'use strict';
+'require rpc';
'require uci';
'require validation';
+var UIFileUpload = UIElement.extend({
+ __init__: function(value, options) {
+ this.value = value;
+ this.options = Object.assign({
+ show_hidden: false,
+ enable_upload: true,
+ enable_remove: true,
+ root_directory: '/etc/luci-uploads'
+ }, options);
+ },
+ callFileStat: rpc.declare({
+ 'object': 'file',
+ 'method': 'stat',
+ 'params': [ 'path' ],
+ 'expect': { '': {} }
+ }),
+ callFileList: rpc.declare({
+ 'object': 'file',
+ 'method': 'list',
+ 'params': [ 'path' ],
+ 'expect': { 'entries': [] }
+ }),
+ callFileRemove: rpc.declare({
+ 'object': 'file',
+ 'method': 'remove',
+ 'params': [ 'path' ]
+ }),
+ bind: function(browserEl) {
+ this.node = browserEl;
+ this.setUpdateEvents(browserEl, 'cbi-fileupload-select', 'cbi-fileupload-cancel');
+ this.setChangeEvents(browserEl, 'cbi-fileupload-select', 'cbi-fileupload-cancel');
+ L.dom.bindClassInstance(browserEl, this);
+ return browserEl;
+ },
+ render: function() {
+ return Promise.resolve(this.value != null ? this.callFileStat(this.value) : null).then(L.bind(function(stat) {
+ var label;
+ if (L.isObject(stat) && stat.type != 'directory')
+ this.stat = stat;
+ if (this.stat != null)
+ label = [ this.iconForType(this.stat.type), ' %s (%1000mB)'.format(this.truncatePath(this.stat.path), this.stat.size) ];
+ else if (this.value != null)
+ label = [ this.iconForType('file'), ' %s (%s)'.format(this.truncatePath(this.value), _('File not accessible')) ];
+ else
+ label = _('Select file…');
+ return this.bind(E('div', { 'id': this.options.id }, [
+ E('button', {
+ 'class': 'btn',
+ 'click': L.ui.createHandlerFn(this, 'handleFileBrowser')
+ }, label),
+ E('div', {
+ 'class': 'cbi-filebrowser'
+ }),
+ E('input', {
+ 'type': 'hidden',
+ 'name': this.options.name,
+ 'value': this.value
+ })
+ ]));
+ }, this));
+ },
+ truncatePath: function(path) {
+ if (path.length > 50)
+ path = path.substring(0, 25) + '…' + path.substring(path.length - 25);
+ return path;
+ },
+ iconForType: function(type) {
+ switch (type) {
+ case 'symlink':
+ return E('img', {
+ 'src': L.resource('cbi/link.gif'),
+ 'title': _('Symbolic link'),
+ 'class': 'middle'
+ });
+ case 'directory':
+ return E('img', {
+ 'src': L.resource('cbi/folder.gif'),
+ 'title': _('Directory'),
+ 'class': 'middle'
+ });
+ default:
+ return E('img', {
+ 'src': L.resource('cbi/file.gif'),
+ 'title': _('File'),
+ 'class': 'middle'
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ canonicalizePath: function(path) {
+ return path.replace(/\/{2,}/, '/')
+ .replace(/\/\.(\/|$)/g, '/')
+ .replace(/[^\/]+\/\.\.(\/|$)/g, '/')
+ .replace(/\/$/, '');
+ },
+ splitPath: function(path) {
+ var croot = this.canonicalizePath(this.options.root_directory || '/'),
+ cpath = this.canonicalizePath(path || '/');
+ if (cpath.length <= croot.length)
+ return [ croot ];
+ if (cpath.charAt(croot.length) != '/')
+ return [ croot ];
+ var parts = cpath.substring(croot.length + 1).split(/\//);
+ parts.unshift(croot);
+ return parts;
+ },
+ handleUpload: function(path, list, ev) {
+ var form = ev.target.parentNode,
+ fileinput = form.querySelector('input[type="file"]'),
+ nameinput = form.querySelector('input[type="text"]'),
+ filename = (nameinput.value != null ? nameinput.value : '').trim();
+ ev.preventDefault();
+ if (filename == '' || filename.match(/\//) || fileinput.files[0] == null)
+ return;
+ var existing = list.filter(function(e) { return e.name == filename })[0];
+ if (existing != null && existing.type == 'directory')
+ return alert(_('A directory with the same name already exists.'));
+ else if (existing != null && !confirm(_('Overwrite existing file "%s" ?').format(filename)))
+ return;
+ var data = new FormData();
+ data.append('sessionid', L.env.sessionid);
+ data.append('filename', path + '/' + filename);
+ data.append('filedata', fileinput.files[0]);
+ return L.Request.post('/cgi-bin/cgi-upload', data, {
+ progress: L.bind(function(btn, ev) {
+ btn.firstChild.data = '%.2f%%'.format((ev.loaded / ev.total) * 100);
+ }, this, ev.target)
+ }).then(L.bind(function(path, ev, res) {
+ var reply = res.json();
+ if (L.isObject(reply) && reply.failure)
+ alert(_('Upload request failed: %s').format(reply.message));
+ return this.handleSelect(path, null, ev);
+ }, this, path, ev));
+ },
+ handleDelete: function(path, fileStat, ev) {
+ var parent = path.replace(/\/[^\/]+$/, '') || '/',
+ name = path.replace(/^.+\//, ''),
+ msg;
+ ev.preventDefault();
+ if (fileStat.type == 'directory')
+ msg = _('Do you really want to recursively delete the directory "%s" ?').format(name);
+ else
+ msg = _('Do you really want to delete "%s" ?').format(name);
+ if (confirm(msg)) {
+ var button = this.node.firstElementChild,
+ hidden = this.node.lastElementChild;
+ if (path == hidden.value) {
+ L.dom.content(button, _('Select file…'));
+ hidden.value = '';
+ }
+ return this.callFileRemove(path).then(L.bind(function(parent, ev, rc) {
+ if (rc == 0)
+ return this.handleSelect(parent, null, ev);
+ else if (rc == 6)
+ alert(_('Delete permission denied'));
+ else
+ alert(_('Delete request failed: %d %s').format(rc, rpc.getStatusText(rc)));
+ }, this, parent, ev));
+ }
+ },
+ renderUpload: function(path, list) {
+ if (!this.options.enable_upload)
+ return E([]);
+ return E([
+ E('a', {
+ 'href': '#',
+ 'class': 'btn cbi-button-positive',
+ 'click': function(ev) {
+ var uploadForm = ev.target.nextElementSibling,
+ fileInput = uploadForm.querySelector('input[type="file"]');
+ ev.target.style.display = 'none';
+ uploadForm.style.display = '';
+ fileInput.click();
+ }
+ }, _('Upload file…')),
+ E('div', { 'class': 'upload', 'style': 'display:none' }, [
+ E('input', {
+ 'type': 'file',
+ 'style': 'display:none',
+ 'change': function(ev) {
+ var nameinput = ev.target.parentNode.querySelector('input[type="text"]'),
+ uploadbtn = ev.target.parentNode.querySelector('button.cbi-button-save');
+ nameinput.value = ev.target.value.replace(/^.+[\/\\]/, '');
+ uploadbtn.disabled = false;
+ }
+ }),
+ E('button', {
+ 'class': 'btn',
+ 'click': function(ev) {
+ ev.preventDefault();
+ ev.target.previousElementSibling.click();
+ }
+ }, _('Browse…')),
+ E('div', {}, E('input', { 'type': 'text', 'placeholder': _('Filename') })),
+ E('button', {
+ 'class': 'btn cbi-button-save',
+ 'click': L.ui.createHandlerFn(this, 'handleUpload', path, list),
+ 'disabled': true
+ }, _('Upload file'))
+ ])
+ ]);
+ },
+ renderListing: function(container, path, list) {
+ var breadcrumb = E('p'),
+ rows = E('ul');
+ list.sort(function(a, b) {
+ var isDirA = (a.type == 'directory'),
+ isDirB = (b.type == 'directory');
+ if (isDirA != isDirB)
+ return isDirA < isDirB;
+ return a.name > b.name;
+ });
+ for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
+ if (!this.options.show_hidden && list[i].name.charAt(0) == '.')
+ continue;
+ var entrypath = this.canonicalizePath(path + '/' + list[i].name),
+ selected = (entrypath == this.node.lastElementChild.value),
+ mtime = new Date(list[i].mtime * 1000);
+ rows.appendChild(E('li', [
+ E('div', { 'class': 'name' }, [
+ this.iconForType(list[i].type),
+ ' ',
+ E('a', {
+ 'href': '#',
+ 'style': selected ? 'font-weight:bold' : null,
+ 'click': L.ui.createHandlerFn(this, 'handleSelect',
+ entrypath, list[i].type != 'directory' ? list[i] : null)
+ }, '%h'.format(list[i].name))
+ ]),
+ E('div', { 'class': 'mtime hide-xs' }, [
+ ' %04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d '.format(
+ mtime.getFullYear(),
+ mtime.getMonth() + 1,
+ mtime.getDate(),
+ mtime.getHours(),
+ mtime.getMinutes(),
+ mtime.getSeconds())
+ ]),
+ E('div', [
+ selected ? E('button', {
+ 'class': 'btn',
+ 'click': L.ui.createHandlerFn(this, 'handleReset')
+ }, _('Deselect')) : '',
+ this.options.enable_remove ? E('button', {
+ 'class': 'btn cbi-button-negative',
+ 'click': L.ui.createHandlerFn(this, 'handleDelete', entrypath, list[i])
+ }, _('Delete')) : ''
+ ])
+ ]));
+ }
+ if (!rows.firstElementChild)
+ rows.appendChild(E('em', _('No entries in this directory')));
+ var dirs = this.splitPath(path),
+ cur = '';
+ for (var i = 0; i < dirs.length; i++) {
+ cur = cur ? cur + '/' + dirs[i] : dirs[i];
+ L.dom.append(breadcrumb, [
+ i ? ' » ' : '',
+ E('a', {
+ 'href': '#',
+ 'click': L.ui.createHandlerFn(this, 'handleSelect', cur || '/', null)
+ }, dirs[i] != '' ? '%h'.format(dirs[i]) : E('em', '(root)')),
+ ]);
+ }
+ L.dom.content(container, [
+ breadcrumb,
+ rows,
+ E('div', { 'class': 'right' }, [
+ this.renderUpload(path, list),
+ E('a', {
+ 'href': '#',
+ 'class': 'btn',
+ 'click': L.ui.createHandlerFn(this, 'handleCancel')
+ }, _('Cancel'))
+ ]),
+ ]);
+ },
+ handleCancel: function(ev) {
+ var button = this.node.firstElementChild,
+ browser = button.nextElementSibling;
+ browser.classList.remove('open');
+ button.style.display = '';
+ this.node.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('cbi-fileupload-cancel', {}));
+ },
+ handleReset: function(ev) {
+ var button = this.node.firstElementChild,
+ hidden = this.node.lastElementChild;
+ hidden.value = '';
+ L.dom.content(button, _('Select file…'));
+ this.handleCancel(ev);
+ },
+ handleSelect: function(path, fileStat, ev) {
+ var browser = L.dom.parent(ev.target, '.cbi-filebrowser'),
+ ul = browser.querySelector('ul');
+ if (fileStat == null) {
+ L.dom.content(ul, E('em', { 'class': 'spinning' }, _('Loading directory contents…')));
+ this.callFileList(path).then(L.bind(this.renderListing, this, browser, path));
+ }
+ else {
+ var button = this.node.firstElementChild,
+ hidden = this.node.lastElementChild;
+ path = this.canonicalizePath(path);
+ L.dom.content(button, [
+ this.iconForType(fileStat.type),
+ ' %s (%1000mB)'.format(this.truncatePath(path), fileStat.size)
+ ]);
+ browser.classList.remove('open');
+ button.style.display = '';
+ hidden.value = path;
+ this.stat = Object.assign({ path: path }, fileStat);
+ this.node.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('cbi-fileupload-select', { detail: this.stat }));
+ }
+ },
+ handleFileBrowser: function(ev) {
+ var button = ev.target,
+ browser = button.nextElementSibling,
+ path = this.stat ? this.stat.path.replace(/\/[^\/]+$/, '') : this.options.root_directory;
+ if (this.options.root_directory.indexOf(path) != 0)
+ path = this.options.root_directory;
+ ev.preventDefault();
+ return this.callFileList(path).then(L.bind(function(button, browser, path, list) {
+ document.querySelectorAll('.cbi-filebrowser.open').forEach(function(browserEl) {
+ L.dom.findClassInstance(browserEl).handleCancel(ev);
+ });
+ button.style.display = 'none';
+ browser.classList.add('open');
+ return this.renderListing(browser, path, list);
+ }, this, button, browser, path));
+ },
+ getValue: function() {
+ return this.node.lastElementChild.value;
+ },
+ setValue: function(value) {
+ this.node.lastElementChild.value = value;
+ }
return L.Class.extend({
__init__: function() {
Dropdown: UIDropdown,
DynamicList: UIDynamicList,
Combobox: UICombobox,
- Hiddenfield: UIHiddenfield
+ Hiddenfield: UIHiddenfield,
+ FileUpload: UIFileUpload