return value and tparser.striptags(tostring(value))
+function shellquote(value)
+ return string.format("'%s'", string.gsub(value or "", "'", "'\\''"))
-- for bash, ash and similar shells single-quoted strings are taken
-- literally except for single quotes (which terminate the string)
-- (and the exception noted below for dash (-) at the start of a
if not haveldd or not haveexe then
return false
- local libs = exec("/usr/bin/ldd " .. fullpathexe)
+ local libs = exec(string.format("/usr/bin/ldd %s", shellquote(fullpathexe)))
if not libs then
return false
@return String with HTML tags stripped of
+Safely quote value for use in shell commands.
+@class function
+@name shellquote
+@param value String containing the value to quote
+@return Single-quote enclosed string with embedded quotes escaped
Splits given string on a defined separator sequence and return a table