FPRINTF (stderr,
- "Failed to determine my own hostname, testcase not run.\n", NULL);
+ "%s", "Failed to determine my own hostname, testcase not run.\n");
return 0;
if (NULL == gethostbyname (hostname))
if (h == NULL)
FPRINTF (stderr,
- "Failed to initialize datacache. Database likely not setup, skipping test.\n", NULL);
+ "%s",
+ "Failed to initialize datacache. Database likely not setup, skipping test.\n");
exp = GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get ();
if (api == NULL)
FPRINTF (stderr,
- "Could not initialize plugin, assuming database not configured. Test not run!\n", NULL);
+ "%s", "Could not initialize plugin, assuming database not configured. Test not run!\n");
crc = GNUNET_malloc (sizeof (struct CpsRunContext));
if (ex == NULL)
FPRINTF (stderr,
- "Test incomplete, have no GTK thumbnail extractor available.\n", NULL);
+ "%s",
+ "Test incomplete, have no GTK thumbnail extractor available.\n");
return 0; /* can not test, no thumbnailer */
ex = EXTRACTOR_plugin_add_config (ex, "mime",
hstrerror (h_errno));
FPRINTF (stderr,
- "System seems to be off-line, will not run all DNS tests\n", NULL);
+ "%s", "System seems to be off-line, will not run all DNS tests\n");
*ok = 0; /* mark test as passing anyway */