# and junglegrass, in all other mapgens this flag controls all decorations.
mg_flags (Mapgen flags) flags caves,dungeons,light,decorations,biomes caves,dungeons,light,decorations,biomes,nocaves,nodungeons,nolight,nodecorations,nobiomes
-# Whether dungeons occasionally project from the terrain.
-projecting_dungeons (Projecting dungeons) bool true
[*Biome API temperature and humidity noise parameters]
# Temperature variation for biomes.
settings->setDefault("mg_flags", "caves,dungeons,light,decorations,biomes");
settings->setDefault("fixed_map_seed", "");
settings->setDefault("max_block_generate_distance", "8");
- settings->setDefault("projecting_dungeons", "true");
settings->setDefault("enable_mapgen_debug_info", "false");
// Server list announcing
//TimeTaker t("gen dungeons");
- static const bool preserve_ignore = !g_settings->getBool("projecting_dungeons");
this->vm = vm;
this->blockseed = bseed;
random.seed(bseed + 2);
if (dp.only_in_ground) {
- // Set all air and liquid drawtypes to be untouchable to make dungeons
- // open to air and liquids.
- // Optionally set ignore to be untouchable to prevent projecting dungeons.
+ // Set all air and liquid drawtypes to be untouchable to make dungeons generate
+ // in ground only.
+ // Set 'ignore' to be untouchable to prevent generation in ungenerated neighbor
+ // mapchunks, to avoid dungeon rooms generating outside ground.
// Like randomwalk caves, preserve nodes that have 'is_ground_content = false',
// to avoid dungeons that generate out beyond the edge of a mapchunk destroying
// nodes added by mods in 'register_on_generated()'.
content_t c = vm->m_data[i].getContent();
NodeDrawType dtype = ndef->get(c).drawtype;
if (dtype == NDT_AIRLIKE || dtype == NDT_LIQUID ||
- (preserve_ignore && c == CONTENT_IGNORE) ||
- !ndef->get(c).is_ground_content)
+ c == CONTENT_IGNORE || !ndef->get(c).is_ground_content)