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+<project id="luci.null.949486034" name="luci"/>
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+ <name>org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.genmakebuilder</name>
+ <triggers>clean,full,incremental,</triggers>
+ <arguments>
+ <dictionary>
+ <key>?name?</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </dictionary>
+ <dictionary>
+ <key>org.eclipse.cdt.make.core.append_environment</key>
+ <value>true</value>
+ </dictionary>
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+ <key>org.eclipse.cdt.make.core.autoBuildTarget</key>
+ <value>all</value>
+ </dictionary>
+ <dictionary>
+ <key>org.eclipse.cdt.make.core.buildArguments</key>
+ <value></value>
+ </dictionary>
+ <dictionary>
+ <key>org.eclipse.cdt.make.core.buildCommand</key>
+ <value>make</value>
+ </dictionary>
+ <dictionary>
+ <key>org.eclipse.cdt.make.core.cleanBuildTarget</key>
+ <value>clean</value>
+ </dictionary>
+ <dictionary>
+ <key>org.eclipse.cdt.make.core.contents</key>
+ <value>org.eclipse.cdt.make.core.activeConfigSettings</value>
+ </dictionary>
+ <dictionary>
+ <key>org.eclipse.cdt.make.core.enableAutoBuild</key>
+ <value>false</value>
+ </dictionary>
+ <dictionary>
+ <key>org.eclipse.cdt.make.core.enableCleanBuild</key>
+ <value>true</value>
+ </dictionary>
+ <dictionary>
+ <key>org.eclipse.cdt.make.core.enableFullBuild</key>
+ <value>true</value>
+ </dictionary>
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+ <key>org.eclipse.cdt.make.core.fullBuildTarget</key>
+ <value>all</value>
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+ <value>true</value>
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+ <value>true</value>
+ </dictionary>
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+ <arguments>
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+ <nature>org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.managedBuildNature</nature>
+ <nature>org.eclipse.cdt.core.cnature</nature>
include build/config.mk
-MODULES = applications/* libs/* modules/* themes/* i18n/* contrib/*
+MODULES = contrib/* applications/* libs/* modules/* themes/* i18n/*
OS:=$(shell uname)
export OS
build: gccbuild luabuild
- for i in $(MODULES); do make -C$$i compile; done
+ for i in $(MODULES); do make -C$$i compile; done
for i in $(MODULES); do make -C$$i luabuild; done
hostenv: host ucidefaults
- build/hostenv.sh $(realpath host) $(LUA_MODULEDIR) $(LUA_LIBRARYDIR) "$(realpath host)/bin/uci-defaults --exclude luci-community-*"
+ build/hostenv.sh $(realpath host) $(LUA_MODULEDIR) $(LUA_LIBRARYDIR) "$(realpath host)/bin/uci-defaults --exclude luci-freifunk-*"
runboa: hostenv
libs/sgi-webuci/host/buildconfig.sh $(realpath host) > host/etc/boa/boa.conf
build/hostenv.sh $(realpath host) $(LUA_MODULEDIR) $(LUA_LIBRARYDIR) "$(realpath host/usr/bin/boa) -c $(realpath host/etc/boa) -d"
runhttpd: hostenv
- build/hostenv.sh $(realpath host) $(LUA_MODULEDIR) $(LUA_LIBRARYDIR) "$(realpath libs/httpd/host/runluci) $(realpath host) $(HTDOCS)"
+ build/hostenv.sh $(realpath host) $(LUA_MODULEDIR) $(LUA_LIBRARYDIR) "$(realpath host/usr/bin/lucittpd) $(realpath host)/usr/lib/lucittpd/plugins"
runluci: luahost
build/hostenv.sh $(realpath host) $(LUA_MODULEDIR) $(LUA_LIBRARYDIR) "$(realpath libs/httpd/host/runluci) $(realpath host) $(HTDOCS)"
apidocs: hostenv
build/hostenv.sh $(realpath host) $(LUA_MODULEDIR) $(LUA_LIBRARYDIR) "build/makedocs.sh host/luci/ docs"
+uvldocs: hostenv
+ build/hostenv.sh $(realpath host) $(LUA_MODULEDIR) $(LUA_LIBRARYDIR) \
+ "build/uvldoc $(realpath host) $(UVL_SCHEMEDIR) uvldocs $(DOCS)"
# make run is deprecated #
# Please use: #
# #
- # To run LuCI WebUI using LuCI HTTPD #
+ # To run LuCI WebUI using LuCIttpd #
# make runhttpd #
# #
# To run LuCI WebUI using Boa/Webuci #
module "luci.controller.ffwizard"
function index()
- entry({"admin", "index", "ffwizard"}, form("ffwizard"), "Freifunkassistent", 50)
+ entry({"admin", "freifunk", "ffwizard"}, form("ffwizard"), "Freifunkassistent", 50)
\ No newline at end of file
local uci = require "luci.model.uci".cursor()
local tools = require "luci.tools.ffwizard"
+local util = require "luci.util"
-------------------- View --------------------
main = f:field(Flag, "wifi", "Freifunkzugang einrichten")
-net = f:field(Value, "net", "Freifunknetz")
+net = f:field(Value, "net", "Freifunknetz", "1. Teil der IP-Adresse")
net.rmempty = true
net:depends("wifi", "1")
-net:value("104.61", "Leipzig (104.61)")
-net:value("104.62", "Halle (104.62)")
+uci:foreach("freifunk", "community", function(s)
+ net:value(s[".name"], "%s (%s)" % {s.name, s.prefix})
function net.cfgvalue(self, section)
return uci:get("freifunk", "wizard", "net")
-subnet = f:field(ListValue, "subnet", "Subnetz (Projekt)")
+subnet = f:field(Value, "subnet", "Subnetz (Projekt)", "2. Teil der IP-Adresse")
subnet.rmempty = true
subnet:depends("wifi", "1")
-for i=0, 255 do
- subnet:value(i)
function subnet.cfgvalue(self, section)
return uci:get("freifunk", "wizard", "subnet")
-node = f:field(Value, "node", "Knoten")
+node = f:field(Value, "node", "Knoten", "3. Teil der IP-Adresse")
node.rmempty = true
node:depends("wifi", "1")
for i=1, 51 do
client = f:field(Flag, "client", "WLAN-DHCP anbieten")
client:depends("wifi", "1")
+client.rmempty = true
olsr = f:field(Flag, "olsr", "OLSR einrichten")
+olsr.rmempty = true
-share = f:field(ListValue, "sharenet", "Eigenen Internetzugang freigeben")
-share:value("maybe", "-- keine Aktion --")
-share:value("yes", "einschalten")
-share:value("no", "ausschalten")
+share = f:field(Flag, "sharenet", "Eigenen Internetzugang freigeben")
+share.rmempty = true
if value == "0" then
local device = dev:formvalue(section)
+ local community, external
-- Collect IP-Address
local inet = net:formvalue(section)
local isubnet = subnet:formvalue(section)
local inode = node:formvalue(section)
-- Invalidate fields
if not inet then
net.tag_missing[section] = true
+ else
+ community = inet
+ external = uci:get("freifunk", community, "external") or ""
+ inet = uci:get("freifunk", community, "prefix") or inet
if not isubnet then
subnet.tag_missing[section] = true
if not inode then
node.tag_missing[section] = true
if not inet or not isubnet or not inode then
local ip = "%s.%s.%s" % {inet, isubnet, inode}
-- Cleanup
- luci.util.perror("1")
- luci.util.perror("2")
- luci.util.perror("3")
tools.firewall_zone_remove_interface("freifunk", device)
+ -- Tune community settings
+ if community and uci:get("freifunk", community) then
+ uci:tset("freifunk", "community", uci:get_all("freifunk", community))
+ end
-- Tune wifi device
- local devconfig = _strip_internals(uci:get_all("freifunk", "wifi_device"))
+ local devconfig = uci:get_all("freifunk", "wifi_device")
+ util.update(devconfig, uci:get_all(external, "wifi_device") or {})
uci:tset("wireless", device, devconfig)
-- Create wifi iface
- local ifconfig = _strip_internals(uci:get_all("freifunk", "wifi_iface"))
+ local ifconfig = uci:get_all("freifunk", "wifi_iface")
+ util.update(ifconfig, uci:get_all(external, "wifi_iface") or {})
ifconfig.device = device
+ ifconfig.network = device
+ ifconfig.ssid = uci:get("freifunk", community, "ssid")
uci:section("wireless", "wifi-iface", nil, ifconfig)
-- Save wifi
- uci:save("wireless")
+ uci:save("wireless")
-- Create firewall zone and add default rules (first time)
local newzone = tools.firewall_create_zone("freifunk", "DROP", "ACCEPT", "DROP", true)
if newzone then
uci:foreach("freifunk", "fw_forwarding", function(section)
- uci:section("firewall", "forwarding", nil, _strip_internals(section))
+ uci:section("firewall", "forwarding", nil, section)
+ end)
+ uci:foreach(external, "fw_forwarding", function(section)
+ uci:section("firewall", "forwarding", nil, section)
uci:foreach("freifunk", "fw_rule", function(section)
- uci:section("firewall", "rule", nil, _strip_internals(section))
+ uci:section("firewall", "rule", nil, section)
+ end)
+ uci:foreach(external, "fw_rule", function(section)
+ uci:section("firewall", "rule", nil, section)
-- Crate network interface
- local netconfig = _strip_internals(uci:get_all("freifunk", "interface"))
+ local netconfig = uci:get_all("freifunk", "interface")
+ util.update(netconfig, uci:get_all(external, "interface") or {})
+ netconfig.proto = "static"
netconfig.ipaddr = ip
uci:section("network", "interface", device, netconfig)
tools.firewall_zone_add_interface("freifunk", device)
if value == "0" then
local device = dev:formvalue(section)
+ local community = net:formvalue(section)
+ local external = community and uci:get("freifunk", community, "external") or ""
-- Delete old interface
- uci:delete_all("freifunk", "Interface", {Interface=device})
+ uci:delete_all("olsrd", "Interface", {interface=device})
-- Write new interface
- local olsrbase = _strip_internals(uci:get_all("freifunk", "olsr_interface"))
- olsrbase.Interface = device
- uci:section("olsr", "Interface", nil, olsrbase)
- uci:save("olsr")
+ local olsrbase = uci:get_all("freifunk", "olsr_interface")
+ util.update(olsrbase, uci:get_all(external, "olsr_interface") or {})
+ olsrbase.interface = device
+ olsrbase.ignore = "0"
+ uci:section("olsrd", "Interface", nil, olsrbase)
+ uci:save("olsrd")
function share.write(self, section, value)
- if value == "maybe" then
- return
- end
uci:delete_all("firewall", "forwarding", {src="freifunk", dest="wan"})
- if value == "yes" then
+ if value == "1" then
uci:section("firewall", "forwarding", nil, {src="freifunk", dest="wan"})
if value == "0" then
local device = dev:formvalue(section)
-- Collect IP-Address
local inet = net:formvalue(section)
local isubnet = subnet:formvalue(section)
local inode = node:formvalue(section)
if not inet or not isubnet or not inode then
- local dhcpbeg = 48 + tonumber(inode) * 4
+ local community = inet
+ local external = community and uci:get("freifunk", community, "external") or ""
+ inet = uci:get("freifunk", community, "prefix") or inet
+ local dhcpbeg = 48 + tonumber(inode) * 4
local dclient = "%s.%s.%s" % {inet:gsub("^[0-9]+", "10"), isubnet, dhcpbeg}
local limit = dhcpbeg < 252 and 3 or 2
-- Delete old alias
uci:delete("network", device .. "dhcp")
-- Create alias
- local aliasbase = _strip_internals(uci:get_all("freifunk", "alias"))
+ local aliasbase = uci:get_all("freifunk", "alias")
+ util.update(aliasbase, uci:get_all(external, "alias") or {})
aliasbase.interface = device
aliasbase.ipaddr = dclient
aliasbase.proto = "static"
uci:section("network", "alias", device .. "dhcp", aliasbase)
-- Create dhcp
- local dhcpbase = _strip_internals(uci:get_all("freifunk", "dhcp"))
+ local dhcpbase = uci:get_all("freifunk", "dhcp")
+ util.update(dhcpbase, uci:get_all(external, "dhcp") or {})
dhcpbase.interface = device .. "dhcp"
dhcpbase.start = dhcpbeg
dhcpbase.limit = limit
uci:section("dhcp", "dhcp", device .. "dhcp", dhcpbase)
+ uci:delete_all("firewall", "rule", {
+ src="freifunk",
+ proto="udp",
+ src_port="68",
+ dest_port="67"
+ })
+ uci:section("firewall", "rule", nil, {
+ src="freifunk",
+ proto="udp",
+ src_port="68",
+ dest_port="67",
+ target="ACCEPT"
+ })
+ uci:delete_all("firewall", "rule", {
+ src="freifunk",
+ proto="tcp",
+ dest_port="8082",
+ })
+ uci:section("firewall", "rule", nil, {
+ src="freifunk",
+ proto="tcp",
+ dest_port="8082",
+ target="ACCEPT"
+ })
-- Delete old splash
uci:delete_all("luci_splash", "iface", {net=device, zone="freifunk"})
-- Register splash
uci:section("luci_splash", "iface", nil, {net=device, zone="freifunk"})
-return f
\ No newline at end of file
+return f
-- Deletes a network interface and all occurences of it in firewall zones and dhcp
function network_remove_interface(iface)
local cursor = uci.cursor()
if not cursor:delete("network", iface) then
return false
local aliases = {iface}
- cursor:foreach("network", "alias",
+ cursor:foreach("network", "alias",
if section.interface == iface then
table.insert(aliases, section[".name"])
-- Delete Aliases and Routes
cursor:delete_all("network", "route", {interface=iface})
cursor:delete_all("network", "alias", {interface=iface})
-- Delete DHCP sections
cursor:delete_all("dhcp", "dhcp",
return util.contains(aliases, section.interface)
-- Remove OLSR sections
- cursor:delete_all("olsr", "Interface", {Interface=iface})
+ cursor:delete_all("olsrd", "Interface", {Interface=iface})
-- Remove Splash sections
cursor:delete_all("luci-splash", "iface", {network=iface})
local cursor = uci.cursor()
local zone = firewall_find_zone(name)
local net = cursor:get("firewall", zone, "network")
- cursor:set("firewall", zone, "network", (net or name .. " ") .. interface)
+ local old = net or (cursor:get("network", name) and name)
+ cursor:set("firewall", zone, "network", (old and old .. " " or "") .. interface)
-- Finds the firewall zone with given name
function firewall_find_zone(name)
local find
- uci.cursor():foreach("firewall", "zone",
+ uci.cursor():foreach("firewall", "zone",
function (section)
if section.name == name then
find = section[".name"]
return find
if type(value) == "nil" then
return nil
local result = type(value) == "table" and value or util.split(value, " ")
local key = util.contains(result, entry)
while key do
table.remove(result, key)
key = util.contains(result, entry)
result = type(value) == "table" and result or table.concat(result, " ")
- return result ~= value and result
\ No newline at end of file
+ return result ~= value and result
local rawdata = luci.sys.httpget(""..otable)
if #rawdata == 0 then
- return nil
+ if luci.fs.access("/proc/net/ipv6_route", "r") then
+ rawdata = luci.sys.httpget("http://[::1]:2006/"..otable)
+ if #rawdata == 0 then
+ return nil
+ end
+ else
+ return nil
+ end
local data = {}
--- /dev/null
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<i18n:msgs xmlns:i18n="http://luci.freifunk-halle.net/2008/i18n#" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
+<i18n:msg xml:id="polipo">Polipo</i18n:msg>
+<i18n:msg xml:id="polipo_cache">On-Disk Cache</i18n:msg>
+<i18n:msg xml:id="polipo_cache_cacheisshared">Shared cache</i18n:msg>
+<i18n:msg xml:id="polipo_cache_cacheisshared_desc">Enable if cache (proxy) is shared by multiple users.</i18n:msg>
+<i18n:msg xml:id="polipo_cache_desc">To enable polipo on-disk cache cleaning (highly recommended), you should add a cron job in Scheduled Tasks services that will execute /usr/sbin/polipo_purge script. For example to perform disk cache cleanup every day at 6:00 in the morning you should add the following line in Scheduled Tasks "0 6 * * * /usr/sbin/polipo_purge" (without quotes).</i18n:msg>
+<i18n:msg xml:id="polipo_cache_diskcacheroot">Disk cache location</i18n:msg>
+<i18n:msg xml:id="polipo_cache_diskcacheroot_desc">Location where polipo will cache files permanently. Use of external storage devices is recommended, because the cache can grow considerably. Leave it empty to disable on-disk cache.</i18n:msg>
+<i18n:msg xml:id="polipo_cache_diskcachetruncatesize">Truncate cache files size (in bytes)</i18n:msg>
+<i18n:msg xml:id="polipo_cache_diskcachetruncatesize_desc">Size to which cached files should be truncated. (default value: 1048576)</i18n:msg>
+<i18n:msg xml:id="polipo_cache_diskcachetruncatetime">Truncate cache files time</i18n:msg>
+<i18n:msg xml:id="polipo_cache_diskcachetruncatetime_desc">Time after which cached files will be truncated. (default value: 4d12h)</i18n:msg>
+<i18n:msg xml:id="polipo_cache_diskcacheunlinktime">Delete cache files time</i18n:msg>
+<i18n:msg xml:id="polipo_cache_diskcacheunlinktime_desc">Time after which cached files will be deleted. (default value: 32d)</i18n:msg>
+<i18n:msg xml:id="polipo_desc">Polipo is a small and fast caching web proxy.</i18n:msg>
+<i18n:msg xml:id="polipo_general">General</i18n:msg>
+<i18n:msg xml:id="polipo_general_allowedclients">Allowed clients</i18n:msg>
+<i18n:msg xml:id="polipo_general_allowedclients_desc">When listen address is set to or :: (IPv6), you must list clients that are allowed to connect. The format is IP address or network address (,, 2001:660:116::/48 (IPv6)).</i18n:msg>
+<i18n:msg xml:id="polipo_general_chunkhighmark">In RAM cache size (in bytes)</i18n:msg>
+<i18n:msg xml:id="polipo_general_chunkhighmark_desc">How much RAM should Polipo use for its cache.</i18n:msg>
+<i18n:msg xml:id="polipo_general_dnsnameserver">DNS server address</i18n:msg>
+<i18n:msg xml:id="polipo_general_dnsnameserver_desc">Set the DNS server address to use, if you want Polipo to use different DNS server than the host system.</i18n:msg>
+<i18n:msg xml:id="polipo_general_dnsqueryipv6">Query DNS for IPv6</i18n:msg>
+<i18n:msg xml:id="polipo_general_dnsqueryipv6_desc">false = Do not query IPv6; reluctantly = Query both, prefer IPv4; happily = Query both, prefer IPv6; true = Query only IPv6</i18n:msg>
+<i18n:msg xml:id="polipo_general_dnsusegethostbyname">Query DNS by hostname</i18n:msg>
+<i18n:msg xml:id="polipo_general_dnsusegethostbyname_desc">false = Never use system DNS resolver; reluctantly = Query DNS directly, if DNS server is unavailable fail to system DNS resolver; happily = Query DNS directly, if host could not be found fallback to system DNS resolver; true = Always use system DNS resolver</i18n:msg>
+<i18n:msg xml:id="polipo_general_logfacility">Syslog facility</i18n:msg>
+<i18n:msg xml:id="polipo_general_logfile">Log file location</i18n:msg>
+<i18n:msg xml:id="polipo_general_logfile_desc">Use of external storage device is recommended, because the log file is written frequently and can grow considerably.</i18n:msg>
+<i18n:msg xml:id="polipo_general_logsyslog">Log to syslog</i18n:msg>
+<i18n:msg xml:id="polipo_general_parentauthcredentials">Parent proxy authentication</i18n:msg>
+<i18n:msg xml:id="polipo_general_parentauthcredentials_desc">Basic HTTP authentication supported. Provide username and password in username:password format.</i18n:msg>
+<i18n:msg xml:id="polipo_general_parentproxy">Parent proxy address</i18n:msg>
+<i18n:msg xml:id="polipo_general_parentproxy_desc">Parent proxy address (in host:port format), to which Polipo will forward the requests.</i18n:msg>
+<i18n:msg xml:id="polipo_general_proxyaddress">Listen address</i18n:msg>
+<i18n:msg xml:id="polipo_general_proxyaddress_desc">The interface on which Polipo will listen. To listen on all interfaces use or :: (IPv6).</i18n:msg>
+<i18n:msg xml:id="polipo_general_proxyport">Listen port</i18n:msg>
+<i18n:msg xml:id="polipo_general_proxyport_desc">Port on which Polipo will listen. (default value: 8123)</i18n:msg>
+<i18n:msg xml:id="polipo_pmm">Poor Man's Multiplexing</i18n:msg>
+<i18n:msg xml:id="polipo_pmm_desc">Poor Man's Multiplexing (PMM) is a technique that simulates multiplexing by requesting an instance in multiple segments. It tries to lower the latency caused by the weakness of HTTP protocol. NOTE: some sites may not work with PMM enabled.</i18n:msg>
+<i18n:msg xml:id="polipo_pmm_pmmfirstsize">First PMM segment size (in bytes)</i18n:msg>
+<i18n:msg xml:id="polipo_pmm_pmmfirstsize_desc">Size of the first PMM segment. If not defined, it defaults to twice the PMM segment size.</i18n:msg>
+<i18n:msg xml:id="polipo_pmm_pmmsize">PMM segments size (in bytes)</i18n:msg>
+<i18n:msg xml:id="polipo_pmm_pmmsize_desc">To enable PMM, PMM segment size must be set to some positive value.</i18n:msg>
--- /dev/null
+qos = 'Qualité de service'
+qos_bulk = 'lent'
+qos_classify = 'Priorité'
+qos_classify_dsthost = 'Adresse de destination'
+qos_classify_dsthost_dest = 'Réseau de destination / Hôte de destination'
+qos_classify_portrange = 'ports'
+qos_classify_srchost = 'Adresse source'
+qos_classify_srchost_dest = 'Réseau source / Hôte source'
+qos_classify_target = 'Priorité'
+qos_desc = 'Avec la QOS, vous pouvez donner des priorités au trafic de votre réseau en fonction des adresses, des ports ou des services présents.'
+qos_express = 'express'
+qos_interface_classgroup = 'Classification'
+qos_interface_download = 'Liaison descendante'
+qos_interface_overhead = 'calcul de la surcharge'
+qos_interface_upload = 'Liaison montante'
+qos_normal = 'normal'
+qos_priority = 'prioritaire'
--- /dev/null
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<i18n:msgs xmlns:i18n="http://luci.freifunk-halle.net/2008/i18n#" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
+<i18n:msg xml:id="qos">Qualité de service</i18n:msg>
+<i18n:msg xml:id="qos_bulk">lent</i18n:msg>
+<i18n:msg xml:id="qos_classify">Priorité</i18n:msg>
+<i18n:msg xml:id="qos_classify_dsthost">Adresse de destination</i18n:msg>
+<i18n:msg xml:id="qos_classify_dsthost_dest">Réseau de destination / Hôte de destination</i18n:msg>
+<i18n:msg xml:id="qos_classify_portrange">ports</i18n:msg>
+<i18n:msg xml:id="qos_classify_srchost">Adresse source</i18n:msg>
+<i18n:msg xml:id="qos_classify_srchost_dest">Réseau source / Hôte source</i18n:msg>
+<i18n:msg xml:id="qos_classify_target">Priorité</i18n:msg>
+<i18n:msg xml:id="qos_desc">Avec la QOS, vous pouvez donner des priorités au trafic de votre réseau en fonction des adresses, des ports ou des services présents.</i18n:msg>
+<i18n:msg xml:id="qos_express">express</i18n:msg>
+<i18n:msg xml:id="qos_interface_classgroup">Classification</i18n:msg>
+<i18n:msg xml:id="qos_interface_download">Liaison descendante</i18n:msg>
+<i18n:msg xml:id="qos_interface_overhead">calcul de la surcharge</i18n:msg>
+<i18n:msg xml:id="qos_interface_upload">Liaison montante</i18n:msg>
+<i18n:msg xml:id="qos_normal">normal</i18n:msg>
+<i18n:msg xml:id="qos_priority">prioritaire</i18n:msg>
--- /dev/null
+tinyproxy = 'Tinyproxy'
+tinyproxy_desc = 'Tinyproxy is a small and fast non-caching HTTP(S)-Proxy'
+tinyproxy_tinyproxy_allow = 'Allow access from'
+tinyproxy_tinyproxy_anonymous = 'Allowed headers for anonymous proxy'
+tinyproxy_tinyproxy_bind = 'Lier le trafic sortant à l'adresse ip'
+tinyproxy_tinyproxy_connectport = 'Ports allowed for CONNECT method'
+tinyproxy_tinyproxy_connectport_desc = '0 = disabled, empty = all'
+tinyproxy_tinyproxy_defaulterrorfile = 'Fichier d'erreur'
+tinyproxy_tinyproxy_filter = 'Liste de filtres'
+tinyproxy_tinyproxy_filtercasesensitive = 'Case sensitive filters'
+tinyproxy_tinyproxy_filterdefaultdeny = 'Filter list is a whitelist'
+tinyproxy_tinyproxy_filterextended = 'Extended regular expression filters'
+tinyproxy_tinyproxy_filterurls = 'Filter URLs instead of domains'
+tinyproxy_tinyproxy_group = 'Groupe'
+tinyproxy_tinyproxy_listen = 'Listen on address'
+tinyproxy_tinyproxy_logfile = 'Chemin du fichier de log'
+tinyproxy_tinyproxy_loglevel = 'Niveau de log'
+tinyproxy_tinyproxy_maxclients = 'Nombre maximum de clients'
+tinyproxy_tinyproxy_maxrequestsperchild = 'Maximum de connexion par processus'
+tinyproxy_tinyproxy_maxspareservers = 'Nombre Maximum de processus serveur'
+tinyproxy_tinyproxy_minspareservers = 'Nombre Minimum de processus serveur'
+tinyproxy_tinyproxy_startservers = 'Nombre de processus serveur lancés au demarrage'
+tinyproxy_tinyproxy_statfile = 'Fichier de statistiques'
+tinyproxy_tinyproxy_syslog = 'Écrire dans le journal système (Syslog)'
+tinyproxy_tinyproxy_timeout = 'Délai de connexion'
+tinyproxy_tinyproxy_user = 'Utilisateur'
+tinyproxy_tinyproxy_viaproxyname = 'Valeur de l'entête "VIA" utilisée comme nom d'hôte'
+tinyproxy_tinyproxy_xtinyproxy = 'Inclure l'ip du client'
+tinyproxy_type_proxy = 'Via proxy'
+tinyproxy_type_reject = 'Refuser l'accès'
+tinyproxy_upstream = 'Upstream Control'
+tinyproxy_upstream_target = 'Hôte de destination'
+tinyproxy_upstream_type = 'Type'
+tinyproxy_upstream_via = 'Proxy'
--- /dev/null
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<i18n:msgs xmlns:i18n="http://luci.freifunk-halle.net/2008/i18n#" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
+<i18n:msg xml:id="tinyproxy">Tinyproxy</i18n:msg>
+<i18n:msg xml:id="tinyproxy_desc">Tinyproxy is a small and fast non-caching HTTP(S)-Proxy</i18n:msg>
+<i18n:msg xml:id="tinyproxy_tinyproxy_allow">Allow access from</i18n:msg>
+<i18n:msg xml:id="tinyproxy_tinyproxy_anonymous">Allowed headers for anonymous proxy</i18n:msg>
+<i18n:msg xml:id="tinyproxy_tinyproxy_bind">Lier le trafic sortant à l'adresse ip</i18n:msg>
+<i18n:msg xml:id="tinyproxy_tinyproxy_connectport">Ports allowed for CONNECT method</i18n:msg>
+<i18n:msg xml:id="tinyproxy_tinyproxy_connectport_desc">0 = disabled, empty = all</i18n:msg>
+<i18n:msg xml:id="tinyproxy_tinyproxy_defaulterrorfile">Fichier d'erreur</i18n:msg>
+<i18n:msg xml:id="tinyproxy_tinyproxy_filter">Liste de filtres</i18n:msg>
+<i18n:msg xml:id="tinyproxy_tinyproxy_filtercasesensitive">Case sensitive filters</i18n:msg>
+<i18n:msg xml:id="tinyproxy_tinyproxy_filterdefaultdeny">Filter list is a whitelist</i18n:msg>
+<i18n:msg xml:id="tinyproxy_tinyproxy_filterextended">Extended regular expression filters</i18n:msg>
+<i18n:msg xml:id="tinyproxy_tinyproxy_filterurls">Filter URLs instead of domains</i18n:msg>
+<i18n:msg xml:id="tinyproxy_tinyproxy_group">Groupe</i18n:msg>
+<i18n:msg xml:id="tinyproxy_tinyproxy_listen">Listen on address</i18n:msg>
+<i18n:msg xml:id="tinyproxy_tinyproxy_logfile">Chemin du fichier de log</i18n:msg>
+<i18n:msg xml:id="tinyproxy_tinyproxy_loglevel">Niveau de log</i18n:msg>
+<i18n:msg xml:id="tinyproxy_tinyproxy_maxclients">Nombre maximum de clients</i18n:msg>
+<i18n:msg xml:id="tinyproxy_tinyproxy_maxrequestsperchild">Maximum de connexion par processus</i18n:msg>
+<i18n:msg xml:id="tinyproxy_tinyproxy_maxspareservers">Nombre Maximum de processus serveur</i18n:msg>
+<i18n:msg xml:id="tinyproxy_tinyproxy_minspareservers">Nombre Minimum de processus serveur</i18n:msg>
+<i18n:msg xml:id="tinyproxy_tinyproxy_startservers">Nombre de processus serveur lancés au demarrage</i18n:msg>
+<i18n:msg xml:id="tinyproxy_tinyproxy_statfile">Fichier de statistiques</i18n:msg>
+<i18n:msg xml:id="tinyproxy_tinyproxy_syslog">Écrire dans le journal système (Syslog)</i18n:msg>
+<i18n:msg xml:id="tinyproxy_tinyproxy_timeout">Délai de connexion</i18n:msg>
+<i18n:msg xml:id="tinyproxy_tinyproxy_user">Utilisateur</i18n:msg>
+<i18n:msg xml:id="tinyproxy_tinyproxy_viaproxyname">Valeur de l'entête "VIA" utilisée comme nom d'hôte</i18n:msg>
+<i18n:msg xml:id="tinyproxy_tinyproxy_xtinyproxy">Inclure l'ip du client</i18n:msg>
+<i18n:msg xml:id="tinyproxy_type_proxy">Via proxy</i18n:msg>
+<i18n:msg xml:id="tinyproxy_type_reject">Refuser l'accès</i18n:msg>
+<i18n:msg xml:id="tinyproxy_upstream">Upstream Control</i18n:msg>
+<i18n:msg xml:id="tinyproxy_upstream_target">Hôte de destination</i18n:msg>
+<i18n:msg xml:id="tinyproxy_upstream_type">Type</i18n:msg>
+<i18n:msg xml:id="tinyproxy_upstream_via">Proxy</i18n:msg>
--- /dev/null
+framespersecond = 'Images par seconde'
+resolution = 'Résolution'
+settings = 'Paramètres'
+uvc_streamer = 'Webcam streaming'
+uvc_streamer_desc = 'Configurez le pilote linux UVC-webcam pour votre webcam. Pointez votre navigateur par exemple sur<a href="http://%s:%i/">http://%s:%i/</a>'
--- /dev/null
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<i18n:msgs xmlns:i18n="http://luci.freifunk-halle.net/2008/i18n#" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
+<i18n:msg xml:id="framespersecond">Images par seconde</i18n:msg>
+<i18n:msg xml:id="resolution">Résolution</i18n:msg>
+<i18n:msg xml:id="settings">Paramètres</i18n:msg>
+<i18n:msg xml:id="uvc_streamer">Webcam streaming</i18n:msg>
+<i18n:msg xml:id="uvc_streamer_desc">Configurez le pilote linux UVC-webcam pour votre webcam. Pointez votre navigateur par exemple sur<a href="http://%s:%i/">http://%s:%i/</a></i18n:msg>
-$Id: index.lua 3548 2008-10-09 20:28:07Z Cyrus $
local cbi = require "luci.cbi"
i18n.load(arg[2], "en")
+if arg[3] then
+ pcall(function()
+ require "uci"
+ require "luci.model.uci".cursor = function(config, save)
+ return uci.cursor(config or arg[3] .. "/etc/config", save or arg[3] .. "/tmp/.uci")
+ end
+ end)
local map = cbi.load(arg[1])[1]
print (" option description '%s'" % util.striptags(map.description))
-for i, sec in pairs(map.children) do if util.instanceof(sec, cbi.TypedSection) then
+for i, sec in pairs(map.children) do if util.instanceof(sec, cbi.AbstractSection) then
print ("\nconfig section")
print (" option name '%s'" % sec.sectiontype)
print (" option package '%s'" % map.config)
export PATH="$1/bin:$1/usr/bin:$PATH"
export LUA_PATH="$1/$2/?.lua;$1/$2/?/init.lua;;"
export LUA_CPATH="$1/$3/?.so;;"
+export LUCI_SYSROOT="$1"
--- /dev/null
+LuCI - Lua Configuration Interface
+Copyright 2008 Steven Barth <steven@midlink.org>
+Copyright 2008 Jo-Philipp Wich <xm@leipzig.freifunk.net>
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+local uvl = require "luci.uvl"
+local util = require "luci.util"
+if not arg[1] then
+ util.perror("Usage %s scheme_name" % arg[0])
+ os.exit(1)
+local scheme, error = uvl.UVL():get_scheme(arg[1])
+if not scheme then
+ print( error:string() )
+ os.exit(1)
+print('cbimap = Map(%q, %q, %q)\n'
+ % { scheme.name, scheme.title or scheme.name, scheme.description or "" } )
+for sn, sv in util.kspairs(scheme.sections) do
+ print('%s = cbimap:section(TypedSection, %q, %q, %q)'
+ % { sn, sn, sv.title or "", sv.description or "" } )
+ if not sv.named then print('%s.anonymous = true' % sn) end
+ if not sv.unique then print('%s.addremove = true' % sn) end
+ if sv.dynamic then print('%s.dynamic = true' % sn) end
+ if sv.depends then
+ for _, dep in ipairs(sv.depends) do
+ print('%s:depends(%s)' % { sn, util.serialize_data(dep) } )
+ end
+ end
+ print('')
+ for vn, vv in util.kspairs(scheme.variables[sn]) do
+ if not vv.type or vv.type == "variable" then
+ print('%s = %s:option(%s, %q, %q, %q)'
+ % { vn, sn, vv.datatype == "boolean" and "Flag" or "Value",
+ vn, vv.title or "", vv.description or "" } )
+ elseif vv.type == "enum" then
+ print('%s = %s:option(%s, %q, %q, %q)'
+ % { vn, sn, vv.multival and "MultiValue" or "ListValue",
+ vn, vv.title or "", vv.description or "" } )
+ for _, val in ipairs(vv.valuelist or {}) do
+ print('%s:value(%q, %q)'
+ % { vn, val.value, val.title or val.value } )
+ end
+ elseif vv.type == "list" or vv.type == "lazylist" then
+ print('%s = %s:option(DynamicList, %q, %q, %q)'
+ % { vn, sn, vn, vv.title or "", vv.description or "" } )
+ else
+ print('-- option: type(%s) ?' % { vv.type or "" } )
+ end
+ if vv.default then print('%s.default = %q' % { vn, vv.default } ) end
+ if vv.required then print('%s.optional = false' % vn ) end
+ if not vv.required then print('%s.rmempty = true' % vn ) end
+ for _, dep in ipairs(vv.depends or {}) do
+ print('%s:depends(%s)' % { vn, util.serialize_data(dep) } )
+ end
+ print('')
+ end
+ print('\nreturn cbimap')
--- /dev/null
+-- uvl2i18n.lua - Convert uvl schemes to i18n files
+-- $Id$
+local shm = luci.uvl.UVL():get_scheme(arg[1])
+for s, o in luci.util.kspairs(shm.sections) do
+ print( string.format( '%s_%s = %q', shm.name, s:gsub("_",""), o.title or s ) )
+ if o.description and #o.description > 0 then
+ print( string.format(
+ '%s_%s_desc = %q', shm.name, s:gsub("_",""), o.description
+ ) )
+ end
+ for v, o in luci.util.kspairs(shm.variables[s]) do
+ print( string.format(
+ '%s_%s_%s = %q', shm.name, s:gsub("_",""), v:gsub("_",""), o.title or v
+ ) )
+ if o.description and #o.description > 0 then
+ print( string.format(
+ '%s_%s_%s_desc = %q', shm.name, s:gsub("_",""),
+ v:gsub("_",""), o.description
+ ) )
+ end
+ end
+ print()
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env lua
+local fs = require "luci.fs"
+local util = require "luci.util"
+local uvldoc = require "luci.uvldoc.renderer"
+ require "uci"
+ require "luci.model.uci".cursor = function(config, save)
+ return uci.cursor(config or arg[1] .. "/etc/config", save or arg[1] .. "/tmp/.uci")
+ end
+local schemes = {}
+if not arg[4] or #arg[4] == 0 then
+ for i, name in ipairs(fs.dir(arg[2].."/default/")) do
+ if name ~= "." and name ~= ".." then
+ schemes[#schemes+1] = name
+ end
+ end
+ schemes = util.split(arg[4], "[,;%s]+", nil, true)
+uvldoc.Generator(schemes, arg[3], arg[2]):make()
printf "\t{ '%s', '%s' },\n", $zone, $TZ{$zone}
+print <<HEAD;
+my %seen;
+foreach my $tz ( sort keys %TZ ) {
+ my $zone = $TZ{$tz};
+ if( $zone =~ /^
+ ([A-Z]+)
+ (?:
+ ( -? \d+ (?: : \d+ )? )
+ (?:
+ ([A-Z]+)
+ ( -? \d+ (?: : \d+ )? )?
+ )?
+ )?
+ \b /xo ) {
+ my ( $offset, $s, $h, $m ) = ( 0, 1, 0, 0 );
+ my ( $std, $soffset, $dst, $doffset ) = ( $1, $2, $3, $4 );
+ next if $seen{$std}; # and ( !$dst or $seen{$dst} );
+ if ( $soffset ) {
+ ( $s, $h, $m ) = $soffset =~ /^(-)?(\d+)(?::(\d+))?$/;
+ $s = $s ? 1 : -1;
+ $h ||= 0;
+ $m ||= 0;
+ $offset = $s * $h * 60 * 60;
+ $offset += $s * $m * 60;
+ printf("\t%-5s = %6d,\t-- %s\n",
+ lc($std), $offset, $std);
+ $seen{$std} = 1;
+ if( $dst ) {
+ if( $doffset ) {
+ ( $s, $h, $m ) = $doffset =~ /^(-)?(\d+)(?::(\d+))?$/;
+ $s = $s ? 1 : -1;
+ $h ||= 0;
+ $m ||= 0;
+ $offset = $s * $h * 60 * 60;
+ $offset += $s * $m * 60;
+ } else {
+ $offset += 60 * 60;
+ }
+ printf("\t%-5s = %6d,\t-- %s\n",
+ lc($dst), $offset, $dst);
+ $seen{$dst} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ printf("\t%-5s = %6d,\t-- %s\n",
+ lc($std), $offset, $std);
+ $seen{$std} = 1;
+ }
+ }
print "}\n";
test -f $(BITLIB_DIR)/config.h || cp $(BITLIB_DIR)/config.h.in $(BITLIB_DIR)/config.h
touch $@
-compile: $(BITLIB_DIR)/.prepared
+compile: $(BITLIB_DIR)/.prepared dist$(LUA_LIBRARYDIR)/bit.so
mkdir -p dist$(LUA_LIBRARYDIR)
$(COMPILE) -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I$(BITLIB_DIR) -O2 -c $(BITLIB_DIR)/lbitlib.c $(FPIC) $(LUA_CFLAGS) -o $(BITLIB_DIR)/lbitlib.o
$(LINK) $(SHLIB_FLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) $(BITLIB_DIR)/lbitlib.o $(LUA_SHLIBS) -lm -ldl -o dist$(LUA_LIBRARYDIR)/bit.so
include ../../build/config.mk
include ../../build/gccconfig.mk
+compile: dist$(LUA_LIBRARYDIR)/curses.so
mkdir -p dist$(LUA_LIBRARYDIR)
-Wall $(FPIC) $(LUA_CFLAGS) -o dist$(LUA_LIBRARYDIR)/curses.so src/curses.c src/luacurses.c
-- LuaDoc configuration file. This file contains the default options for
-- luadoc operation. These options can be overriden by the command line tool
-- @see luadoc.print_help
--- @release $Id: config.lua,v 1.6 2007/04/18 14:28:39 tomas Exp $
+-- @release $Id$
module "luadoc.config"
-- LuaDoc debugging facilities.
--- @release $Id: debug.lua,v 1.3 2007/04/18 14:28:39 tomas Exp $
+-- @release $Id$
module "luadoc.doclet.debug"
-- (re)write .lua files adding missing standard tags. Texts are formatted to
-- 80 columns and function parameters are added based on code analysis.
--- @release $Id: formatter.lua,v 1.5 2007/04/18 14:28:39 tomas Exp $
+-- @release $Id$
local util = require "luadoc.util"
-- sub-template used by the others.</li>
-- </ul>
--- @release $Id: html.lua,v 1.29 2007/12/21 17:50:48 tomas Exp $
+-- @release $Id$
local assert, getfenv, ipairs, loadstring, pairs, setfenv, tostring, tonumber, type = assert, getfenv, ipairs, loadstring, pairs, setfenv, tostring, tonumber, type
--- @release $Id: raw.lua,v 1.5 2007/04/18 14:28:39 tomas Exp $
+-- @release $Id$
module "luadoc.doclet.raw"
-- LuaDoc main function.
--- @release $Id: init.lua,v 1.4 2008/02/17 06:42:51 jasonsantos Exp $
+-- @release $Id$
local require = require
-- Lua Pages Template Preprocessor.
--- @release $Id: lp.lua,v 1.7 2007/04/18 14:28:39 tomas Exp $
+-- @release $Id$
local assert, error, getfenv, loadstring, setfenv = assert, error, getfenv, loadstring, setfenv
--- @release $Id: standard.lua,v 1.39 2007/12/21 17:50:48 tomas Exp $
+-- @release $Id$
local assert, pairs, tostring, type = assert, pairs, tostring, type
-- Handlers for several tags
--- @release $Id: tags.lua,v 1.8 2007/09/05 12:39:09 tomas Exp $
+-- @release $Id$
local luadoc = require "luadoc"
-- General utilities.
--- @release $Id: util.lua,v 1.16 2008/02/17 06:42:51 jasonsantos Exp $
+-- @release $Id$
local posix = require "posix"
include $(TOPDIR)/rules.mk
ifeq ($(DUMP),)
USELOCAL:=$(shell grep luci ../../../.project 2>/dev/null >/dev/null && echo 1)
ifeq ($(USELOCAL),1)
- PKG_VERSION:=0.8+svn
+ PKG_VERSION:=0.9+svn
ifeq ($(DUMP),)
- PKG_VERSION:=0.8.2
+ PKG_REV:=$(shell LC_ALL=C svn info ${PKG_SOURCE_URL} | sed -ne's/^Last Changed Rev: //p')
+ PKG_VERSION:=0.9+svn$(PKG_REV)
+define Package/luci/fftemplate
+ $(call Package/luci/libtemplate)
+ SUBMENU:=LuCI Freifunk Support
+ DEPENDS:=+luci-mod-freifunk
+define Package/luci/httpdtemplate
+ $(call Package/luci/libtemplate)
+ DEPENDS:=+luci-httpd
define Package/luci/i18ntemplate
$(call Package/luci/libtemplate)
SUBMENU:=LuCI Translations
+### HTTPD ###
+define Package/luci-httpd
+ $(call Package/luci/httpdtemplate)
+ DEPENDS:=+luci-http +libuci
+ TITLE:=Server Core
+define Package/luci-httpd/install
+ $(call Package/luci/install/template,$(1),libs/lucittpd)
+### Community Packages ###
+define Package/luci-freifunk-community
+ $(call Package/luci/fftemplate)
+ +luci-sgi-cgi +luci-app-splash +luci-app-olsr \
+ +luci-app-ffwizard-leipzig \
+ +luci-theme-fledermaus \
+ +luci-i18n-german \
+ +olsrd-luci +olsrd-luci-mod-dyn-gw +olsrd-luci-mod-txtinfo +olsrd-luci-mod-nameservice \
+ +kmod-tun +ip
+ TITLE:=Freifunk Community Meta-Package
+define Package/luci-freifunk-community/install
+ $(call Package/luci/install/template,$(1),applications/freifunk-community)
### Modules ###
define Package/luci-admin-core
+define Package/luci-mod-freifunk
+ $(call Package/luci/fftemplate)
+ DEPENDS:=+luci-admin-full
+ TITLE:=LuCI Freifunk module
+define Package/luci-mod-freifunk/conffiles
+define Package/luci-mod-freifunk/install
+ $(call Package/luci/install/template,$(1),modules/freifunk)
### Applications ###
+define Package/luci-app-ffwizard-leipzig
+ $(call Package/luci/fftemplate)
+ TITLE:=Freifunk Leipzig configuration wizard
+define Package/luci-app-ffwizard-leipzig/install
+ $(call Package/luci/install/template,$(1),applications/luci-ffwizard-leipzig)
+define Package/luci-app-siitwizard
+ $(call Package/luci/fftemplate)
+ TITLE:=SIIT IPv4-over-IPv6 configuration wizard
+ DEPENDS:=+luci-admin-core +kmod-siit
+define Package/luci-app-siitwizard/install
+ $(call Package/luci/install/template,$(1),applications/luci-siitwizard)
define Package/luci-app-firewall
$(call Package/luci/webtemplate)
+define Package/luci-app-splash
+ $(call Package/luci/fftemplate)
+ DEPENDS+=+luasocket
+ TITLE:=Freifunk DHCP-Splash application
+define Package/luci-app-splash/conffiles
+define Package/luci-app-splash/install
+ $(call Package/luci/install/template,$(1),applications/luci-splash)
define Package/luci-app-statistics
$(call Package/luci/webtemplate)
DEPENDS+=+luci-admin-full +collectd +collectd-mod-rrdtool1 +rrdtool1
+define Package/luci-app-mmc_over_gpio
+ $(call Package/luci/webtemplate)
+ DEPENDS+=+luci-admin-full +kmod-mmc-over-gpio
+ TITLE:=mmc_over_gpio
+define Package/luci-app-mmc_over_gpio/install
+ $(call Package/luci/install/template,$(1),applications/luci-mmc_over_gpio)
define Package/luci-app-p910nd
$(call Package/luci/webtemplate)
DEPENDS+=+luci-admin-full +p910nd
$(call Package/luci/install/template,$(1),applications/luci-livestats)
+define Package/luci-app-asterisk
+ $(call Package/luci/webtemplate)
+ TITLE:=LuCI Support for Asterisk PBX
+ DEPENDS+=@BROKEN +luci-admin-core +asterisk14
+define Package/luci-app-asterisk/install
+ $(call Package/luci/install/template,$(1),applications/luci-asterisk)
define Package/luci-app-polipo
$(call Package/luci/webtemplate)
TITLE:=LuCI Support for the Polipo Proxy
$(call Package/luci/install/template,$(1),applications/luci-polipo)
+define Package/luci-app-openvpn
+ $(call Package/luci/webtemplate)
+ TITLE:=LuCI Support for OpenVPN
+ DEPENDS+=@BROKEN +luci-admin-core +openvpn
+define Package/luci-app-openvpn/install
+ $(call Package/luci/install/template,$(1),applications/luci-openvpn)
### Server Gateway Interfaces ###
$(call Package/luci/install/template,$(1),libs/sgi-cgi)
+define Package/luci-sgi-luci
+ $(call Package/luci/libtemplate)
+ DEPENDS+=+luci-httpd
+ TITLE:=SGI for LuCIttpd
+define Package/luci-sgi-luci/install
+ $(call Package/luci/install/template,$(1),libs/sgi-luci)
+define Package/luci-sgi-webuci
+ $(call Package/luci/libtemplate)
+ TITLE:=SGI for Webuci
+define Package/luci-sgi-webuci/install
+ $(call Package/luci/install/template,$(1),libs/sgi-webuci)
### Themes ###
define Package/luci-theme-base
$(call Package/luci/install/template,$(1),themes/base)
+define Package/luci-theme-fledermaus
+ $(call Package/luci/fftemplate)
+ DEPENDS:=+luci-web
+ TITLE:=Fledermaus Theme
+define Package/luci-theme-fledermaus/install
+ $(call Package/luci/install/template,$(1),themes/fledermaus)
+define Package/luci-theme-freifunk
+ $(call Package/luci/thtemplate)
+ DEPENDS:=+luci-web
+ MAINTAINER:=Stefan Pirwitz <stefan-at-freifunk-bno-dot-de>
+ TITLE:=alternative Freifunk Theme
+define Package/luci-theme-freifunk/install
+ $(call Package/luci/install/template,$(1),themes/freifunk)
+define Package/luci-theme-freifunk-bno
+ $(call Package/luci/thtemplate)
+ DEPENDS:=+luci-web
+ MAINTAINER:=Stefan Pirwitz <stefan-at-freifunk-bno-dot-de>
+ TITLE:=Freifunk Berlin Nordost Theme
+define Package/luci-theme-freifunk-bno/install
+ $(call Package/luci/install/template,$(1),themes/freifunk-bno)
define Package/luci-theme-openwrt
$(call Package/luci/thtemplate)
TITLE:=OpenWrt.org (default)
### Compile ###
ifneq ($(CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-core),)
+ifneq ($(CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-httpd),)
+ PKG_SELECTED_MODULES+=libs/lucittpd
ifneq ($(CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-admin-core),)
ifneq ($(CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-admin-rpc),)
+ifneq ($(CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-mod-freifunk),)
+ PKG_SELECTED_MODULES+=modules/freifunk
+ifneq ($(CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-freifunk-community),)
+ PKG_SELECTED_MODULES+=applications/freifunk-community
+ifneq ($(CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-ffwizard-leipzig),)
+ PKG_SELECTED_MODULES+=applications/luci-ffwizard-leipzig
+ifneq ($(CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-siitwizard),)
+ PKG_SELECTED_MODULES+=applications/luci-siitwizard
ifneq ($(CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-firewall),)
ifneq ($(CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-qos),)
+ifneq ($(CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-splash),)
+ PKG_SELECTED_MODULES+=applications/luci-splash
ifneq ($(CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-statistics),)
ifneq ($(CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-uvc_streamer),)
+ifneq ($(CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-mmc_over_gpio),)
+ PKG_SELECTED_MODULES+=applications/luci-mmc_over_gpio
ifneq ($(CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-p910nd),)
ifneq ($(CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-livestats),)
+ifneq ($(CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-asterisk),)
+ PKG_SELECTED_MODULES+=applications/luci-asterisk
ifneq ($(CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-polipo),)
+ifneq ($(CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-app-openvpn),)
+ PKG_SELECTED_MODULES+=applications/luci-openvpn
ifneq ($(CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-sgi-cgi),)
+ifneq ($(CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-sgi-luci),)
+ PKG_SELECTED_MODULES+=libs/sgi-luci
+ifneq ($(CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-sgi-webuci),)
+ PKG_SELECTED_MODULES+=libs/sgi-webuci
ifneq ($(CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-theme-base),)
+ifneq ($(CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-theme-fledermaus),)
+ PKG_SELECTED_MODULES+=themes/fledermaus
+ifneq ($(CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-theme-freifunk-bno),)
+ PKG_SELECTED_MODULES+=themes/freifunk-bno
+ifneq ($(CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-theme-freifunk),)
+ PKG_SELECTED_MODULES+=themes/freifunk
ifneq ($(CONFIG_PACKAGE_luci-theme-openwrt),)
- LUA_SHLIBS="-llua -lm" \
+ LUA_SHLIBS="-llua -lm -ldl -lcrypt" \
$(eval $(call BuildPackage,luci-web))
$(eval $(call BuildPackage,luci-uvl))
+$(eval $(call BuildPackage,luci-httpd))
$(eval $(call BuildPackage,luci-admin-core))
$(eval $(call BuildPackage,luci-admin-mini))
$(eval $(call BuildPackage,luci-admin-full))
$(eval $(call BuildPackage,luci-admin-rpc))
+$(eval $(call BuildPackage,luci-mod-freifunk))
+$(eval $(call BuildPackage,luci-freifunk-community))
+$(eval $(call BuildPackage,luci-app-ffwizard-leipzig))
+$(eval $(call BuildPackage,luci-app-siitwizard))
$(eval $(call BuildPackage,luci-app-firewall))
$(eval $(call BuildPackage,luci-app-olsr))
$(eval $(call BuildPackage,luci-app-qos))
+$(eval $(call BuildPackage,luci-app-splash))
$(eval $(call BuildPackage,luci-app-statistics))
$(eval $(call BuildPackage,luci-app-upnp))
$(eval $(call BuildPackage,luci-app-ntpc))
$(eval $(call BuildPackage,luci-app-ddns))
$(eval $(call BuildPackage,luci-app-samba))
$(eval $(call BuildPackage,luci-app-uvc_streamer))
+$(eval $(call BuildPackage,luci-app-mmc_over_gpio))
$(eval $(call BuildPackage,luci-app-p910nd))
$(eval $(call BuildPackage,luci-app-ushare))
$(eval $(call BuildPackage,luci-app-hd_idle))
$(eval $(call BuildPackage,luci-app-tinyproxy))
$(eval $(call BuildPackage,luci-app-initmgr))
$(eval $(call BuildPackage,luci-app-livestats))
+$(eval $(call BuildPackage,luci-app-asterisk))
$(eval $(call BuildPackage,luci-app-polipo))
+$(eval $(call BuildPackage,luci-app-openvpn))
$(eval $(call BuildPackage,luci-sgi-cgi))
+$(eval $(call BuildPackage,luci-sgi-luci))
+$(eval $(call BuildPackage,luci-sgi-webuci))
$(eval $(call BuildPackage,luci-theme-base))
+$(eval $(call BuildPackage,luci-theme-fledermaus))
+$(eval $(call BuildPackage,luci-theme-freifunk))
+$(eval $(call BuildPackage,luci-theme-freifunk-bno))
$(eval $(call BuildPackage,luci-theme-openwrt))
$(eval $(call BuildPackage,luci-theme-openwrtlight))
include ../../build/config.mk
include ../../build/gccconfig.mk
-UCI_VERSION = 0.6.4
+UCI_VERSION = 0.7.0
UCI_SITE = http://mirror2.openwrt.org/sources
UCI_FILE = $(UCI_DIR).tar.gz
-#UCI_GITREV = 43124956bc9c1083e476f6cadaedf27b7788d004
+#UCI_GITREV = c79cc497e7b0caa0f9f6a2c978fa9a5f0f097463
#UCI_SITE = http://nbd.name
#UCI_DIR = uci.git
a_s_packages_install = 'Install'
a_s_packages_installurl = 'Download and install package'
a_s_packages_ipkg = 'Edit package lists and installation targets'
-a_s_packages_name = 'Paketname'
+a_s_packages_name = 'Package name'
a_s_packages_remove = 'Remove'
a_s_packages_search = 'Find package'
a_s_packages_update = 'Package lists updated'
a_srv_http_authrealm1 = 'The realm which will be displayed at the authentication prompt for protected pages.'
a_srv_http_config1 = 'defaults to <code>/etc/httpd.conf</code>'
a_srv_http_root = 'Document root'
+a_srv_http_keepalive = 'Enable Keep-Alive'
+a_srv_http_timeout = 'Connection timeout'
+a_srv_http_path = 'Plugin path'
+a_srv_lucittpd = 'A lightweight HTTP/1.1 webserver written in C and Lua designed to serve LuCI'
a_srv_dropbear1 = 'Dropbear offers <abbr title="Secure Shell">SSH</abbr> network shell access and an integrated <abbr title="Secure Copy">SCP</abbr> server'
a_srv_d_pwauth = 'Password authentication'
a_srv_d_pwauth1 = 'Allow <abbr title="Secure Shell">SSH</abbr> password authentication'
<i18n:msg xml:id="a_s_packages_install">Install</i18n:msg>
<i18n:msg xml:id="a_s_packages_installurl">Download and install package</i18n:msg>
<i18n:msg xml:id="a_s_packages_ipkg">Edit package lists and installation targets</i18n:msg>
-<i18n:msg xml:id="a_s_packages_name">Paketname</i18n:msg>
+<i18n:msg xml:id="a_s_packages_name">Package name</i18n:msg>
<i18n:msg xml:id="a_s_packages_remove">Remove</i18n:msg>
<i18n:msg xml:id="a_s_packages_search">Find package</i18n:msg>
<i18n:msg xml:id="a_s_packages_update">Package lists updated</i18n:msg>
<i18n:msg xml:id="a_srv_d_pwauth">Password authentication</i18n:msg>
<i18n:msg xml:id="a_srv_d_pwauth1">Allow <abbr title="Secure Shell">SSH</abbr> password authentication</i18n:msg>
<i18n:msg xml:id="a_w_channel">Channel</i18n:msg>
-<i18n:msg xml:id="a_w_wifi1">On this pages you find confiugration options for <abbr title="Wireless Local Area Network">WLAN</abbr> based wireless networks.</i18n:msg>
+<i18n:msg xml:id="a_w_wifi1">On this pages you can find configuration options for <abbr title="Wireless Local Area Network">WLAN</abbr> based wireless networks.</i18n:msg>
<i18n:msg xml:id="a_w_wifi2">You can easily integrate your 802.11a/b/g/n-devices into your physical network and use the virtual adapter support to build wireless repeaters or offer several networks with one device.</i18n:msg>
<i18n:msg xml:id="a_w_wifi3">There is support for Managed, Client, Ad-Hoc and <abbr title="Wireless Distribution System">WDS</abbr> operating modes as well as <abbr title="Wi-Fi Protected Access">WPA</abbr> and <abbr title="Wi-Fi Protected Access 2">WPA2</abbr> encryption for secure communnication.</i18n:msg>
<i18n:msg xml:id="a_w_devices1">Here you can configure installed wifi devices.</i18n:msg>
a_srv_http_authrealm1 = 'Aufforderungstext zum Anmelden im Administrationsbereich'
a_srv_http_config1 = '/etc/httpd.conf wenn leer'
a_srv_http_root = 'Wurzelverzeichnis'
+a_srv_http_keepalive = 'Keep-Alive aktivieren'
+a_srv_http_timeout = 'Verbindungszeitlimit'
+a_srv_http_path = 'Pluginpfad'
+a_srv_lucittpd = 'Ein schlanker HTTP/1.1 webserver in C und Lua geschrieben um LuCI zu betreiben.'
a_srv_services1 = 'Dienste und Dämonen stellen bestimmte Funktionalitäten auf dem Router zur Verfügung.'
a_srv_services2 = 'Es handelt sich hierbei meist um Netzwerkserver, die verschiedene Aufgaben auf dem Router erfüllen, beispielsweise Shell-Zugang ermöglichen oder diese Weboberfläche per HTTP anbieten.'
a_st_i_status1 = 'Hier finden sich Informationen über den aktuellen Status des Systems, beispielsweise Prozessortakt, Speicherauslastung und Netzwerkschnittstellen.'
+ LuCI - Lua Configuration Interface
+ Copyright 2008 Steven Barth <steven@midlink.org>
+ Copyright 2008 Jo-Philipp Wich <xm@leipzig.freifunk.net>
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ $Id$
var cbi_d = [];
function cbi_d_add(field, dep, next) {
+//Hijacks the CBI form to send via XHR (requires Prototype)
+function cbi_hijack_forms(layer, win, fail, load) {
+ var forms = layer.getElementsByTagName('form');
+ for (var i=0; i<forms.length; i++) {
+ $(forms[i]).observe('submit', function(event) {
+ // Prevent the form from also submitting the regular way
+ event.stop();
+ // Submit via XHR
+ event.element().request({
+ onSuccess: win,
+ onFailure: fail
+ });
+ if (load) {
+ load();
+ }
+ });
+ }
--self.cast = "string"
self.track_missing = false
- --self.rmempty = false
+ self.rmempty = true
self.default = nil
self.size = nil
self.optional = false
if not self.override_scheme
and self.map:get_scheme(self.section.sectiontype, self.option) then
local vs = self.map:get_scheme(self.section.sectiontype, self.option)
- if self.rmempty == nil then
- self.rmempty = not vs.required
- end
if self.cast == nil then
self.cast = (vs.type == "list") and "list" or "string"
--- /dev/null
+LuCI - Lua Configuration Interface
+Copyright 2008 Steven Barth <steven@midlink.org>
+Copyright 2008 Jo-Philipp Wich <xm@leipzig.freifunk.net>
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+$Id: browser.htm 3555 2008-10-10 21:52:22Z jow $
+ local t = require("luci.tools.webadmin")
+ local v = self:cfgvalue(section)
+ <input class="cbi-input-text" type="text"<%= attr("value", v) .. attr("name", cbid) .. attr("id", cbid) %> />
+ <input class="cbi-input-image" type="image" value="<%:cbi_browser%>" onclick="cbi_filebrowser('<%=cbid%>','<%=luci.dispatcher.build_url("admin", "filebrowser")%>'<%=self.default_path and ", '"..self.default_path.."'"%>);return false" alt="<%:cbi_browser%>" title="<%:cbi_browser%>" src="<%=resource%>/cbi/folder.png" style="vertical-align:bottom" />
--- /dev/null
+LuCI - Lua Configuration Interface
+Copyright 2008 Steven Barth <steven@midlink.org>
+Copyright 2008 Jo-Philipp Wich <xm@leipzig.freifunk.net>
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+$Id: filebrowser.htm 3555 2008-10-10 21:52:22Z jow $
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
+ <title>Filebrowser - LuCI</title>
+ <style type="text/css">
+ #path, #listing {
+ font-size: 85%;
+ }
+ ul {
+ padding-left: 0;
+ list-style-type: none;
+ }
+ li img {
+ vertical-align: bottom;
+ margin-right: 0.2em;
+ }
+ </style>
+ <script type="text/javascript">
+ function callback(path) {
+ if( window.opener ) {
+ var input = window.opener.document.getElementById('<%=luci.http.formvalue('field')%>');
+ if( input ) {
+ input.value = path;
+ window.close();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ </script>
+ <%
+ require("luci.fs")
+ require("luci.http")
+ require("luci.dispatcher")
+ local field = luci.http.formvalue('field')
+ local request = luci.dispatcher.context.path
+ local path = { '' }
+ for i = 3, #request do
+ if request[i] ~= '..' and #request[i] > 0 then
+ path[#path+1] = request[i]
+ end
+ end
+ local filepath = table.concat( path, '/' )
+ local filestat = luci.fs.stat( filepath )
+ local baseurl = luci.dispatcher.build_url('admin', 'filebrowser')
+ if filestat and filestat.type == "regular" then
+ table.remove( path, #path )
+ filepath = table.concat( path, '/' ) .. '/'
+ elseif not ( filestat and filestat.type == "directory" ) then
+ path = { '' }
+ filepath = '/'
+ else
+ filepath = filepath .. '/'
+ end
+ local entries = luci.fs.dir(filepath)
+ -%>
+ <div id="path">
+ Location:
+ <% for i, dir in ipairs(path) do %>
+ <% if i == 1 then %>
+ <a href="<%=baseurl%>?field=<%=field%>">(root)</a>
+ <% elseif next(path, i) then %>
+ <% baseurl = baseurl .. '/' .. dir %>
+ / <a href="<%=baseurl%>?field=<%=field%>"><%=dir%></a>
+ <% else %>
+ <% baseurl = baseurl .. '/' .. dir %>
+ / <%=dir%>
+ <% end %>
+ <% end %>
+ </div>
+ <hr />
+ <div id="listing">
+ <ul>
+ <% for _, e in luci.util.vspairs(entries) do
+ local stat = luci.fs.stat(filepath..e)
+ if e ~= '.' and e ~= '..' and stat and stat.type == 'directory' then
+ -%>
+ <li class="dir">
+ <img src="/luci-static/resources/cbi/folder.png" alt="Directory" />
+ <a href="<%=baseurl%>/<%=e%>?field=<%=field%>"><%=e%>/</a>
+ </li>
+ <% end end -%>
+ <% for _, e in luci.util.vspairs(entries) do
+ local stat = luci.fs.stat(filepath..e)
+ if stat and stat.type ~= 'directory' then
+ -%>
+ <li class="file">
+ <img src="/luci-static/resources/cbi/file.png" alt="File" />
+ <a href="#" onclick="callback('<%=filepath..e%>')"><%=e%></a>
+ </li>
+ <% end end -%>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ <%- if pageaction then -%>
<div class="cbi-page-actions">
<% if not autoapply then%>
<input class="cbi-button cbi-button-apply" type="submit" name="cbi.apply" value="<%:saveapply%>" />
<input class="cbi-button cbi-button-reset" type="reset" value="<%:reset%>" />
<script type="text/javascript">cbi_d_update();</script>
+ <%- end -%>
-<form method="post" action="<%=luci.http.getenv("REQUEST_URI")%>" enctype="multipart/form-data">
+<form method="post" action="<%=REQUEST_URI%>" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<script type="text/javascript" src="<%=resource%>/cbi.js"></script>
<input type="hidden" name="cbi.submit" value="1" />
-<form method="post" action="<%=luci.http.getenv("REQUEST_URI")%>">
+<form method="post" action="<%=REQUEST_URI%>">
<script type="text/javascript" src="<%=resource%>/cbi.js"></script>
<input type="hidden" name="cbi.submit" value="1" />
glob = posix.glob
--- Checks wheather the given path exists and points to a regular file.
--- @param filename String containing the path of the file to read
+-- @param filename String containing the path of the file to test
-- @return Boolean indicating wheather given path points to regular file
function isfile(filename)
return posix.stat(filename, "type") == "regular"
+--- Checks wheather the given path exists and points to a directory.
+-- @param dirname String containing the path of the directory to test
+-- @return Boolean indicating wheather given path points to directory
+function isdirectory(dirname)
+ return posix.stat(dirname, "type") == "directory"
--- Read the whole content of the given file into memory.
-- @param filename String containing the path of the file to read
-- @return String containing the file contents or nil on error
module "luci"
-__version__ = "0.8"
+__version__ = "0.9"
__appname__ = "LuCI"
--- Create valid XML PCDATA from given string.
-- @param value String value containing the data to escape
-- @return String value containing the escaped data
+local _pcdata_repl = {
+ ["&"] = "&",
+ ['"'] = """,
+ ["'"] = "'",
+ ["<"] = "<",
+ [">"] = ">"
function pcdata(value)
- return value and tostring(value):gsub("[&\"'<>]", {
- ["&"] = "&",
- ['"'] = """,
- ["'"] = "'",
- ["<"] = "<",
- [">"] = ">"
- })
+ return value and tostring(value):gsub("[&\"'<>]", _pcdata_repl)
--- Strip HTML tags from given string.
-- @class table
statusmsg = {
[200] = "OK",
+ [206] = "Partial Content",
[301] = "Moved Permanently",
[302] = "Found",
[304] = "Not Modified",
[403] = "Forbidden",
[404] = "Not Found",
[405] = "Method Not Allowed",
+ [408] = "Request Time-out",
[411] = "Length Required",
[412] = "Precondition Failed",
+ [416] = "Requested range not satisfiable",
[500] = "Internal Server Error",
[503] = "Server Unavailable",
-- This class contains functions to parse, compare and format http dates.
module("luci.http.protocol.date", package.seeall)
"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug",
"Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"
---- The "TZ" table contains lowercased timezone names associated with their
--- corresponding time offsets sepcified in seconds.
--- @class table
-TZ = {
- -- DST zones
- ["brst"] = -2*3600; -- Brazil Summer Time (East Daylight)
- ["adt"] = -3*3600; -- Atlantic Daylight
- ["edt"] = -4*3600; -- Eastern Daylight
- ["cdt"] = -5*3600; -- Central Daylight
- ["mdt"] = -6*3600; -- Mountain Daylight
- ["pdt"] = -7*3600; -- Pacific Daylight
- ["ydt"] = -8*3600; -- Yukon Daylight
- ["hdt"] = -9*3600; -- Hawaii Daylight
- ["bst"] = 1*3600; -- British Summer
- ["mest"] = 2*3600; -- Middle European Summer
- ["sst"] = 2*3600; -- Swedish Summer
- ["fst"] = 2*3600; -- French Summer
- ["eest"] = 3*3600; -- Eastern European Summer
- ["cest"] = 2*3600; -- Central European Daylight
- ["wadt"] = 8*3600; -- West Australian Daylight
- ["kdt"] = 10*3600; -- Korean Daylight
- ["eadt"] = 11*3600; -- Eastern Australian Daylight
- ["nzdt"] = 13*3600; -- New Zealand Daylight
- -- zones
- ["gmt"] = 0; -- Greenwich Mean
- ["ut"] = 0; -- Universal (Coordinated)
- ["utc"] = 0;
- ["wet"] = 0; -- Western European
- ["wat"] = -1*3600; -- West Africa
- ["azost"] = -1*3600; -- Azores Standard Time
- ["cvt"] = -1*3600; -- Cape Verde Time
- ["at"] = -2*3600; -- Azores
- ["fnt"] = -2*3600; -- Brazil Time (Extreme East - Fernando Noronha)
- ["ndt"] = -2*3600+1800;-- Newfoundland Daylight
- ["art"] = -3*3600; -- Argentina Time
- ["nft"] = -3*3600+1800;-- Newfoundland
- ["mnt"] = -4*3600; -- Brazil Time (West Standard - Manaus)
- ["ewt"] = -4*3600; -- U.S. Eastern War Time
- ["ast"] = -4*3600; -- Atlantic Standard
- ["bot"] = -4*3600; -- Bolivia Time
- ["vet"] = -4*3600; -- Venezuela Time
- ["est"] = -5*3600; -- Eastern Standard
- ["cot"] = -5*3600; -- Colombia Time
- ["act"] = -5*3600; -- Brazil Time (Extreme West - Acre)
- ["pet"] = -5*3600; -- Peru Time
- ["cst"] = -6*3600; -- Central Standard
- ["cest"] = 2*3600; -- Central European Summer
- ["mst"] = -7*3600; -- Mountain Standard
- ["pst"] = -8*3600; -- Pacific Standard
- ["yst"] = -9*3600; -- Yukon Standard
- ["hst"] = -10*3600; -- Hawaii Standard
- ["cat"] = -10*3600; -- Central Alaska
- ["ahst"] = -10*3600; -- Alaska-Hawaii Standard
- ["taht"] = -10*3600; -- Tahiti Time
- ["nt"] = -11*3600; -- Nome
- ["idlw"] = -12*3600; -- International Date Line West
- ["cet"] = 1*3600; -- Central European
- ["mez"] = 1*3600; -- Central European (German)
- ["met"] = 1*3600; -- Middle European
- ["mewt"] = 1*3600; -- Middle European Winter
- ["swt"] = 1*3600; -- Swedish Winter
- ["set"] = 1*3600; -- Seychelles
- ["fwt"] = 1*3600; -- French Winter
- ["west"] = 1*3600; -- Western Europe Summer Time
- ["eet"] = 2*3600; -- Eastern Europe; USSR Zone 1
- ["ukr"] = 2*3600; -- Ukraine
- ["sast"] = 2*3600; -- South Africa Standard Time
- ["bt"] = 3*3600; -- Baghdad; USSR Zone 2
- ["eat"] = 3*3600; -- East Africa Time
- ["irst"] = 3*3600+1800;-- Iran Standard Time
- ["zp4"] = 4*3600; -- USSR Zone 3
- ["msd"] = 4*3600; -- Moscow Daylight Time
- ["sct"] = 4*3600; -- Seychelles Time
- ["zp5"] = 5*3600; -- USSR Zone 4
- ["azst"] = 5*3600; -- Azerbaijan Summer Time
- ["mvt"] = 5*3600; -- Maldives Time
- ["uzt"] = 5*3600; -- Uzbekistan Time
- ["ist"] = 5*3600+1800;-- Indian Standard
- ["zp6"] = 6*3600; -- USSR Zone 5
- ["lkt"] = 6*3600; -- Sri Lanka Time
- ["pkst"] = 6*3600; -- Pakistan Summer Time
- ["yekst"] = 6*3600; -- Yekaterinburg Summer Time
- ["wast"] = 7*3600; -- West Australian Standard
- ["ict"] = 7*3600; -- Indochina Time
- ["wit"] = 7*3600; -- Western Indonesia Time
- ["cct"] = 8*3600; -- China Coast; USSR Zone 7
- ["wst"] = 8*3600; -- West Australian Standard
- ["hkt"] = 8*3600; -- Hong Kong
- ["bnt"] = 8*3600; -- Brunei Darussalam Time
- ["cit"] = 8*3600; -- Central Indonesia Time
- ["myt"] = 8*3600; -- Malaysia Time
- ["pht"] = 8*3600; -- Philippines Time
- ["sgt"] = 8*3600; -- Singapore Time
- ["jst"] = 9*3600; -- Japan Standard; USSR Zone 8
- ["kst"] = 9*3600; -- Korean Standard
- ["east"] = 10*3600; -- Eastern Australian Standard
- ["gst"] = 10*3600; -- Guam Standard; USSR Zone 9
- ["nct"] = 11*3600; -- New Caledonia Time
- ["nzt"] = 12*3600; -- New Zealand
- ["nzst"] = 12*3600; -- New Zealand Standard
- ["fjt"] = 12*3600; -- Fiji Time
- ["idle"] = 12*3600; -- International Date Line East
--- Return the time offset in seconds between the UTC and given time zone.
-- @param tz Symbolic or numeric timezone specifier
-- @return Time offset to UTC in seconds
return s * 60 * ( math.floor( v / 100 ) * 60 + ( v % 100 ) )
-- lookup symbolic tz
- elseif TZ[tz:lower()] then
- return TZ[tz:lower()]
+ elseif luci.sys.zoneinfo.OFFSET[tz:lower()] then
+ return luci.sys.zoneinfo.OFFSET[tz:lower()]
require "luci.model.uci".cursor = function(config, save)
return uci.cursor(config or SYSROOT .. "/etc/config", save or SYSROOT .. "/tmp/.uci")
+ local x = require "luci.uvl".UVL.__init__
+ require "luci.uvl".UVL.__init__ = function(self, schemedir)
+ x(self, schemedir or SYSROOT .. "/lib/uci/schema")
+ end
self:error( thread, 411, luci.http.protocol.statusmsg[411] )
+ -- FIXME: Close for POST requests
+ close = true
self:error( thread, 405, luci.http.protocol.statusmsg[405] )
--- /dev/null
+diff -urN boa-0.94.13.orig/src/boa.c boa-0.94.13/src/boa.c
+--- boa-0.94.13.orig/src/boa.c 2008-10-28 16:15:45.000000000 +0100
++++ boa-0.94.13/src/boa.c 2008-10-28 15:56:27.000000000 +0100
+@@ -27,6 +27,12 @@
+ #include <sys/resource.h>
+ /* globals */
++#ifdef INET6
++int server_addr_family;
++socklen_t server_addr_len;
+ int backlog = SO_MAXCONN;
+ time_t start_time;
+@@ -164,14 +170,36 @@
+ return 0;
+ }
++#ifdef INET6
++sa_family_t *get_addr_family(struct sockaddr *address)
++ if(server_addr_family == AF_INET6) {
++ return &(((struct sockaddr_in6 *) address)->sin6_family);
++ }
++ return &(((struct sockaddr_in *) address)->sin_family);
+ static int create_server_socket(void)
+ {
+ int server_s;
+- server_s = socket(SERVER_AF, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP);
++#ifdef INET6
++ server_addr_family = AF_INET6;
++ server_addr_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6);
++ server_s = socket(server_addr_family, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP);
+ if (server_s == -1) {
+- DIE("unable to create socket");
++ server_addr_family = AF_INET;
++ server_addr_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
++ server_s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP);
++ if (server_s == -1) {
++ DIE("unable to create socket");
++ }
++#ifdef INET6
+ }
+ /* server socket is nonblocking */
+ if (set_nonblock_fd(server_s) == -1) {
+diff -urN boa-0.94.13.orig/src/boa.h boa-0.94.13/src/boa.h
+--- boa-0.94.13.orig/src/boa.h 2008-10-28 16:15:58.000000000 +0100
++++ boa-0.94.13/src/boa.h 2008-10-28 14:45:52.000000000 +0100
+@@ -199,4 +199,12 @@
+ int plugin_handle(request * req);
+ struct httpd_plugin *plugin_lookup(request *req);
++/* IPv6 */
++#ifdef INET6
++extern int server_addr_family;
++extern socklen_t server_addr_len;
++sa_family_t *get_addr_family(struct sockaddr *address);
+ #endif
+diff -urN boa-0.94.13.orig/src/compat.h boa-0.94.13/src/compat.h
+--- boa-0.94.13.orig/src/compat.h 2002-06-06 07:02:28.000000000 +0200
++++ boa-0.94.13/src/compat.h 2008-10-28 15:31:16.000000000 +0100
+@@ -71,11 +71,13 @@
+ #ifdef INET6
+ #define SOCKADDR sockaddr_storage
+-#define S_FAMILY __s_family
+-#define SERVER_AF AF_INET6
++#define SOCKADDR_LEN server_addr_len
++#define S_FAMILY(address) (*get_addr_family((struct sockaddr *) (address)))
++#define SERVER_AF server_addr_family
+ #else
+ #define SOCKADDR sockaddr_in
+-#define S_FAMILY sin_family
++#define SOCKADDR_LEN sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)
++#define S_FAMILY(address) ((*address).sin_family)
+ #endif
+diff -urN boa-0.94.13.orig/src/ip.c boa-0.94.13/src/ip.c
+--- boa-0.94.13.orig/src/ip.c 2002-01-21 03:19:16.000000000 +0100
++++ boa-0.94.13/src/ip.c 2008-10-28 15:52:05.000000000 +0100
+@@ -44,52 +44,64 @@
+ #include "boa.h"
+ #include <arpa/inet.h> /* inet_ntoa */
++#include <netinet/in.h>
+ /* Binds to the existing server_s, based on the configuration string
+ in server_ip. IPv6 version doesn't pay attention to server_ip yet. */
+ int bind_server(int server_s, char *server_ip)
+ {
++ struct sockaddr *server_sockaddr;
++ struct sockaddr_in server_sockaddr4;
+ #ifdef INET6
+- struct sockaddr_in6 server_sockaddr;
+- server_sockaddr.sin6_family = AF_INET6;
+- memcpy(&server_sockaddr.sin6_addr, &in6addr_any, sizeof (in6addr_any));
+- server_sockaddr.sin6_port = htons(server_port);
+- struct sockaddr_in server_sockaddr;
+- memset(&server_sockaddr, 0, sizeof server_sockaddr);
++ struct sockaddr_in6 server_sockaddr6;
++ if(SERVER_AF == AF_INET6) {
++ server_sockaddr6.sin6_family = AF_INET6;
++ memcpy(&server_sockaddr6.sin6_addr, &in6addr_any, sizeof (in6addr_any));
++ server_sockaddr6.sin6_port = htons(server_port);
++ server_sockaddr = (struct sockaddr *) &server_sockaddr6;
++ } else {
++ memset(&server_sockaddr4, 0, SOCKADDR_LEN);
+ #ifdef HAVE_SIN_LEN /* uncomment for BSDs */
+- server_sockaddr.sin_len = sizeof server_sockaddr;
++ server_sockaddr4.sin_len = SOCKADDR_LEN;
+ #endif
+- server_sockaddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
+- if (server_ip != NULL) {
+- inet_aton(server_ip, &server_sockaddr.sin_addr);
+- } else {
+- server_sockaddr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
++ server_sockaddr4.sin_family = AF_INET;
++ if (server_ip != NULL) {
++ inet_aton(server_ip, &server_sockaddr4.sin_addr);
++ } else {
++ server_sockaddr4.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
++ }
++ server_sockaddr4.sin_port = htons(server_port);
++ server_sockaddr = (struct sockaddr *) &server_sockaddr4;
++#ifdef INET6
+ }
+- server_sockaddr.sin_port = htons(server_port);
+ #endif
+- return bind(server_s, (struct sockaddr *) &server_sockaddr,
+- sizeof (server_sockaddr));
++ return bind(server_s, server_sockaddr, SOCKADDR_LEN);
+ }
+ char *ascii_sockaddr(struct SOCKADDR *s, char *dest, int len)
+ {
+ #ifdef INET6
+- if (getnameinfo((struct sockaddr *) s,
+- sizeof(struct SOCKADDR),
+- dest, len, NULL, 0, NI_NUMERICHOST)) {
+- fprintf(stderr, "[IPv6] getnameinfo failed\n");
+- *dest = '\0';
+- }
++ if(SERVER_AF == AF_INET6) {
++ if (getnameinfo((struct sockaddr *) s,
++ dest, len, NULL, 0, NI_NUMERICHOST)) {
++ fprintf(stderr, "[IPv6] getnameinfo failed\n");
++ *dest = '\0';
++ }
+- if ((s->__ss_family == AF_INET6) &&
+- IN6_IS_ADDR_V4MAPPED(&(((struct sockaddr_in6 *) s)->sin6_addr))) {
+- memmove(dest, dest+7, NI_MAXHOST);
+- }
++ if (((((struct sockaddr_in6 *) s)->sin6_family) == AF_INET6) &&
++ IN6_IS_ADDR_V4MAPPED(&(((struct sockaddr_in6 *) s)->sin6_addr))) {
++ memmove(dest, dest+7, NI_MAXHOST);
++ }
+ #endif
+- memmove(dest, inet_ntoa(s->sin_addr), len);
++ } else {
++ memmove(dest, inet_ntoa(((struct sockaddr_in *) s)->sin_addr), len);
++#ifdef INET6
++ }
+ #endif
+ return dest;
+ }
+@@ -98,17 +110,21 @@
+ {
+ int p = -1;
+ #ifdef INET6
+- char serv[NI_MAXSERV];
++ if(SERVER_AF == AF_INET6) {
++ char serv[NI_MAXSERV];
+- if (getnameinfo((struct sockaddr *) s,
+- sizeof(struct SOCKADDR),
+- NULL, 0, serv, sizeof(serv), NI_NUMERICSERV)) {
+- fprintf(stderr, "[IPv6] getnameinfo failed\n");
++ if (getnameinfo((struct sockaddr *) s,
++ NULL, 0, serv, sizeof(serv), NI_NUMERICSERV)) {
++ fprintf(stderr, "[IPv6] getnameinfo failed\n");
++ } else {
++ p = atoi(serv);
++ }
+ } else {
+- p = atoi(serv);
++ p = ntohs(((struct sockaddr_in *) s)->sin_port);
++#ifdef INET6
+ }
+- p = ntohs(s->sin_port);
+ #endif
+ return p;
+ }
+diff -urN boa-0.94.13.orig/src/mmap_cache.c boa-0.94.13/src/mmap_cache.c
+--- boa-0.94.13.orig/src/mmap_cache.c 2002-03-24 23:35:34.000000000 +0100
++++ boa-0.94.13/src/mmap_cache.c 2008-10-28 14:55:16.000000000 +0100
+@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
+ m = mmap(0, s->st_size, PROT_READ, MAP_OPTIONS, data_fd, 0);
+- if ((int) m == -1) {
++ if ((ssize_t) m == -1) {
+ /* boa_perror(req,"mmap"); */
+ return NULL;
+ }
+diff -urN boa-0.94.13.orig/src/request.c boa-0.94.13/src/request.c
+--- boa-0.94.13.orig/src/request.c 2008-10-28 16:16:03.000000000 +0100
++++ boa-0.94.13/src/request.c 2008-10-28 15:17:20.000000000 +0100
+@@ -75,12 +75,12 @@
+ int fd; /* socket */
+ struct SOCKADDR remote_addr; /* address */
+ struct SOCKADDR salocal;
+- int remote_addrlen = sizeof (struct SOCKADDR);
++ int remote_addrlen = SOCKADDR_LEN;
+ request *conn; /* connection */
+- size_t len;
++ socklen_t len;
+ static int system_bufsize = 0; /* Default size of SNDBUF given by system */
+- remote_addr.S_FAMILY = 0xdead;
++ S_FAMILY(&remote_addr) = 0xdead;
+ fd = accept(server_s, (struct sockaddr *) &remote_addr,
+ &remote_addrlen);
+@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@
+ }
+ #endif
+- len = sizeof(salocal);
++ len = SOCKADDR_LEN;
+ if (getsockname(fd, (struct sockaddr *) &salocal, &len) != 0) {
+ WARN("getsockname");
{ 'America/Anguilla', 'AST4' },
{ 'America/Antigua', 'AST4' },
{ 'America/Araguaina', 'BRT3' },
- { 'America/Argentina/Buenos Aires', 'ART3ARST,M10.1.0/0,M3.3.0/0' },
- { 'America/Argentina/Catamarca', 'ART3ARST,M10.1.0/0,M3.3.0/0' },
- { 'America/Argentina/Cordoba', 'ART3ARST,M10.1.0/0,M3.3.0/0' },
- { 'America/Argentina/Jujuy', 'ART3ARST,M10.1.0/0,M3.3.0/0' },
- { 'America/Argentina/La Rioja', 'ART3ARST,M10.1.0/0,M3.3.0/0' },
- { 'America/Argentina/Mendoza', 'ART3ARST,M10.1.0/0,M3.3.0/0' },
- { 'America/Argentina/Rio Gallegos', 'ART3ARST,M10.1.0/0,M3.3.0/0' },
- { 'America/Argentina/San Juan', 'ART3ARST,M10.1.0/0,M3.3.0/0' },
+ { 'America/Argentina/Buenos Aires', 'ART3ARST,M10.3.0/0,M3.3.0/0' },
+ { 'America/Argentina/Catamarca', 'ART3' },
+ { 'America/Argentina/Cordoba', 'ART3ARST,M10.3.0/0,M3.3.0/0' },
+ { 'America/Argentina/Jujuy', 'ART3' },
+ { 'America/Argentina/La Rioja', 'ART3' },
+ { 'America/Argentina/Mendoza', 'ART3' },
+ { 'America/Argentina/Rio Gallegos', 'ART3' },
+ { 'America/Argentina/Salta', 'ART3' },
+ { 'America/Argentina/San Juan', 'ART3' },
{ 'America/Argentina/San Luis', 'ART3' },
- { 'America/Argentina/Tucuman', 'ART3ARST,M10.1.0/0,M3.3.0/0' },
- { 'America/Argentina/Ushuaia', 'ART3ARST,M10.1.0/0,M3.3.0/0' },
+ { 'America/Argentina/Tucuman', 'ART3ARST,M10.3.0/0,M3.3.0/0' },
+ { 'America/Argentina/Ushuaia', 'ART3' },
{ 'America/Aruba', 'AST4' },
{ 'America/Asuncion', 'PYT4PYST,M10.3.0/0,M3.2.0/0' },
{ 'America/Atikokan', 'EST5' },
{ 'America/Bogota', 'COT5' },
{ 'America/Boise', 'MST7MDT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0' },
{ 'America/Cambridge Bay', 'MST7MDT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0' },
- { 'America/Campo Grande', 'AMT4AMST,M10.2.0/0,M2.3.0/0' },
+ { 'America/Campo Grande', 'AMT4AMST,M10.3.0/0,M2.3.0/0' },
{ 'America/Cancun', 'CST6CDT,M4.1.0,M10.5.0' },
{ 'America/Caracas', 'VET4:30' },
{ 'America/Cayenne', 'GFT3' },
{ 'America/Chicago', 'CST6CDT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0' },
{ 'America/Chihuahua', 'MST7MDT,M4.1.0,M10.5.0' },
{ 'America/Costa Rica', 'CST6' },
- { 'America/Cuiaba', 'AMT4AMST,M10.2.0/0,M2.3.0/0' },
+ { 'America/Cuiaba', 'AMT4AMST,M10.3.0/0,M2.3.0/0' },
{ 'America/Curacao', 'AST4' },
{ 'America/Danmarkshavn', 'GMT0' },
{ 'America/Dawson', 'PST8PDT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0' },
{ 'America/Rio Branco', 'AMT4' },
{ 'America/Santarem', 'BRT3' },
{ 'America/Santo Domingo', 'AST4' },
- { 'America/Sao Paulo', 'BRT3BRST,M10.2.0/0,M2.3.0/0' },
+ { 'America/Sao Paulo', 'BRT3BRST,M10.3.0/0,M2.3.0/0' },
{ 'America/Scoresbysund', 'EGT1EGST,M3.5.0/0,M10.5.0/1' },
{ 'America/Shiprock', 'MST7MDT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0' },
{ 'America/St Barthelemy', 'AST4' },
{ 'Asia/Choibalsan', 'CHOT-8' },
{ 'Asia/Chongqing', 'CST-8' },
{ 'Asia/Colombo', 'IST-5:30' },
- { 'Asia/Damascus', 'EET-2EEST,M4.1.5/0,J274/0' },
+ { 'Asia/Damascus', 'EET-2EEST,M4.1.5/0,J305/0' },
{ 'Asia/Dhaka', 'BDT-6' },
{ 'Asia/Dili', 'TLT-9' },
{ 'Asia/Dubai', 'GST-4' },
{ 'Asia/Dushanbe', 'TJT-5' },
- { 'Asia/Gaza', 'EET-2EEST,J91/0,M9.2.4' },
+ { 'Asia/Gaza', 'EET-2EEST,J91/0,M8.5.4' },
{ 'Asia/Harbin', 'CST-8' },
{ 'Asia/Ho Chi Minh', 'ICT-7' },
{ 'Asia/Hong Kong', 'HKT-8' },
{ 'Indian/Kerguelen', 'TFT-5' },
{ 'Indian/Mahe', 'SCT-4' },
{ 'Indian/Maldives', 'MVT-5' },
- { 'Indian/Mauritius', 'MUT-4' },
+ { 'Indian/Mauritius', 'MUT-4MUST,M10.5.0,M3.5.0/3' },
{ 'Indian/Mayotte', 'EAT-3' },
{ 'Indian/Reunion', 'RET-4' },
{ 'Pacific/Apia', 'WST11' },
{ 'Pacific/Wake', 'WAKT-12' },
{ 'Pacific/Wallis', 'WFT-12' },
+ gmt = 0, -- GMT
+ eat = 10800, -- EAT
+ cet = 3600, -- CET
+ wat = 3600, -- WAT
+ cat = 7200, -- CAT
+ wet = 0, -- WET
+ sast = 7200, -- SAST
+ eet = 7200, -- EET
+ hast = -36000, -- HAST
+ hadt = -32400, -- HADT
+ akst = -32400, -- AKST
+ akdt = -28800, -- AKDT
+ ast = -14400, -- AST
+ brt = -10800, -- BRT
+ art = -10800, -- ART
+ arst = -7200, -- ARST
+ pyt = -14400, -- PYT
+ pyst = -10800, -- PYST
+ est = -18000, -- EST
+ cst = -21600, -- CST
+ amt = -14400, -- AMT
+ cot = -18000, -- COT
+ mst = -25200, -- MST
+ mdt = -21600, -- MDT
+ vet = -16200, -- VET
+ gft = -10800, -- GFT
+ pst = -28800, -- PST
+ pdt = -25200, -- PDT
+ ect = -18000, -- ECT
+ gyt = -14400, -- GYT
+ bot = -14400, -- BOT
+ pet = -18000, -- PET
+ pmst = -10800, -- PMST
+ pmdt = -7200, -- PMDT
+ uyt = -10800, -- UYT
+ uyst = -7200, -- UYST
+ fnt = -7200, -- FNT
+ srt = -10800, -- SRT
+ egt = -3600, -- EGT
+ egst = 0, -- EGST
+ nst = -12600, -- NST
+ ndt = -9000, -- NDT
+ wst = 28800, -- WST
+ davt = 25200, -- DAVT
+ ddut = 36000, -- DDUT
+ mawt = 21600, -- MAWT
+ nzst = 43200, -- NZST
+ nzdt = 46800, -- NZDT
+ rott = -10800, -- ROTT
+ syot = 10800, -- SYOT
+ vost = 21600, -- VOST
+ almt = 21600, -- ALMT
+ anat = 43200, -- ANAT
+ anast = 46800, -- ANAST
+ aqtt = 18000, -- AQTT
+ tmt = 18000, -- TMT
+ azt = 14400, -- AZT
+ azst = 18000, -- AZST
+ ict = 25200, -- ICT
+ kgt = 21600, -- KGT
+ bnt = 28800, -- BNT
+ chot = 28800, -- CHOT
+ ist = 19800, -- IST
+ bdt = 21600, -- BDT
+ tlt = 32400, -- TLT
+ gst = 14400, -- GST
+ tjt = 18000, -- TJT
+ hkt = 28800, -- HKT
+ hovt = 25200, -- HOVT
+ irkt = 28800, -- IRKT
+ irkst = 32400, -- IRKST
+ wit = 25200, -- WIT
+ eit = 32400, -- EIT
+ aft = 16200, -- AFT
+ pett = 43200, -- PETT
+ petst = 46800, -- PETST
+ pkt = 18000, -- PKT
+ npt = 20700, -- NPT
+ krat = 25200, -- KRAT
+ krast = 28800, -- KRAST
+ myt = 28800, -- MYT
+ magt = 39600, -- MAGT
+ magst = 43200, -- MAGST
+ cit = 28800, -- CIT
+ pht = 28800, -- PHT
+ novt = 21600, -- NOVT
+ novst = 25200, -- NOVST
+ omst = 21600, -- OMST
+ omsst = 25200, -- OMSST
+ orat = 18000, -- ORAT
+ kst = 32400, -- KST
+ qyzt = 21600, -- QYZT
+ mmt = 23400, -- MMT
+ sakt = 36000, -- SAKT
+ sakst = 39600, -- SAKST
+ uzt = 18000, -- UZT
+ sgt = 28800, -- SGT
+ get = 14400, -- GET
+ btt = 21600, -- BTT
+ jst = 32400, -- JST
+ ulat = 28800, -- ULAT
+ vlat = 36000, -- VLAT
+ vlast = 39600, -- VLAST
+ yakt = 32400, -- YAKT
+ yakst = 36000, -- YAKST
+ yekt = 18000, -- YEKT
+ yekst = 21600, -- YEKST
+ azot = -3600, -- AZOT
+ azost = 0, -- AZOST
+ cvt = -3600, -- CVT
+ fkt = -14400, -- FKT
+ fkst = -10800, -- FKST
+ cwst = 31500, -- CWST
+ lhst = 37800, -- LHST
+ lhst = 39600, -- LHST
+ msk = 10800, -- MSK
+ msd = 14400, -- MSD
+ samt = 14400, -- SAMT
+ samst = 18000, -- SAMST
+ volt = 10800, -- VOLT
+ volst = 14400, -- VOLST
+ iot = 21600, -- IOT
+ cxt = 25200, -- CXT
+ cct = 23400, -- CCT
+ tft = 18000, -- TFT
+ sct = 14400, -- SCT
+ mvt = 18000, -- MVT
+ mut = 14400, -- MUT
+ must = 18000, -- MUST
+ ret = 14400, -- RET
+ chast = 45900, -- CHAST
+ chadt = 49500, -- CHADT
+ vut = 39600, -- VUT
+ phot = 46800, -- PHOT
+ tkt = -36000, -- TKT
+ fjt = 43200, -- FJT
+ tvt = 43200, -- TVT
+ galt = -21600, -- GALT
+ gamt = -32400, -- GAMT
+ sbt = 39600, -- SBT
+ hst = -36000, -- HST
+ lint = 50400, -- LINT
+ kost = 39600, -- KOST
+ mht = 43200, -- MHT
+ mart = -34200, -- MART
+ sst = -39600, -- SST
+ nrt = 43200, -- NRT
+ nut = -39600, -- NUT
+ nft = 41400, -- NFT
+ nct = 39600, -- NCT
+ pwt = 32400, -- PWT
+ pont = 39600, -- PONT
+ pgt = 36000, -- PGT
+ ckt = -36000, -- CKT
+ taht = -36000, -- TAHT
+ gilt = 43200, -- GILT
+ tot = 46800, -- TOT
+ trut = 36000, -- TRUT
+ wakt = 43200, -- WAKT
+ wft = 43200, -- WFT
-- @param ... Virtual path
-- @return Relative URL
function build_url(...)
- return luci.http.getenv("SCRIPT_NAME") .. "/" .. table.concat(arg, "/")
+ local path = {...}
+ local sn = http.getenv("SCRIPT_NAME") or ""
+ for k, v in pairs(context.urltoken) do
+ sn = sn .. "/;" .. k .. "=" .. http.urlencode(v)
+ end
+ return sn .. ((#path > 0) and "/" .. table.concat(path, "/") or "")
--- Send a 404 error code and render the "error404" template if available.
--context._disable_memtrace = require "luci.debug".trap_memtrace()
local ctx = context
ctx.path = request
+ ctx.urltoken = ctx.urltoken or {}
require "luci.i18n".setlanguage(require "luci.config".main.lang)
ctx.args = args
ctx.requestargs = ctx.requestargs or args
local n
+ local t = true
+ local token = ctx.urltoken
+ local preq = {}
for i, s in ipairs(request) do
- c = c.nodes[s]
- n = i
- if not c then
- break
+ local tkey, tval
+ if t then
+ tkey, tval = s:match(";(%w+)=(.*)")
- util.update(track, c)
+ if tkey then
+ token[tkey] = tval
+ else
+ t = false
+ preq[#preq+1] = s
+ c = c.nodes[s]
+ n = i
+ if not c then
+ break
+ end
+ util.update(track, c)
- if c.leaf then
- break
+ if c.leaf then
+ break
+ end
+ ctx.path = preq
if track.i18n then
assert(media, "No valid theme found")
- local viewns = setmetatable({}, {__index=_G})
+ local viewns = setmetatable({}, {__index=function(table, key)
+ if key == "controller" then
+ return build_url()
+ elseif key == "REQUEST_URI" then
+ return build_url(unpack(ctx.requested.path))
+ else
+ return rawget(table, key) or _G[key]
+ end
+ end})
tpl.context.viewns = viewns
viewns.write = luci.http.write
viewns.include = function(name) tpl.Template(name):render(getfenv(2)) end
viewns.translate = function(...) return require("luci.i18n").translate(...) end
viewns.striptags = util.striptags
- viewns.controller = luci.http.getenv("SCRIPT_NAME")
viewns.media = media
viewns.theme = fs.basename(media)
viewns.resource = luci.config.main.resourcebase
- viewns.REQUEST_URI = (luci.http.getenv("SCRIPT_NAME") or "") .. (luci.http.getenv("PATH_INFO") or "")
track.dependent = (track.dependent ~= false)
local def = (type(track.sysauth) == "string") and track.sysauth
local accs = def and {track.sysauth} or track.sysauth
- local sess = ctx.authsession or luci.http.getcookie("sysauth")
- sess = sess and sess:match("^[A-F0-9]+$")
- local user = sauth.read(sess)
+ local sess = ctx.authsession
+ local verifytoken = false
+ if not sess then
+ sess = luci.http.getcookie("sysauth")
+ sess = sess and sess:match("^[A-F0-9]+$")
+ verifytoken = true
+ end
+ local sdat = sauth.read(sess)
+ local user
+ if sdat then
+ sdat = loadstring(sdat)()
+ if not verifytoken or ctx.urltoken.stok == sdat.token then
+ user = sdat.user
+ end
+ end
if not util.contains(accs, user) then
if authen then
+ ctx.urltoken.stok = nil
local user, sess = authen(luci.sys.user.checkpasswd, accs, def)
if not user or not util.contains(accs, user) then
local sid = sess or luci.sys.uniqueid(16)
- luci.http.header("Set-Cookie", "sysauth=" .. sid.."; path=/")
if not sess then
- sauth.write(sid, user)
+ local token = luci.sys.uniqueid(16)
+ sauth.write(sid, util.get_bytecode({
+ user=user,
+ token=token,
+ secret=luci.sys.uniqueid(16)
+ }))
+ ctx.urltoken.stok = token
+ luci.http.header("Set-Cookie", "sysauth=" .. sid.."; path="..build_url())
ctx.authsession = sid
luci.http.status(403, "Forbidden")
+ else
+ ctx.authsession = sess
local ctx = context
local tree = {nodes={}}
+ local modi = {}
ctx.treecache = setmetatable({}, {__mode="v"})
ctx.tree = tree
+ ctx.modifiers = modi
-- Load default translation
require "luci.i18n".loadc("default")
+ local function modisort(a,b)
+ return modi[a].order < modi[b].order
+ end
+ for _, v in util.spairs(modi, modisort) do
+ scope._NAME = v.module
+ setfenv(v.func, scope)
+ v.func()
+ end
return tree
+--- Register a tree modifier.
+-- @param func Modifier function
+-- @param order Modifier order value (optional)
+function modifier(func, order)
+ context.modifiers[#context.modifiers+1] = {
+ func = func,
+ order = order or 0,
+ module
+ = getfenv(2)._NAME
+ }
--- Clone a node of the dispatching tree to another position.
-- @param path Virtual path destination
-- @param clone Virtual path source
local c = _create_node({...})
c.module = getfenv(2)._NAME
- c.path = arg
c.auto = nil
return c
local c = cache[name]
if not c then
+ local new = {nodes={}, auto=true, path=util.clone(path)}
local last = table.remove(path)
c = _create_node(path, cache)
- local new = {nodes={}, auto=true}
c.nodes[last] = new
cache[name] = new
if not id then
+ if not id:match("^%w+$") then
+ error("Session ID is not sane!")
+ end
if not sane(sessionpath .. "/" .. id) then
if not sane() then
+ if not id:match("^%w+$") then
+ error("Session ID is not sane!")
+ end
luci.fs.writefile(sessionpath .. "/" .. id, data)
luci.fs.chmod(sessionpath .. "/" .. id, "a-rwx,u+rw")
+--- Kills a session
+-- @param id Session identifier
+function kill(id)
+ if not id:match("^%w+$") then
+ error("Session ID is not sane!")
+ end
+ luci.fs.unlink(sessionpath .. "/" .. id)
\ No newline at end of file
option title "OpenWrt Kamikaze"
option subtitle "Lua Configuration Interface"
option firmware "OpenWrt Kamikaze"
- option distro ""
+ option distro "Development Snapshot"
config extern flash_keep
option uci "/etc/config/"
--- /dev/null
+LuCI - Lua Configuration Interface
+Copyright 2008 Steven Barth <steven@midlink.org>
+Copyright 2008 Jo-Philipp Wich <xm@leipzig.freifunk.net>
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+$Id: indexer.htm 3552 2008-10-10 14:37:53Z Cyrus $
+<% include("themes/" .. theme .. "/indexer") %>
\ No newline at end of file
- <div id="auth_buttons">
+ <div>
<input type="submit" value="<%:login%>" class="cbi-button cbi-button-apply" />
<input type="reset" value="<%:reset%>" class="cbi-button cbi-button-reset" />
-config 'host'
- option 'ipaddr' ''
- option 'hostname' 'sample-host'
option title 'IPv4 gateway'
option section 'network.route'
option datatype 'ip4addr'
- option required 'true'
config variable
option name 'metric'
--- /dev/null
+LuCI - Lua Configuration Interface
+Copyright 2008 Steven Barth <steven@midlink.org>
+Copyright 2008 Jo-Philipp Wich <xm@leipzig.freifunk.net>
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+module("luci.controller.admin.filebrowser", package.seeall)
+function index()
+ entry( {"admin", "filebrowser"}, template("cbi/filebrowser") ).leaf = true
function action_logout()
- luci.http.header("Set-Cookie", "sysauth=; path=/")
+ local dsp = require "luci.dispatcher"
+ local sauth = require "luci.sauth"
+ if dsp.context.authsession then
+ sauth.kill(dsp.context.authsession)
+ dsp.context.urltoken.stok = nil
+ end
+ luci.http.header("Set-Cookie", "sysauth=; path=" .. dsp.build_url())
\ No newline at end of file
page.order = 40
page.index = true
- local page = node("admin", "services", "httpd")
- page.target = cbi("admin_services/httpd")
- page.title = "Busybox HTTPd"
- page.order = 10
+ if luci.fs.access("/etc/config/lucittpd") then
+ local page = node("admin", "services", "lucittpd")
+ page.target = cbi("admin_services/lucittpd")
+ page.title = "LuCIttpd"
+ page.order = 10
+ end
+ if luci.fs.access("/etc/config/httpd") then
+ local page = node("admin", "services", "httpd")
+ page.target = cbi("admin_services/httpd")
+ page.title = "Busybox HTTPd"
+ page.order = 11
+ end
local page = node("admin", "services", "dropbear")
page.target = cbi("admin_services/dropbear")
entry({"admin", "system", "sshkeys"}, form("admin_system/sshkeys"), i18n("a_s_sshkeys"), 30)
entry({"admin", "system", "processes"}, form("admin_system/processes"), i18n("process_head"), 45)
entry({"admin", "system", "fstab"}, cbi("admin_system/fstab"), i18n("a_s_fstab"), 50)
- entry({"admin", "system", "leds"}, cbi("admin_system/leds"), i18n("leds", "LEDs"), 60)
+ if luci.fs.isdirectory("/sys/class/leds") then
+ entry({"admin", "system", "leds"}, cbi("admin_system/leds"), i18n("leds", "LEDs"), 60)
+ end
entry({"admin", "system", "backup"}, call("action_backup"), i18n("a_s_backup"), 70)
entry({"admin", "system", "upgrade"}, call("action_upgrade"), i18n("a_s_flash"), 80)
entry({"admin", "system", "reboot"}, call("action_reboot"), i18n("reboot"), 90)
if has_pppoa then p:value("pppoa", "PPPoA") end
if has_3g then p:value("3g", "UMTS/3G") end
if has_pptp then p:value("pptp", "PPTP") end
+p:value("none", translate("none"))
if not ( has_pppd and has_pppoe and has_pppoa and has_3g and has_pptp ) then
p.description = translate("network_interface_prereq")
-------------------- MAC80211 Interface ----------------------
if hwtype == "mac80211" then
+ mode:value("ahdemo", translate("a_w_ahdemo"))
mode:value("monitor", translate("a_w_monitor"))
function s.extedit(self, section)
local device = self.map:get(section, "device") or ""
- return luci.http.getenv("REQUEST_URI") .. "/" .. device
+ return luci.dispatcher.build_url(unpack(luci.dispatcher.context.requested.path)) .. "/" .. device
link = s:option(DummyValue, "_link", translate("link"))
uci:section("wireless", "wifi-iface", nil, {device=value})
- luci.http.redirect(luci.http.getenv("REQUEST_URI") .. "/" .. value)
+ luci.http.redirect(luci.dispatcher.build_url(unpack(luci.dispatcher.context.requested.path)) .. "/" .. value)
function create.cbid(self, section)
return "priv.cbid.create"
-return m
\ No newline at end of file
+return m
--- /dev/null
+LuCI - Lua Configuration Interface
+Copyright 2008 Steven Barth <steven@midlink.org>
+Copyright 2008 Jo-Philipp Wich <xm@leipzig.freifunk.net>
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+m = Map("lucittpd", "LuCIttpd", translate("a_srv_lucittpd"))
+s = m:section(NamedSection, "lucittpd", "lucittpd", "")
+s:option(Value, "port", translate("port"))
+s:option(Value, "root", translate("a_srv_http_root"))
+s:option(Value, "path", translate("a_srv_http_path"))
+s:option(Flag, "keepalive", translate("a_srv_http_keepalive"))
+s:option(Value, "timeout", translate("a_srv_http_timeout"))
+return m
function action_logout()
- luci.http.header("Set-Cookie", "sysauth=; path=/")
+ local dsp = require "luci.dispatcher"
+ local sauth = require "luci.sauth"
+ if dsp.context.authsession then
+ sauth.kill(dsp.context.authsession)
+ dsp.context.urltoken.stok = nil
+ end
+ luci.http.header("Set-Cookie", "sysauth=; path=" .. dsp.build_url())
\ No newline at end of file
local page = node()
page.lock = true
page.target = alias("freifunk")
+ page.subindex = true
+ page.index = false
local page = node("freifunk")
page.title = "Freifunk"
page.setuser = "nobody"
page.setgroup = "nogroup"
page.i18n = "freifunk"
+ page.index = true
local page = node("freifunk", "index")
page.target = template("freifunk/index")
page.title = "Übersicht"
page.order = 10
+ page.indexignore = true
local page = node("freifunk", "index", "contact")
page.target = template("freifunk/contact")
local page = node("freifunk", "status")
- page.target = call("action_status")
+ page.target = form("freifunk/public_status")
page.title = "Status"
page.order = 20
+ page.i18n = "admin-core"
page.setuser = false
page.setgroup = false
- assign({"freifunk", "status", "iwscan"}, {"admin", "status", "iwscan"}, "WLAN-Scan", 20)
assign({"freifunk", "olsr"}, {"admin", "status", "olsr"}, "OLSR", 30)
if luci.fs.isfile("/etc/config/luci_statistics") then
- assign({"freifunk", "statistics"}, {"admin", "statistics", "graph"}, i18n("stat_statistics", "Statistiken"), 40)
+ assign({"freifunk", "graph"}, {"admin", "statistics", "graph"}, i18n("stat_statistics", "Statistiken"), 40)
- local page = node("admin", "index", "freifunk")
+ assign({"mini", "freifunk"}, {"admin", "freifunk"}, "Freifunk", 15)
+ entry({"admin", "freifunk"}, alias("admin", "freifunk", "index"), "Freifunk", 15)
+ local page = node("admin", "freifunk", "index")
page.target = cbi("freifunk/freifunk")
page.title = "Freifunk"
page.order = 30
- local page = node("admin", "index", "contact")
+ local page = node("admin", "freifunk", "contact")
page.target = cbi("freifunk/contact")
page.title = "Kontakt"
page.order = 40
m = Map("freifunk", translate("contact"), translate("contact1"))
c = m:section(NamedSection, "contact", "public", "")
-c:option(Value, "nickname", translate("nickname"))
-c:option(Value, "name", translate("name"))
-c:option(Value, "mail", translate("mail"), translate("mail1"))
-c:option(Value, "phone", translate("phone"))
-c:option(Value, "location", translate("location"))
-c:option(Value, "geo", translate("coord"), translate("coord1"))
-c:option(Value, "note", translate("note"))
+c:option(Value, "nickname", translate("ff_nickname"))
+c:option(Value, "name", translate("ff_name"))
+c:option(Value, "mail", translate("ff_mail"), translate("ff_mail1"))
+c:option(Value, "phone", translate("ff_phone"))
+c:option(Value, "location", translate("ff_location"))
+c:option(Value, "note", translate("ff_note"))
+m2 = Map("system", translate("geo"))
+s = m2:section(TypedSection, "system", "")
+s:option(Value, "latitude", translate("latitude", "Breite")).rmempty = true
+s:option(Value, "longitude", translate("longitude", "Länge")).rmempty = true
-return m
\ No newline at end of file
+return m, m2
des Routers aus, sondern definieren nur die Vorgaben für den Freifunkassistenten.]])
c:option(Value, "name", "Gemeinschaft")
c:option(Value, "homepage", "Webseite")
-c:option(Value, "essid", "ESSID")
-c:option(Value, "bssid", "BSSID")
-c:option(Value, "channel", "Funkkanal")
-c:option(Value, "realm", "Realm")
-c:option(Value, "net", "Adressbereich")
-c:option(Value, "mask", "Netzmaske")
-c:option(Value, "dns", "DNS-Server")
-c:option(Value, "dhcp", "DHCP-Bereich")
-c:option(Value, "dhcpmask", "DHCP-Maske")
+c:option(Value, "ssid", "ESSID")
+c:option(Value, "prefix", "Netzprefix")
return m
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+require "luci.sys"
+require "luci.tools.webadmin"
+local bit = require "bit"
+local uci = luci.model.uci.cursor_state()
+local ffzone = luci.tools.webadmin.firewall_find_zone("freifunk")
+local ffznet = ffzone and uci:get("firewall", ffzone, "network")
+local ffwifs = ffznet and luci.util.split(ffznet, " ") or {}
+-- System --
+f = SimpleForm("system", "System")
+f.submit = false
+f.reset = false
+local system, model, memtotal, memcached, membuffers, memfree = luci.sys.sysinfo()
+local uptime = luci.sys.uptime()
+f:field(DummyValue, "_system", translate("system")).value = system
+f:field(DummyValue, "_cpu", translate("m_i_processor")).value = model
+local load1, load5, load15 = luci.sys.loadavg()
+f:field(DummyValue, "_la", translate("load")).value =
+string.format("%.2f, %.2f, %.2f", load1, load5, load15)
+f:field(DummyValue, "_memtotal", translate("m_i_memory")).value =
+string.format("%.2f MB (%.0f%% %s, %.0f%% %s, %.0f%% %s)",
+ tonumber(memtotal) / 1024,
+ 100 * memcached / memtotal,
+ translate("mem_cached") or "",
+ 100 * membuffers / memtotal,
+ translate("mem_buffered") or "",
+ 100 * memfree / memtotal,
+ translate("mem_free") or "")
+f:field(DummyValue, "_systime", translate("m_i_systemtime")).value =
+f:field(DummyValue, "_uptime", translate("m_i_uptime")).value =
+-- Wireless --
+local wireless = uci:get_all("wireless")
+local wifidata = luci.sys.wifi.getiwconfig()
+local ifaces = {}
+for k, v in pairs(wireless) do
+ if v[".type"] == "wifi-iface" and luci.util.contains(ffwifs, v.device) then
+ table.insert(ifaces, v)
+ end
+m = SimpleForm("wireless", "Freifunk WLAN")
+m.submit = false
+m.reset = false
+s = m:section(Table, ifaces, translate("networks"))
+link = s:option(DummyValue, "_link", translate("link"))
+function link.cfgvalue(self, section)
+ local ifname = self.map:get(section, "ifname")
+ return wifidata[ifname] and wifidata[ifname]["Link Quality"] or "-"
+essid = s:option(DummyValue, "ssid", "ESSID")
+bssid = s:option(DummyValue, "_bsiid", "BSSID")
+function bssid.cfgvalue(self, section)
+ local ifname = self.map:get(section, "ifname")
+ return (wifidata[ifname] and (wifidata[ifname].Cell
+ or wifidata[ifname]["Access Point"])) or "-"
+channel = s:option(DummyValue, "channel", translate("channel"))
+ function channel.cfgvalue(self, section)
+ return wireless[self.map:get(section, "device")].channel
+protocol = s:option(DummyValue, "_mode", translate("protocol"))
+function protocol.cfgvalue(self, section)
+ local mode = wireless[self.map:get(section, "device")].mode
+ return mode and "802." .. mode
+mode = s:option(DummyValue, "mode", translate("mode"))
+encryption = s:option(DummyValue, "encryption", translate("iwscan_encr"))
+power = s:option(DummyValue, "_power", translate("power"))
+function power.cfgvalue(self, section)
+ local ifname = self.map:get(section, "ifname")
+ return wifidata[ifname] and wifidata[ifname]["Tx-Power"] or "-"
+scan = s:option(Button, "_scan", translate("scan"))
+scan.inputstyle = "find"
+function scan.cfgvalue(self, section)
+ return self.map:get(section, "ifname") or false
+t2 = m:section(Table, {}, translate("iwscan"), translate("iwscan1"))
+function scan.write(self, section)
+ t2.render = t2._render
+ local ifname = self.map:get(section, "ifname")
+ luci.util.update(t2.data, luci.sys.wifi.iwscan(ifname))
+t2._render = t2.render
+t2.render = function() end
+t2:option(DummyValue, "Quality", translate("iwscan_link"))
+essid = t2:option(DummyValue, "ESSID", "ESSID")
+function essid.cfgvalue(self, section)
+ return luci.util.pcdata(self.map:get(section, "ESSID"))
+t2:option(DummyValue, "Address", "BSSID")
+t2:option(DummyValue, "Mode", translate("mode"))
+chan = t2:option(DummyValue, "channel", translate("channel"))
+function chan.cfgvalue(self, section)
+ return self.map:get(section, "Channel")
+ or self.map:get(section, "Frequency")
+ or "-"
+t2:option(DummyValue, "Encryption key", translate("iwscan_encr"))
+t2:option(DummyValue, "Signal level", translate("iwscan_signal"))
+t2:option(DummyValue, "Noise level", translate("iwscan_noise"))
+-- Routes --
+r = SimpleForm("routes", "Standardrouten")
+r.submit = false
+r.reset = false
+local routes = {}
+for i, route in ipairs(luci.sys.net.routes()) do
+ if route.dest:prefix() == 0 then
+ routes[#routes+1] = route
+ end
+v = r:section(Table, routes)
+net = v:option(DummyValue, "iface", translate("network"))
+function net.cfgvalue(self, section)
+ return luci.tools.webadmin.iface_get_network(routes[section].device)
+ or routes[section].device
+target = v:option(DummyValue, "target", translate("target"))
+function target.cfgvalue(self, section)
+ return routes[section].dest:network():string()
+netmask = v:option(DummyValue, "netmask", translate("netmask"))
+function netmask.cfgvalue(self, section)
+ return routes[section].dest:mask():string()
+gateway = v:option(DummyValue, "gateway", translate("gateway"))
+function gateway.cfgvalue(self, section)
+ return routes[section].gateway:string()
+metric = v:option(DummyValue, "metric", translate("metric"))
+function metric.cfgvalue(self, section)
+ return routes[section].metric
+local routes6 = {}
+for i, route in ipairs(luci.sys.net.routes6() or {}) do
+ if route.dest:prefix() == 0 then
+ routes6[#routes6+1] = route
+ end
+if #routes6 > 0 then
+ v6 = r:section(Table, routes6)
+ net = v6:option(DummyValue, "iface", translate("network"))
+ function net.cfgvalue(self, section)
+ return luci.tools.webadmin.iface_get_network(routes[section].device)
+ or routes6[section].device
+ end
+ target = v6:option(DummyValue, "target", translate("target"))
+ function target.cfgvalue(self, section)
+ return routes6[section].dest:string()
+ end
+ gateway = v6:option(DummyValue, "gateway6", translate("gateway6"))
+ function gateway.cfgvalue(self, section)
+ return routes6[section].source:string()
+ end
+ metric = v6:option(DummyValue, "metric", translate("metric"))
+ function metric.cfgvalue(self, section)
+ local metr = routes6[section].metric
+ local lower = bit.band(metr, 0xffff)
+ local higher = bit.rshift(bit.band(metr, 0xffff0000), 16)
+ return "%04X%04X" % {higher, lower}
+ end
+return f, m, r
<h2><a id="content" name="content"><%:ff_hellonet%> <%=ff.community.name or 'Freifunk Deutschland'%>!</a></h2>
<p><%:ff_public1%><br />
<%:ff_public2%> <%=luci.sys.hostname()%>. <%:ff_public3%>
-<a href="<%=controller%>/public/index/contact"> <%=ff.contact.nickname%></a>.</p>
+<a href="<%=luci.dispatcher.build_url("freifunk", "index", "contact")%>"> <%=ff.contact.nickname%></a>.</p>
<p><%:ff_public4%> <a href="http://freifunk.net">Freifunk.net</a>.<br />
<%:ff_public5%> <a href="<%=ff.community.homepage or 'http//freifunk.net'%>"><%=ff.community.name or 'Freifunk'%></a>.</p>
<p><strong><%:ff_note%></strong>: <%:ff_public6%></p>
+config settings wizard
config public contact
- option nickname
- option name
- option mail
- option phone
- option location
- option geo
- option note
+ option nickname ''
+ option name ''
+ option mail ''
+ option phone ''
+ option location ''
+ option note ''
config public community
- option name "Freifunk Halle"
- option homepage http://halle.freifunk.net
- option realm netz.freifunk-halle.net
-config settings wizard
+ option name 'Freifunk'
+ option homepage 'http://freifunk.net'
config fw_rule http
option src freifunk
option target ACCEPT
option proto tcp
option dest_port 80
config fw_rule https
option src freifunk
option target ACCEPT
option proto tcp
option dest_port 443
config fw_rule ssh
option src freifunk
option target ACCEPT
option target ACCEPT
option proto udp
option dest_port 698
config fw_forwarding lan
option src lan
option dest freifunk
+config fw_forwarding fffwd
+ option src freifunk
+ option dest freifunk
config defaults wifi_device
option channel 1
option txantenna 1
option rxantenna 1
- option txant 1
- option rxant 1
option diversity 0
+ option disabled 0
config defaults wifi_iface
- option type adhoc
- option essid halle.freifunk.net
+ option mode adhoc
option bssid 02:CA:FF:EE:BA:BE
option txpower 10
- option rts 0
- option frag 0
+ option rts 2346
+ option frag 512
+ option sw_merge 1
config defaults interface
option netmask
option dns ""
config defaults alias
option netmask
config defaults dhcp
option leasetime 30m
config defaults olsr_interface
option HelloInterval 6.0
option HelloValidityTime 108.0
option MidInterval 18.0
option MidValidityTime 324.0
option HnaInterval 18.0
- option HnaValidityTime 108.0
\ No newline at end of file
+ option HnaValidityTime 108.0
+config community leipzig
+ option name "Freifunk Leipzig"
+ option homepage http://leipzig.freifunk.net
+ option ssid "leipzig.freifunk.net"
+ option prefix "104.61"
+config community halle
+ option name "Freifunk Halle"
+ option homepage http://halle.freifunk.net
+ option ssid "halle.freifunk.net"
+ option prefix "104.62"
+config community l59
+ option name "Freifunk L59"
+ option homepage http://freifunk.net
+ option ssid "start.freifunk.net"
+ option prefix "104.59"
+config community berlin
+ option name "Freifunk Berlin"
+ option homepage http://berlin.freifunk.net
+ option ssid "olsr.freifunk.net"
+ option prefix "104"
+ option external freifunk_berlin
+config community hannover
+ option name "Freifunk Hannover"
+ option homepage http://hannover.freifunk.net
+ option ssid "hannover.freifunk.net"
+ option prefix "10.2"
+ option external freifunk_hannover
+config community augsburg
+ option name "Freifunk Augsburg"
+ option homepage http://augsburg.freifunk.net
+ option ssid "augsburg.freifunk.net"
+ option prefix "191.161"
+ option external freifunk_augsburg
--- /dev/null
+config defaults interface
+ option netmask
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+config defaults wifi_device
+ option channel 10
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+config defaults wifi_iface
+ option bssid CA:FF:EE:CA:FF:EE
+config defaults interface
+ option netmask
\ No newline at end of file
local function authenticator(validator, accs)
local auth = luci.http.formvalue("auth", true)
if auth then
- local user = luci.sauth.read(auth)
+ local sdat = luci.sauth.read(auth)
+ user = loadstring(sdat)().user
if user and luci.util.contains(accs, user) then
return user, auth
local http = require "luci.http"
local sys = require "luci.sys"
local ltn12 = require "luci.ltn12"
+ local util = require "luci.util"
local loginstat
local server = {}
- server.login = function(user, pass)
- local sid
+ server.challenge = function(user, pass)
+ local sid, token, secret
if sys.user.checkpasswd(user, pass) then
sid = sys.uniqueid(16)
+ token = sys.uniqueid(16)
+ secret = sys.uniqueid(16)
http.header("Set-Cookie", "sysauth=" .. sid.."; path=/")
- sauth.write(sid, user)
+ sauth.write(sid, util.get_bytecode({
+ user=user,
+ token=token,
+ secret=secret
+ }))
- return sid
+ return sid and {sid=sid, token=token, secret=secret}
+ end
+ server.login = function(...)
+ local challenge = server.challenge(...)
+ return challenge and challenge.sid
font-style: italic;
font-family: Trebuchet MS, Verdana, sans-serif;
color: #27408B;
- background: url('../resources/cbi/arrow.gif') left no-repeat;
- padding-left: 17px;
#maincontent p {
margin-bottom: 1em;
-#auth_buttons {
- float: right;
- padding-top: 0.5em;
.cbi-section {
margin-bottom: 0.5em;
padding: 0.5em 1em;