* files for the peers so they can only connect to those allowed
* by the topology. This will only have an effect once peers
* are started if the FRIENDS_ONLY option is set in the base
- * config. Also takes an optional restrict topology which
- * disallows direct TCP connections UNLESS they are specified in
+ * config.
+ *
+ * Also takes an optional restrict topology which
+ * disallows direct connections UNLESS they are specified in
* the restricted topology.
+ * A simple example; if the topology option is set to LINE
+ * peers can ONLY connect in a LINE. However, if the topology
+ * option is set to 2D-torus and the restrict option is set to
+ * line with restrict_transports equal to "tcp udp", then peers
+ * may connect in a 2D-torus, but will be restricted to tcp and
+ * udp connections only in a LINE. Generally it only makes
+ * sense to do this if restrict_topology is a subset of topology.
+ *
+ * For testing peer discovery, etc. it is generally better to
+ * leave restrict_topology as "0" or ALL and then use the
+ * connect_topology function to restrict the initial connection
+ * set.
+ *
* @param pg the peer group struct representing the running peers
* @param topology which topology to connect the peers in
- * @param restrict_topology allow only direct TCP connections in this topology
+ * @param restrict_topology allow only direct connections in this topology,
+ * based on those listed in restrict_transports, set to
+ * GNUNET_TESTING_TOPOLOGY_NONE for no restrictions
* @param restrict_transports space delimited list of transports to blacklist
- * to create restricted topology
+ * to create restricted topology, NULL for none
* @return the maximum number of connections were all allowed peers
* connected to each other
* @param notify_callback notification to be called once all connections completed
* @param notify_cls closure for notification callback
- * @return the number of connections that will be attempted, GNUNET_SYSERR on error
+ * @return the number of connections that will be attempted (multiple of two,
+ * each bidirectional connection counts twice!), GNUNET_SYSERR on error
+ *
GNUNET_TESTING_connect_topology (struct GNUNET_TESTING_PeerGroup *pg,