use File::Spec::Functions qw/file_name_is_absolute curdir canonpath splitdir
catdir catfile splitpath catpath devnull abs2rel
-use File::Path 2.00 qw/remove_tree mkpath/;
+use File::Path 2.00 qw/rmtree mkpath/;
# The name of the test. This is set by setup() and is used in the other
if ($opts{cleanup}) {
- remove_tree($subdir, { safe => 0 });
+ rmtree($subdir, { safe => 0 });
return undef unless chdir($dir);
if ($opts{cleanup}) {
- remove_tree(".", { safe => 0, keep_root => 1 });
+ rmtree(".", { safe => 0, keep_root => 1 });
# For each of these directory variables, figure out where they are relative