+++ /dev/null
-# This file is part of GNUnet.
-# (C) 2013 Christian Grothoff (and other contributing authors)
-# GNUnet is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
-# by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your
-# option) any later version.
-# GNUnet is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with GNUnet; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
-# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
-# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-# File: gnunet-chk.py
-# Brief: Computes GNUNET style Content Hash Key for a given file
-# Author: Sree Harsha Totakura
-from hashlib import sha512
-import logging
-import os
-import getopt
-import sys
-from Crypto.Cipher import AES
-# Defaults
-DBLOCK_SIZE = (32 * 1024) # Data block size
-# Pick a multiple of 2 here to achive 8-byte alignment! We also
-# probably want DBlocks to have (roughly) the same size as IBlocks.
-# With SHA-512, the optimal value is 32768 byte / 128 byte = 256 (128
-# byte = 2 * 512 bits). DO NOT CHANGE!
-CHK_HASH_SIZE = 64 # SHA-512 hash = 512 bits = 64 bytes
-CHK_QUERY_SIZE = CHK_HASH_SIZE # Again a SHA-512 hash
-GNUNET_FS_URI_PREFIX = "gnunet://fs/" # FS CHK URI prefix
-def encode_data_to_string(data):
- """Returns an ASCII encoding of the given data block like
- GNUNET_STRINGS_data_to_string() function.
- data: A bytearray representing the block of data which has to be encoded
- """
- echart = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUV"
- assert (None != data)
- assert (bytearray == type(data))
- size = len(data)
- assert (0 != size)
- vbit = 0
- wpos = 0
- rpos = 0
- bits = 0
- out = ""
- while (rpos < size) or (vbit > 0):
- if (rpos < size) and (vbit < 5):
- bits = (bits << 8) | data[rpos] # eat 8 more bits
- rpos += 1
- vbit += 8
- if (vbit < 5):
- bits <<= (5 - vbit) # zero-padding
- assert (vbit == ((size * 8) % 5))
- vbit = 5
- out += echart[(bits >> (vbit - 5)) & 31]
- wpos += 1
- vbit -= 5
- assert (0 == vbit)
- return out;
-def sha512_hash(data):
- """ Returns the sha512 hash of the given data.
- data: string to hash
- """
- hash_obj = sha512()
- hash_obj.update(data)
- return hash_obj.digest()
-class AESKey:
- """Class for AES Keys. Contains the main key and the initialization
- vector. """
- key = None # The actual AES key
- iv = None # The initialization vector
- cipher = None # The cipher object
- KEY_SIZE = 32 # AES 256-bit key = 32 bytes
- IV_SIZE = AES.block_size # Initialization vector size (= AES block size)
- def __init__(self, passphrase):
- """Creates a new AES key.
- passphrase: string containing the passphrase to get the AES key and
- initialization vector
- """
- passphrase = bytearray(passphrase);
- self.key = bytearray(self.KEY_SIZE)
- self.iv = bytearray(self.IV_SIZE)
- if (len(passphrase) > self.KEY_SIZE):
- self.key = passphrase[:self.KEY_SIZE]
- passphrase = passphrase[self.KEY_SIZE:]
- if (len(passphrase) > self.IV_SIZE):
- self.iv = passphrase[:self.IV_SIZE]
- else:
- self.iv[0:len(passphrase)] = passphrase
- else:
- self.key[0:len(passphrase)] = passphrase
- self.key = str(self.key)
- self.iv = str(self.iv)
- assert (len(self.key) == self.KEY_SIZE)
- assert (len(self.iv) == self.IV_SIZE)
-def setup_aes_cipher_(aes_key):
- """Initializes the AES object with settings similar to those in GNUnet.
- aes_key: the AESKey object
- Returns the newly initialized AES object
- """
- return AES.new(aes_key.key, AES.MODE_CFB, aes_key.iv, segment_size=128)
-def aes_pad_(data):
- """Adds padding to the data such that the size of the data is a multiple of
- 16 bytes
- data: the data string
- Returns a tuple:(pad_len, data). pad_len denotes the number of bytes added
- as padding; data is the new data string with padded bytes at the end
- """
- pad_len = len(data) % 16
- if (0 != pad_len):
- pad_len = 16 - pad_len
- pad_bytes = bytearray(15)
- data += str(pad_bytes[:pad_len])
- return (pad_len, data)
-def aes_encrypt(aes_key, data):
- """Encrypts the given data using AES.
- aes_key: the AESKey object to use for AES encryption
- data: the data string to encrypt
- """
- (pad_len, data) = aes_pad_(data)
- cipher = setup_aes_cipher_(aes_key)
- enc_data = cipher.encrypt(data)
- if (0 != pad_len):
- enc_data = enc_data[:-pad_len]
- return enc_data
-def aes_decrypt(aes_key, data):
- """Decrypts the given data using AES
- aes_key: the AESKey object to use for AES decryption
- data: the data string to decrypt
- """
- (pad_len, data) = aes_pad_(data)
- cipher = setup_aes_cipher_(aes_key)
- ptext = cipher.decrypt(data)
- if (0 != pad_len):
- ptext = ptext[:-pad_len]
- return ptext
-class Chk:
- """Class for the content hash key."""
- key = None
- query = None
- fsize = None
- def __init__(self, key, query):
- assert (len(key) == CHK_HASH_SIZE)
- assert (len(query) == CHK_QUERY_SIZE)
- self.key = key
- self.query = query
- def setSize(self, size):
- self.fsize = size
- def uri(self):
- sizestr = repr(self.fsize)
- if isinstance(self.fsize, long):
- sizestr = sizestr[:-1]
- encode_data_to_string(bytearray(self.key)) + "." + \
- encode_data_to_string(bytearray(self.query)) + "." + \
- sizestr
-def compute_depth_(size):
- """Computes the depth of the hash tree.
- size: the size of the file whose tree's depth has to be computed
- Returns the depth of the tree. Always > 0.
- """
- depth = 1
- while (fl < size):
- depth += 1
- if ((fl * CHK_PER_INODE) < fl):
- return depth
- fl = fl * CHK_PER_INODE
- return depth
-def compute_tree_size_(depth):
- """Calculate how many bytes of payload a block tree of the given depth MAY
- correspond to at most (this function ignores the fact that some blocks will
- only be present partially due to the total file size cutting some blocks
- off at the end).
- depth: depth of the block. depth==0 is a DBLOCK.
- Returns the number of bytes of payload a subtree of this depth may
- correspond to.
- """
- rsize = DBLOCK_SIZE
- for cnt in range(0, depth):
- rsize *= CHK_PER_INODE
- return rsize
-def compute_chk_offset_(depth, end_offset):
- """Compute the offset of the CHK for the current block in the IBlock
- above
- depth: depth of the IBlock in the tree (aka overall number of tree levels
- minus depth); 0 == DBLOCK
- end_offset: current offset in the overall file, at the *beginning* of the
- block for DBLOCK (depth == 0), otherwise at the *end* of the
- block (exclusive)
- Returns the offset in the list of CHKs in the above IBlock
- """
- bds = compute_tree_size_(depth)
- if (depth > 0):
- end_offset -= 1
- ret = end_offset / bds
- return ret % CHK_PER_INODE
-def compute_iblock_size_(depth, offset):
- """Compute the size of the current IBLOCK. The encoder is triggering the
- calculation of the size of an IBLOCK at the *end* (hence end_offset) of its
- construction. The IBLOCK maybe a full or a partial IBLOCK, and this
- function is to calculate how long it should be.
- depth: depth of the IBlock in the tree, 0 would be a DBLOCK, must be > 0
- (this function is for IBLOCKs only!)
- offset: current offset in the payload (!) of the overall file, must be > 0
- (since this function is called at the end of a block).
- Returns the number of elements to be in the corresponding IBlock
- """
- assert (depth > 0)
- assert (offset > 0)
- bds = compute_tree_size_(depth)
- mod = offset % bds
- if mod is 0:
- else:
- bds /= CHK_PER_INODE
- ret = mod / bds
- if (mod % bds) is not 0:
- ret += 1
- return ret
-def compute_rootchk(readin, size):
- """Returns the content hash key after generating the hash tree for the given
- input stream.
- readin: the stream where to read data from
- size: the size of data to be read
- """
- depth = compute_depth_(size);
- current_depth = 0
- chks = [None] * (depth * CHK_PER_INODE) # list buffer
- read_offset = 0
- logging.debug("Begining to calculate tree hash with depth: " + repr(depth))
- while True:
- if (depth == current_depth):
- off = CHK_PER_INODE * (depth - 1)
- assert (chks[off] is not None)
- logging.debug("Encoding done, reading CHK `" + chks[off].query + \
- "' from " + repr(off) + "\n")
- uri_chk = chks[off]
- assert (size == read_offset)
- uri_chk.setSize(size)
- return uri_chk
- if (0 == current_depth):
- pt_size = min(DBLOCK_SIZE, size - read_offset);
- try:
- pt_block = readin.read(pt_size)
- except IOError:
- logging.warning("Error reading input file stream")
- return None
- else:
- pt_elements = compute_iblock_size_(current_depth, read_offset)
- pt_block = ""
- pt_block = \
- reduce((lambda ba, chk:
- ba + (chk.key + chk.query)),
- chks[(current_depth - 1) * CHK_PER_INODE:][:pt_elements],
- pt_block)
- pt_size = pt_elements * (CHK_HASH_SIZE + CHK_QUERY_SIZE)
- assert (len(pt_block) == pt_size)
- assert (pt_size <= DBLOCK_SIZE)
- off = compute_chk_offset_(current_depth, read_offset)
- logging.debug("Encoding data at offset " + repr(read_offset) + \
- " and depth " + repr(current_depth) + " with block " \
- "size " + repr(pt_size) + " and target CHK offset " + \
- repr(current_depth * CHK_PER_INODE))
- pt_hash = sha512_hash(pt_block)
- pt_aes_key = AESKey(pt_hash)
- pt_enc = aes_encrypt(pt_aes_key, pt_block)
- pt_enc_hash = sha512_hash(pt_enc)
- chk = Chk(pt_hash, pt_enc_hash)
- chks[(current_depth * CHK_PER_INODE) + off] = chk
- if (0 == current_depth):
- read_offset += pt_size
- if (read_offset == size) or \
- (0 == (read_offset % (CHK_PER_INODE * DBLOCK_SIZE))):
- current_depth += 1
- else:
- if (CHK_PER_INODE == off) or (read_offset == size):
- current_depth += 1
- else:
- current_depth = 0
-def chkuri_from_path(path):
- """Returns the CHK URI of the file at the given path.
- path: the path of the file whose CHK has to be calculated
- """
- size = os.path.getsize(path)
- readin = open(path, "rb")
- chk = compute_rootchk(readin, size)
- readin.close()
- return chk.uri()
-def usage():
- """Prints help about using this script."""
- print("""
-Usage: gnunet-chk.py [options] file
-Prints the Content Hash Key of given file in GNUNET-style URI.
- -h, --help : prints this message
-if '__main__' == __name__:
- try:
- opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "h", ["help"])
- except getopt.GetoptError, err:
- print(err)
- print("Exception occured")
- usage()
- sys.exit(2)
- for option, value in opts:
- if option in("-h", "--help"):
- usage()
- sys.exit(0)
- if len(args) != 1:
- print("Incorrect number of arguments passed")
- usage()
- sys.exit(1)
- print chkuri_from_path(args[0])
--- /dev/null
+# This file is part of GNUnet.
+# (C) 2013, 2018 Christian Grothoff (and other contributing authors)
+# GNUnet is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
+# by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your
+# option) any later version.
+# GNUnet is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with GNUnet; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
+# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+# File: gnunet-chk.py
+# Brief: Computes GNUNET style Content Hash Key for a given file
+# Author: Sree Harsha Totakura
+from hashlib import sha512
+import logging
+import os
+import getopt
+import sys
+from Crypto.Cipher import AES
+# Defaults
+DBLOCK_SIZE = (32 * 1024) # Data block size
+# Pick a multiple of 2 here to achive 8-byte alignment! We also
+# probably want DBlocks to have (roughly) the same size as IBlocks.
+# With SHA-512, the optimal value is 32768 byte / 128 byte = 256 (128
+# byte = 2 * 512 bits). DO NOT CHANGE!
+CHK_HASH_SIZE = 64 # SHA-512 hash = 512 bits = 64 bytes
+CHK_QUERY_SIZE = CHK_HASH_SIZE # Again a SHA-512 hash
+GNUNET_FS_URI_PREFIX = "gnunet://fs/" # FS CHK URI prefix
+def encode_data_to_string(data):
+ """Returns an ASCII encoding of the given data block like
+ GNUNET_STRINGS_data_to_string() function.
+ data: A bytearray representing the block of data which has to be encoded
+ """
+ echart = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUV"
+ assert (None != data)
+ assert (bytearray == type(data))
+ size = len(data)
+ assert (0 != size)
+ vbit = 0
+ wpos = 0
+ rpos = 0
+ bits = 0
+ out = ""
+ while (rpos < size) or (vbit > 0):
+ if (rpos < size) and (vbit < 5):
+ bits = (bits << 8) | data[rpos] # eat 8 more bits
+ rpos += 1
+ vbit += 8
+ if (vbit < 5):
+ bits <<= (5 - vbit) # zero-padding
+ assert (vbit == ((size * 8) % 5))
+ vbit = 5
+ out += echart[(bits >> (vbit - 5)) & 31]
+ wpos += 1
+ vbit -= 5
+ assert (0 == vbit)
+ return out;
+def sha512_hash(data):
+ """ Returns the sha512 hash of the given data.
+ data: string to hash
+ """
+ hash_obj = sha512()
+ hash_obj.update(data)
+ return hash_obj.digest()
+class AESKey:
+ """Class for AES Keys. Contains the main key and the initialization
+ vector. """
+ key = None # The actual AES key
+ iv = None # The initialization vector
+ cipher = None # The cipher object
+ KEY_SIZE = 32 # AES 256-bit key = 32 bytes
+ IV_SIZE = AES.block_size # Initialization vector size (= AES block size)
+ def __init__(self, passphrase):
+ """Creates a new AES key.
+ passphrase: string containing the passphrase to get the AES key and
+ initialization vector
+ """
+ passphrase = bytearray(passphrase);
+ self.key = bytearray(self.KEY_SIZE)
+ self.iv = bytearray(self.IV_SIZE)
+ if (len(passphrase) > self.KEY_SIZE):
+ self.key = passphrase[:self.KEY_SIZE]
+ passphrase = passphrase[self.KEY_SIZE:]
+ if (len(passphrase) > self.IV_SIZE):
+ self.iv = passphrase[:self.IV_SIZE]
+ else:
+ self.iv[0:len(passphrase)] = passphrase
+ else:
+ self.key[0:len(passphrase)] = passphrase
+ self.key = str(self.key)
+ self.iv = str(self.iv)
+ assert (len(self.key) == self.KEY_SIZE)
+ assert (len(self.iv) == self.IV_SIZE)
+def setup_aes_cipher_(aes_key):
+ """Initializes the AES object with settings similar to those in GNUnet.
+ aes_key: the AESKey object
+ Returns the newly initialized AES object
+ """
+ return AES.new(aes_key.key, AES.MODE_CFB, aes_key.iv, segment_size=128)
+def aes_pad_(data):
+ """Adds padding to the data such that the size of the data is a multiple of
+ 16 bytes
+ data: the data string
+ Returns a tuple:(pad_len, data). pad_len denotes the number of bytes added
+ as padding; data is the new data string with padded bytes at the end
+ """
+ pad_len = len(data) % 16
+ if (0 != pad_len):
+ pad_len = 16 - pad_len
+ pad_bytes = bytearray(15)
+ data += str(pad_bytes[:pad_len])
+ return (pad_len, data)
+def aes_encrypt(aes_key, data):
+ """Encrypts the given data using AES.
+ aes_key: the AESKey object to use for AES encryption
+ data: the data string to encrypt
+ """
+ (pad_len, data) = aes_pad_(data)
+ cipher = setup_aes_cipher_(aes_key)
+ enc_data = cipher.encrypt(data)
+ if (0 != pad_len):
+ enc_data = enc_data[:-pad_len]
+ return enc_data
+def aes_decrypt(aes_key, data):
+ """Decrypts the given data using AES
+ aes_key: the AESKey object to use for AES decryption
+ data: the data string to decrypt
+ """
+ (pad_len, data) = aes_pad_(data)
+ cipher = setup_aes_cipher_(aes_key)
+ ptext = cipher.decrypt(data)
+ if (0 != pad_len):
+ ptext = ptext[:-pad_len]
+ return ptext
+class Chk:
+ """Class for the content hash key."""
+ key = None
+ query = None
+ fsize = None
+ def __init__(self, key, query):
+ assert (len(key) == CHK_HASH_SIZE)
+ assert (len(query) == CHK_QUERY_SIZE)
+ self.key = key
+ self.query = query
+ def setSize(self, size):
+ self.fsize = size
+ def uri(self):
+ sizestr = repr(self.fsize)
+ if isinstance(self.fsize, long):
+ sizestr = sizestr[:-1]
+ encode_data_to_string(bytearray(self.key)) + "." + \
+ encode_data_to_string(bytearray(self.query)) + "." + \
+ sizestr
+def compute_depth_(size):
+ """Computes the depth of the hash tree.
+ size: the size of the file whose tree's depth has to be computed
+ Returns the depth of the tree. Always > 0.
+ """
+ depth = 1
+ while (fl < size):
+ depth += 1
+ if ((fl * CHK_PER_INODE) < fl):
+ return depth
+ fl = fl * CHK_PER_INODE
+ return depth
+def compute_tree_size_(depth):
+ """Calculate how many bytes of payload a block tree of the given depth MAY
+ correspond to at most (this function ignores the fact that some blocks will
+ only be present partially due to the total file size cutting some blocks
+ off at the end).
+ depth: depth of the block. depth==0 is a DBLOCK.
+ Returns the number of bytes of payload a subtree of this depth may
+ correspond to.
+ """
+ rsize = DBLOCK_SIZE
+ for cnt in range(0, depth):
+ rsize *= CHK_PER_INODE
+ return rsize
+def compute_chk_offset_(depth, end_offset):
+ """Compute the offset of the CHK for the current block in the IBlock
+ above
+ depth: depth of the IBlock in the tree (aka overall number of tree levels
+ minus depth); 0 == DBLOCK
+ end_offset: current offset in the overall file, at the *beginning* of the
+ block for DBLOCK (depth == 0), otherwise at the *end* of the
+ block (exclusive)
+ Returns the offset in the list of CHKs in the above IBlock
+ """
+ bds = compute_tree_size_(depth)
+ if (depth > 0):
+ end_offset -= 1
+ ret = end_offset / bds
+ return ret % CHK_PER_INODE
+def compute_iblock_size_(depth, offset):
+ """Compute the size of the current IBLOCK. The encoder is triggering the
+ calculation of the size of an IBLOCK at the *end* (hence end_offset) of its
+ construction. The IBLOCK maybe a full or a partial IBLOCK, and this
+ function is to calculate how long it should be.
+ depth: depth of the IBlock in the tree, 0 would be a DBLOCK, must be > 0
+ (this function is for IBLOCKs only!)
+ offset: current offset in the payload (!) of the overall file, must be > 0
+ (since this function is called at the end of a block).
+ Returns the number of elements to be in the corresponding IBlock
+ """
+ assert (depth > 0)
+ assert (offset > 0)
+ bds = compute_tree_size_(depth)
+ mod = offset % bds
+ if mod is 0:
+ else:
+ bds /= CHK_PER_INODE
+ ret = mod / bds
+ if (mod % bds) is not 0:
+ ret += 1
+ return ret
+def compute_rootchk(readin, size):
+ """Returns the content hash key after generating the hash tree for the given
+ input stream.
+ readin: the stream where to read data from
+ size: the size of data to be read
+ """
+ depth = compute_depth_(size);
+ current_depth = 0
+ chks = [None] * (depth * CHK_PER_INODE) # list buffer
+ read_offset = 0
+ logging.debug("Begining to calculate tree hash with depth: " + repr(depth))
+ while True:
+ if (depth == current_depth):
+ off = CHK_PER_INODE * (depth - 1)
+ assert (chks[off] is not None)
+ logging.debug("Encoding done, reading CHK `" + chks[off].query + \
+ "' from " + repr(off) + "\n")
+ uri_chk = chks[off]
+ assert (size == read_offset)
+ uri_chk.setSize(size)
+ return uri_chk
+ if (0 == current_depth):
+ pt_size = min(DBLOCK_SIZE, size - read_offset);
+ try:
+ pt_block = readin.read(pt_size)
+ except IOError:
+ logging.warning("Error reading input file stream")
+ return None
+ else:
+ pt_elements = compute_iblock_size_(current_depth, read_offset)
+ pt_block = ""
+ pt_block = \
+ reduce((lambda ba, chk:
+ ba + (chk.key + chk.query)),
+ chks[(current_depth - 1) * CHK_PER_INODE:][:pt_elements],
+ pt_block)
+ pt_size = pt_elements * (CHK_HASH_SIZE + CHK_QUERY_SIZE)
+ assert (len(pt_block) == pt_size)
+ assert (pt_size <= DBLOCK_SIZE)
+ off = compute_chk_offset_(current_depth, read_offset)
+ logging.debug("Encoding data at offset " + repr(read_offset) + \
+ " and depth " + repr(current_depth) + " with block " \
+ "size " + repr(pt_size) + " and target CHK offset " + \
+ repr(current_depth * CHK_PER_INODE))
+ pt_hash = sha512_hash(pt_block)
+ pt_aes_key = AESKey(pt_hash)
+ pt_enc = aes_encrypt(pt_aes_key, pt_block)
+ pt_enc_hash = sha512_hash(pt_enc)
+ chk = Chk(pt_hash, pt_enc_hash)
+ chks[(current_depth * CHK_PER_INODE) + off] = chk
+ if (0 == current_depth):
+ read_offset += pt_size
+ if (read_offset == size) or \
+ (0 == (read_offset % (CHK_PER_INODE * DBLOCK_SIZE))):
+ current_depth += 1
+ else:
+ if (CHK_PER_INODE == off) or (read_offset == size):
+ current_depth += 1
+ else:
+ current_depth = 0
+def chkuri_from_path(path):
+ """Returns the CHK URI of the file at the given path.
+ path: the path of the file whose CHK has to be calculated
+ """
+ size = os.path.getsize(path)
+ readin = open(path, "rb")
+ chk = compute_rootchk(readin, size)
+ readin.close()
+ return chk.uri()
+def usage():
+ """Prints help about using this script."""
+ print("""
+Usage: gnunet-chk.py [options] file
+Prints the Content Hash Key of given file in GNUNET-style URI.
+ -h, --help : prints this message
+if '__main__' == __name__:
+ try:
+ opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "h", ["help"])
+ except getopt.GetoptError, err:
+ print(err)
+ print("Exception occured")
+ usage()
+ sys.exit(2)
+ for option, value in opts:
+ if option in("-h", "--help"):
+ usage()
+ sys.exit(0)
+ if len(args) != 1:
+ print("Incorrect number of arguments passed")
+ usage()
+ sys.exit(1)
+ print chkuri_from_path(args[0])