local ldebug = require "luci.debug"
local string = require "string"
local coroutine = require "coroutine"
+local tparser = require "luci.template.parser"
local getmetatable, setmetatable = getmetatable, setmetatable
local rawget, rawset, unpack = rawget, rawset, unpack
--- Create valid XML PCDATA from given string.
-- @param value String value containing the data to escape
-- @return String value containing the escaped data
-local function _pcdata_repl(c)
- local i = string.byte(c)
- if ( i >= 0x00 and i <= 0x08 ) or ( i >= 0x0B and i <= 0x0C ) or
- ( i >= 0x0E and i <= 0x1F ) or ( i == 0x7F )
- then
- return ""
- elseif ( i == 0x26 ) or ( i == 0x27 ) or ( i == 0x22 ) or
- ( i == 0x3C ) or ( i == 0x3E )
- then
- return string.format("&#%i;", i)
- end
- return c
function pcdata(value)
- return value and tostring(value):gsub("[&\"'<>%c]", _pcdata_repl)
+ return value and tparser.sanitize_pcdata(tostring(value))
--- Strip HTML tags from given string.
v = ""
elseif type(v) == "table" then
v = table.concat(v, " ")
+ elseif type(v) ~= "string" then
+ v = tostring(v)
return v:gmatch("%S+")