- transport reports bw quota violations on slow systems (core or
transport issue? tracking issue or actual violation?)
* FS: [CG]
- - Need testcase of command-line tools! - also good to cover getopt API!
+ - Need more work on testcase of command-line tools!
- 2-peer download is still too slow (why? testcases fail on slow systems!)
* WWW:
- Get IPv6 hooked up [AK, after April 12th]
- good to have for transport/DV evaluation!
* DV: [Nate]
- - write DV API
- - implement DV service
- - implement DV library
+ - write DV API (need to move declarations from dv_api.c to gnunet_dv_service.h!)
+ - implement DV service
+ - implement DV library (looks done)
- implement DV transport plugin
- implement testcases
- implement performance tests
- [gnunet-service-fs.c:700]: member 'ConnectedPeer::last_client_replies_woff' is never used
- GAP improvements:
+ active reply route caching design & implementation of service; gap extension!
+ - API lacks cancellation methods (needed? or is disconnect enough?);
+ may also want to integrate request queuing here instead of gnunet-service-fs_drq.c
- how to integrate scheduler with GTK event loop!?
- good to have for DV/DHT evaluation!
* DHT: [Nate]
- - implement DHT service (needs DV, DATACACHE)
+ - implement DHT service
- implement DHT library
- implement testcases
- implement performance tests
- 'server' uses 'GNUNET_PEERINFO_iterate', should probably switch to notification API
(for more instant / up-to-date hostlists at lower cost) [OPTIMIZATION]
+ - check for duplicates on insertion (currently, same content is frequently
+ stored again [seen with KBLOCKS and SBLOCKS]!)
Minor features:
* TCP:
- add stats (# bytes available, # bytes used, # PUTs, # GETs, # GETs satisfied)
* FS:
- support inline data in directories for recursive file downloads (fs_download)