- [prune-storage.js](#prune-storagejs)
- [optimize-old-videos.js](#optimize-old-videosjs)
- [update-host.js](#update-hostjs)
+ - [reset-password.js](#reset-passwordjs)
- [REPL (Read Eval Print Loop)](#repl-read-eval-print-loop)
- [.help](#help)
- [Lodash example](#lodash-example)
$ sudo -u peertube NODE_CONFIG_DIR=/var/www/peertube/config NODE_ENV=production npm run update-host
+### reset-password.js
+To reset a user password from CLI, run:
+$ sudo -u peertube NODE_CONFIG_DIR=/var/www/peertube/config NODE_ENV=production npm run reset-password -- -u target_username
### REPL ([Read Eval Print Loop](https://nodejs.org/docs/latest-v8.x/api/repl.html))
If you want to interact with the application libraries and objects even when PeerTube is not running, there is a REPL for that.