cont, void *cont_cls);
+ * The new send function with just the session and no address
+ *
+ * Function that can be used by the transport service to transmit
+ * a message using the plugin. Note that in the case of a
+ * peer disconnecting, the continuation MUST be called
+ * prior to the disconnect notification itself. This function
+ * will be called with this peer's HELLO message to initiate
+ * a fresh connection to another peer.
+ *
+ * @param cls closure
+ * @param target who should receive this message
+ * @param msgbuf the message to transmit
+ * @param msgbuf_size number of bytes in 'msgbuf'
+ * @param priority how important is the message (most plugins will
+ * ignore message priority and just FIFO)
+ * @param timeout how long to wait at most for the transmission (does not
+ * require plugins to discard the message after the timeout,
+ * just advisory for the desired delay; most plugins will ignore
+ * this as well)
+ * @param session which session must be used (or NULL for "any")
+ * @param addr the address to use (can be NULL if the plugin
+ * is "on its own" (i.e. re-use existing TCP connection))
+ * @param addrlen length of the address in bytes
+ * @param force_address GNUNET_YES if the plugin MUST use the given address,
+ * GNUNET_NO means the plugin may use any other address and
+ * GNUNET_SYSERR means that only reliable existing
+ * bi-directional connections should be used (regardless
+ * of address)
+ * @param cont continuation to call once the message has
+ * been transmitted (or if the transport is ready
+ * for the next transmission call; or if the
+ * peer disconnected...); can be NULL
+ * @param cont_cls closure for cont
+ * @return number of bytes used (on the physical network, with overheads);
+ * -1 on hard errors (i.e. address invalid); 0 is a legal value
+ * and does NOT mean that the message was not transmitted (DV)
+ */
+typedef ssize_t (*GNUNET_TRANSPORT_TransmitFunctionWithSession) (void *cls,
+ const struct
+ GNUNET_PeerIdentity *
+ target,
+ const char *msgbuf,
+ size_t msgbuf_size,
+ uint32_t priority,
+ struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative timeout,
+ struct Session * session,
+ GNUNET_TRANSPORT_TransmitContinuation
+ cont, void *cont_cls);
* Function that can be called to force a disconnect from the
* specified neighbour. This should also cancel all previously
typedef int (*GNUNET_TRANSPORT_CheckAddress) (void *cls, const void *addr,
size_t addrlen);
+ * Create a new session to transmit data to the target
+ * This session will used to send data to this peer and the plugin will
+ * notify us by calling the env->session_end function
+ *
+ * @param cls closure
+ * @param target the neighbour id
+ * @param addr pointer to the address
+ * @param addrlen length of addr
+ * @return the session if the address is valid, NULL otherwise
+ */
+typedef const void * (*GNUNET_TRANSPORT_CreateSession) (void *cls,
+ const struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity *target,
+ const void *addr,
+ size_t addrlen);
* Function called for a quick conversion of the binary address to
GNUNET_TRANSPORT_TransmitFunction send;
+ /**
+ * New send function
+ * Will be renamed to "send" when implementation is done
+ */
+ GNUNET_TRANSPORT_TransmitFunctionWithSession send_with_session;
* Function that can be used to force the plugin to disconnect from
* the given peer and cancel all previous transmissions (and their
* to a string (numeric conversion only).
GNUNET_TRANSPORT_AddressToString address_to_string;
+ /**
+ * Function that will be called tell the plugin to create a session
+ * object
+ */
+ GNUNET_TRANSPORT_CreateSession create_session;
struct Session *sessions;
+ struct GNUNET_CONTAINER_MultiHashMap * sessionmap;
* Handle to the network service.
GNUNET_assert (session != NULL);
GNUNET_assert (session->client != NULL);
+ GNUNET_SERVER_client_set_timeout (session->client,
+ GNUNET_STATISTICS_update (plugin->env->stats,
+ gettext_noop ("# bytes currently in TCP buffers"),
+ msgbuf_size, GNUNET_NO);
+ /* create new message entry */
+ pm = GNUNET_malloc (sizeof (struct PendingMessage) + msgbuf_size);
+ pm->msg = (const char *) &pm[1];
+ memcpy (&pm[1], msg, msgbuf_size);
+ pm->message_size = msgbuf_size;
+ pm->timeout = GNUNET_TIME_relative_to_absolute (timeout);
+ pm->transmit_cont = cont;
+ pm->transmit_cont_cls = cont_cls;
+ /* append pm to pending_messages list */
+ GNUNET_CONTAINER_DLL_insert_tail (session->pending_messages_head,
+ session->pending_messages_tail, pm);
+ "Asked to transmit %u bytes to `%s', added message to list.\n",
+ msgbuf_size, GNUNET_i2s (target));
+ process_pending_messages (session);
+ return msgbuf_size;
+ * Function that can be used by the transport service to transmit
+ * a message using the plugin. Note that in the case of a
+ * peer disconnecting, the continuation MUST be called
+ * prior to the disconnect notification itself. This function
+ * will be called with this peer's HELLO message to initiate
+ * a fresh connection to another peer.
+ *
+ * @param cls closure
+ * @param target who should receive this message
+ * @param msg the message to transmit
+ * @param msgbuf_size number of bytes in 'msg'
+ * @param priority how important is the message (most plugins will
+ * ignore message priority and just FIFO)
+ * @param timeout how long to wait at most for the transmission (does not
+ * require plugins to discard the message after the timeout,
+ * just advisory for the desired delay; most plugins will ignore
+ * this as well)
+ * @param session which session must be used (or NULL for "any")
+ * @param addr the address to use (can be NULL if the plugin
+ * is "on its own" (i.e. re-use existing TCP connection))
+ * @param addrlen length of the address in bytes
+ * @param force_address GNUNET_YES if the plugin MUST use the given address,
+ * GNUNET_NO means the plugin may use any other address and
+ * GNUNET_SYSERR means that only reliable existing
+ * bi-directional connections should be used (regardless
+ * of address)
+ * @param cont continuation to call once the message has
+ * been transmitted (or if the transport is ready
+ * for the next transmission call; or if the
+ * peer disconnected...); can be NULL
+ * @param cont_cls closure for cont
+ * @return number of bytes used (on the physical network, with overheads);
+ * -1 on hard errors (i.e. address invalid); 0 is a legal value
+ * and does NOT mean that the message was not transmitted (DV and NAT)
+ */
+static ssize_t
+tcp_plugin_send_new (void *cls,
+ const struct
+ GNUNET_PeerIdentity *
+ target,
+ const char *msg,
+ size_t msgbuf_size,
+ uint32_t priority,
+ struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative timeout,
+ struct Session * session,
+ GNUNET_TRANSPORT_TransmitContinuation
+ cont, void *cont_cls)
+ struct Plugin * plugin = cls;
+ struct PendingMessage *pm;
+ GNUNET_assert (session != NULL);
+ GNUNET_assert (session->client != NULL);
GNUNET_SERVER_client_set_timeout (session->client,
return msgbuf_size;
+struct SessionItCtx
+ void * addr;
+ size_t addrlen;
+ struct Session * result;
+int session_it (void *cls,
+ const GNUNET_HashCode * key,
+ void *value)
+ struct SessionItCtx * si_ctx = cls;
+ struct Session * session = value;
+ if (session->connect_alen != si_ctx->addrlen)
+ return GNUNET_YES;
+ if (0 != memcmp (&session->connect_addr, si_ctx->addr, si_ctx->addrlen))
+ return GNUNET_YES;
+ /* Found existing session */
+ si_ctx->result = session;
+ return GNUNET_NO;
+ * Create a new session to transmit data to the target
+ * This session will used to send data to this peer and the plugin will
+ * notify us by calling the env->session_end function
+ *
+ * @param cls closure
+ * @param target the neighbour id
+ * @param addr pointer to the address
+ * @param addrlen length of addr
+ * @return the session if the address is valid, NULL otherwise
+ */
+const void * tcp_plugin_create_session (void *cls,
+ const struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity *target,
+ const void *addr,
+ size_t addrlen)
+ struct Plugin * plugin = cls;
+ struct Session * session = NULL;
+ int af;
+ const void *sb;
+ size_t sbs;
+ struct GNUNET_CONNECTION_Handle *sa;
+ struct sockaddr_in a4;
+ struct sockaddr_in6 a6;
+ const struct IPv4TcpAddress *t4;
+ const struct IPv6TcpAddress *t6;
+ unsigned int is_natd;
+ if (addrlen == sizeof (struct IPv6TcpAddress))
+ {
+ GNUNET_assert (NULL != addr); /* make static analysis happy */
+ t6 = addr;
+ af = AF_INET6;
+ memset (&a6, 0, sizeof (a6));
+ a6.sin6_len = sizeof (a6);
+ a6.sin6_family = AF_INET6;
+ a6.sin6_port = t6->t6_port;
+ if (t6->t6_port == 0)
+ is_natd = GNUNET_YES;
+ memcpy (&a6.sin6_addr, &t6->ipv6_addr, sizeof (struct in6_addr));
+ sb = &a6;
+ sbs = sizeof (a6);
+ }
+ else if (addrlen == sizeof (struct IPv4TcpAddress))
+ {
+ GNUNET_assert (NULL != addr); /* make static analysis happy */
+ t4 = addr;
+ af = AF_INET;
+ memset (&a4, 0, sizeof (a4));
+ a4.sin_len = sizeof (a4);
+ a4.sin_family = AF_INET;
+ a4.sin_port = t4->t4_port;
+ if (t4->t4_port == 0)
+ is_natd = GNUNET_YES;
+ a4.sin_addr.s_addr = t4->ipv4_addr;
+ sb = &a4;
+ sbs = sizeof (a4);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ _("Address of unexpected length: %u\n"), addrlen);
+ GNUNET_break (0);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ /* look for existing session */
+ if (GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap_contains(plugin->sessionmap, &target->hashPubKey))
+ {
+ struct SessionItCtx si_ctx;
+ si_ctx.addr = &sbs;
+ si_ctx.addrlen = sbs;
+ GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap_get_multiple(plugin->sessionmap, &target->hashPubKey, &session_it, &si_ctx);
+ if (si_ctx.result != NULL)
+ session = si_ctx.result;
+ return session;
+ }
+ if ((is_natd == GNUNET_YES) && (addrlen == sizeof (struct IPv6TcpAddress)))
+ return NULL; /* NAT client only works with IPv4 addresses */
+ if (0 == plugin->max_connections)
+ return NULL; /* saturated */
+ if ((is_natd == GNUNET_YES) &&
+ GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap_contains (plugin->nat_wait_conns,
+ &target->hashPubKey)))
+ return NULL; /* Only do one NAT punch attempt per peer identity */
+ if ((is_natd == GNUNET_YES) && (NULL != plugin->nat) &&
+ GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap_contains (plugin->nat_wait_conns,
+ &target->hashPubKey)))
+ {
+ _("Found valid IPv4 NAT address (creating session)!\n"));
+ session = create_session (plugin, target, NULL, GNUNET_YES);
+ GNUNET_assert (session != NULL);
+ GNUNET_assert (GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap_put
+ (plugin->nat_wait_conns, &target->hashPubKey, session,
+ "Created NAT WAIT connection to `%4s' at `%s'\n",
+ GNUNET_i2s (target), GNUNET_a2s (sb, sbs));
+ GNUNET_NAT_run_client (plugin->nat, &a4);
+ return session;
+ }
+ /* create new outbound session */
+ GNUNET_assert (0 != plugin->max_connections);
+ sa = GNUNET_CONNECTION_create_from_sockaddr (af, sb, sbs);
+ if (sa == NULL)
+ {
+ "Failed to create connection to `%4s' at `%s'\n",
+ GNUNET_i2s (target), GNUNET_a2s (sb, sbs));
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ plugin->max_connections--;
+ "Asked to transmit to `%4s', creating fresh session using address `%s'.\n",
+ GNUNET_i2s (target), GNUNET_a2s (sb, sbs));
+ session = create_session (plugin,
+ target,
+ GNUNET_SERVER_connect_socket (plugin->server, sa),
+ session->connect_addr = GNUNET_malloc (addrlen);
+ memcpy (session->connect_addr, addr, addrlen);
+ session->connect_alen = addrlen;
+ if (addrlen != 0)
+ {
+ struct GNUNET_ATS_Information ats;
+ ats = plugin->env->get_address_type (plugin->env->cls, sb ,sbs);
+ session->ats_address_network_type = ats.value;
+ }
+ else
+ GNUNET_break (0);
+ GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap_put(plugin->sessionmap, &target->hashPubKey, session, GNUNET_CONTAINER_MULTIHASHMAPOPTION_MULTIPLE);
+ /* Send TCP Welcome */
+ process_pending_messages (session);
+ return session;
* Function that can be called to force a disconnect from the
plugin = GNUNET_malloc (sizeof (struct Plugin));
+ plugin->sessionmap = GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap_create(max_connections);
plugin->max_connections = max_connections;
plugin->open_port = bport;
plugin->adv_port = aport;
api = GNUNET_malloc (sizeof (struct GNUNET_TRANSPORT_PluginFunctions));
api->cls = plugin;
api->send = &tcp_plugin_send;
+ api->send_with_session = &tcp_plugin_send_new;
+ api->create_session = &tcp_plugin_create_session;
api->disconnect = &tcp_plugin_disconnect;
api->address_pretty_printer = &tcp_plugin_address_pretty_printer;
api->check_address = &tcp_plugin_check_address;
GNUNET_free (tcp_probe);
GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap_destroy (plugin->nat_wait_conns);
+ GNUNET_CONTAINER_multihashmap_destroy (plugin->sessionmap);
GNUNET_free (plugin);
GNUNET_free (api);
return NULL;