static struct GNUNET_CADET_Handle *cadet_handle;
* @brief Get the #PeerContext associated with a peer
* This is called when a channel is destroyed.
- * Removes peer completely from our knowledge if the send_channel was destroyed
- * Otherwise simply delete the recv_channel
- *
* @param cls The closure
* @param channel The channel being closed
* @param channel_ctx The context associated with this channel
/* If our peer issued the destruction of the channel, the #Peers_TO_DESTROY
* flag will be set. In this case simply make sure that the channels are
* cleaned. */
+ /* FIXME This distinction seems to be redundant */
if (Peers_check_peer_flag (peer, Peers_TO_DESTROY))
{/* We initiatad the destruction of this particular peer */
if (channel == peer_ctx->send_channel)