +
+ pcons->lcdsizex -
+ (rowsrc*VIDEO_FONT_HEIGHT+1);
+ for (j = 0; j < pcons->lcdsizey; j++) {
+ for (i = 0; i < VIDEO_FONT_HEIGHT; i++)
+ *dst-- = *src--;
+ src += (pcons->lcdsizex + VIDEO_FONT_HEIGHT);
+ dst += (pcons->lcdsizex + VIDEO_FONT_HEIGHT);
+ }
+static void lcd_putc_xy180(struct console_t *pcons, ushort x, ushort y, char c)
+ int fg_color = lcd_getfgcolor();
+ int bg_color = lcd_getbgcolor();
+ int i, row;
+ fbptr_t *dst = (fbptr_t *)pcons->fbbase +
+ pcons->lcdsizex +
+ pcons->lcdsizey * pcons->lcdsizex -
+ y * pcons->lcdsizex -
+ (x+1);
+ for (row = 0; row < VIDEO_FONT_HEIGHT; row++) {
+ uchar bits = video_fontdata[c * VIDEO_FONT_HEIGHT + row];
+ for (i = 0; i < VIDEO_FONT_WIDTH; ++i) {
+ *dst-- = (bits & 0x80) ? fg_color : bg_color;
+ bits <<= 1;
+ }
+ dst -= (pcons->lcdsizex - VIDEO_FONT_WIDTH);
+ }
+static inline void console_setrow180(struct console_t *pcons, u32 row, int clr)
+ int i;
+ fbptr_t *dst = (fbptr_t *)pcons->fbbase +
+ (pcons->rows-row-1) * VIDEO_FONT_HEIGHT *
+ pcons->lcdsizex;
+ for (i = 0; i < (VIDEO_FONT_HEIGHT * pcons->lcdsizex); i++)
+ *dst++ = clr;
+static inline void console_moverow180(struct console_t *pcons,
+ u32 rowdst, u32 rowsrc)
+ int i;
+ fbptr_t *dst = (fbptr_t *)pcons->fbbase +
+ (pcons->rows-rowdst-1) * VIDEO_FONT_HEIGHT *
+ pcons->lcdsizex;
+ fbptr_t *src = (fbptr_t *)pcons->fbbase +
+ (pcons->rows-rowsrc-1) * VIDEO_FONT_HEIGHT *
+ pcons->lcdsizex;
+ for (i = 0; i < (VIDEO_FONT_HEIGHT * pcons->lcdsizex); i++)
+ *dst++ = *src++;
+static void lcd_putc_xy270(struct console_t *pcons, ushort x, ushort y, char c)
+ int fg_color = lcd_getfgcolor();
+ int bg_color = lcd_getbgcolor();
+ int i, col;
+ fbptr_t *dst = (fbptr_t *)pcons->fbbase +
+ pcons->lcdsizey * pcons->lcdsizex -
+ (x+1) * pcons->lcdsizex +
+ y;
+ uchar msk = 0x80;
+ uchar *pfont = video_fontdata + c * VIDEO_FONT_HEIGHT;
+ for (col = 0; col < VIDEO_FONT_WIDTH; ++col) {
+ for (i = 0; i < VIDEO_FONT_HEIGHT; ++i)
+ *dst++ = (*(pfont + i) & msk) ? fg_color : bg_color;
+ msk >>= 1;
+ dst -= (pcons->lcdsizex + VIDEO_FONT_HEIGHT);
+ }
+static inline void console_setrow270(struct console_t *pcons, u32 row, int clr)
+ int i, j;
+ fbptr_t *dst = (fbptr_t *)pcons->fbbase +
+ for (j = 0; j < pcons->lcdsizey; j++) {
+ for (i = 0; i < VIDEO_FONT_HEIGHT; i++)
+ *dst++ = clr;
+ dst += (pcons->lcdsizex - VIDEO_FONT_HEIGHT);
+ }
+static inline void console_moverow270(struct console_t *pcons,
+ u32 rowdst, u32 rowsrc)
+ int i, j;
+ fbptr_t *dst = (fbptr_t *)pcons->fbbase +
+ fbptr_t *src = (fbptr_t *)pcons->fbbase +
+ for (j = 0; j < pcons->lcdsizey; j++) {
+ for (i = 0; i < VIDEO_FONT_HEIGHT; i++)
+ *dst++ = *src++;
+ src += (pcons->lcdsizex - VIDEO_FONT_HEIGHT);
+ dst += (pcons->lcdsizex - VIDEO_FONT_HEIGHT);
+ }
+static void console_calc_rowcol_rot(struct console_t *pcons)
+ if (pcons->lcdrot == 1 || pcons->lcdrot == 3)
+ console_calc_rowcol(pcons, pcons->lcdsizey, pcons->lcdsizex);
+ else
+ console_calc_rowcol(pcons, pcons->lcdsizex, pcons->lcdsizey);
+void lcd_init_console_rot(struct console_t *pcons)
+ if (pcons->lcdrot == 0) {
+ return;
+ } else if (pcons->lcdrot == 1) {
+ pcons->fp_putc_xy = &lcd_putc_xy90;
+ pcons->fp_console_moverow = &console_moverow90;
+ pcons->fp_console_setrow = &console_setrow90;
+ } else if (pcons->lcdrot == 2) {
+ pcons->fp_putc_xy = &lcd_putc_xy180;
+ pcons->fp_console_moverow = &console_moverow180;
+ pcons->fp_console_setrow = &console_setrow180;
+ } else if (pcons->lcdrot == 3) {
+ pcons->fp_putc_xy = &lcd_putc_xy270;
+ pcons->fp_console_moverow = &console_moverow270;
+ pcons->fp_console_setrow = &console_setrow270;
+ } else {
+ printf("%s: invalid framebuffer rotation (%d)!\n",
+ __func__, pcons->lcdrot);
+ return;
+ }
+ console_calc_rowcol_rot(pcons);
typedef struct vidinfo {
ushort vl_col; /* Number of columns (i.e. 640) */
ushort vl_row; /* Number of rows (i.e. 480) */
- u_long vl_clk; /* pixel clock in ps */
+ ushort vl_rot; /* Rotation of Display (0, 1, 2, 3) */
+ u_long vl_clk; /* pixel clock in ps */
/* LCD configuration register */
u_long vl_sync; /* Horizontal / vertical sync */
typedef struct vidinfo {
ushort vl_col; /* Number of columns (i.e. 640) */
ushort vl_row; /* Number of rows (i.e. 480) */
+ ushort vl_rot; /* Rotation of Display (0, 1, 2, 3) */
ushort vl_width; /* Width of display area in millimeters */
ushort vl_height; /* Height of display area in millimeters */
typedef struct vidinfo {
ushort vl_col; /* Number of columns (i.e. 160) */
ushort vl_row; /* Number of rows (i.e. 100) */
+ ushort vl_rot; /* Rotation of Display (0, 1, 2, 3) */
u_char vl_bpix; /* Bits per pixel, 0 = 1 */
ushort *cmap; /* Pointer to the colormap */
void *priv; /* Pointer to driver-specific data */
#define CONSOLE_COLOR_WHITE 0xffff /* Must remain last / highest */
#endif /* color definitions */
+#define fbptr_t ushort
+#elif LCD_BPP == LCD_COLOR32
+#define fbptr_t u32
+#define fbptr_t uchar
#ifndef PAGE_SIZE
#define PAGE_SIZE 4096
+struct console_t {
+ short curr_col, curr_row;
+ short cols, rows;
+ void *fbbase;
+ u32 lcdsizex, lcdsizey, lcdrot;
+ void (*fp_putc_xy)(struct console_t *pcons, ushort x, ushort y, char c);
+ void (*fp_console_moverow)(struct console_t *pcons,
+ u32 rowdst, u32 rowsrc);
+ void (*fp_console_setrow)(struct console_t *pcons, u32 row, int clr);
+ * console_calc_rowcol() - calculate available rows / columns wihtin a given
+ * screen-size based on used VIDEO_FONT.
+ *
+ * @pcons: Pointer to struct console_t
+ * @sizex: size X of the screen in pixel
+ * @sizey: size Y of the screen in pixel
+ */
+void console_calc_rowcol(struct console_t *pcons, u32 sizex, u32 sizey);
* lcd_init_console() - Initialize lcd console parameters
* console has.
* @address: Console base address
- * @rows: Number of rows in the console
- * @cols: Number of columns in the console
+ * @vl_rows: Number of rows in the console
+ * @vl_cols: Number of columns in the console
+ * @vl_rot: Rotation of display in degree (0 - 90 - 180 - 270) counterlockwise
-void lcd_init_console(void *address, int rows, int cols);
+void lcd_init_console(void *address, int vl_cols, int vl_rows, int vl_rot);
* lcd_set_col() - Set the number of the current lcd console column
typedef struct vidinfo {
ushort vl_col; /* Number of columns (i.e. 640) */
ushort vl_row; /* Number of rows (i.e. 480) */
+ ushort vl_rot; /* Rotation of Display (0, 1, 2, 3) */
ushort vl_width; /* Width of display area in millimeters */
ushort vl_height; /* Height of display area in millimeters */
typedef struct vidinfo {
ushort vl_col; /* Number of columns (i.e. 640) */
ushort vl_row; /* Number of rows (i.e. 480) */
+ ushort vl_rot; /* Rotation of Display (0, 1, 2, 3) */
ushort vl_width; /* Width of display area in millimeters */
ushort vl_height; /* Height of display area in millimeters */