saves to disk on shutdown)
* FILENAME metadata is killed by ECRS/FSUI to avoid
exposing HOME, but what if the user set it manually?
+* The DHT was a generic data structure with no
+ support for ECRS-style block validation
* Eliminate threads from FS-APIs
* Have API to manipulate sharing tree before
upload; have auto-construction modify FILENAME
but allow user-modifications afterwards
+* DHT API was extended with a BLOCK API for content
+ validation by block type; validators for FS and
+ DHT block types were written; BLOCK API is also
+ used by gap routing code.
PROBLEM GROUP 7 (User experience):
creates thousands of search results for the mime-type keyword
(problem with DB performance, network transmission, caching,
end-user display, etc.)
+* Users that wanted to share important content had no way to
+ tell the system to replicate it more; replication was also
+ inefficient (this desired feature was sometimes called
+ "power" publishing or content pushing)
-SOLUTION (draft, not done yet, details missing...):
-* Canonicalize keywords (see suggestion on mailinglist end of
- June 2009: keep consonants and sort those alphabetically);
- while I think we must have an option to disable this feature
- (for more private sharing), I do think it would make a reasonable
- default
+* Have option to canonicalize keywords (see suggestion on mailinglist end of
+ June 2009: keep consonants and sort those alphabetically); not
+ fully implemented yet
* When sharing directories, extract keywords first and then
push keywords that are common in all files up to the
directory level; when processing an AND-ed query and a directory
is found to match the result, do an inspection on the metadata
of the files in the directory to possibly produce further results
- (requires downloading of the directory in the background)
+ (requires downloading of the directory in the background);
+ needs more testing
+* A desired replication level can now be specified and is tracked
+ in the datastore; migration prefers content with a high
+ replication level (which decreases as replicase are created)
+ => datastore format changed; we also took out a size field
+ that was redundant, so the overall overhead remains the same
+* Peers with a full disk (or disabled migration) can now notify
+ other peers that they are not interested in migration right
+ now; as a result, less bandwidth is wasted pushing content
+ to these peers (and replication counters are not generally
+ decreased based on copies that are just discarded; naturally,
+ there is still no guarantee that the replicas will stay
+ available)
Please note that for many of its dependencies GNUnet requires very
recent versions of the libraries which are often NOT to be found in
-stable distributions in 2010. While using older packages may in some
+stable distributions in 2011. While using older packages may in some
cases on some operating systems may seem to work in some limited
fashion, we are in many cases aware of serious problems with older
packages. Hence please make sure to use the versions listed below.
Note that additional, per-user configuration files
(~/.gnunet/gnunet.conf) need to be created by each user (for example,
by running gnunet-setup). Note that gnunet-setup is a separate
-download and requires GTK+; you can also edit the configuration file
-by hand, but this is not recommended. For more general information
-about the GNU build process read the INSTALL file.
+download and requires recent versions of GTK+ and Glade; you can also
+edit the configuration file by hand, but this is not recommended. For
+more general information about the GNU build process read the INSTALL
If you are compiling the code from subversion, you have to run
". bootstrap" before ./configure. If you receive an error during the
specified in the gnunet.conf configuration file).
Now start the local node using "gnunet-arm -s". GNUnet should run 24/7 if
-you want to maximize your anonymity.
-The GTK user interface is shipped separately. After downloading and
-installing gnunet-gtk, you can invoke the GUI with:
-$ gnunet-gtk
-// FIXME: gnunet-qt is not yet supported in 0.9.x
-For Qt/KDE users, there is also a QT user interface (also shipped
-separately). If you install gnunet-qt, you can invoke the GUI with:
-$ gnunet-qt
+you want to maximize your anonymity.
-If you want to use the shell (part of this distribution), use
+You should then be able to access GNUnet using the shell:
$ gnunet-search KEYWORD
together with a description. To publish files on GNUnet, use the
"gnunet-publish" command.
-// FIXME: auto-share is not yet supported in 0.9.x
-In order to share files, the easiest way is to create a directory
-with the files (and directories) that you want to share and run
-$ nohup gnunet-auto-share NAME-OF-THE-DIRECTORY &
+The GTK user interface is shipped separately. After downloading and
+installing gnunet-gtk, you can invoke the GUI with:
+$ gnunet-gtk
For further documentation, see our webpage.
at this point.
-Running the SMTP transport
-// NOTE: SMTP is not currently available in this version of GNUnet
-Running GNUnet over SMTP (e-mail) is a bit more involved. Note that
-you do not need to run all transports (only running the NAT transport
-is the only thing that will not work). If you really want to do
-P2P over SMTP, read the instructions at
Stay tuned