a_s_fstab_mountpoints = "Mount Points"
a_s_fstab_mountpoints1 = "Mount Points define at which point a memory device will be attached to the filesystem"
+a_s_fstab_active = "Mounted file systems"
+a_s_fstab_used = "Used"
+a_s_fstab_avail = "Available"
a_s_fstab_mountpoint = "Mount Point"
a_s_fstab_device1 = "The device file of the memory or partition (e.g. /dev/sda1)"
a_s_fstab_fs1 = "The filesystem that was used to format the memory (e.g. ext3)"
a_s_flash_upgrade1 = [[Ersetzt die installierte Firmware (das Betriebssystem des Routers) durch ein neues.
Das Format der Firmware ist plattformabhängig.]]
a_s_fstab = [[Einhängepunkte]]
+a_s_fstab_active = "Eingehängte Dateisysteme"
+a_s_fstab_used = "Benutzt"
+a_s_fstab_avail = "Verfügbar"
a_s_fstab_device1 = [[Die Gerätedatei des Speichers oder der Partition (z.B.: /dev/sda)]]
a_s_fstab_fs1 = [[Das Dateisystem mit dem der Speicher formatiert ist (z.B.: ext3)]]
a_s_fstab_mountpoint = [[Einhängepunkt]]
m = Map("fstab", translate("a_s_fstab"))
+local mounts = luci.sys.mounts()
+v = m:section(TypedSection, "_virtual", translate("a_s_fstab_active"))
+v.anonymous = true
+v.rowcolors = true
+v.template = "cbi/tblsection"
+function v.cfgsections(self)
+ local sections = {}
+ for i=1,#mounts do
+ table.insert(sections, i)
+ end
+ return sections
+fs = v:option(DummyValue, "fs", translate("filesystem"))
+function fs.cfgvalue(self, section)
+ return mounts[section].fs
+mp = v:option(DummyValue, "mountpoint", translate("a_s_fstab_mountpoint"))
+function mp.cfgvalue(self, section)
+ return mounts[section].mountpoint
+avail = v:option(DummyValue, "avail", translate("a_s_fstab_avail"))
+function avail.cfgvalue(self, section)
+ return luci.tools.webadmin.byte_format(
+ tonumber(mounts[section].available) * 1024
+ ) .. " / " .. luci.tools.webadmin.byte_format(
+ tonumber(mounts[section].blocks) * 1024
+ )
+used = v:option(DummyValue, "used", translate("a_s_fstab_used"))
+function used.cfgvalue(self, section)
+ return mounts[section].percent .. " (" ..
+ luci.tools.webadmin.byte_format(
+ tonumber(mounts[section].used) * 1024
+ ) .. ")"
mount = m:section(TypedSection, "mount", translate("a_s_fstab_mountpoints"), translate("a_s_fstab_mountpoints1"))
mount.anonymous = true
mount.addremove = true