"pg": "^6.4.2",
"pg-hstore": "^2.3.2",
"request": "^2.81.0",
- "request-replay": "^1.0.2",
"rimraf": "^2.5.4",
"safe-buffer": "^5.0.1",
"scripty": "^1.5.0",
-import * as Promise from 'bluebird'
import { database as db } from '../server/initializers/database'
-import { hasFriends } from '../server/lib/friends'
+// import { hasFriends } from '../server/lib/friends'
.then(() => {
- return hasFriends()
+ // FIXME: check if has followers
+ // return hasFriends()
+ return true
.then(itHasFriends => {
if (itHasFriends === true) {
// ----------- PeerTube modules -----------
import { migrate, installApplication } from './server/initializers'
-import { JobScheduler, activateSchedulers, VideosPreviewCache } from './server/lib'
+import { httpRequestJobScheduler, transcodingJobScheduler, VideosPreviewCache } from './server/lib'
import { apiRouter, clientsRouter, staticRouter, servicesRouter } from './server/controllers'
// ----------- Command line -----------
// Run the migration scripts if needed
- .then(() => {
- return installApplication()
- })
+ .then(() => installApplication())
.then(() => {
// ----------- Make the server listening -----------
- server.listen(port, function () {
- // Activate the communication with friends
- activateSchedulers()
- // Activate job scheduler
- JobScheduler.Instance.activate()
+ server.listen(port, () => {
+ httpRequestJobScheduler.activate()
+ transcodingJobScheduler.activate()
logger.info('Server listening on port %d', port)
logger.info('Web server: %s', CONFIG.WEBSERVER.URL)
import { badRequest } from '../../helpers'
import { inboxRouter } from './inbox'
+import { activityPubClientRouter } from './client'
const remoteRouter = express.Router()
remoteRouter.use('/inbox', inboxRouter)
+remoteRouter.use('/', activityPubClientRouter)
remoteRouter.use('/*', badRequest)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
import { oauthClientsRouter } from './oauth-clients'
import { configRouter } from './config'
import { podsRouter } from './pods'
-import { remoteRouter } from './remote'
-import { requestSchedulerRouter } from './request-schedulers'
import { usersRouter } from './users'
import { videosRouter } from './videos'
apiRouter.use('/oauth-clients', oauthClientsRouter)
apiRouter.use('/config', configRouter)
apiRouter.use('/pods', podsRouter)
-apiRouter.use('/remote', remoteRouter)
-apiRouter.use('/request-schedulers', requestSchedulerRouter)
apiRouter.use('/users', usersRouter)
apiRouter.use('/videos', videosRouter)
apiRouter.use('/ping', pong)
import * as express from 'express'
+import { getFormattedObjects } from '../../helpers'
import { database as db } from '../../initializers/database'
-import { logger, getFormattedObjects } from '../../helpers'
-import {
- makeFriends,
- quitFriends,
- removeFriend
-} from '../../lib'
-import {
- authenticate,
- ensureUserHasRight,
- makeFriendsValidator,
- setBodyHostsPort,
- podRemoveValidator,
- paginationValidator,
- setPagination,
- setPodsSort,
- podsSortValidator,
- asyncMiddleware
-} from '../../middlewares'
-import { PodInstance } from '../../models'
-import { UserRight } from '../../../shared'
+import { asyncMiddleware, paginationValidator, podsSortValidator, setPagination, setPodsSort } from '../../middlewares'
const podsRouter = express.Router()
- authenticate,
- ensureUserHasRight(UserRight.MANAGE_PODS),
- makeFriendsValidator,
- setBodyHostsPort,
- asyncMiddleware(makeFriendsController)
- authenticate,
- ensureUserHasRight(UserRight.MANAGE_PODS),
- asyncMiddleware(quitFriendsController)
- authenticate,
- ensureUserHasRight(UserRight.MANAGE_PODS),
- podRemoveValidator,
- asyncMiddleware(removeFriendController)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
return res.json(getFormattedObjects(resultList.data, resultList.total))
-async function makeFriendsController (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) {
- const hosts = req.body.hosts as string[]
- // Don't wait the process that could be long
- makeFriends(hosts)
- .then(() => logger.info('Made friends!'))
- .catch(err => logger.error('Could not make friends.', err))
- return res.type('json').status(204).end()
-async function quitFriendsController (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) {
- await quitFriends()
- return res.type('json').status(204).end()
-async function removeFriendController (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) {
- const pod = res.locals.pod as PodInstance
- await removeFriend(pod)
- return res.type('json').status(204).end()
+++ /dev/null
-import * as express from 'express'
-import * as Bluebird from 'bluebird'
-import {
- AbstractRequestScheduler,
- getRequestScheduler,
- getRequestVideoQaduScheduler,
- getRequestVideoEventScheduler
-} from '../../lib'
-import { authenticate, ensureUserHasRight, asyncMiddleware } from '../../middlewares'
-import { RequestSchedulerStatsAttributes, UserRight } from '../../../shared'
-const requestSchedulerRouter = express.Router()
- authenticate,
- ensureUserHasRight(UserRight.MANAGE_REQUEST_SCHEDULERS),
- asyncMiddleware(getRequestSchedulersStats)
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-export {
- requestSchedulerRouter
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-async function getRequestSchedulersStats (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) {
- const result = await Bluebird.props({
- requestScheduler: buildRequestSchedulerStats(getRequestScheduler()),
- requestVideoQaduScheduler: buildRequestSchedulerStats(getRequestVideoQaduScheduler()),
- requestVideoEventScheduler: buildRequestSchedulerStats(getRequestVideoEventScheduler())
- })
- return res.json(result)
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-async function buildRequestSchedulerStats (requestScheduler: AbstractRequestScheduler<any>) {
- const count = await requestScheduler.remainingRequestsCount()
- const result: RequestSchedulerStatsAttributes = {
- totalRequests: count,
- requestsLimitPods: requestScheduler.limitPods,
- requestsLimitPerPod: requestScheduler.limitPerPod,
- remainingMilliSeconds: requestScheduler.remainingMilliSeconds(),
- milliSecondsInterval: requestScheduler.requestInterval
- }
- return result
import * as express from 'express'
-import { database as db, CONFIG } from '../../initializers'
-import { logger, getFormattedObjects, retryTransactionWrapper } from '../../helpers'
+import { UserCreate, UserRight, UserRole, UserUpdate, UserUpdateMe, UserVideoRate as FormattedUserVideoRate } from '../../../shared'
+import { getFormattedObjects, logger, retryTransactionWrapper } from '../../helpers'
+import { CONFIG, database as db } from '../../initializers'
+import { createUserAccountAndChannel } from '../../lib'
import {
+ asyncMiddleware,
- usersAddValidator,
- usersRegisterValidator,
- usersUpdateValidator,
- usersUpdateMeValidator,
- usersRemoveValidator,
- usersVideoRatingValidator,
- usersGetValidator,
- usersSortValidator,
- asyncMiddleware
+ usersAddValidator,
+ usersGetValidator,
+ usersRegisterValidator,
+ usersRemoveValidator,
+ usersSortValidator,
+ usersUpdateMeValidator,
+ usersUpdateValidator,
+ usersVideoRatingValidator
} from '../../middlewares'
-import {
- UserVideoRate as FormattedUserVideoRate,
- UserCreate,
- UserUpdate,
- UserUpdateMe,
- UserRole,
- UserRight
-} from '../../../shared'
-import { createUserAccountAndChannel } from '../../lib'
-import { UserInstance } from '../../models'
-import { videosSortValidator } from '../../middlewares/validators/sort'
import { setVideosSort } from '../../middlewares/sort'
+import { videosSortValidator } from '../../middlewares/validators/sort'
+import { UserInstance } from '../../models'
const usersRouter = express.Router()
async function getUserVideoRating (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) {
const videoId = +req.params.videoId
- const userId = +res.locals.oauth.token.User.id
+ const accountId = +res.locals.oauth.token.User.Account.id
- const ratingObj = await db.UserVideoRate.load(userId, videoId, null)
+ const ratingObj = await db.AccountVideoRate.load(accountId, videoId, null)
const rating = ratingObj ? ratingObj.type : 'none'
const json: FormattedUserVideoRate = {
import * as express from 'express'
import { database as db } from '../../../initializers/database'
-import * as friends from '../../../lib/friends'
import {
videoUUID: videoInstance.uuid
- await friends.reportAbuseVideoToFriend(reportData, videoInstance, t)
+ // await friends.reportAbuseVideoToFriend(reportData, videoInstance, t)
+ // TODO: send abuse to origin pod
import * as express from 'express'
+import { VideoChannelCreate, VideoChannelUpdate } from '../../../../shared'
+import { getFormattedObjects, logger, resetSequelizeInstance, retryTransactionWrapper } from '../../../helpers'
import { database as db } from '../../../initializers'
+import { createVideoChannel } from '../../../lib'
import {
- logger,
- getFormattedObjects,
- retryTransactionWrapper,
- resetSequelizeInstance
-} from '../../../helpers'
-import {
+ asyncMiddleware,
+ listVideoAccountChannelsValidator,
- videoChannelsSortValidator,
- videoChannelsAddValidator,
- setVideoChannelsSort,
- videoChannelsRemoveValidator,
+ setVideoChannelsSort,
- videoChannelsUpdateValidator,
- listVideoAccountChannelsValidator,
- asyncMiddleware
+ videoChannelsAddValidator,
+ videoChannelsRemoveValidator,
+ videoChannelsSortValidator,
+ videoChannelsUpdateValidator
} from '../../../middlewares'
-import {
- createVideoChannel,
- updateVideoChannelToFriends
-} from '../../../lib'
-import { VideoChannelInstance, AccountInstance } from '../../../models'
-import { VideoChannelCreate, VideoChannelUpdate } from '../../../../shared'
+import { AccountInstance, VideoChannelInstance } from '../../../models'
+import { sendUpdateVideoChannel } from '../../../lib/activitypub/send-request'
const videoChannelRouter = express.Router()
if (videoChannelInfoToUpdate.description !== undefined) videoChannelInstance.set('description', videoChannelInfoToUpdate.description)
await videoChannelInstance.save(sequelizeOptions)
- const json = videoChannelInstance.toUpdateRemoteJSON()
- // Now we'll update the video channel's meta data to our friends
- return updateVideoChannelToFriends(json, t)
+ await sendUpdateVideoChannel(videoChannelInstance, t)
logger.info('Video channel with name %s and uuid %s updated.', videoChannelInstance.name, videoChannelInstance.uuid)
import * as express from 'express'
import * as multer from 'multer'
import { extname, join } from 'path'
-import { database as db } from '../../../initializers/database'
+import { VideoCreate, VideoPrivacy, VideoUpdate } from '../../../../shared'
import {
-} from '../../../initializers'
-import {
- addEventToRemoteVideo,
- quickAndDirtyUpdateVideoToFriends,
- addVideoToFriends,
- updateVideoToFriends,
- JobScheduler,
- fetchRemoteDescription
-} from '../../../lib'
+ fetchRemoteVideoDescription,
+ generateRandomString,
+ getFormattedObjects,
+ getVideoFileHeight,
+ logger,
+ renamePromise,
+ resetSequelizeInstance,
+ retryTransactionWrapper
+} from '../../../helpers'
+import { getActivityPubUrl } from '../../../helpers/activitypub'
+import { database as db } from '../../../initializers/database'
+import { sendAddVideo, sendUpdateVideoChannel } from '../../../lib/activitypub/send-request'
+import { transcodingJobScheduler } from '../../../lib/jobs/transcoding-job-scheduler/transcoding-job-scheduler'
import {
+ asyncMiddleware,
- videosSortValidator,
- setVideosSort,
- videosUpdateValidator,
- videosSearchValidator,
+ setVideosSort,
- asyncMiddleware
+ videosSearchValidator,
+ videosSortValidator,
+ videosUpdateValidator
} from '../../../middlewares'
-import {
- logger,
- retryTransactionWrapper,
- generateRandomString,
- getFormattedObjects,
- renamePromise,
- getVideoFileHeight,
- resetSequelizeInstance
-} from '../../../helpers'
import { VideoInstance } from '../../../models'
-import { VideoCreate, VideoUpdate, VideoPrivacy } from '../../../../shared'
import { abuseVideoRouter } from './abuse'
import { blacklistRouter } from './blacklist'
-import { rateVideoRouter } from './rate'
import { videoChannelRouter } from './channel'
-import { getActivityPubUrl } from '../../../helpers/activitypub'
+import { rateVideoRouter } from './rate'
const videosRouter = express.Router()
- JobScheduler.Instance.createJob(t, 'videoFileOptimizer', dataInput)
+ transcodingJobScheduler.createJob(t, 'videoFileOptimizer', dataInput)
await Promise.all(tasks)
// Don't send video to remote pods, it is private
if (video.privacy === VideoPrivacy.PRIVATE) return undefined
- const remoteVideo = await video.toAddRemoteJSON()
- // Now we'll add the video's meta data to our friends
- return addVideoToFriends(remoteVideo, t)
+ await sendAddVideo(video, t)
logger.info('Video with name %s and uuid %s created.', videoInfo.name, videoUUID)
// Now we'll update the video's meta data to our friends
if (wasPrivateVideo === false) {
- const json = videoInstance.toUpdateRemoteJSON()
- return updateVideoToFriends(json, t)
+ await sendUpdateVideoChannel(videoInstance, t)
// Video is not private anymore, send a create action to remote pods
if (wasPrivateVideo === true && videoInstance.privacy !== VideoPrivacy.PRIVATE) {
- const remoteVideo = await videoInstance.toAddRemoteJSON()
- return addVideoToFriends(remoteVideo, t)
+ await sendAddVideo(videoInstance, t)
-function getVideo (req: express.Request, res: express.Response) {
+async function getVideo (req: express.Request, res: express.Response) {
const videoInstance = res.locals.video
if (videoInstance.isOwned()) {
// For example, only add a view when a user watch a video during 30s etc
.then(() => {
- const qaduParams = {
- videoId: videoInstance.id,
- }
- return quickAndDirtyUpdateVideoToFriends(qaduParams)
+ // TODO: send to followers a notification
.catch(err => logger.error('Cannot add view to video %s.', videoInstance.uuid, err))
} else {
- // Just send the event to our friends
- const eventParams = {
- videoId: videoInstance.id,
- }
- addEventToRemoteVideo(eventParams)
- .catch(err => logger.error('Cannot add event to remote video %s.', videoInstance.uuid, err))
+ // TODO: send view event to followers
// Do not wait the view system
if (videoInstance.isOwned()) {
description = videoInstance.description
} else {
- description = await fetchRemoteDescription(videoInstance)
+ description = await fetchRemoteVideoDescription(videoInstance)
return res.json({ description })
import * as express from 'express'
-import { database as db } from '../../../initializers/database'
-import {
- logger,
- retryTransactionWrapper
-} from '../../../helpers'
-import {
-} from '../../../initializers'
-import {
- addEventsToRemoteVideo,
- quickAndDirtyUpdatesVideoToFriends
-} from '../../../lib'
-import {
- authenticate,
- videoRateValidator,
- asyncMiddleware
-} from '../../../middlewares'
import { UserVideoRateUpdate } from '../../../../shared'
+import { logger, retryTransactionWrapper } from '../../../helpers'
+import { VIDEO_RATE_TYPES } from '../../../initializers'
+import { database as db } from '../../../initializers/database'
+import { asyncMiddleware, authenticate, videoRateValidator } from '../../../middlewares'
+import { AccountInstance } from '../../../models/account/account-interface'
+import { VideoInstance } from '../../../models/video/video-interface'
const rateVideoRouter = express.Router()
async function rateVideo (req: express.Request, res: express.Response) {
const body: UserVideoRateUpdate = req.body
const rateType = body.rating
- const videoInstance = res.locals.video
- const userInstance = res.locals.oauth.token.User
+ const videoInstance: VideoInstance = res.locals.video
+ const accountInstance: AccountInstance = res.locals.oauth.token.User.Account
await db.sequelize.transaction(async t => {
const sequelizeOptions = { transaction: t }
- const previousRate = await db.UserVideoRate.load(userInstance.id, videoInstance.id, t)
+ const previousRate = await db.AccountVideoRate.load(accountInstance.id, videoInstance.id, t)
let likesToIncrement = 0
let dislikesToIncrement = 0
} else if (rateType !== 'none') { // There was not a previous rate, insert a new one if there is a rate
const query = {
- userId: userInstance.id,
+ accountId: accountInstance.id,
videoId: videoInstance.id,
type: rateType
- await db.UserVideoRate.create(query, sequelizeOptions)
+ await db.AccountVideoRate.create(query, sequelizeOptions)
const incrementQuery = {
// It is useful for the user to have a feedback
await videoInstance.increment(incrementQuery, sequelizeOptions)
- // Send a event to original pod
if (videoInstance.isOwned() === false) {
- const eventsParams = []
- if (likesToIncrement !== 0) {
- eventsParams.push({
- videoId: videoInstance.id,
- count: likesToIncrement
- })
- }
- if (dislikesToIncrement !== 0) {
- eventsParams.push({
- videoId: videoInstance.id,
- count: dislikesToIncrement
- })
- }
- await addEventsToRemoteVideo(eventsParams, t)
- } else { // We own the video, we need to send a quick and dirty update to friends to notify the counts changed
- const qadusParams = []
- if (likesToIncrement !== 0) {
- qadusParams.push({
- videoId: videoInstance.id,
- })
- }
- if (dislikesToIncrement !== 0) {
- qadusParams.push({
- videoId: videoInstance.id,
- })
- }
- await quickAndDirtyUpdatesVideoToFriends(qadusParams, t)
+ // TODO: Send a event to original pod
+ } else {
+ // TODO: Send update to followers
- logger.info('User video rate for video %s of user %s updated.', videoInstance.name, userInstance.username)
+ logger.info('Account video rate for video %s of account %s updated.', videoInstance.name, accountInstance.name)
+import { join } from 'path'
+import * as request from 'request'
import * as url from 'url'
-import { database as db } from '../initializers'
-import { logger } from './logger'
-import { doRequest, doRequestAndSaveToFile } from './requests'
-import { isRemoteAccountValid } from './custom-validators'
+import { ActivityIconObject } from '../../shared/index'
import { ActivityPubActor } from '../../shared/models/activitypub/activitypub-actor'
import { ResultList } from '../../shared/models/result-list.model'
-import { CONFIG } from '../initializers/constants'
+import { database as db, REMOTE_SCHEME } from '../initializers'
+import { CONFIG, STATIC_PATHS } from '../initializers/constants'
import { VideoInstance } from '../models/video/video-interface'
-import { ActivityIconObject } from '../../shared/index'
-import { join } from 'path'
+import { isRemoteAccountValid } from './custom-validators'
+import { logger } from './logger'
+import { doRequest, doRequestAndSaveToFile } from './requests'
function generateThumbnailFromUrl (video: VideoInstance, icon: ActivityIconObject) {
const thumbnailName = video.getThumbnailName()
return doRequestAndSaveToFile(options, thumbnailPath)
-function getActivityPubUrl (type: 'video' | 'videoChannel', uuid: string) {
- if (type === 'video') return CONFIG.WEBSERVER.URL + '/videos/watch/' + uuid
- else if (type === 'videoChannel') return CONFIG.WEBSERVER.URL + '/video-channels/' + uuid
+function getActivityPubUrl (type: 'video' | 'videoChannel' | 'account', id: string) {
+ if (type === 'video') return CONFIG.WEBSERVER.URL + '/videos/watch/' + id
+ else if (type === 'videoChannel') return CONFIG.WEBSERVER.URL + '/video-channels/' + id
+ else if (type === 'account') return CONFIG.WEBSERVER.URL + '/account/' + id
return ''
return { account, pod }
-function activityPubContextify (data: object) {
+function fetchRemoteVideoPreview (video: VideoInstance) {
+ // FIXME: use url
+ const host = video.VideoChannel.Account.Pod.host
+ const path = join(STATIC_PATHS.PREVIEWS, video.getPreviewName())
+ return request.get(REMOTE_SCHEME.HTTP + '://' + host + path)
+async function fetchRemoteVideoDescription (video: VideoInstance) {
+ const options = {
+ uri: video.url
+ }
+ const { body } = await doRequest(options)
+ return body.description ? body.description : ''
+function activityPubContextify <T> (data: T) {
return Object.assign(data,{
'@context': [
- getOrCreateAccount
+ getOrCreateAccount,
+ fetchRemoteVideoPreview,
+ fetchRemoteVideoDescription
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-import * as replay from 'request-replay'
-import * as request from 'request'
import * as Promise from 'bluebird'
-import {
-} from '../initializers'
-import { PodInstance } from '../models'
-import { PodSignature } from '../../shared'
-import { signObject } from './peertube-crypto'
import { createWriteStream } from 'fs'
+import * as request from 'request'
function doRequest (requestOptions: request.CoreOptions & request.UriOptions) {
return new Promise<{ response: request.RequestResponse, body: any }>((res, rej) => {
-type MakeRetryRequestParams = {
- url: string,
- method: 'GET' | 'POST',
- json: Object
-function makeRetryRequest (params: MakeRetryRequestParams) {
- return new Promise<{ response: request.RequestResponse, body: any }>((res, rej) => {
- replay(
- request(params, (err, response, body) => err ? rej(err) : res({ response, body })),
- {
- retries: RETRY_REQUESTS,
- factor: 3,
- maxTimeout: Infinity,
- }
- )
- })
-type MakeSecureRequestParams = {
- toPod: PodInstance
- path: string
- data?: Object
-function makeSecureRequest (params: MakeSecureRequestParams) {
- const requestParams: {
- method: 'POST',
- uri: string,
- json: {
- signature: PodSignature,
- data: any
- }
- } = {
- method: 'POST',
- uri: REMOTE_SCHEME.HTTP + '://' + params.toPod.host + params.path,
- json: {
- signature: null,
- data: null
- }
- }
- let dataToSign
- if (params.data) {
- dataToSign = params.data
- } else {
- // We do not have data to sign so we just take our host
- // It is not ideal but the connection should be in HTTPS
- dataToSign = host
- }
- sign(dataToSign).then(signature => {
- requestParams.json.signature = {
- host, // Which host we pretend to be
- signature
- }
- // If there are data information
- if (params.data) {
- requestParams.json.data = params.data
- }
- return doRequest(requestParams)
- })
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
export {
- doRequestAndSaveToFile,
- makeRetryRequest,
- makeSecureRequest
+ doRequestAndSaveToFile
function webfingerLookup (url: string) {
return new Promise<WebFingerData>((res, rej) => {
- webfinger.lookup('nick@silverbucket.net', (err, p) => {
+ webfinger.lookup(url, (err, p) => {
if (err) return rej(err)
return p
import { flattenDepth } from 'lodash'
require('pg').defaults.parseInt8 = true // Avoid BIGINT to be converted to string
import * as Sequelize from 'sequelize'
-import * as Bluebird from 'bluebird'
import { CONFIG } from './constants'
// Do not use barrel, we need to load database first
import { AccountVideoRateModel } from '../models/account/account-video-rate-interface'
import { AccountFollowModel } from '../models/account/account-follow-interface'
import { TagModel } from './../models/video/tag-interface'
-import { RequestModel } from './../models/request/request-interface'
-import { RequestVideoQaduModel } from './../models/request/request-video-qadu-interface'
-import { RequestVideoEventModel } from './../models/request/request-video-event-interface'
-import { RequestToPodModel } from './../models/request/request-to-pod-interface'
import { PodModel } from './../models/pod/pod-interface'
import { OAuthTokenModel } from './../models/oauth/oauth-token-interface'
import { OAuthClientModel } from './../models/oauth/oauth-client-interface'
import * as passwordGenerator from 'password-generator'
-import * as Bluebird from 'bluebird'
+import { UserRole } from '../../shared'
+import { logger, mkdirpPromise, rimrafPromise } from '../helpers'
+import { createPrivateAndPublicKeys } from '../helpers/peertube-crypto'
+import { createUserAccountAndChannel } from '../lib'
+import { clientsExist, usersExist } from './checker'
+import { CACHE, CONFIG, LAST_MIGRATION_VERSION } from './constants'
import { database as db } from './database'
-import { CONFIG, LAST_MIGRATION_VERSION, CACHE } from './constants'
-import { clientsExist, usersExist } from './checker'
-import { logger, createCertsIfNotExist, mkdirpPromise, rimrafPromise } from '../helpers'
-import { createUserAccountAndChannel } from '../lib'
-import { UserRole } from '../../shared'
+import { createLocalAccount } from '../lib/user'
async function installApplication () {
await db.sequelize.sync()
await removeCacheDirectories()
await createDirectoriesIfNotExist()
- await createCertsIfNotExist()
await createOAuthClientIfNotExist()
await createOAuthAdminIfNotExist()
+ await createApplicationIfNotExist()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
function removeCacheDirectories () {
const cacheDirectories = CACHE.DIRECTORIES
- const tasks: Bluebird<any>[] = []
+ const tasks: Promise<any>[] = []
// Cache directories
for (const key of Object.keys(cacheDirectories)) {
await createUserAccountAndChannel(user, validatePassword)
logger.info('Username: ' + username)
logger.info('User password: ' + password)
+async function createApplicationIfNotExist () {
logger.info('Creating Application table.')
- await db.Application.create({ migrationVersion: LAST_MIGRATION_VERSION })
+ const applicationInstance = await db.Application.create({ migrationVersion: LAST_MIGRATION_VERSION })
+ logger.info('Creating application account.')
+ return createLocalAccount('peertube', null, applicationInstance.id, undefined)
import * as Sequelize from 'sequelize'
-import * as Promise from 'bluebird'
import { join } from 'path'
import { readdirPromise, renamePromise } from '../../helpers/core-utils'
export * from './process-create'
export * from './process-flag'
export * from './process-update'
+export * from './send-request'
import { VideoFileAttributes } from '../../models/video/video-file-interface'
import { VideoAttributes, VideoInstance } from '../../models/video/video-interface'
-async function videoActivityObjectToDBAttributes (videoChannel: VideoChannelInstance, videoObject: VideoTorrentObject, t: Sequelize.Transaction) {
+async function videoActivityObjectToDBAttributes (
+ videoChannel: VideoChannelInstance,
+ videoObject: VideoTorrentObject,
+ t: Sequelize.Transaction
+) {
const videoFromDatabase = await db.Video.loadByUUIDOrURL(videoObject.uuid, videoObject.id, t)
if (videoFromDatabase) throw new Error('Video with this UUID/Url already exists.')
} from '../../../shared'
function processFlagActivity (activity: ActivityCreate) {
- // empty
+ return Promise.resolve(undefined)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
import * as Sequelize from 'sequelize'
+import { database as db } from '../../initializers'
import {
const videoChannelObject = videoChannel.toActivityPubObject()
const data = createActivityData(videoChannel.url, videoChannel.Account, videoChannelObject)
- return broadcastToFollowers(data, t)
+ return broadcastToFollowers(data, videoChannel.Account, t)
function sendUpdateVideoChannel (videoChannel: VideoChannelInstance, t: Sequelize.Transaction) {
const videoChannelObject = videoChannel.toActivityPubObject()
const data = updateActivityData(videoChannel.url, videoChannel.Account, videoChannelObject)
- return broadcastToFollowers(data, t)
+ return broadcastToFollowers(data, videoChannel.Account, t)
function sendDeleteVideoChannel (videoChannel: VideoChannelInstance, t: Sequelize.Transaction) {
const videoChannelObject = videoChannel.toActivityPubObject()
const data = deleteActivityData(videoChannel.url, videoChannel.Account, videoChannelObject)
- return broadcastToFollowers(data, t)
+ return broadcastToFollowers(data, videoChannel.Account, t)
function sendAddVideo (video: VideoInstance, t: Sequelize.Transaction) {
const videoObject = video.toActivityPubObject()
const data = addActivityData(video.url, video.VideoChannel.Account, video.VideoChannel.url, videoObject)
- return broadcastToFollowers(data, t)
+ return broadcastToFollowers(data, video.VideoChannel.Account, t)
function sendUpdateVideo (video: VideoInstance, t: Sequelize.Transaction) {
const videoObject = video.toActivityPubObject()
const data = updateActivityData(video.url, video.VideoChannel.Account, videoObject)
- return broadcastToFollowers(data, t)
+ return broadcastToFollowers(data, video.VideoChannel.Account, t)
function sendDeleteVideo (video: VideoInstance, t: Sequelize.Transaction) {
const videoObject = video.toActivityPubObject()
const data = deleteActivityData(video.url, video.VideoChannel.Account, videoObject)
- return broadcastToFollowers(data, t)
+ return broadcastToFollowers(data, video.VideoChannel.Account, t)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
export {
+ sendCreateVideoChannel,
+ sendUpdateVideoChannel,
+ sendDeleteVideoChannel,
+ sendAddVideo,
+ sendUpdateVideo,
+ sendDeleteVideo
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-function broadcastToFollowers (data: any, t: Sequelize.Transaction) {
- return httpRequestJobScheduler.createJob(t, 'http-request', 'httpRequestBroadcastHandler', data)
+async function broadcastToFollowers (data: any, fromAccount: AccountInstance, t: Sequelize.Transaction) {
+ const result = await db.Account.listFollowerUrlsForApi(fromAccount.name, 0)
+ const jobPayload = {
+ uris: result.data,
+ body: data
+ }
+ return httpRequestJobScheduler.createJob(t, 'httpRequestBroadcastHandler', jobPayload)
function buildSignedActivity (byAccount: AccountInstance, data: Object) {
import { createWriteStream } from 'fs'
import { database as db, CONFIG, CACHE } from '../../initializers'
-import { logger, unlinkPromise } from '../../helpers'
+import { logger, unlinkPromise, fetchRemoteVideoPreview } from '../../helpers'
import { VideoInstance } from '../../models'
-import { fetchRemotePreview } from '../../lib'
class VideosPreviewCache {
private saveRemotePreviewAndReturnPath (video: VideoInstance) {
- const req = fetchRemotePreview(video)
+ const req = fetchRemoteVideoPreview(video)
return new Promise<string>((res, rej) => {
const path = join(CACHE.DIRECTORIES.PREVIEWS, video.getPreviewName())
export * from './activitypub'
export * from './cache'
export * from './jobs'
-export * from './request'
-export * from './friends'
export * from './oauth-model'
export * from './user'
export * from './video-channel'
-import * as Bluebird from 'bluebird'
-import { database as db } from '../../../initializers/database'
import { logger } from '../../../helpers'
+import { doRequest } from '../../../helpers/requests'
+import { HTTPRequestPayload } from './http-request-job-scheduler'
+async function process (payload: HTTPRequestPayload, jobId: number) {
+ logger.info('Processing broadcast in job %d.', jobId)
-async function process (data: { videoUUID: string }, jobId: number) {
+ const options = {
+ uri: '',
+ json: payload.body
+ }
+ for (const uri of payload.uris) {
+ options.uri = uri
+ await doRequest(options)
+ }
function onError (err: Error, jobId: number) {
- logger.error('Error when optimized video file in job %d.', jobId, err)
+ logger.error('Error when broadcasting request in job %d.', jobId, err)
return Promise.resolve()
async function onSuccess (jobId: number) {
+ logger.info('Job %d is a success.', jobId)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
import * as httpRequestUnicastHandler from './http-request-unicast-handler'
import { JobCategory } from '../../../../shared'
-const jobHandlers: { [ handlerName: string ]: JobHandler<any> } = {
+type HTTPRequestPayload = {
+ uris: string[]
+ body: any
+const jobHandlers: { [ handlerName: string ]: JobHandler<HTTPRequestPayload, void> } = {
const httpRequestJobScheduler = new JobScheduler(jobCategory, jobHandlers)
export {
+ HTTPRequestPayload,
-import * as Bluebird from 'bluebird'
-import { database as db } from '../../../initializers/database'
import { logger } from '../../../helpers'
+import { doRequest } from '../../../helpers/requests'
+import { HTTPRequestPayload } from './http-request-job-scheduler'
+async function process (payload: HTTPRequestPayload, jobId: number) {
+ logger.info('Processing unicast in job %d.', jobId)
-async function process (data: { videoUUID: string }, jobId: number) {
+ const uri = payload.uris[0]
+ const options = {
+ uri,
+ json: payload.body
+ }
+ await doRequest(options)
function onError (err: Error, jobId: number) {
- logger.error('Error when optimized video file in job %d.', jobId, err)
+ logger.error('Error when sending request in job %d.', jobId, err)
return Promise.resolve()
async function onSuccess (jobId: number) {
+ logger.info('Job %d is a success.', jobId)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
import { AsyncQueue, forever, queue } from 'async'
import * as Sequelize from 'sequelize'
-import {
- database as db,
-} from '../../initializers'
+import { JobCategory } from '../../../shared'
import { logger } from '../../helpers'
+import { database as db, JOB_STATES, JOBS_FETCH_LIMIT_PER_CYCLE, JOBS_FETCHING_INTERVAL } from '../../initializers'
import { JobInstance } from '../../models'
-import { JobCategory } from '../../../shared'
-export interface JobHandler<T> {
- process (data: object, jobId: number): T
+export interface JobHandler<P, T> {
+ process (data: object, jobId: number): Promise<T>
onError (err: Error, jobId: number)
- onSuccess (jobId: number, jobResult: T)
+ onSuccess (jobId: number, jobResult: T, jobScheduler: JobScheduler<P, T>)
type JobQueueCallback = (err: Error) => void
-class JobScheduler<T> {
+class JobScheduler<P, T> {
constructor (
private jobCategory: JobCategory,
- private jobHandlers: { [ id: string ]: JobHandler<T> }
+ private jobHandlers: { [ id: string ]: JobHandler<P, T> }
) {}
async activate () {
- createJob (transaction: Sequelize.Transaction, category: JobCategory, handlerName: string, handlerInputData: object) {
+ createJob (transaction: Sequelize.Transaction, handlerName: string, handlerInputData: P) {
const createQuery = {
- category,
+ category: this.jobCategory,
const options = { transaction }
return db.Job.create(createQuery, options)
await job.save()
try {
- const result = await jobHandler.process(job.handlerInputData, job.id)
+ const result: T = await jobHandler.process(job.handlerInputData, job.id)
await this.onJobSuccess(jobHandler, job, result)
} catch (err) {
logger.error('Error in job handler %s.', job.handlerName, err)
- private async onJobError (jobHandler: JobHandler<any>, job: JobInstance, err: Error) {
+ private async onJobError (jobHandler: JobHandler<P, T>, job: JobInstance, err: Error) {
job.state = JOB_STATES.ERROR
try {
- private async onJobSuccess (jobHandler: JobHandler<any>, job: JobInstance, jobResult: any) {
+ private async onJobSuccess (jobHandler: JobHandler<P, T>, job: JobInstance, jobResult: T) {
try {
await job.save()
- jobHandler.onSuccess(job.id, jobResult)
+ jobHandler.onSuccess(job.id, jobResult, this)
} catch (err) {
-import { JobScheduler, JobHandler } from '../job-scheduler'
+import { JobCategory } from '../../../../shared'
+import { JobHandler, JobScheduler } from '../job-scheduler'
import * as videoFileOptimizer from './video-file-optimizer-handler'
import * as videoFileTranscoder from './video-file-transcoder-handler'
-import { JobCategory } from '../../../../shared'
+import { VideoInstance } from '../../../models/video/video-interface'
-const jobHandlers: { [ handlerName: string ]: JobHandler<any> } = {
+type TranscodingJobPayload = {
+ videoUUID: string
+ resolution?: number
+const jobHandlers: { [ handlerName: string ]: JobHandler<TranscodingJobPayload, VideoInstance> } = {
const transcodingJobScheduler = new JobScheduler(jobCategory, jobHandlers)
export {
+ TranscodingJobPayload,
import * as Bluebird from 'bluebird'
+import { computeResolutionsToTranscode, logger } from '../../../helpers'
import { database as db } from '../../../initializers/database'
-import { logger, computeResolutionsToTranscode } from '../../../helpers'
import { VideoInstance } from '../../../models'
-import { addVideoToFriends } from '../../friends'
+import { sendAddVideo } from '../../activitypub/send-request'
import { JobScheduler } from '../job-scheduler'
+import { TranscodingJobPayload } from './transcoding-job-scheduler'
-async function process (data: { videoUUID: string }, jobId: number) {
+async function process (data: TranscodingJobPayload, jobId: number) {
const video = await db.Video.loadByUUIDAndPopulateAccountAndPodAndTags(data.videoUUID)
// No video, maybe deleted?
if (!video) {
return Promise.resolve()
-async function onSuccess (jobId: number, video: VideoInstance) {
+async function onSuccess (jobId: number, video: VideoInstance, jobScheduler: JobScheduler<TranscodingJobPayload, VideoInstance>) {
if (video === undefined) return undefined
logger.info('Job %d is a success.', jobId)
// Video does not exist anymore
if (!videoDatabase) return undefined
- const remoteVideo = await videoDatabase.toAddRemoteJSON()
- // Now we'll add the video's meta data to our friends
- await addVideoToFriends(remoteVideo, null)
+ // Now we'll add the video's meta data to our followers
+ await sendAddVideo(video, undefined)
const originalFileHeight = await videoDatabase.getOriginalFileHeight()
// Create transcoding jobs if there are enabled resolutions
- const p = JobScheduler.Instance.createJob(t, 'videoFileTranscoder', dataInput)
+ const p = jobScheduler.createJob(t, 'videoFileTranscoder', dataInput)
-import { database as db } from '../../../initializers/database'
-import { updateVideoToFriends } from '../../friends'
+import { VideoResolution } from '../../../../shared'
import { logger } from '../../../helpers'
+import { database as db } from '../../../initializers/database'
import { VideoInstance } from '../../../models'
-import { VideoResolution } from '../../../../shared'
+import { sendUpdateVideo } from '../../activitypub/send-request'
async function process (data: { videoUUID: string, resolution: VideoResolution }, jobId: number) {
const video = await db.Video.loadByUUIDAndPopulateAccountAndPodAndTags(data.videoUUID)
// Video does not exist anymore
if (!videoDatabase) return undefined
- const remoteVideo = videoDatabase.toUpdateRemoteJSON()
- // Now we'll add the video's meta data to our friends
- await updateVideoToFriends(remoteVideo, null)
+ await sendUpdateVideo(video, undefined)
return undefined
+++ /dev/null
-import { isEmpty } from 'lodash'
-import * as Bluebird from 'bluebird'
-import { database as db } from '../../initializers/database'
-import { logger, makeSecureRequest } from '../../helpers'
-import { AbstractRequestClass, AbstractRequestToPodClass, PodInstance } from '../../models'
-import {
-} from '../../initializers'
-interface RequestsObjects<U> {
- [ id: string ]: {
- toPod: PodInstance
- endpoint: string
- ids: number[] // ids
- datas: U[]
- }
-abstract class AbstractRequestScheduler <T> {
- requestInterval: number
- limitPods: number
- limitPerPod: number
- protected lastRequestTimestamp: number
- protected timer: NodeJS.Timer
- protected description: string
- constructor () {
- this.lastRequestTimestamp = 0
- this.timer = null
- this.requestInterval = REQUESTS_INTERVAL
- }
- abstract getRequestModel (): AbstractRequestClass<T>
- abstract getRequestToPodModel (): AbstractRequestToPodClass
- abstract buildRequestsObjects (requestsGrouped: T): RequestsObjects<any>
- activate () {
- logger.info('Requests scheduler activated.')
- this.lastRequestTimestamp = Date.now()
- this.timer = setInterval(() => {
- this.lastRequestTimestamp = Date.now()
- this.makeRequests()
- }, this.requestInterval)
- }
- deactivate () {
- logger.info('Requests scheduler deactivated.')
- clearInterval(this.timer)
- this.timer = null
- }
- forceSend () {
- logger.info('Force requests scheduler sending.')
- this.makeRequests()
- }
- remainingMilliSeconds () {
- if (this.timer === null) return -1
- return REQUESTS_INTERVAL - (Date.now() - this.lastRequestTimestamp)
- }
- remainingRequestsCount () {
- return this.getRequestModel().countTotalRequests()
- }
- flush () {
- return this.getRequestModel().removeAll()
- }
- // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Make a requests to friends of a certain type
- protected async makeRequest (toPod: PodInstance, requestEndpoint: string, requestsToMake: any) {
- const params = {
- toPod: toPod,
- method: 'POST' as 'POST',
- path: '/api/' + API_VERSION + '/remote/' + requestEndpoint,
- data: requestsToMake // Requests we need to make
- }
- // Make multiple retry requests to all of pods
- // The function fire some useful callbacks
- try {
- const { response } = await makeSecureRequest(params)
- // 400 because if the other pod is not up to date, it may not understand our request
- if ([ 200, 201, 204, 400 ].indexOf(response.statusCode) === -1) {
- throw new Error('Status code not 20x or 400 : ' + response.statusCode)
- }
- } catch (err) {
- logger.error('Error sending secure request to %s pod.', toPod.host, err)
- throw err
- }
- }
- // Make all the requests of the scheduler
- protected async makeRequests () {
- let requestsGrouped: T
- try {
- requestsGrouped = await this.getRequestModel().listWithLimitAndRandom(this.limitPods, this.limitPerPod)
- } catch (err) {
- logger.error('Cannot get the list of "%s".', this.description, { error: err.stack })
- throw err
- }
- // We want to group requests by destinations pod and endpoint
- const requestsToMake = this.buildRequestsObjects(requestsGrouped)
- // If there are no requests, abort
- if (isEmpty(requestsToMake) === true) {
- logger.info('No "%s" to make.', this.description)
- return { goodPods: [], badPods: [] }
- }
- logger.info('Making "%s" to friends.', this.description)
- const goodPods: number[] = []
- const badPods: number[] = []
- await Bluebird.map(Object.keys(requestsToMake), async hashKey => {
- const requestToMake = requestsToMake[hashKey]
- const toPod: PodInstance = requestToMake.toPod
- try {
- await this.makeRequest(toPod, requestToMake.endpoint, requestToMake.datas)
- logger.debug('Removing requests for pod %s.', requestToMake.toPod.id, { requestsIds: requestToMake.ids })
- goodPods.push(requestToMake.toPod.id)
- this.afterRequestHook()
- // Remove the pod id of these request ids
- await this.getRequestToPodModel()
- .removeByRequestIdsAndPod(requestToMake.ids, requestToMake.toPod.id)
- } catch (err) {
- badPods.push(requestToMake.toPod.id)
- logger.info('Cannot make request to %s.', toPod.host, err)
- }
- }, { concurrency: REQUESTS_IN_PARALLEL })
- this.afterRequestsHook()
- // All the requests were made, we update the pods score
- db.Pod.updatePodsScore(goodPods, badPods)
- }
- protected afterRequestHook () {
- // Nothing to do, let children re-implement it
- }
- protected afterRequestsHook () {
- // Nothing to do, let children re-implement it
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-export {
- AbstractRequestScheduler,
- RequestsObjects
+++ /dev/null
-export * from './abstract-request-scheduler'
-export * from './request-scheduler'
-export * from './request-video-event-scheduler'
-export * from './request-video-qadu-scheduler'
+++ /dev/null
-import * as Sequelize from 'sequelize'
-import { database as db } from '../../initializers/database'
-import { AbstractRequestScheduler, RequestsObjects } from './abstract-request-scheduler'
-import { logger } from '../../helpers'
-import { REQUESTS_LIMIT_PODS, REQUESTS_LIMIT_PER_POD } from '../../initializers'
-import { RequestsGrouped } from '../../models'
-import { RequestEndpoint, RemoteVideoRequest } from '../../../shared'
-export type RequestSchedulerOptions = {
- type: string
- endpoint: RequestEndpoint
- data: Object
- toIds: number[]
- transaction: Sequelize.Transaction
-class RequestScheduler extends AbstractRequestScheduler<RequestsGrouped> {
- constructor () {
- super()
- // We limit the size of the requests
- this.limitPods = REQUESTS_LIMIT_PODS
- this.limitPerPod = REQUESTS_LIMIT_PER_POD
- this.description = 'requests'
- }
- getRequestModel () {
- return db.Request
- }
- getRequestToPodModel () {
- return db.RequestToPod
- }
- buildRequestsObjects (requestsGrouped: RequestsGrouped) {
- const requestsToMakeGrouped: RequestsObjects<RemoteVideoRequest> = {}
- for (const toPodId of Object.keys(requestsGrouped)) {
- for (const data of requestsGrouped[toPodId]) {
- const request = data.request
- const pod = data.pod
- const hashKey = toPodId + request.endpoint
- if (!requestsToMakeGrouped[hashKey]) {
- requestsToMakeGrouped[hashKey] = {
- toPod: pod,
- endpoint: request.endpoint,
- ids: [], // request ids, to delete them from the DB in the future
- datas: [] // requests data,
- }
- }
- requestsToMakeGrouped[hashKey].ids.push(request.id)
- requestsToMakeGrouped[hashKey].datas.push(request.request)
- }
- }
- return requestsToMakeGrouped
- }
- async createRequest ({ type, endpoint, data, toIds, transaction }: RequestSchedulerOptions) {
- // If there are no destination pods abort
- if (toIds.length === 0) return undefined
- const createQuery = {
- endpoint,
- request: {
- type: type,
- data: data
- }
- }
- const dbRequestOptions: Sequelize.CreateOptions = {
- transaction
- }
- const request = await db.Request.create(createQuery, dbRequestOptions)
- await request.setPods(toIds, dbRequestOptions)
- }
- // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- afterRequestsHook () {
- // Flush requests with no pod
- this.getRequestModel().removeWithEmptyTo()
- .catch(err => logger.error('Error when removing requests with no pods.', err))
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-export {
- RequestScheduler
+++ /dev/null
-import * as Sequelize from 'sequelize'
-import { database as db } from '../../initializers/database'
-import { AbstractRequestScheduler, RequestsObjects } from './abstract-request-scheduler'
-import {
-} from '../../initializers'
-import { RequestsVideoEventGrouped } from '../../models'
-import { RequestVideoEventType, RemoteVideoEventRequest, RemoteVideoEventType } from '../../../shared'
-export type RequestVideoEventSchedulerOptions = {
- type: RequestVideoEventType
- videoId: number
- count?: number
- transaction?: Sequelize.Transaction
-class RequestVideoEventScheduler extends AbstractRequestScheduler<RequestsVideoEventGrouped> {
- constructor () {
- super()
- // We limit the size of the requests
- this.description = 'video event requests'
- }
- getRequestModel () {
- return db.RequestVideoEvent
- }
- getRequestToPodModel () {
- return db.RequestVideoEvent
- }
- buildRequestsObjects (eventRequests: RequestsVideoEventGrouped) {
- const requestsToMakeGrouped: RequestsObjects<RemoteVideoEventRequest> = {}
- /* Example:
- {
- pod1: {
- video1: { views: 4, likes: 5 },
- video2: { likes: 5 }
- }
- }
- */
- const eventsPerVideoPerPod: {
- [ podId: string ]: {
- [ videoUUID: string ]: {
- views?: number
- likes?: number
- dislikes?: number
- }
- }
- } = {}
- // We group video events per video and per pod
- // We add the counts of the same event types
- for (const toPodId of Object.keys(eventRequests)) {
- for (const eventToProcess of eventRequests[toPodId]) {
- if (!eventsPerVideoPerPod[toPodId]) eventsPerVideoPerPod[toPodId] = {}
- if (!requestsToMakeGrouped[toPodId]) {
- requestsToMakeGrouped[toPodId] = {
- toPod: eventToProcess.pod,
- ids: [], // request ids, to delete them from the DB in the future
- datas: [] // requests data
- }
- }
- requestsToMakeGrouped[toPodId].ids.push(eventToProcess.id)
- const eventsPerVideo = eventsPerVideoPerPod[toPodId]
- const uuid = eventToProcess.video.uuid
- if (!eventsPerVideo[uuid]) eventsPerVideo[uuid] = {}
- const events = eventsPerVideo[uuid]
- if (!events[eventToProcess.type]) events[eventToProcess.type] = 0
- events[eventToProcess.type] += eventToProcess.count
- }
- }
- // Now we build our requests array per pod
- for (const toPodId of Object.keys(eventsPerVideoPerPod)) {
- const eventsForPod = eventsPerVideoPerPod[toPodId]
- for (const uuid of Object.keys(eventsForPod)) {
- const eventsForVideo = eventsForPod[uuid]
- for (const eventType of Object.keys(eventsForVideo)) {
- requestsToMakeGrouped[toPodId].datas.push({
- data: {
- uuid,
- eventType: eventType as RemoteVideoEventType,
- count: +eventsForVideo[eventType]
- }
- })
- }
- }
- }
- return requestsToMakeGrouped
- }
- createRequest ({ type, videoId, count, transaction }: RequestVideoEventSchedulerOptions) {
- if (count === undefined) count = 1
- const dbRequestOptions: Sequelize.CreateOptions = {}
- if (transaction) dbRequestOptions.transaction = transaction
- const createQuery = {
- type,
- count,
- videoId
- }
- return db.RequestVideoEvent.create(createQuery, dbRequestOptions)
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-export {
- RequestVideoEventScheduler
+++ /dev/null
-import * as Sequelize from 'sequelize'
-import { database as db } from '../../initializers/database'
-import { AbstractRequestScheduler, RequestsObjects } from './abstract-request-scheduler'
-import { logger } from '../../helpers'
-import {
-} from '../../initializers'
-import { RequestsVideoQaduGrouped, PodInstance } from '../../models'
-import { RemoteQaduVideoRequest, RequestVideoQaduType } from '../../../shared'
-// We create a custom interface because we need "videos" attribute for our computations
-interface RequestsObjectsCustom<U> extends RequestsObjects<U> {
- [ id: string ]: {
- toPod: PodInstance
- endpoint: string
- ids: number[] // ids
- datas: U[]
- videos: {
- [ uuid: string ]: {
- uuid: string
- likes?: number
- dislikes?: number
- views?: number
- }
- }
- }
-export type RequestVideoQaduSchedulerOptions = {
- type: RequestVideoQaduType
- videoId: number
- transaction?: Sequelize.Transaction
-class RequestVideoQaduScheduler extends AbstractRequestScheduler<RequestsVideoQaduGrouped> {
- constructor () {
- super()
- // We limit the size of the requests
- this.description = 'video QADU requests'
- }
- getRequestModel () {
- return db.RequestVideoQadu
- }
- getRequestToPodModel () {
- return db.RequestVideoQadu
- }
- buildRequestsObjects (requests: RequestsVideoQaduGrouped) {
- const requestsToMakeGrouped: RequestsObjectsCustom<RemoteQaduVideoRequest> = {}
- for (const toPodId of Object.keys(requests)) {
- for (const data of requests[toPodId]) {
- const request = data.request
- const video = data.video
- const pod = data.pod
- const hashKey = toPodId
- if (!requestsToMakeGrouped[hashKey]) {
- requestsToMakeGrouped[hashKey] = {
- toPod: pod,
- ids: [], // request ids, to delete them from the DB in the future
- datas: [], // requests data
- videos: {}
- }
- }
- // Maybe another attribute was filled for this video
- let videoData = requestsToMakeGrouped[hashKey].videos[video.id]
- if (!videoData) videoData = { uuid: null }
- switch (request.type) {
- videoData.likes = video.likes
- break
- videoData.dislikes = video.dislikes
- break
- videoData.views = video.views
- break
- default:
- logger.error('Unknown request video QADU type %s.', request.type)
- return undefined
- }
- // Do not forget the uuid so the remote pod can identify the video
- videoData.uuid = video.uuid
- requestsToMakeGrouped[hashKey].ids.push(request.id)
- // Maybe there are multiple quick and dirty update for the same video
- // We use this hash map to dedupe them
- requestsToMakeGrouped[hashKey].videos[video.id] = videoData
- }
- }
- // Now we deduped similar quick and dirty updates, we can build our requests data
- for (const hashKey of Object.keys(requestsToMakeGrouped)) {
- for (const videoUUID of Object.keys(requestsToMakeGrouped[hashKey].videos)) {
- const videoData = requestsToMakeGrouped[hashKey].videos[videoUUID]
- requestsToMakeGrouped[hashKey].datas.push({
- data: videoData
- })
- }
- // We don't need it anymore, it was just to build our data array
- delete requestsToMakeGrouped[hashKey].videos
- }
- return requestsToMakeGrouped
- }
- async createRequest ({ type, videoId, transaction }: RequestVideoQaduSchedulerOptions) {
- const dbRequestOptions: Sequelize.BulkCreateOptions = {}
- if (transaction) dbRequestOptions.transaction = transaction
- // Send the update to all our friends
- const podIds = await db.Pod.listAllIds(transaction)
- const queries = []
- for (const podId of podIds) {
- queries.push({ type, videoId, podId })
- }
- await db.RequestVideoQadu.bulkCreate(queries, dbRequestOptions)
- return undefined
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-export {
- RequestVideoQaduScheduler
+import * as Sequelize from 'sequelize'
+import { getActivityPubUrl } from '../helpers/activitypub'
+import { createPrivateAndPublicKeys } from '../helpers/peertube-crypto'
import { database as db } from '../initializers'
+import { CONFIG } from '../initializers/constants'
import { UserInstance } from '../models'
-import { addVideoAccountToFriends } from './friends'
import { createVideoChannel } from './video-channel'
async function createUserAccountAndChannel (user: UserInstance, validateUser = true) {
const userCreated = await user.save(userOptions)
- const accountInstance = db.Account.build({
- name: userCreated.username,
- podId: null, // It is our pod
- userId: userCreated.id
- })
- const accountCreated = await accountInstance.save({ transaction: t })
- const remoteVideoAccount = accountCreated.toAddRemoteJSON()
- // Now we'll add the video channel's meta data to our friends
- const account = await addVideoAccountToFriends(remoteVideoAccount, t)
+ const accountCreated = await createLocalAccount(user.username, user.id, null, t)
const videoChannelInfo = {
name: `Default ${userCreated.username} channel`
const videoChannel = await createVideoChannel(videoChannelInfo, accountCreated, t)
- return { account, videoChannel }
+ return { account: accountCreated, videoChannel }
return res
+async function createLocalAccount (name: string, userId: number, applicationId: number, t: Sequelize.Transaction) {
+ const { publicKey, privateKey } = await createPrivateAndPublicKeys()
+ const url = getActivityPubUrl('account', name)
+ const accountInstance = db.Account.build({
+ name,
+ url,
+ publicKey,
+ privateKey,
+ followersCount: 0,
+ followingCount: 0,
+ inboxUrl: url + '/inbox',
+ outboxUrl: url + '/outbox',
+ sharedInboxUrl: CONFIG.WEBSERVER.URL + '/inbox',
+ followersUrl: url + '/followers',
+ followingUrl: url + '/following',
+ userId,
+ applicationId,
+ podId: null // It is our pod
+ })
+ return accountInstance.save({ transaction: t })
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
export {
- createUserAccountAndChannel
+ createUserAccountAndChannel,
+ createLocalAccount
import * as Sequelize from 'sequelize'
-import { addVideoChannelToFriends } from './friends'
import { database as db } from '../initializers'
import { logger } from '../helpers'
import { AccountInstance } from '../models'
import { VideoChannelCreate } from '../../shared/models'
+import { sendCreateVideoChannel } from './activitypub/send-request'
async function createVideoChannel (videoChannelInfo: VideoChannelCreate, account: AccountInstance, t: Sequelize.Transaction) {
const videoChannelData = {
// Do not forget to add Account information to the created video channel
videoChannelCreated.Account = account
- const remoteVideoChannel = videoChannelCreated.toAddRemoteJSON()
- // Now we'll add the video channel's meta data to our friends
- await addVideoChannelToFriends(remoteVideoChannel, t)
+ sendCreateVideoChannel(videoChannelCreated, t)
return videoChannelCreated
-export * from './pods'
+export * from './activity'
export * from './signature'
-export * from './videos'
+++ /dev/null
-import { body } from 'express-validator/check'
-import * as express from 'express'
-import { database as db } from '../../../initializers'
-import { isHostValid, logger } from '../../../helpers'
-import { checkErrors } from '../utils'
-const remotePodsAddValidator = [
- body('host').custom(isHostValid).withMessage('Should have a host'),
- body('email').isEmail().withMessage('Should have an email'),
- body('publicKey').not().isEmpty().withMessage('Should have a public key'),
- (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) => {
- logger.debug('Checking podsAdd parameters', { parameters: req.body })
- checkErrors(req, res, () => {
- db.Pod.loadByHost(req.body.host)
- .then(pod => {
- // Pod with this host already exists
- if (pod) {
- return res.sendStatus(409)
- }
- return next()
- })
- .catch(err => {
- logger.error('Cannot load pod by host.', err)
- res.sendStatus(500)
- })
- })
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-export {
- remotePodsAddValidator
export * from './oembed'
export * from './activitypub'
export * from './pagination'
-export * from './pods'
export * from './sort'
export * from './users'
export * from './videos'
+++ /dev/null
-import { body, param } from 'express-validator/check'
-import * as express from 'express'
-import { database as db } from '../../initializers/database'
-import { checkErrors } from './utils'
-import { logger, isEachUniqueHostValid, isTestInstance } from '../../helpers'
-import { CONFIG } from '../../initializers'
-import { hasFriends } from '../../lib'
-const makeFriendsValidator = [
- body('hosts').custom(isEachUniqueHostValid).withMessage('Should have an array of unique hosts'),
- (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) => {
- // Force https if the administrator wants to make friends
- if (isTestInstance() === false && CONFIG.WEBSERVER.SCHEME === 'http') {
- return res.status(400)
- .json({
- error: 'Cannot make friends with a non HTTPS web server.'
- })
- .end()
- }
- logger.debug('Checking makeFriends parameters', { parameters: req.body })
- checkErrors(req, res, () => {
- hasFriends()
- .then(heHasFriends => {
- if (heHasFriends === true) {
- // We need to quit our friends before make new ones
- return res.sendStatus(409)
- }
- return next()
- })
- .catch(err => {
- logger.error('Cannot know if we have friends.', err)
- res.sendStatus(500)
- })
- })
- }
-const podRemoveValidator = [
- param('id').isNumeric().not().isEmpty().withMessage('Should have a valid id'),
- (req: express.Request, res: express.Response, next: express.NextFunction) => {
- logger.debug('Checking podRemoveValidator parameters', { parameters: req.params })
- checkErrors(req, res, () => {
- db.Pod.load(req.params.id)
- .then(pod => {
- if (!pod) {
- logger.error('Cannot find pod %d.', req.params.id)
- return res.sendStatus(404)
- }
- res.locals.pod = pod
- return next()
- })
- .catch(err => {
- logger.error('Cannot load pod %d.', req.params.id, err)
- res.sendStatus(500)
- })
- })
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-export {
- makeFriendsValidator,
- podRemoveValidator
export type LoadAccountByPodAndUUID = (uuid: string, podId: number, transaction: Sequelize.Transaction) => Bluebird<AccountInstance>
export type LoadLocalAccountByName = (name: string) => Bluebird<AccountInstance>
export type ListOwned = () => Bluebird<AccountInstance[]>
- export type ListFollowerUrlsForApi = (name: string, start: number, count: number) => Promise< ResultList<string> >
- export type ListFollowingUrlsForApi = (name: string, start: number, count: number) => Promise< ResultList<string> >
+ export type ListFollowerUrlsForApi = (name: string, start: number, count?: number) => Promise< ResultList<string> >
+ export type ListFollowingUrlsForApi = (name: string, start: number, count?: number) => Promise< ResultList<string> >
export type ToActivityPubObject = (this: AccountInstance) => ActivityPubActor
export type IsOwned = (this: AccountInstance) => boolean
uuid: account.uuid
- return removeVideoAccountToFriends(removeVideoAccountToFriendsParams)
+ // FIXME: remove account in followers
+ // return removeVideoAccountToFriends(removeVideoAccountToFriendsParams)
return undefined
toActivityPubObject = function (this: AccountInstance) {
- const type = this.podId ? 'Application' : 'Person'
+ const type = this.podId ? 'Application' as 'Application' : 'Person' as 'Person'
const json = {
return Account.findAll(query)
-listFollowerUrlsForApi = function (name: string, start: number, count: number) {
+listFollowerUrlsForApi = function (name: string, start: number, count?: number) {
return createListFollowForApiQuery('followers', name, start, count)
-listFollowingUrlsForApi = function (name: string, start: number, count: number) {
+listFollowingUrlsForApi = function (name: string, start: number, count?: number) {
return createListFollowForApiQuery('following', name, start, count)
// ------------------------------ UTILS ------------------------------
-async function createListFollowForApiQuery (type: 'followers' | 'following', name: string, start: number, count: number) {
+async function createListFollowForApiQuery (type: 'followers' | 'following', name: string, start: number, count?: number) {
let firstJoin: string
let secondJoin: string
const tasks: Promise<any>[] = []
for (const selection of selections) {
- const query = 'SELECT ' + selection + ' FROM "Account" ' +
+ let query = 'SELECT ' + selection + ' FROM "Account" ' +
'INNER JOIN "AccountFollower" ON "AccountFollower"."' + firstJoin + '" = "Account"."id" ' +
'INNER JOIN "Account" AS "Followers" ON "Followers"."id" = "AccountFollower"."' + secondJoin + '" ' +
'WHERE "Account"."name" = \'$name\' ' +
- 'LIMIT ' + start + ', ' + count
+ 'LIMIT ' + start
+ if (count !== undefined) query += ', ' + count
const options = {
bind: { name },
export interface JobAttributes {
state: JobState
handlerName: string
- handlerInputData: object
+ handlerInputData: any
export interface JobInstance extends JobClass, JobAttributes, Sequelize.Instance<JobAttributes> {
import * as Sequelize from 'sequelize'
import { isVideoChannelNameValid, isVideoChannelDescriptionValid } from '../../helpers'
-import { removeVideoChannelToFriends } from '../../lib'
import { addMethodsToModel, getSort } from '../utils'
import {
toActivityPubObject = function (this: VideoChannelInstance) {
const json = {
+ type: 'VideoChannel' as 'VideoChannel',
+ id: this.url,
uuid: this.uuid,
+ content: this.description,
name: this.name,
- description: this.description,
- createdAt: this.createdAt,
- updatedAt: this.updatedAt,
- ownerUUID: this.Account.uuid
+ published: this.createdAt,
+ updated: this.updatedAt
return json
uuid: videoChannel.uuid
- return removeVideoChannelToFriends(removeVideoChannelToFriendsParams)
+ // FIXME: send remove event to followers
return undefined
{ uuid },
{ url }
- },
+ }
if (t !== undefined) query.transaction = t
-import * as safeBuffer from 'safe-buffer'
-const Buffer = safeBuffer.Buffer
-import * as magnetUtil from 'magnet-uri'
import { map, maxBy, truncate } from 'lodash'
+import * as magnetUtil from 'magnet-uri'
import * as parseTorrent from 'parse-torrent'
import { join } from 'path'
+import * as safeBuffer from 'safe-buffer'
import * as Sequelize from 'sequelize'
-import { TagInstance } from './tag-interface'
+import { VideoPrivacy, VideoResolution } from '../../../shared'
+import { VideoTorrentObject } from '../../../shared/models/activitypub/objects/video-torrent-object'
import {
- logger,
- isVideoNameValid,
+ createTorrentPromise,
+ generateImageFromVideoFile,
+ getActivityPubUrl,
+ getVideoFileHeight,
- isVideoLicenceValid,
- isVideoLanguageValid,
- isVideoNSFWValid,
+ isVideoLanguageValid,
+ isVideoLicenceValid,
+ isVideoNameValid,
+ isVideoNSFWValid,
- readFileBufferPromise,
- unlinkPromise,
+ logger,
- writeFilePromise,
- createTorrentPromise,
- generateImageFromVideoFile,
- getVideoFileHeight,
- getActivityPubUrl
+ unlinkPromise,
+ writeFilePromise
} from '../../helpers'
import {
} from '../../initializers'
-import { removeVideoToFriends } from '../../lib'
-import { VideoResolution, VideoPrivacy } from '../../../shared'
-import { VideoFileInstance, VideoFileModel } from './video-file-interface'
import { addMethodsToModel, getSort } from '../utils'
-import {
- VideoInstance,
- VideoAttributes,
- VideoMethods
-} from './video-interface'
-import { VideoTorrentObject } from '../../../shared/models/activitypub/objects/video-torrent-object'
+import { TagInstance } from './tag-interface'
+import { VideoFileInstance, VideoFileModel } from './video-file-interface'
+import { VideoAttributes, VideoInstance, VideoMethods } from './video-interface'
+const Buffer = safeBuffer.Buffer
let Video: Sequelize.Model<VideoInstance, VideoAttributes>
let getOriginalFile: VideoMethods.GetOriginalFile
- video.removePreview(),
- removeVideoToFriends(removeVideoToFriendsParams)
+ video.removePreview()
+ // FIXME: remove video for followers
// Remove physical files and torrents
const { baseUrlHttp, baseUrlWs } = getBaseUrls(this)
const tag = this.Tags.map(t => ({
- type: 'Hashtag',
+ type: 'Hashtag' as 'Hashtag',
name: t.name
const videoObject: VideoTorrentObject = {
- type: 'Video',
+ type: 'Video' as 'Video',
id: getActivityPubUrl('video', this.uuid),
name: this.name,
// https://www.w3.org/TR/activitystreams-vocabulary/#dfn-duration
uuid: this.uuid,
category: {
- id: this.category,
- label: this.getCategoryLabel()
+ identifier: this.category + '',
+ name: this.getCategoryLabel()
licence: {
- id: this.licence,
+ identifier: this.licence + '',
name: this.getLicenceLabel()
language: {
- id: this.language,
+ identifier: this.language + '',
name: this.getLanguageLabel()
views: this.views,
it('Should have two video channels when getting author channels', async () => {
- const res = await getAuthorVideoChannelsList(server.url, userInfo.author.uuid)
+ const res = await getAuthorVideoChannelsList(server.url, userInfo.account.uuid)
} from './objects'
import { ActivityPubSignature } from './activitypub-signature'
-export type Activity = ActivityCreate | ActivityUpdate | ActivityFlag
+export type Activity = ActivityCreate | ActivityAdd | ActivityUpdate | ActivityFlag
// Flag -> report abuse
export type ActivityType = 'Create' | 'Add' | 'Update' | 'Flag'
export interface Pod {
id: number,
host: string,
- email: string,
score: number,
createdAt: Date
role: UserRole
videoQuota: number
createdAt: Date,
- author: {
+ account: {
id: number
uuid: string
version "1.6.1"
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