- Linux server (circa 2011)
-- Node.js (Version 0.4.10 or later)
-- MongoDB (Version 1.8.2 or later)
+- Node.js (Version 0.4.10 or later) (More ...)[]
+- MongoDB (Version 1.8.2 or later) (More ...)[]
## Quick start for a single server installation
[[ flesh this out with correct commands - reference util scripts - fix util scripts ]]
+# Resources
+[[ discussion groups, chat rooms, etc. related to FC and FC sources ]]
# Database
The database is MongoDB.
-MongoDB is not a relational database, but rather a noSQL or "document/object" based database.
+MongoDB is not a relational database, but rather a noSQL or "document/object" database.
Data is stored as structured objects versus tables and rows.
(More about MongoDB)[].
-## Collections
+## Collections in the database
- archivedcourses
[[ schema needed ]]
[[ schema needed ]]
+## [[ stuff ]]
+[[ notes about scaling/replication/etc. ]]
# Source Code
- The back channel
- The surrounding website
-These 3 pieces are written in Javascript for Node.js.
+These pieces are written in Javascript for Node.js.
## The Collaborative Real-time Editor
Several node modules are leveraged to to make the basic website work:
-- (async)[URL]
-- (aws-lib)[URL]
-- (connect)[URL]
-- (connect-mongo)[URL]
-- (ejs)[URL]
-- (express)[URL]
-- (express-messages)[URL]
-- (hat)[URL]
-- (hooks)[URL]
-- (init)[URL]
-- (jade)[URL]
-- (mongodb)[URL]
-- (mongoose)[URL]
-- ([URL]
+- (async)[]
+- (aws-lib)[]
+- (connect)[]
+- (connect-mongo)[]
+- (ejs)[]
+- (express)[]
+- (express-messages)[]
+- (hat)[]
+- (hooks)[]
+- (init)[]
+- (jade)[]
+- (mongodb)[]
+- (mongoose)[]
+- ([]
+[[ more detail about website generally, then defer to src comments ]]
# AWS Infrastructure