* transport-to-transport traffic)
* Implement next:
+ * - address validation: what is our plan here?
+ * #1 Peerstore only gets 'validated' addresses
+ * #2 transport needs another API to "trigger" validation!
+ * API may be used by core/application or communicators;
+ * => use yet another lib/MQ/connection?
+ * #3 transport should use validation to also establish
+ * effective flow control (for uni-directional transports!)
+ * #4 UDP broadcasting logic must be extended to use the new API
+ * #5 only validated addresses go to ATS for scheduling; that
+ * also ensures we know the RTT
+ * #6 to ensure flow control and RTT are OK, we always do the
+ * 'validation', even if address comes from PEERSTORE
+ * #7
* - ACK handling / retransmission
* - track RTT, distance, loss, etc.
* - DV data structures: