size_t size, void *buf)
struct GNUNET_DV_MessageReceived *msg = cls;
+ int msize;
if (buf == NULL)
return 0;
- GNUNET_assert(size >= ntohs(msg->header.size));
+ msize = ntohs(msg->header.size);
+ GNUNET_assert(size >= msize);
- memcpy(buf, msg, size);
+ memcpy(buf, msg, msize);
- return size;
+ return msize;
memcpy (&message->neighbor,
&about->identity, sizeof (struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity));
+ pending_message->msg_size = sizeof(p2p_dv_MESSAGE_NeighborInfo);
pending_message->transmit_handle = GNUNET_CORE_notify_transmit_ready(coreAPI, default_dv_priority, default_dv_delay, &to->identity, sizeof(p2p_dv_MESSAGE_NeighborInfo), &core_transmit_notify, pending_message);
if (NULL == pending_message->transmit_handle)
- * Core handler for dv gossip messages. These will be used
- * by us to create a HELLO message for the newly peer containing
- * which direct peer we can connect through, and what the cost
- * is. This HELLO will then be scheduled for validation by the
- * transport service so that it can be used by all others.
- *
- * @param cls closure
- * @param peer peer which sent the message (immediate sender)
- * @param message the message
- * @param latency the latency of the connection we received the message from
- * @param distance the distance to the immediate peer
- */
-static int handle_dv_gossip_message (void *cls,
- const struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity *peer,
- const struct GNUNET_MessageHeader *message,
- struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative latency,
- uint32_t distance)
- "%s: Receives %s message!\n", "dv", "DV GOSSIP");
- return 0;
* Service server's handler for message send requests (which come
GNUNET_SERVER_receive_done(client, GNUNET_OK);
+static int handle_dv_gossip_message (void *cls,
+ const struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity *peer,
+ const struct GNUNET_MessageHeader *message,
+ struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative latency,
+ uint32_t distance);
* List of handlers for the messages understood by this
void *value)
struct NeighborUpdateInfo * update_info = cls;
- struct DirectNeighbor *direct_neighbor = value;
+ struct DistantNeighbor *distant_neighbor = value;
- if (update_info->referrer == direct_neighbor) /* Direct neighbor matches, update it's info and return GNUNET_NO */
+ if (update_info->referrer == distant_neighbor->referrer) /* Direct neighbor matches, update it's info and return GNUNET_NO */
/* same referrer, cost change! */
GNUNET_CONTAINER_heap_update_cost (ctx.neighbor_max_heap,
* Handles when a peer is either added due to being newly connected
- * or having been gossiped about, also called when a cost for a neighbor
+ * or having been gossiped about, also called when the cost for a neighbor
* needs to be updated.
* @param peer identity of the peer whose info is being added/updated
+ else
+ {
+ "%s: Already know peer %s distance %d, referrer id %d!\n", "dv", GNUNET_i2s(peer), cost, referrer_peer_id);
+ }
+ "%s: Size of extended_neighbors is %d\n", "dv", GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap_size(ctx.extended_neighbors));
/* Old logic to remove entry and replace, not needed now as we only want to remove when full
* or when the referring peer disconnects from us.
+ * Core handler for dv gossip messages. These will be used
+ * by us to create a HELLO message for the newly peer containing
+ * which direct peer we can connect through, and what the cost
+ * is. This HELLO will then be scheduled for validation by the
+ * transport service so that it can be used by all others.
+ *
+ * @param cls closure
+ * @param peer peer which sent the message (immediate sender)
+ * @param message the message
+ * @param latency the latency of the connection we received the message from
+ * @param distance the distance to the immediate peer
+ */
+static int handle_dv_gossip_message (void *cls,
+ const struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity *peer,
+ const struct GNUNET_MessageHeader *message,
+ struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative latency,
+ uint32_t distance)
+ char * encPeerAbout;
+ char * encPeerFrom;
+ struct DirectNeighbor *referrer;
+ p2p_dv_MESSAGE_NeighborInfo *enc_message = (p2p_dv_MESSAGE_NeighborInfo *)message;
+ encPeerAbout = GNUNET_strdup(GNUNET_i2s(&enc_message->neighbor));
+ encPeerFrom = GNUNET_strdup(GNUNET_i2s(peer));
+ "%s: Receives %s message from peer %s about peer %s!\n", "dv", "DV GOSSIP", encPeerFrom, encPeerAbout);
+ GNUNET_free(encPeerAbout);
+ GNUNET_free(encPeerFrom);
+ if (ntohs (message->size) < sizeof (p2p_dv_MESSAGE_NeighborInfo))
+ {
+ return GNUNET_SYSERR; /* invalid message */
+ }
+ referrer = GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap_get (ctx.direct_neighbors,
+ &peer->hashPubKey);
+ if (referrer == NULL)
+ return GNUNET_OK;
+ addUpdateNeighbor (&enc_message->neighbor,
+ ntohl (enc_message->neighbor_id),
+ referrer, ntohl (enc_message->cost) + 1);
+ return GNUNET_OK;
* Method called whenever a peer connects.