This adds the ability to grab 'slices' of noise calculated by PerlinNoiseMap.
Retrieving smaller slices of noise from the computation result as needed
optimizes memory usage while maintaining a reasonable amount of CPU overhead.
for 2D noise, and it must be must be larger than 1 for 3D noise (otherwise
`nil` is returned).
+For each of the functions with an optional `buffer` parameter: If `buffer` is not
+nil, this table will be used to store the result instead of creating a new table.
#### Methods
* `get2dMap(pos)`: returns a `<size.x>` times `<size.y>` 2D array of 2D noise
with values starting at `pos={x=,y=}`
* `get3dMap(pos)`: returns a `<size.x>` times `<size.y>` times `<size.z>` 3D array
of 3D noise with values starting at `pos={x=,y=,z=}`
-* `get2dMap_flat(pos)`: returns a flat `<size.x * size.y>` element array of 2D noise
+* `get2dMap_flat(pos, buffer)`: returns a flat `<size.x * size.y>` element array of 2D noise
with values starting at `pos={x=,y=}`
- * if the param `buffer` is present, this table will be used to store the result instead
-* `get3dMap_flat(pos)`: Same as `get2dMap_flat`, but 3D noise
- * if the param `buffer` is present, this table will be used to store the result instead
+* `get3dMap_flat(pos, buffer)`: Same as `get2dMap_flat`, but 3D noise
+* `calc2dMap(pos)`: Calculates the 2d noise map starting at `pos`. The result is stored internally.
+* `calc3dMap(pos)`: Calculates the 3d noise map starting at `pos`. The result is stored internally.
+* `getMapSlice(slice_offset, slice_size, buffer)`: In the form of an array, returns a slice of the
+ most recently computed noise results. The result slice begins at coordinates `slice_offset` and
+ takes a chunk of `slice_size`.
+ E.g. to grab a 2-slice high horizontal 2d plane of noise starting at buffer offset y = 20:
+ `noisevals = noise:getMapSlice({y=20}, {y=2})`
+ It is important to note that `slice_offset` offset coordinates begin at 1, and are relative to
+ the starting position of the most recently calculated noise.
+ To grab a single vertical column of noise starting at map coordinates x = 1023, y=1000, z = 1000:
+ `noise:calc3dMap({x=1000, y=1000, z=1000})`
+ `noisevals = noise:getMapSlice({x=24, z=1}, {x=1, z=1})`
### `VoxelManip`
An interface to the `MapVoxelManipulator` for Lua.
typedef core::vector3df v3f;
typedef core::vector3d<s16> v3s16;
+typedef core::vector3d<u16> v3u16;
typedef core::vector3d<s32> v3s32;
+//// Array table slices
+size_t write_array_slice_float(
+ lua_State *L,
+ int table_index,
+ float *data,
+ v3u16 data_size,
+ v3u16 slice_offset,
+ v3u16 slice_size)
+ v3u16 pmin, pmax(data_size);
+ if (slice_offset.X > 0) {
+ slice_offset.X--;
+ pmin.X = slice_offset.X;
+ pmax.X = MYMIN(slice_offset.X + slice_size.X, data_size.X);
+ }
+ if (slice_offset.Y > 0) {
+ slice_offset.Y--;
+ pmin.Y = slice_offset.Y;
+ pmax.Y = MYMIN(slice_offset.Y + slice_size.Y, data_size.Y);
+ }
+ if (slice_offset.Z > 0) {
+ slice_offset.Z--;
+ pmin.Z = slice_offset.Z;
+ pmax.Z = MYMIN(slice_offset.Z + slice_size.Z, data_size.Z);
+ }
+ const u32 ystride = data_size.X;
+ const u32 zstride = data_size.X * data_size.Y;
+ u32 elem_index = 1;
+ for (u32 z = pmin.Z; z != pmax.Z; z++)
+ for (u32 y = pmin.Y; y != pmax.Y; y++)
+ for (u32 x = pmin.X; x != pmax.X; x++) {
+ u32 i = z * zstride + y * ystride + x;
+ lua_pushnumber(L, data[i]);
+ lua_rawseti(L, table_index, elem_index);
+ elem_index++;
+ }
+ return elem_index - 1;
+size_t write_array_slice_u16(
+ lua_State *L,
+ int table_index,
+ u16 *data,
+ v3u16 data_size,
+ v3u16 slice_offset,
+ v3u16 slice_size)
+ v3u16 pmin, pmax(data_size);
+ if (slice_offset.X > 0) {
+ slice_offset.X--;
+ pmin.X = slice_offset.X;
+ pmax.X = MYMIN(slice_offset.X + slice_size.X, data_size.X);
+ }
+ if (slice_offset.Y > 0) {
+ slice_offset.Y--;
+ pmin.Y = slice_offset.Y;
+ pmax.Y = MYMIN(slice_offset.Y + slice_size.Y, data_size.Y);
+ }
+ if (slice_offset.Z > 0) {
+ slice_offset.Z--;
+ pmin.Z = slice_offset.Z;
+ pmax.Z = MYMIN(slice_offset.Z + slice_size.Z, data_size.Z);
+ }
+ const u32 ystride = data_size.X;
+ const u32 zstride = data_size.X * data_size.Y;
+ u32 elem_index = 1;
+ for (u32 z = pmin.Z; z != pmax.Z; z++)
+ for (u32 y = pmin.Y; y != pmax.Y; y++)
+ for (u32 x = pmin.X; x != pmax.X; x++) {
+ u32 i = z * zstride + y * ystride + x;
+ lua_pushinteger(L, data[i]);
+ lua_rawseti(L, table_index, elem_index);
+ elem_index++;
+ }
+ return elem_index - 1;
const char *fieldname,
const std::string &message);
+size_t write_array_slice_float(lua_State *L, int table_index, float *data,
+ v3u16 data_size, v3u16 slice_offset, v3u16 slice_size);
+size_t write_array_slice_u16(lua_State *L, int table_index, u16 *data,
+ v3u16 data_size, v3u16 slice_offset, v3u16 slice_size);
#endif /* C_CONVERTER_H_ */
+int LuaPerlinNoiseMap::l_calc2dMap(lua_State *L)
+ LuaPerlinNoiseMap *o = checkobject(L, 1);
+ v2f p = check_v2f(L, 2);
+ Noise *n = o->noise;
+ n->perlinMap2D(p.X, p.Y);
+ return 0;
+int LuaPerlinNoiseMap::l_calc3dMap(lua_State *L)
+ LuaPerlinNoiseMap *o = checkobject(L, 1);
+ v3f p = check_v3f(L, 2);
+ if (!o->m_is3d)
+ return 0;
+ Noise *n = o->noise;
+ n->perlinMap3D(p.X, p.Y, p.Z);
+ return 0;
+int LuaPerlinNoiseMap::l_getMapSlice(lua_State *L)
+ LuaPerlinNoiseMap *o = checkobject(L, 1);
+ v3s16 slice_offset = read_v3s16(L, 2);
+ v3s16 slice_size = read_v3s16(L, 3);
+ bool use_buffer = lua_istable(L, 4);
+ Noise *n = o->noise;
+ if (use_buffer)
+ lua_pushvalue(L, 3);
+ else
+ lua_newtable(L);
+ write_array_slice_float(L, lua_gettop(L), n->result,
+ v3u16(n->sx, n->sy, n->sz),
+ v3u16(slice_offset.X, slice_offset.Y, slice_offset.Z),
+ v3u16(slice_size.X, slice_size.Y, slice_size.Z));
+ return 1;
int LuaPerlinNoiseMap::create_object(lua_State *L)
NoiseParams np;
const luaL_reg LuaPerlinNoiseMap::methods[] = {
luamethod(LuaPerlinNoiseMap, get2dMap),
luamethod(LuaPerlinNoiseMap, get2dMap_flat),
+ luamethod(LuaPerlinNoiseMap, calc2dMap),
luamethod(LuaPerlinNoiseMap, get3dMap),
luamethod(LuaPerlinNoiseMap, get3dMap_flat),
+ luamethod(LuaPerlinNoiseMap, calc3dMap),
+ luamethod(LuaPerlinNoiseMap, getMapSlice),
static int l_get3dMap(lua_State *L);
static int l_get3dMap_flat(lua_State *L);
+ static int l_calc2dMap(lua_State *L);
+ static int l_calc3dMap(lua_State *L);
+ static int l_getMapSlice(lua_State *L);
LuaPerlinNoiseMap(NoiseParams *np, int seed, v3s16 size);