- * Closure for "dir_scan_cb".
- */
-struct DirScanCls
- /**
- * Metadata extractors to use.
- */
- struct EXTRACTOR_PluginList *extractors;
- /**
- * Master context.
- */
- struct GNUNET_FS_Handle *h;
- /**
- * Function to call on each directory entry.
- */
- GNUNET_FS_FileProcessor proc;
- /**
- * Closure for proc.
- */
- void *proc_cls;
- /**
- * Scanner to use for subdirectories.
- */
- GNUNET_FS_DirectoryScanner scanner;
- /**
- * Closure for scanner.
- */
- void *scanner_cls;
- /**
- * Set to an error message (if any).
- */
- char *emsg;
- /**
- * Block options.
- */
- const struct GNUNET_FS_BlockOptions *bo;
- /**
- * Should files be indexed?
- */
- int do_index;
- * Function called on each entry in a file to cause
- * default-publishing.
- *
- * @param cls closure (struct DirScanCls)
- * @param filename name of the file to be published
- * @return GNUNET_OK on success, GNUNET_SYSERR to abort
- */
-static int
-dir_scan_cb (void *cls, const char *filename)
- struct DirScanCls *dsc = cls;
- struct stat sbuf;
- struct GNUNET_FS_FileInformation *fi;
- struct GNUNET_FS_Uri *keywords;
- struct GNUNET_CONTAINER_MetaData *meta;
- if (0 != STAT (filename, &sbuf))
- {
- GNUNET_asprintf (&dsc->emsg, _("`%s' failed on file `%s': %s"), "stat",
- filename, STRERROR (errno));
- }
- if (S_ISDIR (sbuf.st_mode))
- {
- fi = GNUNET_FS_file_information_create_from_directory (dsc->h, NULL,
- filename,
- dsc->scanner,
- dsc->scanner_cls,
- dsc->do_index,
- dsc->bo, &dsc->emsg);
- if (NULL == fi)
- {
- GNUNET_assert (NULL != dsc->emsg);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- meta = GNUNET_CONTAINER_meta_data_create ();
- GNUNET_FS_meta_data_extract_from_file (meta, filename, dsc->extractors);
- keywords = GNUNET_FS_uri_ksk_create_from_meta_data (meta);
- fi = GNUNET_FS_file_information_create_from_file (dsc->h, NULL, filename,
- keywords, meta,
- dsc->do_index, dsc->bo);
- GNUNET_CONTAINER_meta_data_destroy (meta);
- GNUNET_FS_uri_destroy (keywords);
- }
- dsc->proc (dsc->proc_cls, filename, fi);
- return GNUNET_OK;
- * Simple, useful default implementation of a directory scanner
- * (GNUNET_FS_DirectoryScanner). This implementation expects to get a
- * UNIX filename, will publish all files in the directory except hidden
- * files (those starting with a "."). Metadata will be extracted
- * using GNU libextractor; the specific list of plugins should be
- * specified in "cls", passing NULL will disable (!) metadata
- * extraction. Keywords will be derived from the metadata and be
- * subject to default canonicalization. This is strictly a
- * convenience function.
- *
- * @param cls must be of type "struct EXTRACTOR_Extractor*"
- * @param h handle to the file sharing subsystem
- * @param dirname name of the directory to scan
- * @param do_index should files be indexed or inserted
- * @param bo block options
- * @param proc function called on each entry
- * @param proc_cls closure for proc
- * @param emsg where to store an error message (on errors)
- * @return GNUNET_OK on success
- */
-GNUNET_FS_directory_scanner_default (void *cls, struct GNUNET_FS_Handle *h,
- const char *dirname, int do_index,
- const struct GNUNET_FS_BlockOptions *bo,
- GNUNET_FS_FileProcessor proc,
- void *proc_cls, char **emsg)
- struct EXTRACTOR_PluginList *ex = cls;
- struct DirScanCls dsc;
- dsc.h = h;
- dsc.extractors = ex;
- dsc.proc = proc;
- dsc.proc_cls = proc_cls;
- dsc.scanner = &GNUNET_FS_directory_scanner_default;
- dsc.scanner_cls = cls;
- dsc.do_index = do_index;
- dsc.bo = bo;
- if (-1 == GNUNET_DISK_directory_scan (dirname, &dir_scan_cb, &dsc))
- {
- GNUNET_assert (NULL != dsc.emsg);
- *emsg = dsc.emsg;
- }
- return GNUNET_OK;
- * Aggregate information we keep for meta data in each directory.
- */
-struct MetaValueInformation
- /**
- * Mime-type of data.
- */
- const char *mime_type;
- /**
- * The actual meta data.
- */
- const char *data;
- /**
- * Number of bytes in 'data'.
- */
- size_t data_size;
- /**
- * Type of the meta data.
- */
- enum EXTRACTOR_MetaType type;
- /**
- * Format of the meta data.
- */
- enum EXTRACTOR_MetaFormat format;
- /**
- * How often does this meta value occur in this directory?
- */
- unsigned int frequency;
- * Type of a function that libextractor calls for each
- * meta data item found.
- *
- * @param cls the container multihashmap to update
- * @param plugin_name name of the plugin that produced this value;
- * special values can be used (i.e. '<zlib>' for zlib being
- * used in the main libextractor library and yielding
- * meta data).
- * @param type libextractor-type describing the meta data
- * @param format basic format information about data
- * @param data_mime_type mime-type of data (not of the original file);
- * can be NULL (if mime-type is not known)
- * @param data actual meta-data found
- * @param data_len number of bytes in data
- * @return 0 to continue extracting / iterating
- */
-static int
-update_metamap (void *cls, const char *plugin_name,
- enum EXTRACTOR_MetaType type, enum EXTRACTOR_MetaFormat format,
- const char *data_mime_type, const char *data, size_t data_len)
- struct GNUNET_CONTAINER_MultiHashMap *map = cls;
- GNUNET_HashCode key;
- struct MetaValueInformation *mvi;
- GNUNET_CRYPTO_hash (data, data_len, &key);
- mvi = GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap_get (map, &key);
- if (mvi == NULL)
- {
- mvi = GNUNET_malloc (sizeof (struct MetaValueInformation));
- mvi->mime_type = data_mime_type;
- mvi->data = data;
- mvi->data_size = data_len;
- mvi->type = type;
- mvi->format = format;
- GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap_put (map, &key, mvi,
- }
- mvi->frequency++;
- return 0;
- * Aggregate information we keep for keywords in each directory.
- */
-struct KeywordInformation
- /**
- * Mime-type of keyword.
- */
- const char *keyword;
- /**
- * How often does this meta value occur in this directory?
- */
- unsigned int frequency;
- * Closure for dirproc function.
- */
-struct EntryProcCls
- /**
- * Linked list of directory entries that is being
- * created.
- */
- struct GNUNET_FS_FileInformation *entries;
- /**
- * Map describing the meta data for all entries in the
- * directory. Keys are the hash of the meta-value,
- * values are of type 'struct MetaValueInformation'.
- */
- struct GNUNET_CONTAINER_MultiHashMap *metamap;
- /**
- * Map describing the keywords for all entries in the
- * directory. Keys are the hash of the keyword,
- * values are of type 'struct KeywordInformation'.
- */
- struct GNUNET_CONTAINER_MultiHashMap *keywordmap;
- /**
- * Number of entries in 'entries'.
- */
- unsigned int count;
- * Function that processes a directory entry that
- * was obtained from the scanner. Adds each entry to
- * the directory and computes directroy meta map.
- *
- * @param cls our closure
- * @param filename name of the file (unused, why there???)
- * @param fi information for publishing the file
- */
-static void
-dirproc_add (void *cls, const char *filename,
- struct GNUNET_FS_FileInformation *fi)
- struct EntryProcCls *dc = cls;
- unsigned int i;
- const char *kw;
- struct KeywordInformation *ki;
- GNUNET_HashCode key;
- GNUNET_assert (fi->next == NULL);
- GNUNET_assert (fi->dir == NULL);
- fi->next = dc->entries;
- dc->entries = fi;
- dc->count++;
- if (NULL != fi->meta)
- GNUNET_CONTAINER_meta_data_iterate (fi->meta, &update_metamap, dc->metamap);
- for (i = 0; i < fi->keywords->data.ksk.keywordCount; i++)
- {
- kw = fi->keywords->data.ksk.keywords[i];
- GNUNET_CRYPTO_hash (kw, strlen (kw), &key);
- ki = GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap_get (dc->keywordmap, &key);
- if (ki == NULL)
- {
- ki = GNUNET_malloc (sizeof (struct KeywordInformation));
- ki->keyword = &kw[1];
- GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap_put (dc->keywordmap, &key, ki,
- }
- ki->frequency++;
- }
- * Closure for 'compute_directory_metadata'.
- */
-struct ComputeDirectoryMetadataContext
- /**
- * Where to store the extracted keywords.
- */
- struct GNUNET_FS_Uri *ksk;
- /**
- * Where to store the extracted meta data.
- */
- struct GNUNET_CONTAINER_MetaData *meta;
- /**
- * Threshold to apply for adding meta data.
- */
- unsigned int threshold;
- * Add metadata that occurs in more than the threshold entries of the
- * directory to the directory itself. For example, if most files in a
- * directory are of the same mime-type, the directory should have that
- * mime-type as a keyword.
- *
- * @param cls the 'struct ComputeDirectoryMetadataContext'
- * @param key unused
- * @param value the 'struct MetaValueInformation' (to be freed as well)
- * @return GNUNET_OK
- */
-static int
-compute_directory_metadata (void *cls, const GNUNET_HashCode * key, void *value)
- struct ComputeDirectoryMetadataContext *cdmc = cls;
- struct MetaValueInformation *mvi = value;
- if (mvi->frequency > cdmc->threshold)
- {
- (void) GNUNET_CONTAINER_meta_data_insert (cdmc->meta, "<children>",
- mvi->type, mvi->format,
- mvi->mime_type, mvi->data,
- mvi->data_size);
- if ((mvi->format == EXTRACTOR_METAFORMAT_UTF8) ||
- GNUNET_FS_uri_ksk_add_keyword (cdmc->ksk, mvi->data, GNUNET_NO);
- }
- GNUNET_free (mvi);
- return GNUNET_OK;
- * Add keywords that occur in more than the threshold entries of the
- * directory to the directory itself.
- *
- * @param cls the 'struct ComputeDirectoryMetadataContext'
- * @param key unused
- * @param value the 'struct Keywordnformation' (to be freed as well)
- * @return GNUNET_OK
- */
-static int
-compute_directory_keywords (void *cls, const GNUNET_HashCode * key, void *value)
- struct ComputeDirectoryMetadataContext *cdmc = cls;
- struct KeywordInformation *ki = value;
- if (ki->frequency > cdmc->threshold)
- (void) GNUNET_FS_uri_ksk_add_keyword (cdmc->ksk, ki->keyword, GNUNET_NO);
- GNUNET_free (ki);
- return GNUNET_OK;
- * Create a publish-structure from an existing file hierarchy, inferring
- * and organizing keywords and metadata as much as possible. This
- * function primarily performs the recursive build and re-organizes
- * keywords and metadata; for automatically getting metadata
- * extraction, scanning of directories and creation of the respective
- * GNUNET_FS_FileInformation entries the default scanner should be
- * passed (GNUNET_FS_directory_scanner_default). This is strictly a
- * convenience function.
- *
- * @param h handle to the file sharing subsystem
- * @param client_info initial value for the client-info value for this entry
- * @param filename name of the top-level file or directory
- * @param scanner function used to get a list of files in a directory
- * @param scanner_cls closure for scanner
- * @param do_index should files in the hierarchy be indexed?
- * @param bo block options
- * @param emsg where to store an error message
- * @return publish structure entry for the directory, NULL on error
- */
-struct GNUNET_FS_FileInformation *
-GNUNET_FS_file_information_create_from_directory (struct GNUNET_FS_Handle *h,
- void *client_info,
- const char *filename,
- GNUNET_FS_DirectoryScanner
- scanner, void *scanner_cls,
- int do_index,
- const struct
- GNUNET_FS_BlockOptions *bo,
- char **emsg)
- struct GNUNET_FS_FileInformation *ret;
- struct ComputeDirectoryMetadataContext cdmc;
- struct EntryProcCls dc;
- const char *fn;
- const char *ss;
- char *dn;
- struct GNUNET_FS_FileInformation *epos;
- unsigned int i;
- const char *kw;
- dc.entries = NULL;
- dc.count = 0;
- dc.metamap = GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap_create (64);
- dc.keywordmap = GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap_create (64);
- /* update children to point to directory and generate statistics
- * on all meta data in children */
- scanner (scanner_cls, h, filename, do_index, bo, &dirproc_add, &dc, emsg);
- cdmc.meta = GNUNET_CONTAINER_meta_data_create ();
- cdmc.ksk = GNUNET_malloc (sizeof (struct GNUNET_FS_Uri));
- cdmc.ksk->type = ksk;
- cdmc.threshold = 1 + dc.count / 2; /* 50% threshold for now */
- GNUNET_FS_meta_data_make_directory (cdmc.meta);
- GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap_iterate (dc.metamap,
- &compute_directory_metadata, &cdmc);
- GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap_iterate (dc.keywordmap,
- &compute_directory_keywords, &cdmc);
- GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap_destroy (dc.metamap);
- GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap_destroy (dc.keywordmap);
- /* remove keywords in children that are already in the
- * parent */
- for (epos = dc.entries; NULL != epos; epos = epos->next)
- {
- for (i = 0; i < cdmc.ksk->data.ksk.keywordCount; i++)
- {
- kw = cdmc.ksk->data.ksk.keywords[i];
- GNUNET_FS_uri_ksk_remove_keyword (epos->keywords, &kw[1]);
- }
- }
- GNUNET_FS_uri_ksk_add_keyword (cdmc.ksk, GNUNET_FS_DIRECTORY_MIME, GNUNET_NO);
- ret =
- GNUNET_FS_file_information_create_empty_directory (h, client_info, cdmc.ksk,
- cdmc.meta, bo, filename);
- GNUNET_CONTAINER_meta_data_destroy (cdmc.meta);
- GNUNET_FS_uri_destroy (cdmc.ksk);
- ret->data.dir.entries = dc.entries;
- while (dc.entries != NULL)
- {
- dc.entries->dir = ret;
- dc.entries = dc.entries->next;
- }
- fn = filename;
- while ((NULL != (ss = strstr (fn, DIR_SEPARATOR_STR))) && (strlen (ss) > 1))
- fn = ss + 1;
- GNUNET_asprintf (&dn, "%s/", fn);
- GNUNET_CONTAINER_meta_data_insert (ret->meta, "<gnunet>",
- "text/plain", dn, strlen (dn) + 1);
- GNUNET_CONTAINER_meta_data_insert (ret->meta, "<gnunet>",
- "text/plain", dn, strlen (dn) + 1);
- GNUNET_free (dn);
- return ret;
* Test if a given entry represents a directory.
* 6.0.0: with support for OR in KSKs
* 6.1.x: with simplified namespace support
* 9.0.0: CPS-style integrated API
+ * 9.1.1: asynchronous directory scanning
-#define GNUNET_FS_VERSION 0x00090001
+#define GNUNET_FS_VERSION 0x00090101
/* ******************** URI API *********************** */
const char *
GNUNET_FS_file_information_get_filename (struct GNUNET_FS_FileInformation *s);
* Set the filename in the file information structure.
* If filename was already set, frees it before setting the new one.
GNUNET_FS_file_information_set_filename (struct GNUNET_FS_FileInformation *s,
const char *filename);
* Create an entry for a file in a publish-structure.
GNUNET_FS_BlockOptions *bo);
- * Function that a "GNUNET_FS_DirectoryScanner" should call
- * for each entry in the directory.
- *
- * @param cls closure
- * @param filename name of the file (including path); must end
- * in a "/" (even on W32) if this is a directory
- * @param fi information about the file (should not be
- * used henceforth by the caller)
- */
-typedef void (*GNUNET_FS_FileProcessor) (void *cls, const char *filename,
- struct GNUNET_FS_FileInformation * fi);
- * Type of a function that will be used to scan a directory.
- *
- * @param cls closure
- * @param h handle to the file sharing subsystem
- * @param dirname name of the directory to scan
- * @param do_index should files be indexed or inserted
- * @param bo block options
- * @param proc function to call on each entry
- * @param proc_cls closure for proc
- * @param emsg where to store an error message (on errors)
- * @return GNUNET_OK on success
- */
-typedef int (*GNUNET_FS_DirectoryScanner) (void *cls,
- struct GNUNET_FS_Handle * h,
- const char *dirname, int do_index,
- const struct GNUNET_FS_BlockOptions *
- bo, GNUNET_FS_FileProcessor proc,
- void *proc_cls, char **emsg);
- * Simple, useful default implementation of a directory scanner
- * (GNUNET_FS_DirectoryScanner). This implementation expects to get a
- * UNIX filename, will publish all files in the directory except hidden
- * files (those starting with a "."). Metadata will be extracted
- * using GNU libextractor; the specific list of plugins should be
- * specified in "cls", passing NULL will disable (!) metadata
- * extraction. Keywords will be derived from the metadata and
- * associated with directories as appropriate. This is strictly a
- * convenience function (however, if all tools use it, there will
- * be less of a chance of distinguishing users by the specific
- * user-interface they were using).
- *
- * @param cls must be of type "struct EXTRACTOR_Extractor*"
- * @param h handle to the file sharing subsystem
- * @param dirname name of the directory to scan
- * @param do_index should files be indexed or inserted
- * @param bo block options
- * @param proc function called on each entry
- * @param proc_cls closure for proc
- * @param emsg where to store an error message (on errors)
- * @return GNUNET_OK on success
- */
-GNUNET_FS_directory_scanner_default (void *cls, struct GNUNET_FS_Handle *h,
- const char *dirname, int do_index,
- const struct GNUNET_FS_BlockOptions *bo,
- GNUNET_FS_FileProcessor proc,
- void *proc_cls, char **emsg);
- * Create a publish-structure from an existing file hierarchy, inferring
- * and organizing keywords and metadata as much as possible. This
- * function primarily performs the recursive build and re-organizes
- * keywords and metadata; for automatically getting metadata
- * extraction, scanning of directories and creation of the respective
- * GNUNET_FS_FileInformation entries the default scanner should be
- * passed (GNUNET_FS_directory_scanner_default). This is strictly a
- * convenience function.
- *
- * @param h handle to the file sharing subsystem
- * @param client_info initial client-info value for this entry
- * @param filename name of the top-level file or directory
- * @param scanner function used to get a list of files in a directory
- * @param scanner_cls closure for scanner
- * @param do_index should files in the hierarchy be indexed?
- * @param bo block options
- * @param emsg where to store an error message
- * @return publish structure entry for the directory, NULL on error
- */
-struct GNUNET_FS_FileInformation *
-GNUNET_FS_file_information_create_from_directory (struct GNUNET_FS_Handle *h,
- void *client_info,
- const char *filename,
- GNUNET_FS_DirectoryScanner
- scanner, void *scanner_cls,
- int do_index,
- const struct
- GNUNET_FS_BlockOptions *bo,
- char **emsg);
* Create an entry for an empty directory in a publish-structure.
* This function should be used by applications for which the
/* ******************** DirScanner API *********************** */
+ * Progress reasons of the directory scanner.
+ */
enum GNUNET_FS_DirScannerProgressUpdateReason
+ /**
+ */
+ /**
+ */
+ /**
+ */
+ /**
+ */
+ /**
+ */
+ /**
+ */
+ /**
+ */
+ /**
+ */
-typedef int (* GNUNET_FS_DirScannerProgressCallback) (
- void *cls, struct GNUNET_FS_DirScanner *ds, const char *filename,
- char is_directory, enum GNUNET_FS_DirScannerProgressUpdateReason reason);
+ * Function called over time as the directory scanner makes
+ * progress on the job at hand.
+ *
+ * @param cls closure
+ * @param ds handle to the directory scanner (NEEDED!?)
+ * @param filename which file we are making progress on
+ * @param is_directory GNUNET_YES if this is a directory
+ * @param reason kind of progress we are making
+ */
+typedef int (*GNUNET_FS_DirScannerProgressCallback) (void *cls,
+ struct GNUNET_FS_DirScanner *ds,
+ const char *filename,
+ int is_directory,
+ enum GNUNET_FS_DirScannerProgressUpdateReason reason);
* A node of a directory tree (produced by dirscanner)
char *short_filename;
- * 1 if this is a directory
+ * Size of the file (if it is a file), in bytes
- char is_directory;
+ uint64_t file_size;
- * Size of the file (if it's a file), in bytes
+ * GNUNET_YES if this is a directory
- uint64_t file_size;
+ int is_directory;
-/* opaqe */
+ * Opaqe handle to an asynchronous directory scanning activity.
+ */
struct GNUNET_FS_DirScanner;
+ * Start a directory scanner thread.
+ *
+ * @param filename name of the directory to scan
+ * @param GNUNET_YES to not to run libextractor on files (only build a tree)
+ * @param ex if not NULL, must be a list of extra plugins for extractor
+ * @param cb the callback to call when there are scanning progress messages
+ * @param cb_cls closure for 'cb'
+ * @return directory scanner object to be used for controlling the scanner
+ */
+struct GNUNET_FS_DirScanner *
+GNUNET_FS_directory_scan_start (const char *filename,
+ int disable_extractor,
+ const char *ex,
+ GNUNET_FS_DirScannerProgressCallback cb,
+ void *cb_cls);
- * Signals the scanner to finish the scan as fast as possible.
- * Does not block.
- * Can close the pipe if asked to, but that is only used by the
- * internal call to this function during cleanup. The client
+ * Signals the scanner to finish the scan as fast as possible. Does
+ * not block. Can close the pipe if asked to, but that is only used
+ * by the internal call to this function during cleanup. The client
* must understand the consequences of closing the pipe too early.
* @param ds directory scanner structure
GNUNET_FS_directory_scan_finish (struct GNUNET_FS_DirScanner *ds,
- int close_pipe);
+ int close_pipe);
* Signals the scanner thread to finish (in case it isn't finishing
struct GNUNET_FS_ShareTreeItem *
GNUNET_FS_directory_scan_cleanup (struct GNUNET_FS_DirScanner *ds);
- * Start a directory scanner thread.
- *
- * @param filename name of the directory to scan
- * @param GNUNET_YES to not to run libextractor on files (only build a tree)
- * @param ex if not NULL, must be a list of extra plugins for extractor
- * @param cb the callback to call when there are scanning progress messages
- * @param cls closure for 'cb'
- * @return directory scanner object to be used for controlling the scanner
+ * opaque
-struct GNUNET_FS_DirScanner *
-GNUNET_FS_directory_scan_start (const char *filename,
- int disable_extractor, const char *ex,
- GNUNET_FS_DirScannerProgressCallback cb, void *cls);
-/* opaque */
struct GNUNET_FS_ProcessMetadataContext;
* @param toplevel toplevel directory in the tree, returned by the scanner
* @param cb called after processing is done
* @param cls closure for 'cb'
+ * @return FIXME: what would this handle be used for?
struct GNUNET_FS_ProcessMetadataContext *
GNUNET_FS_trim_share_tree (struct GNUNET_FS_ShareTreeItem *toplevel,
- GNUNET_SCHEDULER_Task cb, void *cls);
+ GNUNET_SCHEDULER_Task cb, void *cls);
#if 0 /* keep Emacsens' auto-indent happy */