BC_LEX_KW_ENTRY("while" , 1), // 19
+#define STRING_if (bc_lex_kws[8].name8)
+#define STRING_else (bc_lex_kws[4].name8)
+#define STRING_while (bc_lex_kws[19].name8)
+#define STRING_for (bc_lex_kws[5].name8)
enum {
| (1 << 0) // 0
bc_parse_pushJUMP_ZERO(p, ip_idx);
bc_vec_push(&p->func->labels, &ip_idx);
- s = zbc_parse_stmt_allow_NLINE_before(p, "if");
+ s = zbc_parse_stmt_allow_NLINE_before(p, STRING_if);
if (s) RETURN_STATUS(s);
dbg_lex("%s:%d in if after stmt: p->l.t.t:%d", __func__, __LINE__, p->l.t.t);
bc_vec_push(&p->func->labels, &ip2_idx);
ip_idx = ip2_idx;
- s = zbc_parse_stmt_allow_NLINE_before(p, "else");
+ s = zbc_parse_stmt_allow_NLINE_before(p, STRING_else);
if (s) RETURN_STATUS(s);
bc_parse_pushJUMP_ZERO(p, ip_idx);
- s = zbc_parse_stmt_allow_NLINE_before(p, "while");
+ s = zbc_parse_stmt_allow_NLINE_before(p, STRING_while);
if (s) RETURN_STATUS(s);
dbg_lex("%s:%d BC_INST_JUMP to %d", __func__, __LINE__, cond_idx);
bc_vec_push(&p->exits, &exit_idx);
bc_vec_push(&p->func->labels, &exit_idx);
- s = zbc_parse_stmt_allow_NLINE_before(p, "for");
+ s = zbc_parse_stmt_allow_NLINE_before(p, STRING_for);
if (s) RETURN_STATUS(s);
dbg_lex("%s:%d BC_INST_JUMP to %d", __func__, __LINE__, update_idx);