+++ /dev/null
-FROM ubuntu:18.04
-ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND noninteractive
-# Install tools and dependencies
-RUN apt-get update && \
- apt-get -y install --no-install-recommends \
- ca-certificates \
- libsasl2-modules \
- git \
- automake \
- autopoint \
- autoconf \
- texinfo \
- libtool \
- libltdl-dev \
- libgpg-error-dev \
- libidn11-dev \
- libunistring-dev \
- libglpk-dev \
- libbluetooth-dev \
- libextractor-dev \
- libmicrohttpd-dev \
- libgnutls28-dev \
- libgcrypt20-dev \
- libpq-dev \
- libsqlite3-dev && \
- apt-get clean all && \
- apt-get -y autoremove && \
- rm -rf \
- /var/lib/apt/lists/* \
- /tmp/*
-# Install GNUrl
-ENV GNURL_GIT_URL https://git.taler.net/gnurl.git
-ENV GNURL_GIT_BRANCH gnurl-7.57.0
-RUN git clone $GNURL_GIT_URL \
- --branch $GNURL_GIT_BRANCH \
- --depth=1 \
- --quiet && \
- cd /gnurl && \
- autoreconf -i && \
- ./configure \
- --enable-ipv6 \
- --with-gnutls \
- --without-libssh2 \
- --without-libmetalink \
- --without-winidn \
- --without-librtmp \
- --without-nghttp2 \
- --without-nss \
- --without-cyassl \
- --without-polarssl \
- --without-ssl \
- --without-winssl \
- --without-darwinssl \
- --disable-sspi \
- --disable-ntlm-wb \
- --disable-ldap \
- --disable-rtsp \
- --disable-dict \
- --disable-telnet \
- --disable-tftp \
- --disable-pop3 \
- --disable-imap \
- --disable-smtp \
- --disable-gopher \
- --disable-file \
- --disable-ftp \
- --disable-smb && \
- make install && \
- cd - && \
- rm -fr /gnurl
-# Install GNUnet
-ENV GNUNET_PREFIX /usr/local/gnunet
-ENV CFLAGS '-g -Wall -O0'
-COPY . /gnunet
-RUN cd /gnunet && \
- ./bootstrap && \
- ./configure \
- --with-nssdir=/lib \
- --prefix="$GNUNET_PREFIX" \
- --enable-logging=verbose && \
- make -j3 && \
- make install && \
- ldconfig && \
- cd - && \
- rm -fr /gnunet
-# Configure GNUnet
-COPY docker/gnunet.conf /etc/gnunet.conf
-COPY docker/docker-entrypoint.sh /usr/local/bin/docker-entrypoint
-RUN chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/docker-entrypoint
-ENV LOCAL_PORT_RANGE='40001 40200'
-ENV PATH "$GNUNET_PREFIX/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH"
-ENTRYPOINT ["docker-entrypoint"]
--- /dev/null
+FROM ubuntu:18.04
+ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND noninteractive
+# Install tools and dependencies
+RUN apt-get update && \
+ apt-get -y install --no-install-recommends \
+ ca-certificates \
+ libsasl2-modules \
+ git \
+ automake \
+ autopoint \
+ autoconf \
+ texinfo \
+ libtool \
+ libltdl-dev \
+ libgpg-error-dev \
+ libidn11-dev \
+ libunistring-dev \
+ libglpk-dev \
+ libbluetooth-dev \
+ libextractor-dev \
+ libmicrohttpd-dev \
+ libgnutls28-dev \
+ libgcrypt20-dev \
+ libpq-dev \
+ libsqlite3-dev && \
+ apt-get clean all && \
+ apt-get -y autoremove && \
+ rm -rf \
+ /var/lib/apt/lists/* \
+ /tmp/*
+# Install GNUrl
+ENV GNURL_GIT_URL https://git.taler.net/gnurl.git
+ENV GNURL_GIT_BRANCH gnurl-7.57.0
+RUN git clone $GNURL_GIT_URL \
+ --branch $GNURL_GIT_BRANCH \
+ --depth=1 \
+ --quiet && \
+ cd /gnurl && \
+ autoreconf -i && \
+ ./configure \
+ --enable-ipv6 \
+ --with-gnutls \
+ --without-libssh2 \
+ --without-libmetalink \
+ --without-winidn \
+ --without-librtmp \
+ --without-nghttp2 \
+ --without-nss \
+ --without-cyassl \
+ --without-polarssl \
+ --without-ssl \
+ --without-winssl \
+ --without-darwinssl \
+ --disable-sspi \
+ --disable-ntlm-wb \
+ --disable-ldap \
+ --disable-rtsp \
+ --disable-dict \
+ --disable-telnet \
+ --disable-tftp \
+ --disable-pop3 \
+ --disable-imap \
+ --disable-smtp \
+ --disable-gopher \
+ --disable-file \
+ --disable-ftp \
+ --disable-smb && \
+ make install && \
+ cd - && \
+ rm -fr /gnurl
+# Install GNUnet
+ENV GNUNET_PREFIX /usr/local/gnunet
+ENV CFLAGS '-g -Wall -O0'
+COPY . /gnunet
+RUN cd /gnunet && \
+ ./bootstrap && \
+ ./configure \
+ --with-nssdir=/lib \
+ --prefix="$GNUNET_PREFIX" \
+ --enable-logging=verbose && \
+ make -j3 && \
+ make install && \
+ ldconfig && \
+ cd - && \
+ rm -fr /gnunet
+# Configure GNUnet
+COPY docker/gnunet.conf /etc/gnunet.conf
+COPY docker/docker-entrypoint.sh /usr/local/bin/docker-entrypoint
+RUN chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/docker-entrypoint
+ENV LOCAL_PORT_RANGE='40001 40200'
+ENV PATH "$GNUNET_PREFIX/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH"
+ENTRYPOINT ["docker-entrypoint"]