--- /dev/null
+m = Map("network", "Schnittstellen")
+s = m:section(TypedSection, "interface")
+s.addremove = true
+p = s:option(ListValue, "proto", "Protokoll")
+p:add_value("static", "statisch")
+p:add_value("dhcp", "DHCP")
+s:option(Value, "ipaddr", "IP-Adresse").optional = 1
+s:option(Value, "netmask", "Netzmaske").optional = 1
+s:option(Value, "gateway", "Gateway").optional = 1
+s:option(Value, "dns", "DNS").optional = 1
+s:option(Value, "mtu", "MTU").optional = 1
+return m
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+m = Map("network", "VLAN", "Konfguriert den Switch des Routers.")
+s = m:section(TypedSection, "switch")
+-- ToDo: Autodetect things, maybe use MultiValue instead
+for i = 0, 15 do
+ local c = s:option(Value, "vlan"..i, "vlan"..i)
+ c.default = "5"
+ c.optional = true
+return m
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+<h1><%:hello Hallo!%></h1>
+<p><%:admin1 Dies ist der Administrationsbereich. %>
+<p><em>ToDo: Intelligenter Einleitungstext</em></p>
\ No newline at end of file