use_texture_alpha = true,
no_legacy_abms = true,
texture_names_parens = true,
+ area_store_custom_ids = true,
function core.has_feature(arg)
* `get_area(id, include_borders, include_data)`: returns the area with the id `id`. (optional) Boolean values `include_borders` and `include_data` control what's copied.
* `get_areas_for_pos(pos, include_borders, include_data)`: returns all areas that contain the position `pos`. (optional) Boolean values `include_borders` and `include_data` control what's copied.
* `get_areas_in_area(edge1, edge2, accept_overlap, include_borders, include_data)`: returns all areas that contain all nodes inside the area specified by `edge1` and `edge2` (inclusive). If `accept_overlap` is true, also areas are returned that have nodes in common with the specified area. (optional) Boolean values `include_borders` and `include_data` control what's copied.
-* `insert_area(edge1, edge2, data)`: inserts an area into the store. Returns the new area's ID, or nil if the insertion failed. The (inclusive) positions `edge1` and `edge2` describe the area, `data` is a string stored with the area.
+* `insert_area(edge1, edge2, data, [id])`: inserts an area into the store. Returns the new area's ID, or nil if the insertion failed. The (inclusive) positions `edge1` and `edge2` describe the area. `data` is a string stored with the area. If passed, `id` will be used as the internal area ID, it must be a unique number between 0 and 2^32-2. If you use the `id` parameter you must always use it, or insertions are likely to fail due to conflicts.
* `reserve(count)`: reserves resources for at most `count` many contained areas. Only needed for efficiency, and only some implementations profit.
* `remove_area(id)`: removes the area with the given id from the store, returns success.
* `set_cache_params(params)`: sets params for the included prefiltering cache. Calling invalidates the cache, so that its elements have to be newly generated.
return 1;
-// insert_area(edge1, edge2, data)
+// insert_area(edge1, edge2, data, id)
int LuaAreaStore::l_insert_area(lua_State *L)
NO_MAP_LOCK_REQUIRED; = std::string(data, d_len);
+ if (lua_isnumber(L, 5))
+ = lua_tonumber(L, 5);
if (!ast->insertArea(&a))
return 0;
bool VectorAreaStore::insertArea(Area *a)
- a->id = getNextId();
+ if (a->id == U32_MAX)
+ a->id = getNextId();
std::pair<AreaMap::iterator, bool> res =
areas_map.insert(std::make_pair(a->id, *a));
if (!res.second)
bool SpatialAreaStore::insertArea(Area *a)
- a->id = getNextId();
+ if (a->id == U32_MAX)
+ a->id = getNextId();
if (!areas_map.insert(std::make_pair(a->id, *a)).second)
// ID is not unique
return false;
struct Area {
- Area() {}
+ Area() : id(U32_MAX) {}
Area(const v3s16 &mine, const v3s16 &maxe) :
- minedge(mine), maxedge(maxe)
+ id(U32_MAX), minedge(mine), maxedge(maxe)
sortBoxVerticies(minedge, maxedge);
size_t size() const { return areas_map.size(); }
/// Add an area to the store.
- /// Updates the area's ID.
+ /// Updates the area's ID if it hasn't already been set.
+ /// @return Whether the area insertion was successful.
virtual bool insertArea(Area *a) = 0;
/// Removes an area from the store by ID.