(download from http://www.gnu.org/software/libextractor/). We also
recommend installing GNU libmicrohttpd (download from
http://www.gnu.org/software/libmicrohttpd/). Then you can start the
-actual GNUnet compilation process with:
+actual GNUnet compilation and installation process with:
-$ ./configure --prefix=$HOME --with-extractor=$HOME
+$ export GNUNET_PREFIX=/usr/local # or other directory of your choice
+$ addgroup gnunetdns
+$ adduser gnunet gnunet
+$ ./configure --prefix=$GNUNET_PREFIX --with-extractor=$LE_PREFIX
$ make
# make install
# sudo -u gnunet mkdir ~/.gnunet/
# sudo -u gnunet touch ~/.gnunet/gnunet.conf
# sudo -u gnunet gnunet-arm -s
-This will compile and install GNUnet to $HOME/bin/, $HOME/lib/ and
-$HOME/share/ and start the system with the default configuration. It
-is recommended that you add a user "gnunet" to run "gnunet-arm". You
-can then still run the end-user applications as another user. If you
-create a user "gnunet", it is recommended that you edit the
-configuration file slightly so that data can be stored in
-"/var/lib/gnunet"; you may also want to use "/etc/gnunet.conf" for the
-location of the configuration file in this case.
+This will create the users and groups needed for running GNUnet
+securely and then compile and install GNUnet to $GNUNET_PREFIX/bin/,
+$GNUNET_PREFIX/lib/ and $GNUNET_PREFIX/share/ and start the system
+with the default configuration. It is strongly recommended that you
+add a user "gnunet" to run "gnunet-arm". You can then still run the
+end-user applications as another user.
+If you create a system user "gnunet", it is recommended that you edit
+the configuration file slightly so that data can be stored in the
+system user home directory at "/var/lib/gnunet"; you may also want to
+use "/etc/gnunet.conf" for the location of the configuration file in
+this case.
You can avoid running 'make install' as root if you run configure
with the "--with-sudo=yes" option and have extensive sudo rights
-(can run chmod +s and chown via sudo). If you run 'make install'
+(can run "chmod +s" and "chown" via 'sudo'). If you run 'make install'
as a normal user without sudo rights (or the configure option),
certain binaries that require additional priviledges will not be
-installed properly (and NAT traversal, WLAN and VPN will not work).
+installed properly (and autonomous NAT traversal, WLAN, DNS/GNS and
+the VPN will then not work).
Note that additional, per-user configuration files
(~/.gnunet/gnunet.conf) need to be created by each user (for example,
GNUnet uses two types of configuration files, one that specifies the
-system-wide defaults (typically located in /usr/share/gnunet/defaults
-.conf) and a second one that overrides default values with
-user-specific preferences. The user-specific configuration file
-should be located in "~/.gnunet/gnunet.conf" or its location can be
-specified by giving the "-c" option to the respective GNUnet
+system-wide defaults (typically located in
+$GNUNET_PREFIX/share/gnunet/config.d/) and a second one that overrides
+default values with user-specific preferences. The user-specific
+configuration file should be located in "~/.gnunet/gnunet.conf" or its
+location can be specified by giving the "-c" option to the respective
+GNUnet application.
The defaults that are shipped with the installation are usually ok,
you may want to adjust the limitations (space consumption, bandwidth,
The GTK user interface is shipped separately. After downloading and
-installing gnunet-gtk, you can invoke the GUI with:
+installing gnunet-gtk, you can invoke the setup tool and the
+file-sharing GUI with:
-$ gnunet-gtk
+$ gnunet-setup
+$ gnunet-fs-gtk
For further documentation, see our webpage.