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- <trans-unit id="Arabic">
- <source>Arabic</source>
- <target>العربية</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Bengali">
- <source>Bengali</source>
- <target>البنغالية</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Tibetan">
- <source>Tibetan</source>
- <target>التبتية</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Bosnian">
- <source>Bosnian</source>
- <target>البوسنية</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Breton">
- <source>Breton</source>
- <target>البريتونية</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Bulgarian">
- <source>Bulgarian</source>
- <target>البلغارية</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Brazilian Sign Language">
- <source>Brazilian Sign Language</source>
- <target>لغة الإشارات البرازيلية</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Catalan">
- <source>Catalan</source>
- <target>الكتالانية</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Czech">
- <source>Czech</source>
- <target>التشيكية</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Chechen">
- <source>Chechen</source>
- <target>الشيشينية</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="German">
- <source>German</source>
- <target>الألمانية</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="English">
- <source>English</source>
- <target>الإنجليزية</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Esperanto">
- <source>Esperanto</source>
- <target>الإسبيرنتو</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Estonian">
- <source>Estonian</source>
- <target>الإستونية</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Basque">
- <source>Basque</source>
- <target>الباسكية</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Persian">
- <source>Persian</source>
- <target>الفارسية</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Finnish">
- <source>Finnish</source>
- <target>الفنلدية</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="French">
- <source>French</source>
- <target>الفرنسية</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="French Sign Language">
- <source>French Sign Language</source>
- <target>لغة الإشارات الفرنسية</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Galician">
- <source>Galician</source>
- <target>الغاليكية</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="German Sign Language">
- <source>German Sign Language</source>
- <target>لغة الإشارات الألمانية</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Hebrew">
- <source>Hebrew</source>
- <target>العبرية</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Hindi">
- <source>Hindi</source>
- <target>الهندية</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Croatian">
- <source>Croatian</source>
- <target>الكرواتية</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Hungarian</source>
- <target>الهنغارية</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Armenian</source>
- <target>الأرمينية</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Indonesian">
- <source>Indonesian</source>
- <target>الأندونيسية</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Icelandic">
- <source>Icelandic</source>
- <target>الآيسلدنية</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Italian">
- <source>Italian</source>
- <target>الإيطالية</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Japanese">
- <source>Japanese</source>
- <target>اليابانية</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Japanese Sign Language">
- <source>Japanese Sign Language</source>
- <target>لغة الإشارات اليابانية</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kashmiri">
- <source>Kashmiri</source>
- <target>الكشميرية</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Georgian">
- <source>Georgian</source>
- <target>الجيورجية</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Korean">
- <source>Korean</source>
- <target>الكورية</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kurdish">
- <source>Kurdish</source>
- <target>الكردية</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Lithuanian">
- <source>Lithuanian</source>
- <target>الليتوانية</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Macedonian">
- <source>Macedonian</source>
- <target>المقدونية</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Malagasy">
- <source>Malagasy</source>
- <target>الملغاشية</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Maltese">
- <source>Maltese</source>
- <target>المالطية</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Mongolian">
- <source>Mongolian</source>
- <target>المنغولية</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Dutch">
- <source>Dutch</source>
- <target>الهولندية</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Norwegian">
- <source>Norwegian</source>
- <target>النرويجية</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Occitan">
- <source>Occitan</source>
- <target>القسطانية</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Panjabi">
- <source>Panjabi</source>
- <target>البنجابية</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Pakistan Sign Language">
- <source>Pakistan Sign Language</source>
- <target>لغة الإشارات الباكستانية</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Polish">
- <source>Polish</source>
- <target>البولونية</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Portuguese">
- <source>Portuguese</source>
- <target>البرتغالية</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Russian Sign Language">
- <source>Russian Sign Language</source>
- <target>لغة الإشارات الروسية</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Russian">
- <source>Russian</source>
- <target>الروسية</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Saudi Arabian Sign Language">
- <source>Saudi Arabian Sign Language</source>
- <target>لغة الإشارات العربية السعودية</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Slovenian">
- <source>Slovenian</source>
- <target>السلوفينية</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Somali">
- <source>Somali</source>
- <target>الصومالية</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Spanish">
- <source>Spanish</source>
- <target>الإسبانية</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Albanian">
- <source>Albanian</source>
- <target>الألبانية</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Sardinian">
- <source>Sardinian</source>
- <target>السردينية</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Serbian">
- <source>Serbian</source>
- <target>الصربية</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Sundanese">
- <source>Sundanese</source>
- <target>السودانية</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Swedish">
- <source>Swedish</source>
- <target>السويدية</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Swedish Sign Language">
- <source>Swedish Sign Language</source>
- <target>لغة الإشارات السويدية</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Tamil">
- <source>Tamil</source>
- <target>التاميلية</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Tatar">
- <source>Tatar</source>
- <target>التاتار</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Telugu">
- <source>Telugu</source>
- <target>التلوغو</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Tajik">
- <source>Tajik</source>
- <target>الطاجيكية</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Thai">
- <source>Thai</source>
- <target>التايلندية</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Klingon</source>
- <target>الكلينغتون</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Tsonga">
- <source>Tsonga</source>
- <target>التسونغا</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Turkish">
- <source>Turkish</source>
- <target>التركية</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Ukrainian">
- <source>Ukrainian</source>
- <target>الأوكرانية</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Urdu">
- <source>Urdu</source>
- <target>الأوردو</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Uzbek">
- <source>Uzbek</source>
- <target>الأوزبيكية</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Vietnamese">
- <source>Vietnamese</source>
- <target>الفياتنامية</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Chinese">
- <source>Chinese</source>
- <target>الصينية</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Zulu</source>
- <target>الزولو</target>
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-<!--XLIFF document generated by Zanata. Visit http://zanata.org for more infomation.-->
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- <body>
- <trans-unit id="Afar">
- <source>Afar</source>
- <target>Afar</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Abkhazian">
- <source>Abkhazian</source>
- <target>Abkhasisk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Afrikaans">
- <source>Afrikaans</source>
- <target>Afrikaans</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Akan">
- <source>Akan</source>
- <target>Akan</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Amharic">
- <source>Amharic</source>
- <target>Amharisk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Arabic">
- <source>Arabic</source>
- <target>Arabisk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Aragonese">
- <source>Aragonese</source>
- <target>Aragonisk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="American Sign Language">
- <source>American Sign Language</source>
- <target>Amerikansk tegnsprog</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Assamese">
- <source>Assamese</source>
- <target>Assamesisk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Avaric">
- <source>Avaric</source>
- <target>Avarisk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kotava">
- <source>Kotava</source>
- <target>Kotava</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Aymara">
- <source>Aymara</source>
- <target>Aymara</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Azerbaijani">
- <source>Azerbaijani</source>
- <target>Aserbajdsjansk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Bashkir">
- <source>Bashkir</source>
- <target>Basjkirsk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Bambara">
- <source>Bambara</source>
- <target>Bambara</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Belarusian">
- <source>Belarusian</source>
- <target>Hviderussisk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Bengali">
- <source>Bengali</source>
- <target>Bengali</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="British Sign Language">
- <source>British Sign Language</source>
- <target>Britisk tegnsprog</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Bislama">
- <source>Bislama</source>
- <target>Bislama</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Tibetan">
- <source>Tibetan</source>
- <target>Tibetansk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Bosnian">
- <source>Bosnian</source>
- <target>Bosnisk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Breton">
- <source>Breton</source>
- <target>Bretonsk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Bulgarian">
- <source>Bulgarian</source>
- <target>Bulgarsk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Brazilian Sign Language">
- <source>Brazilian Sign Language</source>
- <target>Brasiliansk tegnssprog</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Catalan">
- <source>Catalan</source>
- <target>Catalansk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Czech">
- <source>Czech</source>
- <target>Tjekkisk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Chamorro">
- <source>Chamorro</source>
- <target>Chamorro</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Chechen">
- <source>Chechen</source>
- <target>Tjetjensk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Chuvash">
- <source>Chuvash</source>
- <target>Tsjuvansk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Cornish">
- <source>Cornish</source>
- <target>Kornisk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Corsican">
- <source>Corsican</source>
- <target>Korsikansk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Cree">
- <source>Cree</source>
- <target>Cree</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Czech Sign Language">
- <source>Czech Sign Language</source>
- <target>Tjekkisk tegnsprog</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Chinese Sign Language">
- <source>Chinese Sign Language</source>
- <target>Kinesisk tegnsprog</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Welsh">
- <source>Welsh</source>
- <target>Walisisk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Danish">
- <source>Danish</source>
- <target>Dansk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="German">
- <source>German</source>
- <target>Tysk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Dhivehi">
- <source>Dhivehi</source>
- <target>Dhivehi</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Danish Sign Language">
- <source>Danish Sign Language</source>
- <target>Dansk tegnsprog</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Dzongkha">
- <source>Dzongkha</source>
- <target>Dzongkha</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Greek">
- <source>Greek</source>
- <target>Græsk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="English">
- <source>English</source>
- <target>Engelsk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Esperanto">
- <source>Esperanto</source>
- <target>Esperanto</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Estonian">
- <source>Estonian</source>
- <target>Estisk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Basque">
- <source>Basque</source>
- <target>Baskisk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Ewe">
- <source>Ewe</source>
- <target>Ewe</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Faroese">
- <source>Faroese</source>
- <target>Færøsk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Persian">
- <source>Persian</source>
- <target>Persisk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Fijian">
- <source>Fijian</source>
- <target>Fijisk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Finnish">
- <source>Finnish</source>
- <target>Finsk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="French">
- <source>French</source>
- <target>Fransk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Western Frisian">
- <source>Western Frisian</source>
- <target>Westerlauwersfrisisk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="French Sign Language">
- <source>French Sign Language</source>
- <target>Fransk tegnsprog</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Fulah">
- <source>Fulah</source>
- <target>Fulfulde</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Scottish Gaelic">
- <source>Scottish Gaelic</source>
- <target>Skotsk gælisk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Irish">
- <source>Irish</source>
- <target>Irsk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Galician">
- <source>Galician</source>
- <target>Galicisk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Manx">
- <source>Manx</source>
- <target>Mansk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Guarani">
- <source>Guarani</source>
- <target>Guaraní</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="German Sign Language">
- <source>German Sign Language</source>
- <target>Tysk tegnsprog</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Gujarati">
- <source>Gujarati</source>
- <target>Gujarati</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Haitian">
- <source>Haitian</source>
- <target>Haitisk kreolsk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Hausa">
- <source>Hausa</source>
- <target>Hausa</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Serbo-Croatian">
- <source>Serbo-Croatian</source>
- <target>Serbokroatisk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Hebrew">
- <source>Hebrew</source>
- <target>Hebraisk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Herero">
- <source>Herero</source>
- <target>Herero</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Hindi">
- <source>Hindi</source>
- <target>Hindi</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Hiri Motu">
- <source>Hiri Motu</source>
- <target>Hiri Motu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Croatian">
- <source>Croatian</source>
- <target>Kroatisk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Hungarian">
- <source>Hungarian</source>
- <target>Ungarsk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Armenian">
- <source>Armenian</source>
- <target>Armensk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Igbo">
- <source>Igbo</source>
- <target>Ibo</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Sichuan Yi">
- <source>Sichuan Yi</source>
- <target>Yi</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Inuktitut">
- <source>Inuktitut</source>
- <target>Inuktitut</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Indonesian">
- <source>Indonesian</source>
- <target>Indonesisk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Inupiaq">
- <source>Inupiaq</source>
- <target>Inupiak</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Icelandic">
- <source>Icelandic</source>
- <target>Islandsk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Italian">
- <source>Italian</source>
- <target>Italiensk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Javanese">
- <source>Javanese</source>
- <target>Javanesisk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Lojban">
- <source>Lojban</source>
- <target>Lojban</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Japanese">
- <source>Japanese</source>
- <target>Japansk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Japanese Sign Language">
- <source>Japanese Sign Language</source>
- <target>Japansk tegnsprog</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kalaallisut">
- <source>Kalaallisut</source>
- <target>Kalaallisut</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kannada">
- <source>Kannada</source>
- <target>Kannada</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kashmiri">
- <source>Kashmiri</source>
- <target>Kashmirisk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Georgian">
- <source>Georgian</source>
- <target>Georgisk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kanuri">
- <source>Kanuri</source>
- <target>Kanuri</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kazakh">
- <source>Kazakh</source>
- <target>Kasakhisk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Khmer">
- <source>Khmer</source>
- <target>Khmer</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kikuyu">
- <source>Kikuyu</source>
- <target>Gikuyu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kinyarwanda">
- <source>Kinyarwanda</source>
- <target>Kinyarwanda</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kirghiz">
- <source>Kirghiz</source>
- <target>Kirgisisk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Komi">
- <source>Komi</source>
- <target>Komi</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kongo">
- <source>Kongo</source>
- <target>Congolesisk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Korean">
- <source>Korean</source>
- <target>Koreansk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kuanyama">
- <source>Kuanyama</source>
- <target>Kwanyama</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kurdish">
- <source>Kurdish</source>
- <target>Kurdisk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Lao">
- <source>Lao</source>
- <target>Laotisk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Latvian">
- <source>Latvian</source>
- <target>Lettisk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Limburgan">
- <source>Limburgan</source>
- <target>Limburgisk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Lingala">
- <source>Lingala</source>
- <target>Lingala</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Lithuanian">
- <source>Lithuanian</source>
- <target>Litauisk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Luxembourgish">
- <source>Luxembourgish</source>
- <target>Letzeburgsk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Luba-Katanga">
- <source>Luba-Katanga</source>
- <target>Luba-Katanga</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Ganda">
- <source>Ganda</source>
- <target>Luganda</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Marshallese">
- <source>Marshallese</source>
- <target>Marshallesisk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Malayalam">
- <source>Malayalam</source>
- <target>Malayalam</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Marathi">
- <source>Marathi</source>
- <target>Marathi</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Macedonian">
- <source>Macedonian</source>
- <target>Makedonsk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Malagasy">
- <source>Malagasy</source>
- <target>Gassisk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Maltese">
- <source>Maltese</source>
- <target>Maltesisk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Mongolian">
- <source>Mongolian</source>
- <target>Mongolsk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Maori">
- <source>Maori</source>
- <target>Maori</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Malay (macrolanguage)">
- <source>Malay (macrolanguage)</source>
- <target>Malajisk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Burmese">
- <source>Burmese</source>
- <target>Burmesisk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Nauru">
- <source>Nauru</source>
- <target>Naurisk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Navajo">
- <source>Navajo</source>
- <target>Navajo</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="South Ndebele">
- <source>South Ndebele</source>
- <target>Syd-ndebele</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="North Ndebele">
- <source>North Ndebele</source>
- <target>Nord-ndebele</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Ndonga">
- <source>Ndonga</source>
- <target>Ndonga</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Nepali (macrolanguage)">
- <source>Nepali (macrolanguage)</source>
- <target>Nepali</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Dutch">
- <source>Dutch</source>
- <target>Nederlandsk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Norwegian Nynorsk">
- <source>Norwegian Nynorsk</source>
- <target>Nynorsk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Norwegian Bokmål">
- <source>Norwegian Bokmål</source>
- <target>Bokmål</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Norwegian">
- <source>Norwegian</source>
- <target>Norsk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Nyanja">
- <source>Nyanja</source>
- <target>Nyanja</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Occitan">
- <source>Occitan</source>
- <target>Occitansk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Ojibwa">
- <source>Ojibwa</source>
- <target>Ojibwa</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Oriya (macrolanguage)">
- <source>Oriya (macrolanguage)</source>
- <target>Oriya</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Oromo">
- <source>Oromo</source>
- <target>Oromo</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Ossetian">
- <source>Ossetian</source>
- <target>Ossetisk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Panjabi">
- <source>Panjabi</source>
- <target>Punjabi</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Pakistan Sign Language">
- <source>Pakistan Sign Language</source>
- <target>Pakistansk tegnsprog</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Polish">
- <source>Polish</source>
- <target>Polsk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Portuguese">
- <source>Portuguese</source>
- <target>Portugisisk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Pushto">
- <source>Pushto</source>
- <target>Pashto</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Quechua">
- <source>Quechua</source>
- <target>Quechua</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Romansh">
- <source>Romansh</source>
- <target>Rætoromansk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Romanian">
- <source>Romanian</source>
- <target>Rumænsk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Russian Sign Language">
- <source>Russian Sign Language</source>
- <target>Russisk tegnsprog</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Rundi">
- <source>Rundi</source>
- <target>Kirundi</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Russian">
- <source>Russian</source>
- <target>Russisk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Sango">
- <source>Sango</source>
- <target>Sango</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Saudi Arabian Sign Language">
- <source>Saudi Arabian Sign Language</source>
- <target>Saudi-arabisk tegnsprog</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="South African Sign Language">
- <source>South African Sign Language</source>
- <target>Sydafrikansk tegnsprog</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Sinhala">
- <source>Sinhala</source>
- <target>Singalesisk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Slovak">
- <source>Slovak</source>
- <target>Slovakisk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Slovenian">
- <source>Slovenian</source>
- <target>Slovensk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Northern Sami">
- <source>Northern Sami</source>
- <target>Nordsamisk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Samoan">
- <source>Samoan</source>
- <target>Samoansk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Shona">
- <source>Shona</source>
- <target>Shona</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Sindhi">
- <source>Sindhi</source>
- <target>Sindhi</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Somali">
- <source>Somali</source>
- <target>Somali</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Southern Sotho">
- <source>Southern Sotho</source>
- <target>Sesotho</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Spanish">
- <source>Spanish</source>
- <target>Spansk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Albanian">
- <source>Albanian</source>
- <target>Albansk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Sardinian">
- <source>Sardinian</source>
- <target>Sardisk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Serbian">
- <source>Serbian</source>
- <target>Serbisk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Swati">
- <source>Swati</source>
- <target>Swati</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Sundanese">
- <source>Sundanese</source>
- <target>Sundanesisk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Swahili (macrolanguage)">
- <source>Swahili (macrolanguage)</source>
- <target>Swahili</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Swedish">
- <source>Swedish</source>
- <target>Svensk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Swedish Sign Language">
- <source>Swedish Sign Language</source>
- <target>Svensk tegnsprog</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Tahitian">
- <source>Tahitian</source>
- <target>Tahitisk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Tamil">
- <source>Tamil</source>
- <target>Tamilsk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Tatar">
- <source>Tatar</source>
- <target>Tatarsk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Telugu">
- <source>Telugu</source>
- <target>Telugu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Tajik">
- <source>Tajik</source>
- <target>Tadtjikkisk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Tagalog">
- <source>Tagalog</source>
- <target>Tagalog</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Thai">
- <source>Thai</source>
- <target>Thai</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Tigrinya">
- <source>Tigrinya</source>
- <target>Tigrinya</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Klingon">
- <source>Klingon</source>
- <target>Klingon</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Tonga (Tonga Islands)">
- <source>Tonga (Tonga Islands)</source>
- <target>Tonganesisk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Tswana">
- <source>Tswana</source>
- <target>Tswana</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Tsonga">
- <source>Tsonga</source>
- <target>Tsonga</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Turkmen">
- <source>Turkmen</source>
- <target>Turkmensk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Turkish">
- <source>Turkish</source>
- <target>Tyrkisk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Twi">
- <source>Twi</source>
- <target>Twi</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Uighur">
- <source>Uighur</source>
- <target>Uighur</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Ukrainian">
- <source>Ukrainian</source>
- <target>Ukrainsk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Urdu">
- <source>Urdu</source>
- <target>Urdu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Uzbek">
- <source>Uzbek</source>
- <target>Usbekisk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Venda">
- <source>Venda</source>
- <target>Venda</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Vietnamese">
- <source>Vietnamese</source>
- <target>Vietnamesisk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Walloon">
- <source>Walloon</source>
- <target>Vallonsk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Wolof">
- <source>Wolof</source>
- <target>Wolof</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Xhosa">
- <source>Xhosa</source>
- <target>Xhosa</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Yiddish">
- <source>Yiddish</source>
- <target>Jiddisch</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Yoruba">
- <source>Yoruba</source>
- <target>Yoruba</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Zhuang">
- <source>Zhuang</source>
- <target>Zhuang</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Chinese">
- <source>Chinese</source>
- <target>Mandarin</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Zulu">
- <source>Zulu</source>
- <target>Zulu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- </body>
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- <trans-unit id="Afar">
- <source>Afar</source>
- <target>Afar</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Abkhazian">
- <source>Abkhazian</source>
- <target>Abkhazian</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Afrikaans">
- <source>Afrikaans</source>
- <target>Afrikaans</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Akan">
- <source>Akan</source>
- <target>Akan</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Amharic">
- <source>Amharic</source>
- <target>Amharic</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Arabic">
- <source>Arabic</source>
- <target>Arabic</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Aragonese">
- <source>Aragonese</source>
- <target>Aragonese</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="American Sign Language">
- <source>American Sign Language</source>
- <target>American Sign Language</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Assamese">
- <source>Assamese</source>
- <target>Assamese</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Avaric">
- <source>Avaric</source>
- <target>Avaric</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kotava">
- <source>Kotava</source>
- <target>Kotava</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Aymara">
- <source>Aymara</source>
- <target>Aymara</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Azerbaijani">
- <source>Azerbaijani</source>
- <target>Azerbaijani</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Bashkir">
- <source>Bashkir</source>
- <target>Bashkir</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Bambara">
- <source>Bambara</source>
- <target>Bambara</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Belarusian">
- <source>Belarusian</source>
- <target>Belarusian</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Bengali">
- <source>Bengali</source>
- <target>Bengali</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="British Sign Language">
- <source>British Sign Language</source>
- <target>British Sign Language</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Bislama">
- <source>Bislama</source>
- <target>Bislama</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Tibetan">
- <source>Tibetan</source>
- <target>Tibetan</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Bosnian">
- <source>Bosnian</source>
- <target>Bosnian</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Breton">
- <source>Breton</source>
- <target>Breton</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Bulgarian">
- <source>Bulgarian</source>
- <target>Bulgarian</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Brazilian Sign Language">
- <source>Brazilian Sign Language</source>
- <target>Brazilian Sign Language</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Catalan">
- <source>Catalan</source>
- <target>Catalan</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Czech">
- <source>Czech</source>
- <target>Czech</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Chamorro">
- <source>Chamorro</source>
- <target>Chamorro</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Chechen">
- <source>Chechen</source>
- <target>Chechen</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Chuvash">
- <source>Chuvash</source>
- <target>Chuvash</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Cornish">
- <source>Cornish</source>
- <target>Cornish</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Corsican">
- <source>Corsican</source>
- <target>Corsican</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Cree">
- <source>Cree</source>
- <target>Cree</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Czech Sign Language">
- <source>Czech Sign Language</source>
- <target>Czech Sign Language</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Chinese Sign Language">
- <source>Chinese Sign Language</source>
- <target>Chinese Sign Language</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Welsh">
- <source>Welsh</source>
- <target>Welsh</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Danish">
- <source>Danish</source>
- <target>Danish</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="German">
- <source>German</source>
- <target>German</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Dhivehi">
- <source>Dhivehi</source>
- <target>Dhivehi</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Danish Sign Language">
- <source>Danish Sign Language</source>
- <target>Danish Sign Language</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Dzongkha">
- <source>Dzongkha</source>
- <target>Dzongkha</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="English">
- <source>English</source>
- <target>English</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Esperanto">
- <source>Esperanto</source>
- <target>Esperanto</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Estonian">
- <source>Estonian</source>
- <target>Estonian</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Basque">
- <source>Basque</source>
- <target>Basque</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Ewe">
- <source>Ewe</source>
- <target>Ewe</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Faroese">
- <source>Faroese</source>
- <target>Faroese</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Persian">
- <source>Persian</source>
- <target>Persian</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Fijian">
- <source>Fijian</source>
- <target>Fijian</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Finnish">
- <source>Finnish</source>
- <target>Finnish</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="French">
- <source>French</source>
- <target>French</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Western Frisian">
- <source>Western Frisian</source>
- <target>Western Frisian</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="French Sign Language">
- <source>French Sign Language</source>
- <target>French Sign Language</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Fulah">
- <source>Fulah</source>
- <target>Fulah</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Scottish Gaelic">
- <source>Scottish Gaelic</source>
- <target>Scottish Gaelic</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Irish">
- <source>Irish</source>
- <target>Irish</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Galician">
- <source>Galician</source>
- <target>Galician</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Manx">
- <source>Manx</source>
- <target>Manx</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Guarani">
- <source>Guarani</source>
- <target>Guarani</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="German Sign Language">
- <source>German Sign Language</source>
- <target>German Sign Language</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Gujarati">
- <source>Gujarati</source>
- <target>Gujarati</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Haitian">
- <source>Haitian</source>
- <target>Haitian</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Hausa">
- <source>Hausa</source>
- <target>Hausa</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Serbo-Croatian">
- <source>Serbo-Croatian</source>
- <target>Serbo-Croatian</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Hebrew">
- <source>Hebrew</source>
- <target>Hebrew</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Herero">
- <source>Herero</source>
- <target>Herero</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Hindi">
- <source>Hindi</source>
- <target>Hindi</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Hiri Motu">
- <source>Hiri Motu</source>
- <target>Hiri Motu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Croatian">
- <source>Croatian</source>
- <target>Croatian</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Hungarian">
- <source>Hungarian</source>
- <target>Hungarian</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Armenian">
- <source>Armenian</source>
- <target>Armenian</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Igbo">
- <source>Igbo</source>
- <target>Igbo</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Sichuan Yi">
- <source>Sichuan Yi</source>
- <target>Sichuan Yi</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Inuktitut">
- <source>Inuktitut</source>
- <target>Inuktitut</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Indonesian">
- <source>Indonesian</source>
- <target>Indonesian</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Inupiaq">
- <source>Inupiaq</source>
- <target>Inupiaq</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Icelandic">
- <source>Icelandic</source>
- <target>Icelandic</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Italian">
- <source>Italian</source>
- <target>Italian</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Javanese">
- <source>Javanese</source>
- <target>Javanese</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Lojban">
- <source>Lojban</source>
- <target>Lojban</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Japanese">
- <source>Japanese</source>
- <target>Japanese</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Japanese Sign Language">
- <source>Japanese Sign Language</source>
- <target>Japanese Sign Language</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kalaallisut">
- <source>Kalaallisut</source>
- <target>Kalaallisut</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kannada">
- <source>Kannada</source>
- <target>Kannada</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kashmiri">
- <source>Kashmiri</source>
- <target>Kashmiri</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Georgian">
- <source>Georgian</source>
- <target>Georgian</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kanuri">
- <source>Kanuri</source>
- <target>Kanuri</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kazakh">
- <source>Kazakh</source>
- <target>Kazakh</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Khmer">
- <source>Khmer</source>
- <target>Khmer</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kikuyu">
- <source>Kikuyu</source>
- <target>Kikuyu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kinyarwanda">
- <source>Kinyarwanda</source>
- <target>Kinyarwanda</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kirghiz">
- <source>Kirghiz</source>
- <target>Kirghiz</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Komi">
- <source>Komi</source>
- <target>Komi</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kongo">
- <source>Kongo</source>
- <target>Kongo</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Korean">
- <source>Korean</source>
- <target>Korean</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kuanyama">
- <source>Kuanyama</source>
- <target>Kuanyama</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kurdish">
- <source>Kurdish</source>
- <target>Kurdish</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Lao">
- <source>Lao</source>
- <target>Lao</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Latvian">
- <source>Latvian</source>
- <target>Latvian</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Limburgan">
- <source>Limburgan</source>
- <target>Limburgan</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Lingala">
- <source>Lingala</source>
- <target>Lingala</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Lithuanian">
- <source>Lithuanian</source>
- <target>Lithuanian</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Luxembourgish">
- <source>Luxembourgish</source>
- <target>Luxembourgish</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Luba-Katanga">
- <source>Luba-Katanga</source>
- <target>Luba-Katanga</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Ganda">
- <source>Ganda</source>
- <target>Ganda</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Marshallese">
- <source>Marshallese</source>
- <target>Marshallese</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Malayalam">
- <source>Malayalam</source>
- <target>Malayalam</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Marathi">
- <source>Marathi</source>
- <target>Marathi</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Macedonian">
- <source>Macedonian</source>
- <target>Macedonian</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Malagasy">
- <source>Malagasy</source>
- <target>Malagasy</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Maltese">
- <source>Maltese</source>
- <target>Maltese</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Mongolian">
- <source>Mongolian</source>
- <target>Mongolian</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Maori">
- <source>Maori</source>
- <target>Maori</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Malay (macrolanguage)">
- <source>Malay (macrolanguage)</source>
- <target>Malay (macrolanguage)</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Burmese">
- <source>Burmese</source>
- <target>Burmese</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Nauru">
- <source>Nauru</source>
- <target>Nauru</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Navajo">
- <source>Navajo</source>
- <target>Navajo</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="South Ndebele">
- <source>South Ndebele</source>
- <target>South Ndebele</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="North Ndebele">
- <source>North Ndebele</source>
- <target>North Ndebele</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Ndonga">
- <source>Ndonga</source>
- <target>Ndonga</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Nepali (macrolanguage)">
- <source>Nepali (macrolanguage)</source>
- <target>Nepali (macrolanguage)</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Dutch">
- <source>Dutch</source>
- <target>Dutch</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Norwegian Nynorsk">
- <source>Norwegian Nynorsk</source>
- <target>Norwegian Nynorsk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Norwegian Bokmål">
- <source>Norwegian Bokmål</source>
- <target>Norwegian Bokmål</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Norwegian">
- <source>Norwegian</source>
- <target>Norwegian</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Nyanja">
- <source>Nyanja</source>
- <target>Nyanja</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Occitan">
- <source>Occitan</source>
- <target>Occitan</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Ojibwa">
- <source>Ojibwa</source>
- <target>Ojibwa</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Oriya (macrolanguage)">
- <source>Oriya (macrolanguage)</source>
- <target>Oriya (macrolanguage)</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Oromo">
- <source>Oromo</source>
- <target>Oromo</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Ossetian">
- <source>Ossetian</source>
- <target>Ossetian</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Panjabi">
- <source>Panjabi</source>
- <target>Panjabi</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Pakistan Sign Language">
- <source>Pakistan Sign Language</source>
- <target>Pakistan Sign Language</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Polish">
- <source>Polish</source>
- <target>Polish</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Portuguese">
- <source>Portuguese</source>
- <target>Portuguese</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Pushto">
- <source>Pushto</source>
- <target>Pushto</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Quechua">
- <source>Quechua</source>
- <target>Quechua</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Romansh">
- <source>Romansh</source>
- <target>Romansh</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Romanian">
- <source>Romanian</source>
- <target>Romanian</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Russian Sign Language">
- <source>Russian Sign Language</source>
- <target>Russian Sign Language</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Rundi">
- <source>Rundi</source>
- <target>Rundi</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Russian">
- <source>Russian</source>
- <target>Russian</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Sango">
- <source>Sango</source>
- <target>Sango</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Saudi Arabian Sign Language">
- <source>Saudi Arabian Sign Language</source>
- <target>Saudi Arabian Sign Language</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="South African Sign Language">
- <source>South African Sign Language</source>
- <target>South African Sign Language</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Sinhala">
- <source>Sinhala</source>
- <target>Sinhala</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Slovak">
- <source>Slovak</source>
- <target>Slovak</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Slovenian">
- <source>Slovenian</source>
- <target>Slovenian</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Northern Sami">
- <source>Northern Sami</source>
- <target>Northern Sami</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Samoan">
- <source>Samoan</source>
- <target>Samoan</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Shona">
- <source>Shona</source>
- <target>Shona</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Sindhi">
- <source>Sindhi</source>
- <target>Sindhi</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Somali">
- <source>Somali</source>
- <target>Somali</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Southern Sotho">
- <source>Southern Sotho</source>
- <target>Southern Sotho</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Spanish">
- <source>Spanish</source>
- <target>Spanish</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Albanian">
- <source>Albanian</source>
- <target>Albanian</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Sardinian">
- <source>Sardinian</source>
- <target>Sardinian</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Serbian">
- <source>Serbian</source>
- <target>Serbian</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Swati">
- <source>Swati</source>
- <target>Swati</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Sundanese">
- <source>Sundanese</source>
- <target>Sundanese</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Swahili (macrolanguage)">
- <source>Swahili (macrolanguage)</source>
- <target>Swahili (macrolanguage)</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Swedish">
- <source>Swedish</source>
- <target>Swedish</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Swedish Sign Language">
- <source>Swedish Sign Language</source>
- <target>Swedish Sign Language</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Tahitian">
- <source>Tahitian</source>
- <target>Tahitian</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Tamil">
- <source>Tamil</source>
- <target>Tamil</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Tatar">
- <source>Tatar</source>
- <target>Tatar</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Telugu">
- <source>Telugu</source>
- <target>Telugu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Tajik">
- <source>Tajik</source>
- <target>Tajik</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Tagalog">
- <source>Tagalog</source>
- <target>Tagalog</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Thai">
- <source>Thai</source>
- <target>Thai</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Tigrinya">
- <source>Tigrinya</source>
- <target>Tigrinya</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Klingon">
- <source>Klingon</source>
- <target>Klingon</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Tonga (Tonga Islands)">
- <source>Tonga (Tonga Islands)</source>
- <target>Tonga (Tonga Islands)</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Tswana">
- <source>Tswana</source>
- <target>Tswana</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Tsonga">
- <source>Tsonga</source>
- <target>Tsonga</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Turkmen">
- <source>Turkmen</source>
- <target>Turkmen</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Turkish">
- <source>Turkish</source>
- <target>Turkish</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Twi">
- <source>Twi</source>
- <target>Twi</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Uighur">
- <source>Uighur</source>
- <target>Uighur</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Ukrainian">
- <source>Ukrainian</source>
- <target>Ukrainian</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Urdu">
- <source>Urdu</source>
- <target>Urdu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Uzbek">
- <source>Uzbek</source>
- <target>Uzbek</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Venda">
- <source>Venda</source>
- <target>Venda</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Vietnamese">
- <source>Vietnamese</source>
- <target>Vietnamese</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Walloon">
- <source>Walloon</source>
- <target>Walloon</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Wolof">
- <source>Wolof</source>
- <target>Wolof</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Xhosa">
- <source>Xhosa</source>
- <target>Xhosa</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Yiddish">
- <source>Yiddish</source>
- <target>Yiddish</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Yoruba">
- <source>Yoruba</source>
- <target>Yoruba</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Zhuang">
- <source>Zhuang</source>
- <target>Zhuang</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Chinese">
- <source>Chinese</source>
- <target>Chinese</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Zulu">
- <source>Zulu</source>
- <target>Zulu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- </body>
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- <body>
- <trans-unit id="Afar">
- <source>Afar</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Abkhazian">
- <source>Abkhazian</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Afrikaans">
- <source>Afrikaans</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Akan">
- <source>Akan</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Amharic">
- <source>Amharic</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Arabic">
- <source>Arabic</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Aragonese">
- <source>Aragonese</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="American Sign Language">
- <source>American Sign Language</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Assamese">
- <source>Assamese</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Avaric">
- <source>Avaric</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kotava">
- <source>Kotava</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Aymara">
- <source>Aymara</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Azerbaijani">
- <source>Azerbaijani</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Bashkir">
- <source>Bashkir</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Bambara">
- <source>Bambara</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Belarusian">
- <source>Belarusian</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Bengali">
- <source>Bengali</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="British Sign Language">
- <source>British Sign Language</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Bislama">
- <source>Bislama</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Tibetan">
- <source>Tibetan</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Bosnian">
- <source>Bosnian</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Breton">
- <source>Breton</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Bulgarian">
- <source>Bulgarian</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Brazilian Sign Language">
- <source>Brazilian Sign Language</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Catalan">
- <source>Catalan</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Czech">
- <source>Czech</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Chamorro">
- <source>Chamorro</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Chechen">
- <source>Chechen</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Chuvash">
- <source>Chuvash</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Cornish">
- <source>Cornish</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Corsican">
- <source>Corsican</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Cree">
- <source>Cree</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Czech Sign Language">
- <source>Czech Sign Language</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Chinese Sign Language">
- <source>Chinese Sign Language</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Welsh">
- <source>Welsh</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Danish">
- <source>Danish</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="German">
- <source>German</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Dhivehi">
- <source>Dhivehi</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Danish Sign Language">
- <source>Danish Sign Language</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Dzongkha">
- <source>Dzongkha</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Greek">
- <source>Greek</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="English">
- <source>English</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Esperanto">
- <source>Esperanto</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Estonian">
- <source>Estonian</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Basque">
- <source>Basque</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Ewe">
- <source>Ewe</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Faroese">
- <source>Faroese</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Persian">
- <source>Persian</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Fijian">
- <source>Fijian</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Finnish">
- <source>Finnish</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="French">
- <source>French</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Western Frisian">
- <source>Western Frisian</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="French Sign Language">
- <source>French Sign Language</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Fulah">
- <source>Fulah</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Scottish Gaelic">
- <source>Scottish Gaelic</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Irish">
- <source>Irish</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Galician">
- <source>Galician</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Manx">
- <source>Manx</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Guarani">
- <source>Guarani</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="German Sign Language">
- <source>German Sign Language</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Gujarati">
- <source>Gujarati</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Haitian">
- <source>Haitian</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Hausa">
- <source>Hausa</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Serbo-Croatian">
- <source>Serbo-Croatian</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Hebrew">
- <source>Hebrew</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Herero">
- <source>Herero</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Hindi">
- <source>Hindi</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Hiri Motu">
- <source>Hiri Motu</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Croatian">
- <source>Croatian</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Hungarian">
- <source>Hungarian</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Armenian">
- <source>Armenian</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Igbo">
- <source>Igbo</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Sichuan Yi">
- <source>Sichuan Yi</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Inuktitut">
- <source>Inuktitut</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Indonesian">
- <source>Indonesian</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Inupiaq">
- <source>Inupiaq</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Icelandic">
- <source>Icelandic</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Italian">
- <source>Italian</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Javanese">
- <source>Javanese</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Lojban">
- <source>Lojban</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Japanese">
- <source>Japanese</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Japanese Sign Language">
- <source>Japanese Sign Language</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kalaallisut">
- <source>Kalaallisut</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kannada">
- <source>Kannada</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kashmiri">
- <source>Kashmiri</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Georgian">
- <source>Georgian</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kanuri">
- <source>Kanuri</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kazakh">
- <source>Kazakh</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Khmer">
- <source>Khmer</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kikuyu">
- <source>Kikuyu</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kinyarwanda">
- <source>Kinyarwanda</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kirghiz">
- <source>Kirghiz</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Komi">
- <source>Komi</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kongo">
- <source>Kongo</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Korean">
- <source>Korean</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kuanyama">
- <source>Kuanyama</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kurdish">
- <source>Kurdish</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Lao">
- <source>Lao</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Latvian">
- <source>Latvian</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Limburgan">
- <source>Limburgan</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Lingala">
- <source>Lingala</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Lithuanian">
- <source>Lithuanian</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Luxembourgish">
- <source>Luxembourgish</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Luba-Katanga">
- <source>Luba-Katanga</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Ganda">
- <source>Ganda</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Marshallese">
- <source>Marshallese</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Malayalam">
- <source>Malayalam</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Marathi">
- <source>Marathi</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Macedonian">
- <source>Macedonian</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Malagasy">
- <source>Malagasy</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Maltese">
- <source>Maltese</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Mongolian">
- <source>Mongolian</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Maori">
- <source>Maori</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Malay (macrolanguage)">
- <source>Malay (macrolanguage)</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Burmese">
- <source>Burmese</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Nauru">
- <source>Nauru</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Navajo">
- <source>Navajo</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="South Ndebele">
- <source>South Ndebele</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="North Ndebele">
- <source>North Ndebele</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Ndonga">
- <source>Ndonga</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Nepali (macrolanguage)">
- <source>Nepali (macrolanguage)</source>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Dutch</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Norwegian Nynorsk">
- <source>Norwegian Nynorsk</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Norwegian Bokmål">
- <source>Norwegian Bokmål</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Norwegian">
- <source>Norwegian</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Nyanja">
- <source>Nyanja</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Occitan">
- <source>Occitan</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Ojibwa">
- <source>Ojibwa</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Oriya (macrolanguage)">
- <source>Oriya (macrolanguage)</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Oromo">
- <source>Oromo</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Ossetian">
- <source>Ossetian</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Panjabi">
- <source>Panjabi</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Pakistan Sign Language">
- <source>Pakistan Sign Language</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Polish">
- <source>Polish</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Portuguese">
- <source>Portuguese</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Pushto">
- <source>Pushto</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Quechua">
- <source>Quechua</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Romansh">
- <source>Romansh</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Romanian">
- <source>Romanian</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Russian Sign Language">
- <source>Russian Sign Language</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Rundi">
- <source>Rundi</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Russian">
- <source>Russian</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Sango">
- <source>Sango</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Saudi Arabian Sign Language">
- <source>Saudi Arabian Sign Language</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="South African Sign Language">
- <source>South African Sign Language</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Sinhala">
- <source>Sinhala</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Slovak">
- <source>Slovak</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Slovenian">
- <source>Slovenian</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Northern Sami">
- <source>Northern Sami</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Samoan">
- <source>Samoan</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Shona">
- <source>Shona</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Sindhi">
- <source>Sindhi</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Somali">
- <source>Somali</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Southern Sotho">
- <source>Southern Sotho</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Spanish">
- <source>Spanish</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Albanian">
- <source>Albanian</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Sardinian">
- <source>Sardinian</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Serbian">
- <source>Serbian</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Swati">
- <source>Swati</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Sundanese">
- <source>Sundanese</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Swahili (macrolanguage)">
- <source>Swahili (macrolanguage)</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Swedish">
- <source>Swedish</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Swedish Sign Language">
- <source>Swedish Sign Language</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Tahitian">
- <source>Tahitian</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Tamil">
- <source>Tamil</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Tatar">
- <source>Tatar</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Telugu">
- <source>Telugu</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Tajik">
- <source>Tajik</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Tagalog">
- <source>Tagalog</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Thai">
- <source>Thai</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Tigrinya">
- <source>Tigrinya</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Klingon">
- <source>Klingon</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Tonga (Tonga Islands)">
- <source>Tonga (Tonga Islands)</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Tswana">
- <source>Tswana</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Tsonga">
- <source>Tsonga</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Turkmen">
- <source>Turkmen</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Turkish">
- <source>Turkish</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Twi">
- <source>Twi</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Uighur">
- <source>Uighur</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Ukrainian">
- <source>Ukrainian</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Urdu">
- <source>Urdu</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Uzbek">
- <source>Uzbek</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Venda">
- <source>Venda</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Vietnamese">
- <source>Vietnamese</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Walloon">
- <source>Walloon</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Wolof">
- <source>Wolof</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Xhosa">
- <source>Xhosa</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Yiddish">
- <source>Yiddish</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Yoruba">
- <source>Yoruba</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Zhuang">
- <source>Zhuang</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Chinese">
- <source>Chinese</source>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Zulu</source>
- </trans-unit>
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- <target>انگلیسی</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Persian</source>
- <target>فارسی</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>French</source>
- <target>فرانسوی</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Irish</source>
- <target>ایرلندی</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Hindi</source>
- <target>هندی</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Indonesian</source>
- <target>اندونزیایی</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Italian</source>
- <target>ایتالیایی</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Japanese</source>
- <target>ژاپنی</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Korean</source>
- <target>کره ای</target>
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- <source>Kurdish</source>
- <target>کردی</target>
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- <source>Dutch</source>
- <target>هلندی</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Polish</source>
- <target>لهستانی</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Portuguese</source>
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- <source>Swedish</source>
- <target>سوئدی</target>
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- <source>Thai</source>
- <target>تایلندی</target>
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- </trans-unit>
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- <target>Afrikaans</target>
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- <target>Aragonés</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>American Sign Language</source>
- <target>Idioma de signos americano</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <target>Kotava</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <target>Aimara</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Bashkir</source>
- <target>Bashkir</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Bambara</source>
- <target>Bambara</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Belarusian</source>
- <target>Beloruso</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Bengali">
- <source>Bengali</source>
- <target>Bengalí</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>British Sign Language</source>
- <target>Idioma de signos británico</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Bislama">
- <source>Bislama</source>
- <target>Bislama</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Tibetan</source>
- <target>Tibetano</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Bosnian</source>
- <target>Bosníaco</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Breton">
- <source>Breton</source>
- <target>Bretón</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Bulgarian</source>
- <target>Búlgaro</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Brazilian Sign Language</source>
- <target>Idioma de signos brasileiro</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Catalan</source>
- <target>Catalán</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Czech</source>
- <target>Checo</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Chamorro</source>
- <target>Chamorro</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Chechen</source>
- <target>Checheno</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Chuvash">
- <source>Chuvash</source>
- <target>Chuvash</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Cornish</source>
- <target>Cornish</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Corsican">
- <source>Corsican</source>
- <target>Corso</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Cree">
- <source>Cree</source>
- <target>Cree</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Czech Sign Language</source>
- <target>Idioma de signos checo</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Chinese Sign Language</source>
- <target>Idioma de signos chinés</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Welsh</source>
- <target>Galés</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Danish">
- <source>Danish</source>
- <target>Danés</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>German</source>
- <target>Alemán</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Dhivehi">
- <source>Dhivehi</source>
- <target>Dhivehi</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Danish Sign Language">
- <source>Danish Sign Language</source>
- <target>Idioma de signos danés</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Dzongkha">
- <source>Dzongkha</source>
- <target>Dzongkha</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Greek</source>
- <target>Grego</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="English">
- <source>English</source>
- <target>Inglés</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Esperanto</source>
- <target>Esperanto</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Estonian</source>
- <target>Estonio</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Basque</source>
- <target>Éuscaro</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Ewe">
- <source>Ewe</source>
- <target>Ewe</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Faroese">
- <source>Faroese</source>
- <target>Faroense</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Persian">
- <source>Persian</source>
- <target>Persa</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Fijian</source>
- <target>Fijian</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Finnish">
- <source>Finnish</source>
- <target>Finés</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="French">
- <source>French</source>
- <target>Francés</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Western Frisian">
- <source>Western Frisian</source>
- <target>Frisio occidental</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="French Sign Language">
- <source>French Sign Language</source>
- <target>Idioma de signos francés</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Fulah">
- <source>Fulah</source>
- <target>Fulah</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Scottish Gaelic">
- <source>Scottish Gaelic</source>
- <target>Gaélico escocés</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Irish</source>
- <target>Irlandés</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Galician">
- <source>Galician</source>
- <target>Galego</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Manx">
- <source>Manx</source>
- <target>Manx</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Guarani">
- <source>Guarani</source>
- <target>Guaraní</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="German Sign Language">
- <source>German Sign Language</source>
- <target>Idioma de signos alemán</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Gujarati">
- <source>Gujarati</source>
- <target>Gujarati</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Haitian</source>
- <target>Haitiano</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Hausa">
- <source>Hausa</source>
- <target>Hausa</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Serbo-Croatian">
- <source>Serbo-Croatian</source>
- <target>Serbo-croata</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Hebrew">
- <source>Hebrew</source>
- <target>Hebreo</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Herero">
- <source>Herero</source>
- <target>Herero</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Hindi">
- <source>Hindi</source>
- <target>Hindi</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Hiri Motu">
- <source>Hiri Motu</source>
- <target>Hiri Motu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Croatian">
- <source>Croatian</source>
- <target>Croata</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Hungarian">
- <source>Hungarian</source>
- <target>Húngaro</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Armenian">
- <source>Armenian</source>
- <target>Armenio</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Igbo">
- <source>Igbo</source>
- <target>Igbo</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Sichuan Yi">
- <source>Sichuan Yi</source>
- <target>Sichuan Yi</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Inuktitut">
- <source>Inuktitut</source>
- <target>Inuktitut</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Indonesian">
- <source>Indonesian</source>
- <target>Indonesio</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Inupiaq">
- <source>Inupiaq</source>
- <target>Inupiaq</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Icelandic">
- <source>Icelandic</source>
- <target>Islandés</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Italian">
- <source>Italian</source>
- <target>Italiano</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Javanese">
- <source>Javanese</source>
- <target>Javanese</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Lojban">
- <source>Lojban</source>
- <target>Lojban</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Japanese">
- <source>Japanese</source>
- <target>Xaponés</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Japanese Sign Language">
- <source>Japanese Sign Language</source>
- <target>Idioma de signos xaponés</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kalaallisut">
- <source>Kalaallisut</source>
- <target>Kalaallisut</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kannada">
- <source>Kannada</source>
- <target>Kannada</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kashmiri">
- <source>Kashmiri</source>
- <target>Kashmiri</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Georgian">
- <source>Georgian</source>
- <target>Xeorxiano</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kanuri">
- <source>Kanuri</source>
- <target>Kanuri</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kazakh">
- <source>Kazakh</source>
- <target>Kazakh</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Khmer">
- <source>Khmer</source>
- <target>Khmer</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kikuyu">
- <source>Kikuyu</source>
- <target>Kikuyu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kinyarwanda">
- <source>Kinyarwanda</source>
- <target>Kinyarwanda</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kirghiz">
- <source>Kirghiz</source>
- <target>Kirghiz</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Komi">
- <source>Komi</source>
- <target>Komi</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kongo">
- <source>Kongo</source>
- <target>Kongo</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Korean">
- <source>Korean</source>
- <target>Coreano</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kuanyama">
- <source>Kuanyama</source>
- <target>Kuanyama</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kurdish">
- <source>Kurdish</source>
- <target>Curdo</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Lao">
- <source>Lao</source>
- <target>Lao</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Latvian">
- <source>Latvian</source>
- <target>Letón</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Limburgan">
- <source>Limburgan</source>
- <target>Limburgués</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Lingala">
- <source>Lingala</source>
- <target>Lingala</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Lithuanian">
- <source>Lithuanian</source>
- <target>Lituano</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Luxembourgish">
- <source>Luxembourgish</source>
- <target>Luxemburgués</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Luba-Katanga">
- <source>Luba-Katanga</source>
- <target>Luba-Katanga</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Ganda">
- <source>Ganda</source>
- <target>Ganda</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Marshallese">
- <source>Marshallese</source>
- <target>Marshallese</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Malayalam">
- <source>Malayalam</source>
- <target>Malayalam</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Marathi">
- <source>Marathi</source>
- <target>Marathi</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Macedonian">
- <source>Macedonian</source>
- <target>Macedonio</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Malagasy">
- <source>Malagasy</source>
- <target>Malagasy</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Maltese">
- <source>Maltese</source>
- <target>Maltés</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Mongolian">
- <source>Mongolian</source>
- <target>Mongolés</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Maori">
- <source>Maori</source>
- <target>Maorí</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Malay (macrolanguage)">
- <source>Malay (macrolanguage)</source>
- <target>Malaio (macroidioma)</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Burmese">
- <source>Burmese</source>
- <target>Burmese</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Nauru">
- <source>Nauru</source>
- <target>Nauru</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Navajo">
- <source>Navajo</source>
- <target>Navajo</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="South Ndebele">
- <source>South Ndebele</source>
- <target>Ndebele do sur</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="North Ndebele">
- <source>North Ndebele</source>
- <target>Ndebele do norte</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Ndonga">
- <source>Ndonga</source>
- <target>Ndonga</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Nepali (macrolanguage)">
- <source>Nepali (macrolanguage)</source>
- <target>Nepalés (macroidioma)</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Dutch">
- <source>Dutch</source>
- <target>Neerlandés</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Norwegian Nynorsk">
- <source>Norwegian Nynorsk</source>
- <target>Noruegués Nynorsk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Norwegian Bokmål">
- <source>Norwegian Bokmål</source>
- <target>Noruegués Bokmål</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Norwegian">
- <source>Norwegian</source>
- <target>Noruegués</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Nyanja">
- <source>Nyanja</source>
- <target>Nyanja</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Occitan">
- <source>Occitan</source>
- <target>Occitano</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Ojibwa">
- <source>Ojibwa</source>
- <target>Ojibwa</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Oriya (macrolanguage)">
- <source>Oriya (macrolanguage)</source>
- <target>Oriya (macroidioma)</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Oromo">
- <source>Oromo</source>
- <target>Oromo</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Ossetian">
- <source>Ossetian</source>
- <target>Osetio</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Panjabi">
- <source>Panjabi</source>
- <target>Panjabi</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Pakistan Sign Language">
- <source>Pakistan Sign Language</source>
- <target>Idioma de signos paquistaní</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Polish">
- <source>Polish</source>
- <target>Polaco</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Portuguese">
- <source>Portuguese</source>
- <target>Portugués</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Pushto">
- <source>Pushto</source>
- <target>Pushto</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Quechua">
- <source>Quechua</source>
- <target>Quechua</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Romansh">
- <source>Romansh</source>
- <target>Romansh</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Romanian">
- <source>Romanian</source>
- <target>Romanés</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Russian Sign Language">
- <source>Russian Sign Language</source>
- <target>Idioma de signos ruso</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Rundi">
- <source>Rundi</source>
- <target>Rundi</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Russian">
- <source>Russian</source>
- <target>Ruso</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Sango">
- <source>Sango</source>
- <target>Sango</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Saudi Arabian Sign Language">
- <source>Saudi Arabian Sign Language</source>
- <target>Idioma de signos de Arabia Saudita</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="South African Sign Language">
- <source>South African Sign Language</source>
- <target>Idioma de signos de África do Sur</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Sinhala">
- <source>Sinhala</source>
- <target>Sinhala</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Slovak">
- <source>Slovak</source>
- <target>Eslovaco</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Slovenian">
- <source>Slovenian</source>
- <target>Esloveno</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Northern Sami">
- <source>Northern Sami</source>
- <target>Sami do norte</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Samoan">
- <source>Samoan</source>
- <target>Samoano</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Shona">
- <source>Shona</source>
- <target>Shona</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Sindhi">
- <source>Sindhi</source>
- <target>Sindhi</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Somali">
- <source>Somali</source>
- <target>Somalí</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Southern Sotho">
- <source>Southern Sotho</source>
- <target>Sotho do sur</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Spanish">
- <source>Spanish</source>
- <target>Español</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Albanian">
- <source>Albanian</source>
- <target>Albanés</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Sardinian">
- <source>Sardinian</source>
- <target>Sardo</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Serbian">
- <source>Serbian</source>
- <target>Serbio</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Swati">
- <source>Swati</source>
- <target>Swati</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Sundanese">
- <source>Sundanese</source>
- <target>Sudanés</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Swahili (macrolanguage)">
- <source>Swahili (macrolanguage)</source>
- <target>Swahili (macroidioma)</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Swedish">
- <source>Swedish</source>
- <target>Sueco</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Swedish Sign Language">
- <source>Swedish Sign Language</source>
- <target>Idioma de signos sueco</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Tahitian">
- <source>Tahitian</source>
- <target>Tahitiano</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Tamil">
- <source>Tamil</source>
- <target>Tamil</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Tatar">
- <source>Tatar</source>
- <target>Tatar</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Telugu">
- <source>Telugu</source>
- <target>Talegu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Tajik">
- <source>Tajik</source>
- <target>Tajik</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Tagalog">
- <source>Tagalog</source>
- <target>Tagalog</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Thai">
- <source>Thai</source>
- <target>Thai</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Tigrinya">
- <source>Tigrinya</source>
- <target>Tigrinya</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Klingon">
- <source>Klingon</source>
- <target>Klingon</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Tonga (Tonga Islands)">
- <source>Tonga (Tonga Islands)</source>
- <target>Tonga (Illas Tonga)</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Tswana">
- <source>Tswana</source>
- <target>Tswana</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Tsonga">
- <source>Tsonga</source>
- <target>Tsonga</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Turkmen">
- <source>Turkmen</source>
- <target>Turkmen</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Turkish">
- <source>Turkish</source>
- <target>Turco</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Twi">
- <source>Twi</source>
- <target>Twi</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Uighur">
- <source>Uighur</source>
- <target>Uighur</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Ukrainian">
- <source>Ukrainian</source>
- <target>Ucraíno</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Urdu">
- <source>Urdu</source>
- <target>Urdu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Uzbek">
- <source>Uzbek</source>
- <target>Uzbeco</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Venda">
- <source>Venda</source>
- <target>Venda</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Vietnamese">
- <source>Vietnamese</source>
- <target>Vietnamita</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Walloon">
- <source>Walloon</source>
- <target>Walloon</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Wolof">
- <source>Wolof</source>
- <target>Wolof</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Xhosa">
- <source>Xhosa</source>
- <target>Xhosa</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Yiddish">
- <source>Yiddish</source>
- <target>Yiddish</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Yoruba">
- <source>Yoruba</source>
- <target>Yoruba</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Zhuang">
- <source>Zhuang</source>
- <target>Zhuang</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Chinese">
- <source>Chinese</source>
- <target>Chinés</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Zulu">
- <source>Zulu</source>
- <target>Zulu</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <trans-unit id="Afar">
- <source>Afar</source>
- <target>afar</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Abkhazian">
- <source>Abkhazian</source>
- <target>abház</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Afrikaans">
- <source>Afrikaans</source>
- <target>afrikaans</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Akan">
- <source>Akan</source>
- <target>akan</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Amharic">
- <source>Amharic</source>
- <target>amhara</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Arabic">
- <source>Arabic</source>
- <target>arab</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Aragonese">
- <source>Aragonese</source>
- <target>aragóniai</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="American Sign Language">
- <source>American Sign Language</source>
- <target>amerikai jelnyelv</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Assamese">
- <source>Assamese</source>
- <target>asszámi</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Avaric">
- <source>Avaric</source>
- <target>avar</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kotava">
- <source>Kotava</source>
- <target>kotava</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Aymara">
- <source>Aymara</source>
- <target>ajmara</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Azerbaijani">
- <source>Azerbaijani</source>
- <target>azerbajdzsán</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Bashkir">
- <source>Bashkir</source>
- <target>baskír</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Bambara">
- <source>Bambara</source>
- <target>bambara</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Belarusian">
- <source>Belarusian</source>
- <target>belarusz</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Bengali">
- <source>Bengali</source>
- <target>bengáli</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="British Sign Language">
- <source>British Sign Language</source>
- <target>brit jelnyelv</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Bislama">
- <source>Bislama</source>
- <target>biszlama</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Tibetan">
- <source>Tibetan</source>
- <target>tibeti</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Bosnian">
- <source>Bosnian</source>
- <target>bosnyák</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Breton">
- <source>Breton</source>
- <target>breton</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Bulgarian">
- <source>Bulgarian</source>
- <target>bolgár</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Brazilian Sign Language">
- <source>Brazilian Sign Language</source>
- <target>brazil jelnyelv</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Catalan">
- <source>Catalan</source>
- <target>katalán</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Czech">
- <source>Czech</source>
- <target>cseh</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Chamorro">
- <source>Chamorro</source>
- <target>csamorro</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Chechen">
- <source>Chechen</source>
- <target>csecsen</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Chuvash">
- <source>Chuvash</source>
- <target>csuvas</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Cornish">
- <source>Cornish</source>
- <target>korni</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Corsican">
- <source>Corsican</source>
- <target>korzikai</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Cree">
- <source>Cree</source>
- <target>krí</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Czech Sign Language">
- <source>Czech Sign Language</source>
- <target>cseh jelnyelv</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Chinese Sign Language">
- <source>Chinese Sign Language</source>
- <target>kínai jelnyelv</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Welsh">
- <source>Welsh</source>
- <target>walesi</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Danish">
- <source>Danish</source>
- <target>dán</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="German">
- <source>German</source>
- <target>német</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Dhivehi">
- <source>Dhivehi</source>
- <target>maldív</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Danish Sign Language">
- <source>Danish Sign Language</source>
- <target>dán jelnyelv</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Dzongkha">
- <source>Dzongkha</source>
- <target>dzongkha</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="English">
- <source>English</source>
- <target>angol</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Esperanto">
- <source>Esperanto</source>
- <target>eszperantó</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Estonian">
- <source>Estonian</source>
- <target>észt</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Basque">
- <source>Basque</source>
- <target>baszk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Ewe">
- <source>Ewe</source>
- <target>eve</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Faroese">
- <source>Faroese</source>
- <target>feröeri</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Persian">
- <source>Persian</source>
- <target>perzsa</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Fijian">
- <source>Fijian</source>
- <target>fidzsi</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Finnish">
- <source>Finnish</source>
- <target>finn</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="French">
- <source>French</source>
- <target>francia</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Western Frisian">
- <source>Western Frisian</source>
- <target>nyugati fríz</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="French Sign Language">
- <source>French Sign Language</source>
- <target>francia jelnyelv</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Fulah">
- <source>Fulah</source>
- <target>ful</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Scottish Gaelic">
- <source>Scottish Gaelic</source>
- <target>skót gael</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Irish">
- <source>Irish</source>
- <target>ír</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Galician">
- <source>Galician</source>
- <target>galiciai</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Manx">
- <source>Manx</source>
- <target>manx</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Guarani">
- <source>Guarani</source>
- <target>guarani</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="German Sign Language">
- <source>German Sign Language</source>
- <target>német jelnyelv</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Gujarati">
- <source>Gujarati</source>
- <target>gudzsaráti</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Haitian">
- <source>Haitian</source>
- <target>haiti kreol</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Hausa">
- <source>Hausa</source>
- <target>hausza</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Serbo-Croatian">
- <source>Serbo-Croatian</source>
- <target>szerbhorvát</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Hebrew">
- <source>Hebrew</source>
- <target>héber</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Herero">
- <source>Herero</source>
- <target>herero</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Hindi">
- <source>Hindi</source>
- <target>hindi</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Hiri Motu">
- <source>Hiri Motu</source>
- <target>hiri motu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Croatian">
- <source>Croatian</source>
- <target>horvát</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Hungarian">
- <source>Hungarian</source>
- <target>magyar</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Armenian">
- <source>Armenian</source>
- <target>örmény</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Igbo">
- <source>Igbo</source>
- <target>igbó</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Sichuan Yi">
- <source>Sichuan Yi</source>
- <target>szecsuáni ji</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Inuktitut">
- <source>Inuktitut</source>
- <target>inuktitut</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Indonesian">
- <source>Indonesian</source>
- <target>indonéz</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Inupiaq">
- <source>Inupiaq</source>
- <target>inupiak</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Icelandic">
- <source>Icelandic</source>
- <target>izlandi</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Italian">
- <source>Italian</source>
- <target>olasz</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Javanese">
- <source>Javanese</source>
- <target>jávai</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Lojban">
- <source>Lojban</source>
- <target>lojban</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Japanese">
- <source>Japanese</source>
- <target>japán</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Japanese Sign Language">
- <source>Japanese Sign Language</source>
- <target>japán jelnyelv</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kalaallisut">
- <source>Kalaallisut</source>
- <target>grönlandi</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kannada">
- <source>Kannada</source>
- <target>kannada</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kashmiri">
- <source>Kashmiri</source>
- <target>kasmíri</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Georgian">
- <source>Georgian</source>
- <target>grúz</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kanuri">
- <source>Kanuri</source>
- <target>kanuri</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kazakh">
- <source>Kazakh</source>
- <target>kazak</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Khmer">
- <source>Khmer</source>
- <target>khmer</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kikuyu">
- <source>Kikuyu</source>
- <target>kikuju</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kinyarwanda">
- <source>Kinyarwanda</source>
- <target>kinyarvanda</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kirghiz">
- <source>Kirghiz</source>
- <target>kirgiz</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Komi">
- <source>Komi</source>
- <target>komi</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kongo">
- <source>Kongo</source>
- <target>kikongo</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Korean">
- <source>Korean</source>
- <target>koreai</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kuanyama">
- <source>Kuanyama</source>
- <target>kvanyama</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kurdish">
- <source>Kurdish</source>
- <target>kurd</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Lao">
- <source>Lao</source>
- <target>lao</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Latvian">
- <source>Latvian</source>
- <target>lett</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Limburgan">
- <source>Limburgan</source>
- <target>limburgi</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Lingala">
- <source>Lingala</source>
- <target>lingala</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Lithuanian">
- <source>Lithuanian</source>
- <target>litván</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Luxembourgish">
- <source>Luxembourgish</source>
- <target>luxemburgi</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Luba-Katanga">
- <source>Luba-Katanga</source>
- <target>luba-katanga</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Ganda">
- <source>Ganda</source>
- <target>luganda</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Marshallese">
- <source>Marshallese</source>
- <target>Marshall-szigeteki</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Malayalam">
- <source>Malayalam</source>
- <target>malajálam</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Marathi">
- <source>Marathi</source>
- <target>maráthi</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Macedonian">
- <source>Macedonian</source>
- <target>macedón</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Malagasy">
- <source>Malagasy</source>
- <target>malgas</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Maltese">
- <source>Maltese</source>
- <target>máltai</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Mongolian">
- <source>Mongolian</source>
- <target>mongol</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Maori">
- <source>Maori</source>
- <target>maori</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Malay (macrolanguage)">
- <source>Malay (macrolanguage)</source>
- <target>maláj</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Burmese">
- <source>Burmese</source>
- <target>burmai</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Nauru">
- <source>Nauru</source>
- <target>naurui</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Navajo">
- <source>Navajo</source>
- <target>navahó</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="South Ndebele">
- <source>South Ndebele</source>
- <target>déli ndebele</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="North Ndebele">
- <source>North Ndebele</source>
- <target>északi ndebele</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Ndonga">
- <source>Ndonga</source>
- <target>ndonga</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Nepali (macrolanguage)">
- <source>Nepali (macrolanguage)</source>
- <target>nepáli</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Dutch">
- <source>Dutch</source>
- <target>holland</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Norwegian Nynorsk">
- <source>Norwegian Nynorsk</source>
- <target>norvég nynorsk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Norwegian Bokmål">
- <source>Norwegian Bokmål</source>
- <target>norvég bokmål</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Norwegian">
- <source>Norwegian</source>
- <target>norvég</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Nyanja">
- <source>Nyanja</source>
- <target>nyandzsa</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Occitan">
- <source>Occitan</source>
- <target>okcitán</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Ojibwa">
- <source>Ojibwa</source>
- <target>odzsibva</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Oriya (macrolanguage)">
- <source>Oriya (macrolanguage)</source>
- <target>orija</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Oromo">
- <source>Oromo</source>
- <target>oromó</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Ossetian">
- <source>Ossetian</source>
- <target>oszét</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Panjabi">
- <source>Panjabi</source>
- <target>pandzsábi</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Pakistan Sign Language">
- <source>Pakistan Sign Language</source>
- <target>pakisztáni jelnyelv</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Polish">
- <source>Polish</source>
- <target>lengyel</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Portuguese">
- <source>Portuguese</source>
- <target>portugál</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Pushto">
- <source>Pushto</source>
- <target>pastu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Quechua">
- <source>Quechua</source>
- <target>kecsua</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Romansh">
- <source>Romansh</source>
- <target>romans</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Romanian">
- <source>Romanian</source>
- <target>román</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Russian Sign Language">
- <source>Russian Sign Language</source>
- <target>orosz jelnyelv</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Rundi">
- <source>Rundi</source>
- <target>rundi</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Russian">
- <source>Russian</source>
- <target>orosz</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Sango">
- <source>Sango</source>
- <target>szangó</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Saudi Arabian Sign Language">
- <source>Saudi Arabian Sign Language</source>
- <target>szaud-arábiai jelnyelv</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="South African Sign Language">
- <source>South African Sign Language</source>
- <target>dél-afrikai jelnyelv</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Sinhala">
- <source>Sinhala</source>
- <target>szingaléz</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Slovak">
- <source>Slovak</source>
- <target>szlovák</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Slovenian">
- <source>Slovenian</source>
- <target>szlovén</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Northern Sami">
- <source>Northern Sami</source>
- <target>északi számi</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Samoan">
- <source>Samoan</source>
- <target>szamoai</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Shona">
- <source>Shona</source>
- <target>sona</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Sindhi">
- <source>Sindhi</source>
- <target>szindhi</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Somali">
- <source>Somali</source>
- <target>szomáli</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Southern Sotho">
- <source>Southern Sotho</source>
- <target>déli szoto</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Spanish">
- <source>Spanish</source>
- <target>spanyol</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Albanian">
- <source>Albanian</source>
- <target>albán</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Sardinian">
- <source>Sardinian</source>
- <target>szárd</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Serbian">
- <source>Serbian</source>
- <target>szerb</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Swati">
- <source>Swati</source>
- <target>szvázi</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Sundanese">
- <source>Sundanese</source>
- <target>szundai</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Swahili (macrolanguage)">
- <source>Swahili (macrolanguage)</source>
- <target>szuahéli</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Swedish">
- <source>Swedish</source>
- <target>svéd</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Swedish Sign Language">
- <source>Swedish Sign Language</source>
- <target>svéd jelnyelv</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Tahitian">
- <source>Tahitian</source>
- <target>tahiti</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Tamil">
- <source>Tamil</source>
- <target>tamil</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Tatar">
- <source>Tatar</source>
- <target>tatár</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Telugu">
- <source>Telugu</source>
- <target>telugu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Tajik">
- <source>Tajik</source>
- <target>tádzsik</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Tagalog">
- <source>Tagalog</source>
- <target>tagalog</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Thai">
- <source>Thai</source>
- <target>thai</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Tigrinya">
- <source>Tigrinya</source>
- <target>tigrinya</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Klingon">
- <source>Klingon</source>
- <target>klingon</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Tonga (Tonga Islands)">
- <source>Tonga (Tonga Islands)</source>
- <target>tonga</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Tswana">
- <source>Tswana</source>
- <target>csvana</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Tsonga">
- <source>Tsonga</source>
- <target>conga</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Turkmen">
- <source>Turkmen</source>
- <target>türkmén</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Turkish">
- <source>Turkish</source>
- <target>török</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Twi">
- <source>Twi</source>
- <target>tvi</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Uighur">
- <source>Uighur</source>
- <target>ujgur</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Ukrainian">
- <source>Ukrainian</source>
- <target>ukrán</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Urdu">
- <source>Urdu</source>
- <target>urdu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Uzbek">
- <source>Uzbek</source>
- <target>üzbég</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Venda">
- <source>Venda</source>
- <target>venda</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Vietnamese">
- <source>Vietnamese</source>
- <target>vietnámi</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Walloon">
- <source>Walloon</source>
- <target>vallon</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Wolof">
- <source>Wolof</source>
- <target>volof</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Xhosa">
- <source>Xhosa</source>
- <target>xhosza</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Yiddish">
- <source>Yiddish</source>
- <target>jiddis</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Yoruba">
- <source>Yoruba</source>
- <target>joruba</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Zhuang">
- <source>Zhuang</source>
- <target>csuang</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Chinese">
- <source>Chinese</source>
- <target>kínai</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Zulu">
- <source>Zulu</source>
- <target>zulu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- </body>
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- <body>
- <trans-unit id="Afar">
- <source>Afar</source>
- <target>banga'aru</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Abkhazian">
- <source>Abkhazian</source>
- <target>bangabuku</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Afrikaans">
- <source>Afrikaans</source>
- <target>bangafuru</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Akan">
- <source>Akan</source>
- <target>bangaku'a</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Amharic">
- <source>Amharic</source>
- <target>bangamuxe</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Arabic">
- <source>Arabic</source>
- <target>bangaru'a</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Aragonese">
- <source>Aragonese</source>
- <target>bangarugu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="American Sign Language">
- <source>American Sign Language</source>
- <target>bangasu'e</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Assamese">
- <source>Assamese</source>
- <target>bangasumu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Avaric">
- <source>Avaric</source>
- <target>bangavu'a</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kotava">
- <source>Kotava</source>
- <target>bangavuku</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Aymara">
- <source>Aymara</source>
- <target>bangajemu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Azerbaijani">
- <source>Azerbaijani</source>
- <target>bangaze'u</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Bashkir">
- <source>Bashkir</source>
- <target>banbu'aku</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Bambara">
- <source>Bambara</source>
- <target>banbu'amu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Belarusian">
- <source>Belarusian</source>
- <target>banbu'elu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Bengali">
- <source>Bengali</source>
- <target>banbu'enu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="British Sign Language">
- <source>British Sign Language</source>
- <target>banbufu'i</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Bislama">
- <source>Bislama</source>
- <target>banbu'isu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Tibetan">
- <source>Tibetan</source>
- <target>banbu'odu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Bosnian">
- <source>Bosnian</source>
- <target>banbu'osu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Breton">
- <source>Breton</source>
- <target>banburu'e</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Bulgarian">
- <source>Bulgarian</source>
- <target>banbu'ulu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Brazilian Sign Language">
- <source>Brazilian Sign Language</source>
- <target>banbuzusu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Catalan">
- <source>Catalan</source>
- <target>bancu'atu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Czech">
- <source>Czech</source>
- <target>bancu'esu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Chamorro">
- <source>Chamorro</source>
- <target>bancuxe'a</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Chechen">
- <source>Chechen</source>
- <target>bancuxe'e</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Chuvash">
- <source>Chuvash</source>
- <target>bancuxevu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Cornish">
- <source>Cornish</source>
- <target>bancu'oru</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Corsican">
- <source>Corsican</source>
- <target>bancu'osu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Cree">
- <source>Cree</source>
- <target>bancuru'e</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Czech Sign Language">
- <source>Czech Sign Language</source>
- <target>bancusu'e</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Chinese Sign Language">
- <source>Chinese Sign Language</source>
- <target>bancusulu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Welsh">
- <source>Welsh</source>
- <target>bancujemu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Danish">
- <source>Danish</source>
- <target>bandu'anu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="German">
- <source>German</source>
- <target>bandu'e'u</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Dhivehi">
- <source>Dhivehi</source>
- <target>bandu'ivu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Danish Sign Language">
- <source>Danish Sign Language</source>
- <target>bandusulu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Dzongkha">
- <source>Dzongkha</source>
- <target>banduzu'o</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="English">
- <source>English</source>
- <target>bangenugu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Esperanto">
- <source>Esperanto</source>
- <target>bangepu'o</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Estonian">
- <source>Estonian</source>
- <target>bangesutu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Basque">
- <source>Basque</source>
- <target>bange'usu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Ewe">
- <source>Ewe</source>
- <target>bangeve'e</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Faroese">
- <source>Faroese</source>
- <target>banfu'a'o</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Persian">
- <source>Persian</source>
- <target>banfu'asu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Fijian">
- <source>Fijian</source>
- <target>banfu'iju</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Finnish">
- <source>Finnish</source>
- <target>banfu'inu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="French">
- <source>French</source>
- <target>banfuru'a</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Western Frisian">
- <source>Western Frisian</source>
- <target>banfuruje</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="French Sign Language">
- <source>French Sign Language</source>
- <target>banfusulu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Fulah">
- <source>Fulah</source>
- <target>banfu'ulu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Scottish Gaelic">
- <source>Scottish Gaelic</source>
- <target>baurgulu'a</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Irish">
- <source>Irish</source>
- <target>baurgulu'e</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Galician">
- <source>Galician</source>
- <target>baurgulugu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Manx">
- <source>Manx</source>
- <target>baurguluvu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Guarani">
- <source>Guarani</source>
- <target>baurgurunu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="German Sign Language">
- <source>German Sign Language</source>
- <target>baurgusugu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Gujarati">
- <source>Gujarati</source>
- <target>baurgu'uju</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Haitian">
- <source>Haitian</source>
- <target>banxe'atu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Hausa">
- <source>Hausa</source>
- <target>banxe'a'u</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Serbo-Croatian">
- <source>Serbo-Croatian</source>
- <target>banxebusu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Hebrew">
- <source>Hebrew</source>
- <target>banxe'ebu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Herero">
- <source>Herero</source>
- <target>banxe'eru</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Hindi">
- <source>Hindi</source>
- <target>banxe'inu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Hiri Motu">
- <source>Hiri Motu</source>
- <target>banxemu'o</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Croatian">
- <source>Croatian</source>
- <target>banxeruvu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Hungarian">
- <source>Hungarian</source>
- <target>banxe'unu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Armenian">
- <source>Armenian</source>
- <target>banxeje'e</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Igbo">
- <source>Igbo</source>
- <target>bangibu'o</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Sichuan Yi">
- <source>Sichuan Yi</source>
- <target>bangi'i'i</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Inuktitut">
- <source>Inuktitut</source>
- <target>bangiku'u</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Indonesian">
- <source>Indonesian</source>
- <target>banginudu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Inupiaq">
- <source>Inupiaq</source>
- <target>bangipuku</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Icelandic">
- <source>Icelandic</source>
- <target>bangisulu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Italian">
- <source>Italian</source>
- <target>bangitu'a</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Javanese">
- <source>Javanese</source>
- <target>banju'avu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Lojban">
- <source>Lojban</source>
- <target>banjubu'o</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Japanese">
- <source>Japanese</source>
- <target>banjupunu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Japanese Sign Language">
- <source>Japanese Sign Language</source>
- <target>banjusulu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kalaallisut">
- <source>Kalaallisut</source>
- <target>banku'alu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kannada">
- <source>Kannada</source>
- <target>banku'anu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kashmiri">
- <source>Kashmiri</source>
- <target>banku'asu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Georgian">
- <source>Georgian</source>
- <target>banku'atu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kanuri">
- <source>Kanuri</source>
- <target>banku'a'u</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kazakh">
- <source>Kazakh</source>
- <target>banku'azu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Khmer">
- <source>Khmer</source>
- <target>bankuxemu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kikuyu">
- <source>Kikuyu</source>
- <target>banku'iku</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kinyarwanda">
- <source>Kinyarwanda</source>
- <target>banku'inu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kirghiz">
- <source>Kirghiz</source>
- <target>banku'iru</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Komi">
- <source>Komi</source>
- <target>banku'omu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kongo">
- <source>Kongo</source>
- <target>banku'onu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Korean">
- <source>Korean</source>
- <target>banku'oru</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kuanyama">
- <source>Kuanyama</source>
- <target>banku'u'a</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kurdish">
- <source>Kurdish</source>
- <target>banku'uru</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Lao">
- <source>Lao</source>
- <target>banlu'a'o</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Latvian">
- <source>Latvian</source>
- <target>banlu'avu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Limburgan">
- <source>Limburgan</source>
- <target>banlu'imu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Lingala">
- <source>Lingala</source>
- <target>banlu'inu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Lithuanian">
- <source>Lithuanian</source>
- <target>banlu'itu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Luxembourgish">
- <source>Luxembourgish</source>
- <target>banlutuzu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Luba-Katanga">
- <source>Luba-Katanga</source>
- <target>banlu'ubu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Ganda">
- <source>Ganda</source>
- <target>banlu'ugu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Marshallese">
- <source>Marshallese</source>
- <target>banmu'axe</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Malayalam">
- <source>Malayalam</source>
- <target>banmu'alu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Marathi">
- <source>Marathi</source>
- <target>banmu'aru</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Macedonian">
- <source>Macedonian</source>
- <target>banmukudu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Malagasy">
- <source>Malagasy</source>
- <target>banmulugu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Maltese">
- <source>Maltese</source>
- <target>banmulutu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Mongolian">
- <source>Mongolian</source>
- <target>banmu'onu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Maori">
- <source>Maori</source>
- <target>banmuru'i</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Malay (macrolanguage)">
- <source>Malay (macrolanguage)</source>
- <target>banmusu'a</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Burmese">
- <source>Burmese</source>
- <target>banmuje'a</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Nauru">
- <source>Nauru</source>
- <target>baurnu'a'u</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Navajo">
- <source>Navajo</source>
- <target>baurnu'avu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="South Ndebele">
- <source>South Ndebele</source>
- <target>baurnubulu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="North Ndebele">
- <source>North Ndebele</source>
- <target>baurnudu'e</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Ndonga">
- <source>Ndonga</source>
- <target>baurnudu'o</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Nepali (macrolanguage)">
- <source>Nepali (macrolanguage)</source>
- <target>baurnu'epu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Dutch">
- <source>Dutch</source>
- <target>baurnuludu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Norwegian Nynorsk">
- <source>Norwegian Nynorsk</source>
- <target>baurnunu'o</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Norwegian Bokmål">
- <source>Norwegian Bokmål</source>
- <target>baurnu'obu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Norwegian">
- <source>Norwegian</source>
- <target>baurnu'oru</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Nyanja">
- <source>Nyanja</source>
- <target>baurnuje'a</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Occitan">
- <source>Occitan</source>
- <target>bangocu'i</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Ojibwa">
- <source>Ojibwa</source>
- <target>bangoju'i</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Oriya (macrolanguage)">
- <source>Oriya (macrolanguage)</source>
- <target>bangoru'i</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Oromo">
- <source>Oromo</source>
- <target>bangorumu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Ossetian">
- <source>Ossetian</source>
- <target>bangosusu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Panjabi">
- <source>Panjabi</source>
- <target>banpu'anu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Pakistan Sign Language">
- <source>Pakistan Sign Language</source>
- <target>banpukusu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Polish">
- <source>Polish</source>
- <target>banpu'olu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Portuguese">
- <source>Portuguese</source>
- <target>banpu'oru</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Pushto">
- <source>Pushto</source>
- <target>banpu'usu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Quechua">
- <source>Quechua</source>
- <target>banke'u'e</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Romansh">
- <source>Romansh</source>
- <target>banru'oxe</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Romanian">
- <source>Romanian</source>
- <target>banru'onu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Russian Sign Language">
- <source>Russian Sign Language</source>
- <target>banrusulu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Rundi">
- <source>Rundi</source>
- <target>banru'unu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Russian">
- <source>Russian</source>
- <target>banru'usu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Sango">
- <source>Sango</source>
- <target>bansu'agu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Saudi Arabian Sign Language">
- <source>Saudi Arabian Sign Language</source>
- <target>bansudulu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="South African Sign Language">
- <source>South African Sign Language</source>
- <target>bansufusu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Sinhala">
- <source>Sinhala</source>
- <target>bansu'inu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Slovak">
- <source>Slovak</source>
- <target>bansuluku</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Slovenian">
- <source>Slovenian</source>
- <target>bansuluvu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Northern Sami">
- <source>Northern Sami</source>
- <target>bansumu'e</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Samoan">
- <source>Samoan</source>
- <target>bansumu'o</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Shona">
- <source>Shona</source>
- <target>bansunu'a</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Sindhi">
- <source>Sindhi</source>
- <target>bansunudu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Somali">
- <source>Somali</source>
- <target>bansu'omu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Southern Sotho">
- <source>Southern Sotho</source>
- <target>bansu'otu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Spanish">
- <source>Spanish</source>
- <target>bansupu'a</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Albanian">
- <source>Albanian</source>
- <target>bansuke'i</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Sardinian">
- <source>Sardinian</source>
- <target>bansurudu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Serbian">
- <source>Serbian</source>
- <target>bansurupu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Swati">
- <source>Swati</source>
- <target>bansusuve</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Sundanese">
- <source>Sundanese</source>
- <target>bansu'unu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Swahili (macrolanguage)">
- <source>Swahili (macrolanguage)</source>
- <target>bansuve'a</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Swedish">
- <source>Swedish</source>
- <target>bansuve'e</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Swedish Sign Language">
- <source>Swedish Sign Language</source>
- <target>bansuvelu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Tahitian">
- <source>Tahitian</source>
- <target>bantu'axe</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Tamil">
- <source>Tamil</source>
- <target>bantu'amu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Tatar">
- <source>Tatar</source>
- <target>bantu'atu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Telugu">
- <source>Telugu</source>
- <target>bantule'u</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Tajik">
- <source>Tajik</source>
- <target>bantuguku</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Tagalog">
- <source>Tagalog</source>
- <target>bantugulu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Thai">
- <source>Thai</source>
- <target>bantuxe'a</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Tigrinya">
- <source>Tigrinya</source>
- <target>bantu'iru</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Klingon">
- <source>Klingon</source>
- <target>bantuluxe</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Tonga (Tonga Islands)">
- <source>Tonga (Tonga Islands)</source>
- <target>bantu'onu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Tswana">
- <source>Tswana</source>
- <target>bantusunu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Tsonga">
- <source>Tsonga</source>
- <target>bantusu'o</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Turkmen">
- <source>Turkmen</source>
- <target>bantu'uku</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Turkish">
- <source>Turkish</source>
- <target>bantu'uru</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Twi">
- <source>Twi</source>
- <target>bantuve'i</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Uighur">
- <source>Uighur</source>
- <target>bangu'igu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Ukrainian">
- <source>Ukrainian</source>
- <target>bangukuru</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Urdu">
- <source>Urdu</source>
- <target>bangurudu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Uzbek">
- <source>Uzbek</source>
- <target>banguzubu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Venda">
- <source>Venda</source>
- <target>banvu'enu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Vietnamese">
- <source>Vietnamese</source>
- <target>banvu'i'e</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Walloon">
- <source>Walloon</source>
- <target>banvelunu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Wolof">
- <source>Wolof</source>
- <target>banve'olu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Xhosa">
- <source>Xhosa</source>
- <target>banxuxe'o</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Yiddish">
- <source>Yiddish</source>
- <target>banje'idu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Yoruba">
- <source>Yoruba</source>
- <target>banje'oru</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Zhuang">
- <source>Zhuang</source>
- <target>banzuxe'a</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Chinese">
- <source>Chinese</source>
- <target>banzuxe'o</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Zulu">
- <source>Zulu</source>
- <target>banzu'ulu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- </body>
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- <trans-unit id="Afar">
- <source>Afar</source>
- <target>Afarsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Abkhazian">
- <source>Abkhazian</source>
- <target>Abkhazsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Afrikaans">
- <source>Afrikaans</source>
- <target>Afrikaansky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Akan">
- <source>Akan</source>
- <target>Akansky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Amharic">
- <source>Amharic</source>
- <target>Amharsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Arabic">
- <source>Arabic</source>
- <target>Arabsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Aragonese">
- <source>Aragonese</source>
- <target>Aragonsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="American Sign Language">
- <source>American Sign Language</source>
- <target>Americká znaková reč</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Assamese">
- <source>Assamese</source>
- <target>Assamézsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Avaric">
- <source>Avaric</source>
- <target>Avarsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kotava">
- <source>Kotava</source>
- <target>Kotavsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Aymara">
- <source>Aymara</source>
- <target>Aymarsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Azerbaijani">
- <source>Azerbaijani</source>
- <target>Azerbajdžansky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Bashkir">
- <source>Bashkir</source>
- <target>Baškirsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Bambara">
- <source>Bambara</source>
- <target>Bambarsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Belarusian">
- <source>Belarusian</source>
- <target>Bielorusky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Bengali">
- <source>Bengali</source>
- <target>Bengálsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="British Sign Language">
- <source>British Sign Language</source>
- <target>Britská znaková reč</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Bislama">
- <source>Bislama</source>
- <target>Bislamsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Tibetan">
- <source>Tibetan</source>
- <target>Tibeťansky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Bosnian">
- <source>Bosnian</source>
- <target>Bosňansky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Breton">
- <source>Breton</source>
- <target>Bretónsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Bulgarian">
- <source>Bulgarian</source>
- <target>Bulharsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Brazilian Sign Language">
- <source>Brazilian Sign Language</source>
- <target>Brazílska znaková reč</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Catalan">
- <source>Catalan</source>
- <target>Katalánsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Czech">
- <source>Czech</source>
- <target>Česky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Chamorro">
- <source>Chamorro</source>
- <target>Čamorsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Chechen">
- <source>Chechen</source>
- <target>Čečensky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Chuvash">
- <source>Chuvash</source>
- <target>Čuvašsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Cornish">
- <source>Cornish</source>
- <target>Kornišsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Corsican">
- <source>Corsican</source>
- <target>Korzicky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Cree">
- <source>Cree</source>
- <target>Kreónsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Czech Sign Language">
- <source>Czech Sign Language</source>
- <target>Česká znaková reč</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Chinese Sign Language">
- <source>Chinese Sign Language</source>
- <target>Čínska znaková reč</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Welsh">
- <source>Welsh</source>
- <target>Welšsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Danish">
- <source>Danish</source>
- <target>Dánsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="German">
- <source>German</source>
- <target>Nemecky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Dhivehi">
- <source>Dhivehi</source>
- <target>Divežsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Danish Sign Language">
- <source>Danish Sign Language</source>
- <target>Dánska znaková reč</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Dzongkha">
- <source>Dzongkha</source>
- <target>Džongšky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="English">
- <source>English</source>
- <target>Anglicky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Esperanto">
- <source>Esperanto</source>
- <target>Esperanto</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Estonian">
- <source>Estonian</source>
- <target>Estónsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Basque">
- <source>Basque</source>
- <target>Basky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Ewe">
- <source>Ewe</source>
- <target>Ewsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Faroese">
- <source>Faroese</source>
- <target>Farsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Persian">
- <source>Persian</source>
- <target>Perzsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Fijian">
- <source>Fijian</source>
- <target>Fidžsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Finnish">
- <source>Finnish</source>
- <target>Fínsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="French">
- <source>French</source>
- <target>Francúzsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Western Frisian">
- <source>Western Frisian</source>
- <target>Západo-Frížsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="French Sign Language">
- <source>French Sign Language</source>
- <target>Francúzska znaková reč</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Fulah">
- <source>Fulah</source>
- <target>Fulašsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Scottish Gaelic">
- <source>Scottish Gaelic</source>
- <target>Škótsky Gejlik</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Irish">
- <source>Irish</source>
- <target>Írsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Galician">
- <source>Galician</source>
- <target>Galíjsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Manx">
- <source>Manx</source>
- <target>Manxsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Guarani">
- <source>Guarani</source>
- <target>Guaransky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="German Sign Language">
- <source>German Sign Language</source>
- <target>Nemecká znaková reč</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Gujarati">
- <source>Gujarati</source>
- <target>Gujaratsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Haitian">
- <source>Haitian</source>
- <target>Haitsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Hausa">
- <source>Hausa</source>
- <target>Hausasky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Serbo-Croatian">
- <source>Serbo-Croatian</source>
- <target>Srbo-Chorvátsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Hebrew">
- <source>Hebrew</source>
- <target>Hebrejsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Herero">
- <source>Herero</source>
- <target>Herensky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Hindi">
- <source>Hindi</source>
- <target>Hindsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Hiri Motu">
- <source>Hiri Motu</source>
- <target>Hiri Motusky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Croatian">
- <source>Croatian</source>
- <target>Chorvátsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Hungarian">
- <source>Hungarian</source>
- <target>Maďarsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Armenian">
- <source>Armenian</source>
- <target>Arménsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Igbo">
- <source>Igbo</source>
- <target>Igbosky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Sichuan Yi">
- <source>Sichuan Yi</source>
- <target>Sichuan Yisky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Inuktitut">
- <source>Inuktitut</source>
- <target>Inuktitutsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Indonesian">
- <source>Indonesian</source>
- <target>Indonézsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Inupiaq">
- <source>Inupiaq</source>
- <target>Inupiaqsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Icelandic">
- <source>Icelandic</source>
- <target>Islandsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Italian">
- <source>Italian</source>
- <target>Taliansky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Javanese">
- <source>Javanese</source>
- <target>Jávsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Lojban">
- <source>Lojban</source>
- <target>Lojbansky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Japanese">
- <source>Japanese</source>
- <target>Japonsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Japanese Sign Language">
- <source>Japanese Sign Language</source>
- <target>Japonská znaková reč</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kalaallisut">
- <source>Kalaallisut</source>
- <target>Kalalisutsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kannada">
- <source>Kannada</source>
- <target>Kanadsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kashmiri">
- <source>Kashmiri</source>
- <target>Kašmírsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Georgian">
- <source>Georgian</source>
- <target>Gruzínsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kanuri">
- <source>Kanuri</source>
- <target>Kanursky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kazakh">
- <source>Kazakh</source>
- <target>Kazašsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Khmer">
- <source>Khmer</source>
- <target>Khmérsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kikuyu">
- <source>Kikuyu</source>
- <target>Kikujsy</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kinyarwanda">
- <source>Kinyarwanda</source>
- <target>Kinyarwandsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kirghiz">
- <source>Kirghiz</source>
- <target>Kirgizsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Komi">
- <source>Komi</source>
- <target>Komsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kongo">
- <source>Kongo</source>
- <target>Konžsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Korean">
- <source>Korean</source>
- <target>Kórejsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kuanyama">
- <source>Kuanyama</source>
- <target>Kuanyamsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kurdish">
- <source>Kurdish</source>
- <target>Kurdsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Lao">
- <source>Lao</source>
- <target>Laosky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Latvian">
- <source>Latvian</source>
- <target>Lotyšsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Limburgan">
- <source>Limburgan</source>
- <target>Limburgsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Lingala">
- <source>Lingala</source>
- <target>Lingalsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Lithuanian">
- <source>Lithuanian</source>
- <target>Litovsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Luxembourgish">
- <source>Luxembourgish</source>
- <target>Luxembursky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Luba-Katanga">
- <source>Luba-Katanga</source>
- <target>Luba-Katanžsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Ganda">
- <source>Ganda</source>
- <target>Gandsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Marshallese">
- <source>Marshallese</source>
- <target>Maršálsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Malayalam">
- <source>Malayalam</source>
- <target>Malayalsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Marathi">
- <source>Marathi</source>
- <target>Maratsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Macedonian">
- <source>Macedonian</source>
- <target>Macedónsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Malagasy">
- <source>Malagasy</source>
- <target>Malagazsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Maltese">
- <source>Maltese</source>
- <target>Maltézsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Mongolian">
- <source>Mongolian</source>
- <target>Mongolsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Maori">
- <source>Maori</source>
- <target>Maursky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Malay (macrolanguage)">
- <source>Malay (macrolanguage)</source>
- <target>Malajsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Burmese">
- <source>Burmese</source>
- <target>Burmejsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Nauru">
- <source>Nauru</source>
- <target>Naursky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Navajo">
- <source>Navajo</source>
- <target>Navajsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="South Ndebele">
- <source>South Ndebele</source>
- <target>Juho-Ndebelsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="North Ndebele">
- <source>North Ndebele</source>
- <target>Severo-Ndebelsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Ndonga">
- <source>Ndonga</source>
- <target>Ndongsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Nepali (macrolanguage)">
- <source>Nepali (macrolanguage)</source>
- <target>Nepálsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Dutch">
- <source>Dutch</source>
- <target>Holandsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Norwegian Nynorsk">
- <source>Norwegian Nynorsk</source>
- <target>Nórsko Nynorsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Norwegian Bokmål">
- <source>Norwegian Bokmål</source>
- <target>Nórsko Bokmalsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Norwegian">
- <source>Norwegian</source>
- <target>Nórsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Nyanja">
- <source>Nyanja</source>
- <target>Nyansky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Occitan">
- <source>Occitan</source>
- <target>Ocitsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Ojibwa">
- <source>Ojibwa</source>
- <target>Ojibwsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Oriya (macrolanguage)">
- <source>Oriya (macrolanguage)</source>
- <target>Orijsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Oromo">
- <source>Oromo</source>
- <target>Oromsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Ossetian">
- <source>Ossetian</source>
- <target>Osetsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Panjabi">
- <source>Panjabi</source>
- <target>Panžabsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Pakistan Sign Language">
- <source>Pakistan Sign Language</source>
- <target>Pakistánska znaková reč</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Polish">
- <source>Polish</source>
- <target>Poľsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Portuguese">
- <source>Portuguese</source>
- <target>Portugalsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Pushto">
- <source>Pushto</source>
- <target>Puštsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Quechua">
- <source>Quechua</source>
- <target>Kvečsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Romansh">
- <source>Romansh</source>
- <target>Románsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Romanian">
- <source>Romanian</source>
- <target>Rumunsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Russian Sign Language">
- <source>Russian Sign Language</source>
- <target>Ruská znaková reč</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Rundi">
- <source>Rundi</source>
- <target>Rundsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Russian">
- <source>Russian</source>
- <target>Rusky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Sango">
- <source>Sango</source>
- <target>Sangsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Saudi Arabian Sign Language">
- <source>Saudi Arabian Sign Language</source>
- <target>Saudsko-Arabská znaková reč</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="South African Sign Language">
- <source>South African Sign Language</source>
- <target>Juho-Africká znaková reč</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Sinhala">
- <source>Sinhala</source>
- <target>Sinhalsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Slovak">
- <source>Slovak</source>
- <target>Slovensky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Slovenian">
- <source>Slovenian</source>
- <target>Slovinsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Northern Sami">
- <source>Northern Sami</source>
- <target>Severo-Samsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Samoan">
- <source>Samoan</source>
- <target>Samojsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Shona">
- <source>Shona</source>
- <target>Šonsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Sindhi">
- <source>Sindhi</source>
- <target>Sindsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Somali">
- <source>Somali</source>
- <target>Somalsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Southern Sotho">
- <source>Southern Sotho</source>
- <target>Juho-Sotsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Spanish">
- <source>Spanish</source>
- <target>Španielsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Albanian">
- <source>Albanian</source>
- <target>Albánsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Sardinian">
- <source>Sardinian</source>
- <target>Sardínsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Serbian">
- <source>Serbian</source>
- <target>Srbsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Swati">
- <source>Swati</source>
- <target>Swatsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Sundanese">
- <source>Sundanese</source>
- <target>Sundansky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Swahili (macrolanguage)">
- <source>Swahili (macrolanguage)</source>
- <target>Swahilsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Swedish">
- <source>Swedish</source>
- <target>Švédsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Swedish Sign Language">
- <source>Swedish Sign Language</source>
- <target>Švédska znaková reč</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Tahitian">
- <source>Tahitian</source>
- <target>Tahitsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Tamil">
- <source>Tamil</source>
- <target>Tamilsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Tatar">
- <source>Tatar</source>
- <target>Tatársky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Telugu">
- <source>Telugu</source>
- <target>Telugsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Tajik">
- <source>Tajik</source>
- <target>Tadžiksky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Tagalog">
- <source>Tagalog</source>
- <target>Tagalogsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Thai">
- <source>Thai</source>
- <target>Thajsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Tigrinya">
- <source>Tigrinya</source>
- <target>Tigrinyjsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Klingon">
- <source>Klingon</source>
- <target>Klingónsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Tonga (Tonga Islands)">
- <source>Tonga (Tonga Islands)</source>
- <target>Tongsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Tswana">
- <source>Tswana</source>
- <target>Tswansky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Tsonga">
- <source>Tsonga</source>
- <target>Tsongsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Turkmen">
- <source>Turkmen</source>
- <target>Turkménsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Turkish">
- <source>Turkish</source>
- <target>Turecky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Twi">
- <source>Twi</source>
- <target>Twicky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Uighur">
- <source>Uighur</source>
- <target>Uighursky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Ukrainian">
- <source>Ukrainian</source>
- <target>Ukrainsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Urdu">
- <source>Urdu</source>
- <target>Urdsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Uzbek">
- <source>Uzbek</source>
- <target>Uzbekicky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Venda">
- <source>Venda</source>
- <target>Vendsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Vietnamese">
- <source>Vietnamese</source>
- <target>Vietnamsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Walloon">
- <source>Walloon</source>
- <target>Valónsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Wolof">
- <source>Wolof</source>
- <target>Volofsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Xhosa">
- <source>Xhosa</source>
- <target>Xhosky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Yiddish">
- <source>Yiddish</source>
- <target>Jidišsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Yoruba">
- <source>Yoruba</source>
- <target>Jorubsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Zhuang">
- <source>Zhuang</source>
- <target>Zhuangsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Chinese">
- <source>Chinese</source>
- <target>Čínsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Zulu">
- <source>Zulu</source>
- <target>Zulsky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- </body>
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\ No newline at end of file
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- <trans-unit id="Afar">
- <source>Afar</source>
- <target>afarščina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Abkhazian">
- <source>Abkhazian</source>
- <target>abhaščina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Afrikaans">
- <source>Afrikaans</source>
- <target>afrikanščina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Akan">
- <source>Akan</source>
- <target>akanščina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Amharic">
- <source>Amharic</source>
- <target>amharščina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Arabic">
- <source>Arabic</source>
- <target>arabščina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Aragonese">
- <source>Aragonese</source>
- <target>aragonščina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="American Sign Language">
- <source>American Sign Language</source>
- <target>ameriški znakovni jezik</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Assamese">
- <source>Assamese</source>
- <target>asamščina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Avaric">
- <source>Avaric</source>
- <target>avarščina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Aymara">
- <source>Aymara</source>
- <target>ajmarščina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Azerbaijani">
- <source>Azerbaijani</source>
- <target>azerbajdžanščina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Bashkir">
- <source>Bashkir</source>
- <target>baškirščina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Bambara">
- <source>Bambara</source>
- <target>bambarščina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Belarusian">
- <source>Belarusian</source>
- <target>beloruščina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Bengali">
- <source>Bengali</source>
- <target>bengalščina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="British Sign Language">
- <source>British Sign Language</source>
- <target>britanski znakovni jezik</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Bislama">
- <source>Bislama</source>
- <target>bislamščina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Bosnian">
- <source>Bosnian</source>
- <target>bošnjaščina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Breton">
- <source>Breton</source>
- <target>bretonščina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Bulgarian">
- <source>Bulgarian</source>
- <target>bolgarščina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Catalan">
- <source>Catalan</source>
- <target>katalonščina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Czech">
- <source>Czech</source>
- <target>češčina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Chamorro">
- <source>Chamorro</source>
- <target>čamorščina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Chechen">
- <source>Chechen</source>
- <target>čečenščina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Chuvash">
- <source>Chuvash</source>
- <target>čuvaščina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Cornish">
- <source>Cornish</source>
- <target>kornijščina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Corsican">
- <source>Corsican</source>
- <target>korziščina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Cree">
- <source>Cree</source>
- <target>krijščina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Czech Sign Language">
- <source>Czech Sign Language</source>
- <target>češki znakovni jezik</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Chinese Sign Language">
- <source>Chinese Sign Language</source>
- <target>kitajski znakovni jezik</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Danish">
- <source>Danish</source>
- <target>danščina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="German">
- <source>German</source>
- <target>nemščina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Dhivehi">
- <source>Dhivehi</source>
- <target>diveščina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Danish Sign Language">
- <source>Danish Sign Language</source>
- <target>danski znakovni jezik</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Dzongkha">
- <source>Dzongkha</source>
- <target>dzonka</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Greek">
- <source>Greek</source>
- <target>grščina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="English">
- <source>English</source>
- <target>angleščina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Esperanto">
- <source>Esperanto</source>
- <target>esperanto</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Estonian">
- <source>Estonian</source>
- <target>estonščina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Basque">
- <source>Basque</source>
- <target>baskovščina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Ewe">
- <source>Ewe</source>
- <target>evenščina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Faroese">
- <source>Faroese</source>
- <target>ferščina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Persian">
- <source>Persian</source>
- <target>perzijščina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Fijian">
- <source>Fijian</source>
- <target>fidžijščina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Finnish">
- <source>Finnish</source>
- <target>finščina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="French">
- <source>French</source>
- <target>francosčina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Western Frisian">
- <source>Western Frisian</source>
- <target>zahodna frizijščina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="French Sign Language">
- <source>French Sign Language</source>
- <target>francoski znakovni jezik</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Fulah">
- <source>Fulah</source>
- <target>fulščina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Irish">
- <source>Irish</source>
- <target>irščina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Galician">
- <source>Galician</source>
- <target>galicijščina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Manx">
- <source>Manx</source>
- <target>manščina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Guarani">
- <source>Guarani</source>
- <target>gvaranijščina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="German Sign Language">
- <source>German Sign Language</source>
- <target>nemški znakovni jezik</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Gujarati">
- <source>Gujarati</source>
- <target>gudžaratščina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Haitian">
- <source>Haitian</source>
- <target>haitijščina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Hausa">
- <source>Hausa</source>
- <target>havščina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Serbo-Croatian">
- <source>Serbo-Croatian</source>
- <target>srbohrvaščina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Hebrew">
- <source>Hebrew</source>
- <target>hebrejščina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Herero">
- <source>Herero</source>
- <target>herero</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Hindi">
- <source>Hindi</source>
- <target>hindijščina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Hiri Motu">
- <source>Hiri Motu</source>
- <target>hiri motu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Croatian">
- <source>Croatian</source>
- <target>hrvaščina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Hungarian">
- <source>Hungarian</source>
- <target>madžarščina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Armenian">
- <source>Armenian</source>
- <target>armenščina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Igbo">
- <source>Igbo</source>
- <target>igboščina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Inuktitut">
- <source>Inuktitut</source>
- <target>inuktitutščina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Indonesian">
- <source>Indonesian</source>
- <target>indonezijščina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Inupiaq">
- <source>Inupiaq</source>
- <target>inupiaščina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Icelandic">
- <source>Icelandic</source>
- <target>islandščina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Italian">
- <source>Italian</source>
- <target>italijanščina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Javanese">
- <source>Javanese</source>
- <target>javanščina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Lojban">
- <source>Lojban</source>
- <target>lojban</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Japanese">
- <source>Japanese</source>
- <target>japonščina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Japanese Sign Language">
- <source>Japanese Sign Language</source>
- <target>japonski znakovni jezik</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kalaallisut">
- <source>Kalaallisut</source>
- <target>grenlandščina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kannada">
- <source>Kannada</source>
- <target>kanareščina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kashmiri">
- <source>Kashmiri</source>
- <target>kašmirščina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Georgian">
- <source>Georgian</source>
- <target>gruzinščina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kanuri">
- <source>Kanuri</source>
- <target>kanurščina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kazakh">
- <source>Kazakh</source>
- <target>kazaščina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Khmer">
- <source>Khmer</source>
- <target>kmerščina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kikuyu">
- <source>Kikuyu</source>
- <target>kikujuščina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kinyarwanda">
- <source>Kinyarwanda</source>
- <target>ruandščina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kirghiz">
- <source>Kirghiz</source>
- <target>kirgiščina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Komi">
- <source>Komi</source>
- <target>komijščina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kongo">
- <source>Kongo</source>
- <target>kongovščina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Korean">
- <source>Korean</source>
- <target>korejščina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kuanyama">
- <source>Kuanyama</source>
- <target>kvanjama</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kurdish">
- <source>Kurdish</source>
- <target>kurdščina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Lao">
- <source>Lao</source>
- <target>laoščina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Limburgan">
- <source>Limburgan</source>
- <target>limburščina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Lingala">
- <source>Lingala</source>
- <target>lingala</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Lithuanian">
- <source>Lithuanian</source>
- <target>litovščina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Luxembourgish">
- <source>Luxembourgish</source>
- <target>luksemburščina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Luba-Katanga">
- <source>Luba-Katanga</source>
- <target>luba-katanga</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Malayalam">
- <source>Malayalam</source>
- <target>malajalščina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Marathi">
- <source>Marathi</source>
- <target>maratščina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Macedonian">
- <source>Macedonian</source>
- <target>makedonščina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Maltese">
- <source>Maltese</source>
- <target>malteščina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Malay (macrolanguage)">
- <source>Malay (macrolanguage)</source>
- <target>malajščina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Burmese">
- <source>Burmese</source>
- <target>burmanščina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Nauru">
- <source>Nauru</source>
- <target>naurujščina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Navajo">
- <source>Navajo</source>
- <target>navajščina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="South Ndebele">
- <source>South Ndebele</source>
- <target>južna ndebelščina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="North Ndebele">
- <source>North Ndebele</source>
- <target>severna ndebelščina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Ndonga">
- <source>Ndonga</source>
- <target>ovambo</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Nepali (macrolanguage)">
- <source>Nepali (macrolanguage)</source>
- <target>nepalščina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Dutch">
- <source>Dutch</source>
- <target>nizozemščina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Norwegian Nynorsk">
- <source>Norwegian Nynorsk</source>
- <target>novonorveščina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Nyanja">
- <source>Nyanja</source>
- <target>čevščina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Occitan">
- <source>Occitan</source>
- <target>okcitanščina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Ojibwa">
- <source>Ojibwa</source>
- <target>anašinabščina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Oromo">
- <source>Oromo</source>
- <target>oromo</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Ossetian">
- <source>Ossetian</source>
- <target>osetinščina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Polish">
- <source>Polish</source>
- <target>poljščina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Portuguese">
- <source>Portuguese</source>
- <target>portugalščina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Chinese">
- <source>Chinese</source>
- <target>kitajščina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- </body>
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\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
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- <trans-unit id="Afar">
- <source>Afar</source>
- <target>อาฟาร์</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Afrikaans">
- <source>Afrikaans</source>
- <target>แอฟริกัน</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Arabic">
- <source>Arabic</source>
- <target>อาหรับ</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="American Sign Language">
- <source>American Sign Language</source>
- <target>ภาษามืออเมริกัน</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="British Sign Language">
- <source>British Sign Language</source>
- <target>ภาษามืออังกฤษ</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Tibetan">
- <source>Tibetan</source>
- <target>ธิเบต</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Bosnian">
- <source>Bosnian</source>
- <target>บอสเนีย</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Bulgarian">
- <source>Bulgarian</source>
- <target>บัลกาเรีย</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Brazilian Sign Language">
- <source>Brazilian Sign Language</source>
- <target>ภาษามือบราซิล</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Czech">
- <source>Czech</source>
- <target>เซ็ค</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Chinese Sign Language">
- <source>Chinese Sign Language</source>
- <target>ภาษามือจีน</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="German">
- <source>German</source>
- <target>เยอรมัน</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Greek">
- <source>Greek</source>
- <target>กรีก</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="English">
- <source>English</source>
- <target>อังกฤษ</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Estonian">
- <source>Estonian</source>
- <target>เอสโตเนีย</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Fijian">
- <source>Fijian</source>
- <target>ฟิจิ</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="French">
- <source>French</source>
- <target>ฝรั่งเศส</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="French Sign Language">
- <source>French Sign Language</source>
- <target>ภาษามือฝรั่งเศส</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="German Sign Language">
- <source>German Sign Language</source>
- <target>ภาษามือเยอรมัน</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Indonesian">
- <source>Indonesian</source>
- <target>อินโดนีเซีย</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Italian">
- <source>Italian</source>
- <target>อิตาลี</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Javanese">
- <source>Javanese</source>
- <target>ชวา</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Japanese">
- <source>Japanese</source>
- <target>ญี่ปุ่น</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Japanese Sign Language">
- <source>Japanese Sign Language</source>
- <target>ภาษามือญี่ปุ่น</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Khmer">
- <source>Khmer</source>
- <target>เขมร</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Korean">
- <source>Korean</source>
- <target>เกาหลี</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Lao">
- <source>Lao</source>
- <target>ลาว</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Mongolian">
- <source>Mongolian</source>
- <target>มองโกเลีย</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Burmese">
- <source>Burmese</source>
- <target>พม่า</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Dutch">
- <source>Dutch</source>
- <target>ดัทช์</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Norwegian">
- <source>Norwegian</source>
- <target>นอร์เวย์</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Pakistan Sign Language">
- <source>Pakistan Sign Language</source>
- <target>ภาษามือปากีสถาน</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Polish</source>
- <target>โปแลนด์</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Portuguese</source>
- <target>โปรตุเกส</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Russian Sign Language</source>
- <target>ภาษามือรัสเซีย</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Russian</source>
- <target>รัสเซีย</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Spanish</source>
- <target>สเปน</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Serbian</source>
- <target>เซอร์เบีย</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Swedish</source>
- <target>สวีเดน</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Tamil</source>
- <target>ทมิฬ</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Tagalog</source>
- <target>ตากาล็อก</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Thai</source>
- <target>ไทย</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Turkish</source>
- <target>ตุรกี</target>
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- <target>ยูเครน</target>
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- <target>เวียตนาม</target>
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- <source>Chinese</source>
- <target>จีน</target>
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- <target>Arapça</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <target>Amerikan İşaret Dili</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <target>Beyaz Rusça</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Bengali</source>
- <target>Bengalce</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>British Sign Language</source>
- <target>İngiliz İşaret Dili</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Tibetan</source>
- <target>Tibetçe</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Bulgarian</source>
- <target>Bulgarca</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Brazilian Sign Language">
- <source>Brazilian Sign Language</source>
- <target>Brezilya İşaret Dili</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Catalan</source>
- <target>Katalanca</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Czech</source>
- <target>Çekçe</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Chinese Sign Language</source>
- <target>Çince İşaret Dili</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>German</source>
- <target>Almanca</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <target>İngilizce</target>
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- <target>Farsça</target>
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- <target>Fince</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>French</source>
- <target>Fransızca</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>German Sign Language</source>
- <target>Alman İşaret Dili</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Hebrew</source>
- <target>İbranice</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <target>Hintçe</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <target>Macarca</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <target>Ermenice</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <target>İtalyanca</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <target>Cavaca</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Japanese</source>
- <target>Japonca</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Japanese Sign Language</source>
- <target>Japon İşaret Dili</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Georgian</source>
- <target>Gürcüce</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <target>Kazakça</target>
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- <target>Kırgızca</target>
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- <target>Korece</target>
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- <target>Kürtçe</target>
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- <target>Flemenkçe</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Portuguese</source>
- <target>Portekizce</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Russian Sign Language</source>
- <target>Rusça İşaret Dili</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Russian</source>
- <target>Rusça</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <target>İspanyolca</target>
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- <source>Swedish</source>
- <target>İsveççe</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Swedish Sign Language</source>
- <target>İsveççe İşsaret Dili</target>
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- <source>Tatar</source>
- <target>Tatarca</target>
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- <target>Çince</target>
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- </trans-unit>
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- </trans-unit>
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- <target>Сербська</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <target>Шведська</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Tajik</source>
- <target>Таджицька</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <target>Тайська</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <target>Узбецька</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <target>В'єтнамська</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Chinese</source>
- <target>Китайська</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <target>tiếng Aragon</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>American Sign Language</source>
- <target>ngôn ngữ kí hiệu Mĩ</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Assamese</source>
- <target>tiếng Assam</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Avaric</source>
- <target>tiếng Avar</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Kotava</source>
- <target>tiếng Kotava</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Aymara</source>
- <target>tiếng Aymara</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <target>tiếng Azerbaijan</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <target>tiếng Bambara</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <target>tiếng Belarus</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Bengali</source>
- <target>tiếng Bengali</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>British Sign Language</source>
- <target>ngôn ngữ kí hiệu Anh</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Bislama</source>
- <target>tiếng Bislama</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <target>tiếng Tạng</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <target>tiếng Bosnia</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <target>tiếng Breton</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Bulgarian</source>
- <target>tiếng Bulgaria</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Brazilian Sign Language</source>
- <target>ngôn ngữ kí hiệu Brazil</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Catalan</source>
- <target>tiếng Catalunya</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Czech</source>
- <target>tiếng Séc</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Chamorro</source>
- <target>tiếng Chamorro</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Chechen</source>
- <target>tiếng Chechnya</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Chuvash</source>
- <target>tiếng Chuvash</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Cornish</source>
- <target>tiếng Cornwall</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Corsican</source>
- <target>tiếng Corse</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Cree">
- <source>Cree</source>
- <target>tiếng Cree</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Czech Sign Language</source>
- <target>ngôn ngữ kí hiệu Séc</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Chinese Sign Language">
- <source>Chinese Sign Language</source>
- <target>ngôn ngữ kí hiệu Trung</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Welsh</source>
- <target>tiếng Wales</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Danish</source>
- <target>tiếng Đan Mạch</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>German</source>
- <target>tiếng Đức</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Dhivehi">
- <source>Dhivehi</source>
- <target>tiếng Dhivehi</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Danish Sign Language</source>
- <target>ngôn ngữ kí hiệu Đan Mạch</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Dzongkha</source>
- <target>tiếng Dzongkha</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Greek</source>
- <target>tiếng Hy Lạp</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>English</source>
- <target>tiếng Anh</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Esperanto</source>
- <target>tiếng Esperanto</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Estonian</source>
- <target>tiếng Estonia</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Basque</source>
- <target>tiếng Basque</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Ewe</source>
- <target>tiếng Ewe</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Faroese</source>
- <target>tiếng Faroe</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Persian</source>
- <target>tiếng Ba Tư</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Fijian</source>
- <target>tiếng Fiji</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Finnish</source>
- <target>tiếng Phần Lan</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>French</source>
- <target>tiếng Pháp</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Western Frisian">
- <source>Western Frisian</source>
- <target>tiếng Tây Frisia</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>French Sign Language</source>
- <target>ngôn ngữ kí hiệu Pháp</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Fulah</source>
- <target>tiếng Fula</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Scottish Gaelic</source>
- <target>tiếng Gael Scotland</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Irish</source>
- <target>tiếng Ireland</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Galician</source>
- <target>tiếng Galicia</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Manx</source>
- <target>tiếng Manx</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Guarani</source>
- <target>tiếng Guaraní</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="German Sign Language">
- <source>German Sign Language</source>
- <target>ngôn ngữ kí hiệu Đức</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Gujarati">
- <source>Gujarati</source>
- <target>tiếng Gujarat</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Haitian</source>
- <target>tiếng Haiti</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Hausa</source>
- <target>tiếng Hausa</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Serbo-Croatian</source>
- <target>tiếng Serbia-Croatia</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Hebrew</source>
- <target>tiếng Do Thái</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Herero">
- <source>Herero</source>
- <target>tiếng Herero</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Hindi">
- <source>Hindi</source>
- <target>tiếng Hindi</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Hiri Motu">
- <source>Hiri Motu</source>
- <target>tiếng Hiri Motu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Croatian">
- <source>Croatian</source>
- <target>tiếng Croatia</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Hungarian">
- <source>Hungarian</source>
- <target>tiếng Hungary</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Armenian">
- <source>Armenian</source>
- <target>tiếng Armenia</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Igbo">
- <source>Igbo</source>
- <target>tiếng Igbo</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Sichuan Yi">
- <source>Sichuan Yi</source>
- <target>tiếng Lô Lô</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Inuktitut">
- <source>Inuktitut</source>
- <target>tiếng Inuktitut</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Indonesian">
- <source>Indonesian</source>
- <target>tiếng Indonesia</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Inupiaq">
- <source>Inupiaq</source>
- <target>tiếng Inupiaq</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Icelandic">
- <source>Icelandic</source>
- <target>tiếng Iceland</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Italian">
- <source>Italian</source>
- <target>tiếng Ý</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Javanese">
- <source>Javanese</source>
- <target>tiếng Javan</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Lojban">
- <source>Lojban</source>
- <target>tiếng Lojban</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Japanese">
- <source>Japanese</source>
- <target>tiếng Nhật</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Japanese Sign Language">
- <source>Japanese Sign Language</source>
- <target>ngôn ngữ kí hiệu Nhật</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kalaallisut">
- <source>Kalaallisut</source>
- <target>tiếng Greenland</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kannada">
- <source>Kannada</source>
- <target>tiếng Kannada</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kashmiri">
- <source>Kashmiri</source>
- <target>tiếng Kashmir</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Georgian">
- <source>Georgian</source>
- <target>tiếng Georgia</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kanuri">
- <source>Kanuri</source>
- <target>tiếng Kanuri</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kazakh">
- <source>Kazakh</source>
- <target>tiếng Kazakh</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Khmer">
- <source>Khmer</source>
- <target>tiếng Khmer</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kikuyu">
- <source>Kikuyu</source>
- <target>tiếng Kikuyu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kinyarwanda">
- <source>Kinyarwanda</source>
- <target>tiếng Rwanda</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kirghiz">
- <source>Kirghiz</source>
- <target>tiếng Kirghiz</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Komi">
- <source>Komi</source>
- <target>tiếng Komi</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kongo">
- <source>Kongo</source>
- <target>tiếng Kongo</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Korean">
- <source>Korean</source>
- <target>tiếng Hàn</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kuanyama">
- <source>Kuanyama</source>
- <target>tiếng Kuanyama</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kurdish">
- <source>Kurdish</source>
- <target>tiếng Kurd</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Lao">
- <source>Lao</source>
- <target>tiếng Lào</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Latvian">
- <source>Latvian</source>
- <target>tiếng Latvia</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Limburgan">
- <source>Limburgan</source>
- <target>tiếng Limburga</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Lingala">
- <source>Lingala</source>
- <target>tiếng Lingala</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Lithuanian">
- <source>Lithuanian</source>
- <target>tiếng Lithuania</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Luxembourgish">
- <source>Luxembourgish</source>
- <target>tiếng Luxembour</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Luba-Katanga">
- <source>Luba-Katanga</source>
- <target>tiếng Luba-Katanga</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Ganda">
- <source>Ganda</source>
- <target>tiếng Ganda</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Marshallese">
- <source>Marshallese</source>
- <target>tiếng Marshall</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Malayalam">
- <source>Malayalam</source>
- <target>tiếng Malayalam</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Marathi">
- <source>Marathi</source>
- <target>tiếng Marathi</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Macedonian">
- <source>Macedonian</source>
- <target>tiếng Macedonia</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Malagasy">
- <source>Malagasy</source>
- <target>tiếng Malagasy</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Maltese">
- <source>Maltese</source>
- <target>tiếng Malta</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Mongolian">
- <source>Mongolian</source>
- <target>tiếng Mông Cổ</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Maori">
- <source>Maori</source>
- <target>tiếng Maori</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Malay (macrolanguage)">
- <source>Malay (macrolanguage)</source>
- <target>tiếng Mã Lai (macrolanguage)</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Burmese">
- <source>Burmese</source>
- <target>tiếng Miến Điện</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Nauru">
- <source>Nauru</source>
- <target>tiếng Nauru</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Navajo">
- <source>Navajo</source>
- <target>tiếng Navajo</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="South Ndebele">
- <source>South Ndebele</source>
- <target>tiếng Nam Ndebele</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="North Ndebele">
- <source>North Ndebele</source>
- <target>tiếng Bắc Ndebele</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Ndonga">
- <source>Ndonga</source>
- <target>tiếng Ndonga</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Nepali (macrolanguage)">
- <source>Nepali (macrolanguage)</source>
- <target>tiếng Nepal (macrolanguage)</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Dutch">
- <source>Dutch</source>
- <target>tiếng Hà Lan</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Norwegian Nynorsk">
- <source>Norwegian Nynorsk</source>
- <target>tiếng Na Uy Nynorsk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Norwegian Bokmål">
- <source>Norwegian Bokmål</source>
- <target>tiếng Na Uy Bokmål</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Norwegian">
- <source>Norwegian</source>
- <target>tiếng Na Uy</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Nyanja">
- <source>Nyanja</source>
- <target>tiếng Nyanja</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Occitan">
- <source>Occitan</source>
- <target>tiếng Occitan</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Ojibwa">
- <source>Ojibwa</source>
- <target>tiếng Ojibwa</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Oriya (macrolanguage)">
- <source>Oriya (macrolanguage)</source>
- <target>tiếng Oriya (macrolanguage)</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Oromo">
- <source>Oromo</source>
- <target>tiếng Oromo</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Ossetian">
- <source>Ossetian</source>
- <target>tiếng Ossetia</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Panjabi">
- <source>Panjabi</source>
- <target>tiếng Punjab</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Pakistan Sign Language">
- <source>Pakistan Sign Language</source>
- <target>ngôn ngữ kí hiệu Pakistan</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Polish">
- <source>Polish</source>
- <target>tiếng Ba Lan</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Portuguese">
- <source>Portuguese</source>
- <target>tiếng Bồ Đào Nha</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Pushto">
- <source>Pushto</source>
- <target>tiếng Pashtun</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Quechua">
- <source>Quechua</source>
- <target>tiếng Quechua</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Romansh">
- <source>Romansh</source>
- <target>tiếng Romansh</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Romanian">
- <source>Romanian</source>
- <target>tiếng Rumani</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Russian Sign Language">
- <source>Russian Sign Language</source>
- <target>ngôn ngữ kí hiệu Nga</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Rundi">
- <source>Rundi</source>
- <target>tiếng Rundi</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Russian">
- <source>Russian</source>
- <target>tiếng Nga</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Sango">
- <source>Sango</source>
- <target>tiếng Sango</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Saudi Arabian Sign Language">
- <source>Saudi Arabian Sign Language</source>
- <target>ngôn ngữ kí hiệu Ả Rập Xê Út</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="South African Sign Language">
- <source>South African Sign Language</source>
- <target>ngôn ngữ kí hiệu Nam Phi</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Sinhala">
- <source>Sinhala</source>
- <target>tiếng Sinhala</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Slovak">
- <source>Slovak</source>
- <target>tiếng Slovak</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Slovenian">
- <source>Slovenian</source>
- <target>tiếng Slovene</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Northern Sami">
- <source>Northern Sami</source>
- <target>tiếng Bắc Sami</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Samoan">
- <source>Samoan</source>
- <target>tiếng Samoa</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Shona">
- <source>Shona</source>
- <target>tiếng Shona</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Sindhi">
- <source>Sindhi</source>
- <target>tiếng Sindh</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Somali">
- <source>Somali</source>
- <target>tiếng Somali</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Southern Sotho">
- <source>Southern Sotho</source>
- <target>tiếng Nam Sotho</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Spanish">
- <source>Spanish</source>
- <target>tiếng Tây Ban Nha</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Albanian">
- <source>Albanian</source>
- <target>tiếng Albania</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Sardinian">
- <source>Sardinian</source>
- <target>tiếng Sardinia</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Serbian">
- <source>Serbian</source>
- <target>tiếng Serbia</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Swati">
- <source>Swati</source>
- <target>tiếng Swati</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Sundanese">
- <source>Sundanese</source>
- <target>tiếng Sunda</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Swahili (macrolanguage)">
- <source>Swahili (macrolanguage)</source>
- <target>tiếng Swahili (macrolanguage)</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Swedish">
- <source>Swedish</source>
- <target>tiếng Thuỵ Điển</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Swedish Sign Language">
- <source>Swedish Sign Language</source>
- <target>ngôn ngữ kí hiệu Thuỵ Điển</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Tahitian">
- <source>Tahitian</source>
- <target>tiếng Tahiti</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Tamil">
- <source>Tamil</source>
- <target>tiếng Tamil</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Tatar">
- <source>Tatar</source>
- <target>tiếng Tatar</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Telugu">
- <source>Telugu</source>
- <target>tiếng Telugu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Tajik">
- <source>Tajik</source>
- <target>tiếng Tajik</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Tagalog">
- <source>Tagalog</source>
- <target>tiếng Tagalog</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Thai">
- <source>Thai</source>
- <target>tiếng Thái</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Tigrinya">
- <source>Tigrinya</source>
- <target>tiếng Tigrinya</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Klingon">
- <source>Klingon</source>
- <target>tiếng Klingon</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Tonga (Tonga Islands)">
- <source>Tonga (Tonga Islands)</source>
- <target>tiếng Tonga (quần đảo Tonga)</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Tswana">
- <source>Tswana</source>
- <target>tiếng Tswana</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Tsonga">
- <source>Tsonga</source>
- <target>tiếng Tsonga</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Turkmen">
- <source>Turkmen</source>
- <target>tiếng Turkmen</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Turkish">
- <source>Turkish</source>
- <target>tiếng Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Twi">
- <source>Twi</source>
- <target>tiếng Twi</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Uighur">
- <source>Uighur</source>
- <target>tiếng Duy Ngô Nhĩ</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Ukrainian">
- <source>Ukrainian</source>
- <target>tiếng Ukraina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Urdu">
- <source>Urdu</source>
- <target>tiếng Urdu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Uzbek">
- <source>Uzbek</source>
- <target>tiếng Uzbek</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Venda">
- <source>Venda</source>
- <target>tiếng Venda</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Vietnamese">
- <source>Vietnamese</source>
- <target>tiếng Việt</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Walloon">
- <source>Walloon</source>
- <target>tiếng Wallon</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Wolof">
- <source>Wolof</source>
- <target>tiếng Wolof</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Xhosa">
- <source>Xhosa</source>
- <target>tiếng Xhosa</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Yiddish">
- <source>Yiddish</source>
- <target>tiếng Yiddish</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Yoruba">
- <source>Yoruba</source>
- <target>tiếng Yoruba</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Zhuang">
- <source>Zhuang</source>
- <target>tiếng Tráng</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Chinese">
- <source>Chinese</source>
- <target>tiếng Trung</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Zulu">
- <source>Zulu</source>
- <target>tiếng Zulu</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <body>
- <trans-unit id="Audio Player">
- <source>Audio Player</source>
- <target>مشغل الصوت</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Video Player">
- <source>Video Player</source>
- <target>مشغل الفيديو</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Play">
- <source>Play</source>
- <target>شغل</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Pause">
- <source>Pause</source>
- <target>توقف مؤقت </target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Replay">
- <source>Replay</source>
- <target>اعد التشغيل</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Current Time">
- <source>Current Time</source>
- <target>الوقت الحالي</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Duration">
- <source>Duration</source>
- <target>المدة</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Remaining Time">
- <source>Remaining Time</source>
- <target>الوقت المتبقي</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Stream Type">
- <source>Stream Type</source>
- <target>نوع التدفق</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="LIVE">
- <source>LIVE</source>
- <target>مباشر</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Loaded">
- <source>Loaded</source>
- <target>محمل</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Progress">
- <source>Progress</source>
- <target>التقدم</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Progress Bar">
- <source>Progress Bar</source>
- <target>شريط التقدم</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="progress bar timing: currentTime={1} duration={2}">
- <source>{1} of {2}</source>
- <target>{1} من {2}</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Fullscreen">
- <source>Fullscreen</source>
- <target>ملء الشاشة</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Non-Fullscreen">
- <source>Non-Fullscreen</source>
- <target>ألغ ملء الشاشة</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Mute</source>
- <target>أكتم</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Unmute">
- <source>Unmute</source>
- <target>ألغ الكتم</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Playback Rate">
- <source>Playback Rate</source>
- <target>معدل التشغيل</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Subtitles</source>
- <target>الترجمات</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="subtitles off">
- <source>subtitles off</source>
- <target>تعطيل الترجمة النصية</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Captions">
- <source>Captions</source>
- <target>التعليقات</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="captions off">
- <source>captions off</source>
- <target>تعطيل التعليقات</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Chapters">
- <source>Chapters</source>
- <target>الفصول</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Descriptions">
- <source>Descriptions</source>
- <target>الوصف</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="descriptions off">
- <source>descriptions off</source>
- <target>ألغ الوصف</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Audio Track">
- <source>Audio Track</source>
- <target>مسار الصوت</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Volume Level">
- <source>Volume Level</source>
- <target>حجم الصوت</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="You aborted the media playback">
- <source>You aborted the media playback</source>
- <target>لقد ألغيت إعادة تشغيل الوسائط</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="A network error caused the media download to fail part-way.">
- <source>A network error caused the media download to fail part-way.</source>
- <target>تسبب خطأ في الشبكة بفشل تحميل الفيديو بالكامل.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="The media could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported.">
- <source>The media could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported.</source>
- <target>لا يمكن تحميل الوسيط بسبب فشل الخادم أو الشبكة أو أن الصيغة غير مدعومة.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="The media playback was aborted due to a corruption problem or because the media used features your browser did not support.">
- <source>The media playback was aborted due to a corruption problem or because the media used features your browser did not support.</source>
- <target>تم إلغاء إعادة التشغيل بسبب عطب أو أن الوسيط يستخدم خصائص لا يدعمها متصفحك.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="No compatible source was found for this media.">
- <source>No compatible source was found for this media.</source>
- <target>لم يتم إيجاد مصدر متوافق مع هذا الوسيط.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="The media is encrypted and we do not have the keys to decrypt it.">
- <source>The media is encrypted and we do not have the keys to decrypt it.</source>
- <target>الوسيط مشفر ولا نملك المفتاح لفك تشفيره.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Play Video">
- <source>Play Video</source>
- <target>شغل الفيديو</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Close">
- <source>Close</source>
- <target>أغلق</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Close Modal Dialog">
- <source>Close Modal Dialog</source>
- <target>أغلق النافذة المشروطة</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Modal Window">
- <source>Modal Window</source>
- <target>نافذة مشروطة</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="This is a modal window">
- <source>This is a modal window</source>
- <target>هذه نافذة مشروطة</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="This modal can be closed by pressing the Escape key or activating the close button.">
- <source>This modal can be closed by pressing the Escape key or activating the close button.</source>
- <target>يمكن غلق هذه النافذة المشروطة عن طريق الضغط على زر الخروج أو تفعيل زر الإغلاق</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id=", opens captions settings dialog">
- <source>, opens captions settings dialog</source>
- <target>، إفتح نافذة إعدادات التعليقات</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id=", opens subtitles settings dialog">
- <source>, opens subtitles settings dialog</source>
- <target>، إفتح نافذة إعدادات الترجمات النصية</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id=", opens descriptions settings dialog">
- <source>, opens descriptions settings dialog</source>
- <target>، إفتح نافذة إعدادات الوصف</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id=", selected">
- <source>, selected</source>
- <target>، مختار</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="captions settings">
- <source>captions settings</source>
- <target>إعدادات التعليقات</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="subtitles settings">
- <source>subititles settings</source>
- <target>إعدادات الترجمة</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="descriptions settings">
- <source>descriptions settings</source>
- <target>إعدادات الوصف</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Text">
- <source>Text</source>
- <target>نص</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="White">
- <source>White</source>
- <target>أبيض</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Black">
- <source>Black</source>
- <target>أسود</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Red">
- <source>Red</source>
- <target>أحمر</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Green">
- <source>Green</source>
- <target>أخضر</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Blue">
- <source>Blue</source>
- <target>أزرق</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Yellow">
- <source>Yellow</source>
- <target>أصفر</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Magenta">
- <source>Magenta</source>
- <target>وردي</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Cyan">
- <source>Cyan</source>
- <target>سماوي</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Background">
- <source>Background</source>
- <target>الخلفية</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Window">
- <source>Window</source>
- <target>نافذة</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Transparent">
- <source>Transparent</source>
- <target>شفافة</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Semi-Transparent">
- <source>Semi-Transparent</source>
- <target>شبه شفافة</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Font Size">
- <source>Font Size</source>
- <target>حجم الخط</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Text Edge Style">
- <source>Text Edge Style</source>
- <target>نمط حواف النص</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="None">
- <source>None</source>
- <target>لا شيء</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Font Family">
- <source>Font Family</source>
- <target>صنف الخط</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Reset">
- <source>Reset</source>
- <target>إعادة الضبط</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="restore all settings to the default values">
- <source>restore all settings to the default values</source>
- <target>أعادة كافة الإعدادات إلى القيم الإفتراضية</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Done">
- <source>Done</source>
- <target>تم</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Caption Settings Dialog">
- <source>Caption Settings Dialog</source>
- <target>إعدادات التعليقات</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Beginning of dialog window. Escape will cancel and close the window.">
- <source>Beginning of dialog window. Escape will cancel and close the window.</source>
- <target>الضغط على زر Esc في بداية نافذة الحوار سيلغي ويقفل النافذة</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="End of dialog window.">
- <source>End of dialog window.</source>
- <target>نهاية نافذة الحوار</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="{1} is loading.">
- <source>{1} is loading.</source>
- <target>{1} يحمل</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Quality">
- <source>Quality</source>
- <target>الجودة</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Auto">
- <source>Auto</source>
- <target>تلقائية</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Speed">
- <source>Speed</source>
- <target>السرعة</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Subtitles/CC">
- <source>Subtitles/CC</source>
- <target>الترجمات النصية</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="peers">
- <source>peers</source>
- <target>الأقران</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="peer">
- <source>peer</source>
- <target>نظير</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Go to the video page">
- <source>Go to the video page</source>
- <target>الإنتقال إلى صفحة الفيديو</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Settings">
- <source>Settings</source>
- <target>الإعدادات</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Uses P2P, others may know you are watching this video.">
- <source>Uses P2P, others may know you are watching this video.</source>
- <target>يستخدم P2P، يمكن للآخرين معرفة إن كنت تشاهد هذا الفيديو.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Copy the video URL">
- <source>Copy the video URL</source>
- <target>نسخ رابط الفيديو</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Copy the video URL at the current time">
- <source>Copy the video URL at the current time</source>
- <target>نسخ رابط الفيديو بالوقت الحالي</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Copy embed code">
- <source>Copy embed code</source>
- <target>نسخ الرمز المدمج</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Total downloaded: ">
- <source>Total downloaded: </source>
- <target>التحميل الكلي</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Total uploaded: ">
- <source>Total uploaded: </source>
- <target>الرفع الكلي</target>
- </trans-unit>
- </body>
- </file></xliff>
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<!--XLIFF document generated by Zanata. Visit http://zanata.org for more infomation.-->
-<xliff xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.1" xmlns:xyz="urn:appInfo:Items" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.1 http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/xliff/documents/xliff-core-1.1.xsd" version="1.1">
- <file source-language="en-US" datatype="plaintext" original="" target-language="da-DK">
- <body>
- <trans-unit id="Audio Player">
- <source>Audio Player</source>
- <target>Lydafspiller</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Video Player">
- <source>Video Player</source>
- <target>Videoafspiller</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Play">
- <source>Play</source>
- <target>Afspil</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Pause">
- <source>Pause</source>
- <target>Pause</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Replay">
- <source>Replay</source>
- <target>Afspil igen</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Current Time">
- <source>Current Time</source>
- <target>Aktuel tid</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Duration">
- <source>Duration</source>
- <target>Varighed</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Remaining Time">
- <source>Remaining Time</source>
- <target>Resterende tid</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Stream Type">
- <source>Stream Type</source>
- <target>Streamingtype</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="LIVE">
- <source>LIVE</source>
- <target>DIREKTE</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Loaded">
- <source>Loaded</source>
- <target>Indlæst</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Progress">
- <source>Progress</source>
- <target>Status</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Progress Bar">
- <source>Progress Bar</source>
- <target>Statuslinje</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="progress bar timing: currentTime={1} duration={2}">
- <source>{1} of {2}</source>
- <target>{1} af {2}</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Fullscreen">
- <source>Fullscreen</source>
- <target>Fuldskærm</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Non-Fullscreen">
- <source>Non-Fullscreen</source>
- <target>Luk fuldskærm</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Mute">
- <source>Mute</source>
- <target>Uden lyd</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Unmute">
- <source>Unmute</source>
- <target>Med lyd</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Playback Rate">
- <source>Playback Rate</source>
- <target>afspilningshastighed</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Subtitles">
- <source>Subtitles</source>
- <target>Undertekster</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="subtitles off">
- <source>subtitles off</source>
- <target>Uden undertekster</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Captions">
- <source>Captions</source>
- <target>Undertekster for hørehæmmede</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="captions off">
- <source>captions off</source>
- <target>Uden undertekster for hørehæmmede</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Chapters">
- <source>Chapters</source>
- <target>Kapitler</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Descriptions">
- <source>Descriptions</source>
- <target>Beskrivelser på</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="descriptions off">
- <source>descriptions off</source>
- <target>Beskrivelser af</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Audio Track">
- <source>Audio Track</source>
- <target>Lydspor</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Volume Level">
- <source>Volume Level</source>
- <target>Lydstyrke</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="You aborted the media playback">
- <source>You aborted the media playback</source>
- <target>Du afbrød videoafspilningen.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="A network error caused the media download to fail part-way.">
- <source>A network error caused the media download to fail part-way.</source>
- <target>En netværksfejl forårsagede, at mediedownloaden mislykkedes delvist.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="The media could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported.">
- <source>The media could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported.</source>
- <target>Videoen kunne ikke indlæses, enten fordi serveren eller netværket fejlede, eller fordi formatet ikke er understøttet.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="The media playback was aborted due to a corruption problem or because the media used features your browser did not support.">
- <source>The media playback was aborted due to a corruption problem or because the media used features your browser did not support.</source>
- <target>Videoafspilningen blev afbrudt på grund af ødelagte data eller fordi videoen benyttede faciliteter som din browser ikke understøtter.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="No compatible source was found for this media.">
- <source>No compatible source was found for this media.</source>
- <target>Fandt ikke en kompatibel kilde for denne media.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="The media is encrypted and we do not have the keys to decrypt it.">
- <source>The media is encrypted and we do not have the keys to decrypt it.</source>
- <target>Mediet er krypteret, og vi har ikke nøglerne til at dekryptere det.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Play Video">
- <source>Play Video</source>
- <target>Afspil video</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Close">
- <source>Close</source>
- <target>Luk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Close Modal Dialog">
- <source>Close Modal Dialog</source>
- <target>Luk popup dialog</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Modal Window">
- <source>Modal Window</source>
- <target>Popup vindue</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="This is a modal window">
- <source>This is a modal window</source>
- <target>Dette er et popup vindue</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="This modal can be closed by pressing the Escape key or activating the close button.">
- <source>This modal can be closed by pressing the Escape key or activating the close button.</source>
- <target>Dette popup vindue kan lukkes ved tryk på Escape eller ved at klikke på luk-knappen.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id=", opens captions settings dialog">
- <source>, opens captions settings dialog</source>
- <target>Åbner billedtekstindstillinger</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id=", opens subtitles settings dialog">
- <source>, opens subtitles settings dialog</source>
- <target>Åbner undertekstindstillinger</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id=", opens descriptions settings dialog">
- <source>, opens descriptions settings dialog</source>
- <target>Åbner indstillinger for beskrivelse</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id=", selected">
- <source>, selected</source>
- <target>,valgt</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="captions settings">
- <source>captions settings</source>
- <target>Billedtekstindstillinger</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="subtitles settings">
- <source>subititles settings</source>
- <target>Undertekstindstillinger</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="descriptions settings">
- <source>descriptions settings</source>
- <target>Beskrivelsesindstillinger</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Text">
- <source>Text</source>
- <target>Tekst</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="White">
- <source>White</source>
- <target>Hvid</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Black">
- <source>Black</source>
- <target>Sort</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Red">
- <source>Red</source>
- <target>Rød</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Green">
- <source>Green</source>
- <target>Grøn</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Blue">
- <source>Blue</source>
- <target>Blå</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Yellow">
- <source>Yellow</source>
- <target>Gul</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Magenta">
- <source>Magenta</source>
- <target>Magenta</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Cyan">
- <source>Cyan</source>
- <target>Cyan</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Background">
- <source>Background</source>
- <target>Baggrund</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Window">
- <source>Window</source>
- <target>Vindue</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Transparent">
- <source>Transparent</source>
- <target>Gennemsigtig</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Semi-Transparent">
- <source>Semi-Transparent</source>
- <target>Halvgennemsigtig</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Opaque">
- <source>Opaque</source>
- <target>Uigennemsigtig</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Font Size">
- <source>Font Size</source>
- <target>Tekststørrelse</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Text Edge Style">
- <source>Text Edge Style</source>
- <target>Tekstkanter</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="None">
- <source>None</source>
- <target>Ingen</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Raised">
- <source>Raised</source>
- <target>Forhøjet</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Depressed">
- <source>Depressed</source>
- <target>Neddykket</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Uniform">
- <source>Uniform</source>
- <target>Ensartet</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Dropshadow">
- <source>Dropshadow</source>
- <target>Tekstskygge</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Font Family">
- <source>Font Family</source>
- <target>Skrifttype</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Proportional Sans-Serif">
- <source>Proportional Sans-Serif</source>
- <target>Proportional Sans-Serif</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Monospace Sans-Serif">
- <source>Monospace Sans-Serif</source>
- <target>Monospace Sans-Serif</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Proportional Serif">
- <source>Proportional Serif</source>
- <target>Proportional Serif</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Monospace Serif">
- <source>Monospace Serif</source>
- <target>Monoespace Serif</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Casual">
- <source>Casual</source>
- <target>Afslappet</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Script">
- <source>Script</source>
- <target>Script</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Small Caps">
- <source>Small Caps</source>
- <target>Små bogstaver</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Reset">
- <source>Reset</source>
- <target>Nulstil</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="restore all settings to the default values">
- <source>restore all settings to the default values</source>
- <target>gendan alle indstillinger til standardværdierne</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Done">
- <source>Done</source>
- <target>Færdig</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Caption Settings Dialog">
- <source>Caption Settings Dialog</source>
- <target>Undertekstindstillinger</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Beginning of dialog window. Escape will cancel and close the window.">
- <source>Beginning of dialog window. Escape will cancel and close the window.</source>
- <target>Starten på dialogvindue. Escape vil afbryde og lukke vinduet.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="End of dialog window.">
- <source>End of dialog window.</source>
- <target>Slutning af dialogvindue.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="{1} is loading.">
- <source>{1} is loading.</source>
- <target>{1} indlæses.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Quality">
- <source>Quality</source>
- <target>Kvalitet</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Auto">
- <source>Auto</source>
- <target>Auto</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Speed">
- <source>Speed</source>
- <target>Hastighed</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Subtitles/CC">
- <source>Subtitles/CC</source>
- <target>Undertekster</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="peers">
- <source>peers</source>
- <target>peers</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="peer">
- <source>peer</source>
- <target>peer</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Go to the video page">
- <source>Go to the video page</source>
- <target>Gå til videosiden</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Settings">
- <source>Settings</source>
- <target>Indstillinger</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Uses P2P, others may know you are watching this video.">
- <source>Uses P2P, others may know you are watching this video.</source>
- <target>Bruger P2P, andre kan muligvis vide at du ser denne video.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Copy the video URL">
- <source>Copy the video URL</source>
- <target>Kopier videoens URL</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Copy the video URL at the current time">
- <source>Copy the video URL at the current time</source>
- <target>Kopier videoens URL på det aktuelle tidspunkt</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Copy embed code">
- <source>Copy embed code</source>
- <target>Kopier Embedkode</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Copy magnet URI">
- <source>Copy magnet URI</source>
- <target>Kopier Magnetlink</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Total downloaded: ">
- <source>Total downloaded: </source>
- <target>Samlet downloadet:</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Total uploaded: ">
- <source>Total uploaded: </source>
- <target>Samlet uploadet:</target>
- </trans-unit>
- </body>
- </file></xliff>
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<!--XLIFF document generated by Zanata. Visit http://zanata.org for more infomation.-->
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- <trans-unit id="Audio Player">
- <source>Audio Player</source>
- <target>Audio Player</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Video Player">
- <source>Video Player</source>
- <target>Video Player</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Play">
- <source>Play</source>
- <target>Play</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Pause">
- <source>Pause</source>
- <target>Pause</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Replay">
- <source>Replay</source>
- <target>Replay</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Current Time">
- <source>Current Time</source>
- <target>Current Time</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Duration">
- <source>Duration</source>
- <target>Duration</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Remaining Time">
- <source>Remaining Time</source>
- <target>Remaining Time</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Stream Type">
- <source>Stream Type</source>
- <target>Stream Type</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="LIVE">
- <source>LIVE</source>
- <target>LIVE</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Loaded">
- <source>Loaded</source>
- <target>Loaded</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Progress</source>
- <target>Progress</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Progress Bar</source>
- <target>Progress Bar</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="progress bar timing: currentTime={1} duration={2}">
- <source>{1} of {2}</source>
- <target>{1} of {2}</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Fullscreen</source>
- <target>Fullscreen</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Non-Fullscreen">
- <source>Non-Fullscreen</source>
- <target>Non-Fullscreen</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Mute</source>
- <target>Mute</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Unmute">
- <source>Unmute</source>
- <target>Unmute</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Playback Rate">
- <source>Playback Rate</source>
- <target>Playback Rate</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Subtitles">
- <source>Subtitles</source>
- <target>Subtitles</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="subtitles off">
- <source>subtitles off</source>
- <target>subtitles off</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Captions">
- <source>Captions</source>
- <target>Captions</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="captions off">
- <source>captions off</source>
- <target>captions off</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Chapters">
- <source>Chapters</source>
- <target>Chapters</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Descriptions">
- <source>Descriptions</source>
- <target>Descriptions</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="descriptions off">
- <source>descriptions off</source>
- <target>descriptions off</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Audio Track">
- <source>Audio Track</source>
- <target>Audio Track</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Volume Level">
- <source>Volume Level</source>
- <target>Volume Level</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="You aborted the media playback">
- <source>You aborted the media playback</source>
- <target>You aborted the media playback</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="A network error caused the media download to fail part-way.">
- <source>A network error caused the media download to fail part-way.</source>
- <target>A network error caused the media download to fail part-way.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="The media could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported.">
- <source>The media could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported.</source>
- <target>The media could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="The media playback was aborted due to a corruption problem or because the media used features your browser did not support.">
- <source>The media playback was aborted due to a corruption problem or because the media used features your browser did not support.</source>
- <target>The media playback was aborted due to a corruption problem or because the media used features your browser did not support.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="No compatible source was found for this media.">
- <source>No compatible source was found for this media.</source>
- <target>No compatible source was found for this media.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="The media is encrypted and we do not have the keys to decrypt it.">
- <source>The media is encrypted and we do not have the keys to decrypt it.</source>
- <target>The media is encrypted and we do not have the keys to decrypt it.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Play Video">
- <source>Play Video</source>
- <target>Play Video</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Close">
- <source>Close</source>
- <target>Close</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Close Modal Dialog">
- <source>Close Modal Dialog</source>
- <target>Close Modal Dialog</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Modal Window</source>
- <target>Modal Window</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="This is a modal window">
- <source>This is a modal window</source>
- <target>This is a modal window</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="This modal can be closed by pressing the Escape key or activating the close button.">
- <source>This modal can be closed by pressing the Escape key or activating the close button.</source>
- <target>This modal can be closed by pressing the Escape key or activating the close button.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id=", opens captions settings dialog">
- <source>, opens captions settings dialog</source>
- <target>, opens captions settings dialog</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id=", opens subtitles settings dialog">
- <source>, opens subtitles settings dialog</source>
- <target>, opens subtitles settings dialog</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id=", opens descriptions settings dialog">
- <source>, opens descriptions settings dialog</source>
- <target>, opens descriptions settings dialog</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id=", selected">
- <source>, selected</source>
- <target>, selected</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="captions settings">
- <source>captions settings</source>
- <target>captions settings</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="subtitles settings">
- <source>subititles settings</source>
- <target>subititles settings</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="descriptions settings">
- <source>descriptions settings</source>
- <target>descriptions settings</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Text</source>
- <target>Text</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>White</source>
- <target>White</target>
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- <source>Black</source>
- <target>Black</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Red</source>
- <target>Red</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Green">
- <source>Green</source>
- <target>Green</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Blue">
- <source>Blue</source>
- <target>Blue</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Yellow</source>
- <target>Yellow</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Magenta</source>
- <target>Magenta</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Cyan</source>
- <target>Cyan</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Background</source>
- <target>Background</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Window</source>
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- <source>Transparent</source>
- <target>Transparent</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Semi-Transparent</source>
- <target>Semi-Transparent</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Opaque</source>
- <target>Opaque</target>
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- <source>Font Size</source>
- <target>Font Size</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Text Edge Style</source>
- <target>Text Edge Style</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>None</source>
- <target>None</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Raised</source>
- <target>Raised</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Depressed">
- <source>Depressed</source>
- <target>Depressed</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Uniform">
- <source>Uniform</source>
- <target>Uniform</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Dropshadow</source>
- <target>Dropshadow</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Font Family</source>
- <target>Font Family</target>
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- <source>Proportional Sans-Serif</source>
- <target>Proportional Sans-Serif</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Monospace Sans-Serif</source>
- <target>Monospace Sans-Serif</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Proportional Serif">
- <source>Proportional Serif</source>
- <target>Proportional Serif</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Monospace Serif">
- <source>Monospace Serif</source>
- <target>Monospace Serif</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Casual">
- <source>Casual</source>
- <target>Casual</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Script">
- <source>Script</source>
- <target>Script</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Small Caps">
- <source>Small Caps</source>
- <target>Small Caps</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Reset">
- <source>Reset</source>
- <target>Reset</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="restore all settings to the default values">
- <source>restore all settings to the default values</source>
- <target>restore all settings to the default values</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Done">
- <source>Done</source>
- <target>Done</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Caption Settings Dialog">
- <source>Caption Settings Dialog</source>
- <target>Caption Settings Dialog</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Beginning of dialog window. Escape will cancel and close the window.">
- <source>Beginning of dialog window. Escape will cancel and close the window.</source>
- <target>Beginning of dialog window. Escape will cancel and close the window.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="End of dialog window.">
- <source>End of dialog window.</source>
- <target>End of dialog window.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="{1} is loading.">
- <source>{1} is loading.</source>
- <target>{1} is loading.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Quality">
- <source>Quality</source>
- <target>Quality</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Auto">
- <source>Auto</source>
- <target>Auto</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Speed">
- <source>Speed</source>
- <target>Speed</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Subtitles/CC">
- <source>Subtitles/CC</source>
- <target>Subtitles/CC</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="peers">
- <source>peers</source>
- <target>peers</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="peer">
- <source>peer</source>
- <target>peer</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Go to the video page">
- <source>Go to the video page</source>
- <target>Go to the video page</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Settings">
- <source>Settings</source>
- <target>Settings</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Uses P2P, others may know you are watching this video.">
- <source>Uses P2P, others may know you are watching this video.</source>
- <target>Uses P2P, others may know you are watching this video.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Copy the video URL">
- <source>Copy the video URL</source>
- <target>Copy the video URL</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Copy the video URL at the current time">
- <source>Copy the video URL at the current time</source>
- <target>Copy the video URL at the current time</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Copy embed code">
- <source>Copy embed code</source>
- <target>Copy embed code</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Copy magnet URI">
- <source>Copy magnet URI</source>
- <target>Copy magnet URI</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Total downloaded: ">
- <source>Total downloaded: </source>
- <target>Total downloaded:</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Total uploaded: ">
- <source>Total uploaded: </source>
- <target>Total uploaded:</target>
- </trans-unit>
- </body>
- </file></xliff>
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-<xliff xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2 http://docs.oasis-open.org/xliff/v1.2/os/xliff-core-1.2-strict.xsd" xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2" version="1.2">
- <file original="namespace1" datatype="plaintext">
- <body>
- <trans-unit id="Audio Player">
- <source>Audio Player</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Video Player">
- <source>Video Player</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Play">
- <source>Play</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Pause">
- <source>Pause</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Replay">
- <source>Replay</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Current Time">
- <source>Current Time</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Duration">
- <source>Duration</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Remaining Time">
- <source>Remaining Time</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Stream Type">
- <source>Stream Type</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="LIVE">
- <source>LIVE</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Loaded">
- <source>Loaded</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Progress">
- <source>Progress</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Progress Bar">
- <source>Progress Bar</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="progress bar timing: currentTime={1} duration={2}">
- <source>{1} of {2}</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Fullscreen">
- <source>Fullscreen</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Non-Fullscreen">
- <source>Non-Fullscreen</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Mute">
- <source>Mute</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Unmute">
- <source>Unmute</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Playback Rate">
- <source>Playback Rate</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Subtitles">
- <source>Subtitles</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="subtitles off">
- <source>subtitles off</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Captions">
- <source>Captions</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="captions off">
- <source>captions off</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Chapters">
- <source>Chapters</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Descriptions">
- <source>Descriptions</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="descriptions off">
- <source>descriptions off</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Audio Track">
- <source>Audio Track</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Volume Level">
- <source>Volume Level</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="You aborted the media playback">
- <source>You aborted the media playback</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="A network error caused the media download to fail part-way.">
- <source>A network error caused the media download to fail part-way.</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="The media could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported.">
- <source>The media could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported.</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="The media playback was aborted due to a corruption problem or because the media used features your browser did not support.">
- <source>The media playback was aborted due to a corruption problem or because the media used features your browser did not support.</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="No compatible source was found for this media.">
- <source>No compatible source was found for this media.</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="The media is encrypted and we do not have the keys to decrypt it.">
- <source>The media is encrypted and we do not have the keys to decrypt it.</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Play Video">
- <source>Play Video</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Close">
- <source>Close</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Close Modal Dialog">
- <source>Close Modal Dialog</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Modal Window">
- <source>Modal Window</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="This is a modal window">
- <source>This is a modal window</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="This modal can be closed by pressing the Escape key or activating the close button.">
- <source>This modal can be closed by pressing the Escape key or activating the close button.</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id=", opens captions settings dialog">
- <source>, opens captions settings dialog</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id=", opens subtitles settings dialog">
- <source>, opens subtitles settings dialog</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id=", opens descriptions settings dialog">
- <source>, opens descriptions settings dialog</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id=", selected">
- <source>, selected</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="captions settings">
- <source>captions settings</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="subtitles settings">
- <source>subititles settings</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="descriptions settings">
- <source>descriptions settings</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Text">
- <source>Text</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="White">
- <source>White</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Black">
- <source>Black</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Red">
- <source>Red</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Green">
- <source>Green</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Blue">
- <source>Blue</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Yellow">
- <source>Yellow</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Magenta">
- <source>Magenta</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Cyan">
- <source>Cyan</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Background">
- <source>Background</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Window">
- <source>Window</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Transparent">
- <source>Transparent</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Semi-Transparent">
- <source>Semi-Transparent</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Opaque">
- <source>Opaque</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Font Size">
- <source>Font Size</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Text Edge Style">
- <source>Text Edge Style</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="None">
- <source>None</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Raised">
- <source>Raised</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Depressed">
- <source>Depressed</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Uniform">
- <source>Uniform</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Dropshadow">
- <source>Dropshadow</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Font Family">
- <source>Font Family</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Proportional Sans-Serif">
- <source>Proportional Sans-Serif</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Monospace Sans-Serif">
- <source>Monospace Sans-Serif</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Proportional Serif">
- <source>Proportional Serif</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Monospace Serif">
- <source>Monospace Serif</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Casual">
- <source>Casual</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Script">
- <source>Script</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Small Caps">
- <source>Small Caps</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Reset">
- <source>Reset</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="restore all settings to the default values">
- <source>restore all settings to the default values</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Done">
- <source>Done</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Caption Settings Dialog">
- <source>Caption Settings Dialog</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Beginning of dialog window. Escape will cancel and close the window.">
- <source>Beginning of dialog window. Escape will cancel and close the window.</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="End of dialog window.">
- <source>End of dialog window.</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="{1} is loading.">
- <source>{1} is loading.</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Quality">
- <source>Quality</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Auto">
- <source>Auto</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Speed">
- <source>Speed</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Subtitles/CC">
- <source>Subtitles/CC</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="peers">
- <source>peers</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="peer">
- <source>peer</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Go to the video page">
- <source>Go to the video page</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Settings">
- <source>Settings</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Uses P2P, others may know you are watching this video.">
- <source>Uses P2P, others may know you are watching this video.</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Copy the video URL">
- <source>Copy the video URL</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Copy the video URL at the current time">
- <source>Copy the video URL at the current time</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Copy embed code">
- <source>Copy embed code</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Copy magnet URI">
- <source>Copy magnet URI</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Total downloaded: ">
- <source>Total downloaded: </source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Total uploaded: ">
- <source>Total uploaded: </source>
- </trans-unit>
- </body>
- </file>
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<!--XLIFF document generated by Zanata. Visit http://zanata.org for more infomation.-->
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- <file source-language="en-US" datatype="plaintext" original="" target-language="fa-IR">
- <body>
- <trans-unit id="Audio Player">
- <source>Audio Player</source>
- <target>پخشکنندهی صدا</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Video Player">
- <source>Video Player</source>
- <target>پخشکنندهی ویدئو</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Play">
- <source>Play</source>
- <target>پخش</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Pause">
- <source>Pause</source>
- <target>توقف</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Replay">
- <source>Replay</source>
- <target>پخش دوباره</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Current Time">
- <source>Current Time</source>
- <target>زمان کنونی</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Duration">
- <source>Duration</source>
- <target>مدت زمان</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Remaining Time">
- <source>Remaining Time</source>
- <target>زمان باقیمانده</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Stream Type">
- <source>Stream Type</source>
- <target>نوع جریان پخش</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="LIVE">
- <source>LIVE</source>
- <target>زنده</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Loaded">
- <source>Loaded</source>
- <target>بارگیری شده</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Progress">
- <source>Progress</source>
- <target>پیشرفت</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Progress Bar">
- <source>Progress Bar</source>
- <target>نوار پیشرفت</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="progress bar timing: currentTime={1} duration={2}">
- <source>{1} of {2}</source>
- <target>{1} از {2}</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Fullscreen">
- <source>Fullscreen</source>
- <target>تمام صفحه</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Non-Fullscreen">
- <source>Non-Fullscreen</source>
- <target>حالت رایج</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Mute">
- <source>Mute</source>
- <target>بیصدا</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Unmute">
- <source>Unmute</source>
- <target>صدادار</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Playback Rate">
- <source>Playback Rate</source>
- <target>سرعت پخش</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Subtitles">
- <source>Subtitles</source>
- <target>زیرنویس</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="subtitles off">
- <source>subtitles off</source>
- <target>بدون زیرنویس</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Captions">
- <source>Captions</source>
- <target>عنوانها</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="captions off">
- <source>captions off</source>
- <target>بدون عنوان</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Chapters">
- <source>Chapters</source>
- <target>بخشها</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Descriptions">
- <source>Descriptions</source>
- <target>توضیحات</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="descriptions off">
- <source>descriptions off</source>
- <target>بدون توضیحات</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Audio Track">
- <source>Audio Track</source>
- <target>قطعهی صوتی</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Volume Level">
- <source>Volume Level</source>
- <target>بلندی صدا</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="You aborted the media playback">
- <source>You aborted the media playback</source>
- <target>شما پخش رسانهای را قطع کردید</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="A network error caused the media download to fail part-way.">
- <source>A network error caused the media download to fail part-way.</source>
- <target>یک خطا در شبکه باعث ناموفقبودن بارگذاری رسانه شد.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="The media could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported.">
- <source>The media could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported.</source>
- <target>قادر به پخش رسانه نیستیم، احتمالاً به دلیل خطای سرور یا شبکه است یا این که قالب رسانه پشتیبانی نمیشود.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="The media playback was aborted due to a corruption problem or because the media used features your browser did not support.">
- <source>The media playback was aborted due to a corruption problem or because the media used features your browser did not support.</source>
- <target>پخش به دلیل مشکل پروندهی رسانه یا پشتیبانینکردن مرورگر شما از آن، متوقف شد.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="No compatible source was found for this media.">
- <source>No compatible source was found for this media.</source>
- <target>هیچ منبع هماهنگی برای این رسانه یافت نشد.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="The media is encrypted and we do not have the keys to decrypt it.">
- <source>The media is encrypted and we do not have the keys to decrypt it.</source>
- <target>این رسانه رمزنگاری شده است و شما کلید موردنیاز برای رمزگشایی آن را ندارید.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Play Video">
- <source>Play Video</source>
- <target>پخش ویدئو</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Close">
- <source>Close</source>
- <target>بستن</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Close Modal Dialog">
- <source>Close Modal Dialog</source>
- <target>کادر بستن</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Modal Window">
- <source>Modal Window</source>
- <target>کادر</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="This is a modal window">
- <source>This is a modal window</source>
- <target>این یک کادر است</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="This modal can be closed by pressing the Escape key or activating the close button.">
- <source>This modal can be closed by pressing the Escape key or activating the close button.</source>
- <target>این کادر با کلید Escape یا دکمهی بستن، بسته خواهد شد.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id=", opens captions settings dialog">
- <source>, opens captions settings dialog</source>
- <target>، کادر تنظیمات عنوانها را باز میکند</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id=", opens subtitles settings dialog">
- <source>, opens subtitles settings dialog</source>
- <target>، کادر تنظیمات زیرنویسها را باز میکند</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id=", opens descriptions settings dialog">
- <source>, opens descriptions settings dialog</source>
- <target>، کادر تنظیمات توضیحات را باز میکند</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id=", selected">
- <source>, selected</source>
- <target>، انتخابشده</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="captions settings">
- <source>captions settings</source>
- <target>تنظیمات عنوانها</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="subtitles settings">
- <source>subititles settings</source>
- <target>تنظیمات زیرنویسها</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="descriptions settings">
- <source>descriptions settings</source>
- <target>تنظیمات توضیحات</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Text">
- <source>Text</source>
- <target>متن</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="White">
- <source>White</source>
- <target>سفید</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Black">
- <source>Black</source>
- <target>سیاه</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Red">
- <source>Red</source>
- <target>قرمز</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Green">
- <source>Green</source>
- <target>سبز</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Blue">
- <source>Blue</source>
- <target>آبی</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Yellow">
- <source>Yellow</source>
- <target>زرد</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Magenta">
- <source>Magenta</source>
- <target>ارغوانی</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Cyan">
- <source>Cyan</source>
- <target>فیروزهای</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Background">
- <source>Background</source>
- <target>پسزمینه</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Window">
- <source>Window</source>
- <target>پنجره</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Transparent">
- <source>Transparent</source>
- <target>شفاف</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Semi-Transparent">
- <source>Semi-Transparent</source>
- <target>نیمهشفاف</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Opaque">
- <source>Opaque</source>
- <target>مات</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Font Size">
- <source>Font Size</source>
- <target>اندازهی قلم</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Text Edge Style">
- <source>Text Edge Style</source>
- <target>سبک لبهی متن</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="None">
- <source>None</source>
- <target>هیچکدام</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Raised">
- <source>Raised</source>
- <target>بالابردن</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Depressed">
- <source>Depressed</source>
- <target>پایینآوردن</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Uniform">
- <source>Uniform</source>
- <target>یونیفرم</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Dropshadow">
- <source>Dropshadow</source>
- <target>سایه</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Font Family">
- <source>Font Family</source>
- <target>نوع فونت</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Proportional Sans-Serif">
- <source>Proportional Sans-Serif</source>
- <target>خانوادهی Sans-Serif عادی</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Monospace Sans-Serif">
- <source>Monospace Sans-Serif</source>
- <target>خانوادهی Sans-Serif تکفاصله</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Proportional Serif">
- <source>Proportional Serif</source>
- <target>خانوادهی Serif عادی</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Monospace Serif">
- <source>Monospace Serif</source>
- <target>خانوادهی Serif تکفاصله</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Casual">
- <source>Casual</source>
- <target>اتفاقی</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Script">
- <source>Script</source>
- <target>اسکریپت</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Small Caps">
- <source>Small Caps</source>
- <target>حروف کوچک</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Reset">
- <source>Reset</source>
- <target>بازگردانی</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="restore all settings to the default values">
- <source>restore all settings to the default values</source>
- <target>بازگردانی تمامی تنظیمات به مقادیر پیشفرض</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Done">
- <source>Done</source>
- <target>انجام شد</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Caption Settings Dialog">
- <source>Caption Settings Dialog</source>
- <target>پنجره تنظیماتعنوان</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="{1} is loading.">
- <source>{1} is loading.</source>
- <target>{1}در حال بارگزاری</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Quality">
- <source>Quality</source>
- <target>کیفیت</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Auto">
- <source>Auto</source>
- <target>خودکار</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Speed">
- <source>Speed</source>
- <target>سرعت</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Subtitles/CC">
- <source>Subtitles/CC</source>
- <target>زیرنویس/CC</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="peers">
- <source>peers</source>
- <target>همتا</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Go to the video page">
- <source>Go to the video page</source>
- <target>رفتنبهصفحهویدئو</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Settings">
- <source>Settings</source>
- <target>تنظیمات</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Uses P2P, others may know you are watching this video.">
- <source>Uses P2P, others may know you are watching this video.</source>
- <target>استفادهاز P2P، ممکنهبقیهمتوجهشوند شمااین ویدئورا تماشامیکنید.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Copy the video URL">
- <source>Copy the video URL</source>
- <target>رونوشت کردن نشانی ویدئو</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Copy the video URL at the current time">
- <source>Copy the video URL at the current time</source>
- <target>کپیکردننشانیویدئودرزمانکنونی</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Copy embed code">
- <source>Copy embed code</source>
- <target>کپیکدجاسازی</target>
- </trans-unit>
- </body>
- </file></xliff>
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<!--XLIFF document generated by Zanata. Visit http://zanata.org for more infomation.-->
-<xliff xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.1" xmlns:xyz="urn:appInfo:Items" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.1 http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/xliff/documents/xliff-core-1.1.xsd" version="1.1">
- <file source-language="en-US" datatype="plaintext" original="" target-language="gl-ES">
- <body>
- <trans-unit id="Audio Player">
- <source>Audio Player</source>
- <target>Reprodutor de audio</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Video Player">
- <source>Video Player</source>
- <target>Reprodutor de vídeo</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Play">
- <source>Play</source>
- <target>Reproducir</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Pause">
- <source>Pause</source>
- <target>Pausa</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Replay">
- <source>Replay</source>
- <target>Repetir</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Current Time">
- <source>Current Time</source>
- <target>Posición actual</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Duration">
- <source>Duration</source>
- <target>Duración</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Remaining Time">
- <source>Remaining Time</source>
- <target>Tempo restante</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Stream Type">
- <source>Stream Type</source>
- <target>Tipo de fluxo</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="LIVE">
- <source>LIVE</source>
- <target>AO VIVO</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Loaded">
- <source>Loaded</source>
- <target>Cargado</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Progress">
- <source>Progress</source>
- <target>Progreso</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Progress Bar">
- <source>Progress Bar</source>
- <target>Barra de progreso</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="progress bar timing: currentTime={1} duration={2}">
- <source>{1} of {2}</source>
- <target>{1} de {2}</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Fullscreen">
- <source>Fullscreen</source>
- <target>Pantalla completa</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Non-Fullscreen">
- <source>Non-Fullscreen</source>
- <target>Saír de pantalla completa</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Mute">
- <source>Mute</source>
- <target>Acalar</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Unmute">
- <source>Unmute</source>
- <target>Activar audio</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Playback Rate">
- <source>Playback Rate</source>
- <target>Taxa de reprodución</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Subtitles">
- <source>Subtitles</source>
- <target>Subtítulos</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="subtitles off">
- <source>subtitles off</source>
- <target>subtítulos desactivados</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Captions">
- <source>Captions</source>
- <target>Comentarios</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="captions off">
- <source>captions off</source>
- <target>Comentarios desactivados</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Chapters">
- <source>Chapters</source>
- <target>Capítulos</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Descriptions">
- <source>Descriptions</source>
- <target>Descricións</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="descriptions off">
- <source>descriptions off</source>
- <target>Descricións desactivadas</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Audio Track">
- <source>Audio Track</source>
- <target>Pista de audio</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Volume Level">
- <source>Volume Level</source>
- <target>Nivel do volume</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="You aborted the media playback">
- <source>You aborted the media playback</source>
- <target>Cancelou a reprodución de medios</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="A network error caused the media download to fail part-way.">
- <source>A network error caused the media download to fail part-way.</source>
- <target>Un fallo na rede fixo que a descarga de medios non se completase.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="The media could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported.">
- <source>The media could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported.</source>
- <target>Os medios non se descargaron, xa porque fallou o servidor ou a rede ou porque o formato non está soportado.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="The media playback was aborted due to a corruption problem or because the media used features your browser did not support.">
- <source>The media playback was aborted due to a corruption problem or because the media used features your browser did not support.</source>
- <target>A reprodución de medios detívose debido a datos corruptos ou porque os medios utilizan características que o seu navegador non soporta.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="No compatible source was found for this media.">
- <source>No compatible source was found for this media.</source>
- <target>Non se atopou fonte compatible para estos medios.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="The media is encrypted and we do not have the keys to decrypt it.">
- <source>The media is encrypted and we do not have the keys to decrypt it.</source>
- <target>Os medios están cifrados e non temos as chaves para descrifralos.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Play Video">
- <source>Play Video</source>
- <target>Reproducir vídeo</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Close">
- <source>Close</source>
- <target>Pechar</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Close Modal Dialog">
- <source>Close Modal Dialog</source>
- <target>Pechar diálogo modal</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Modal Window">
- <source>Modal Window</source>
- <target>Ventá modal</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="This is a modal window">
- <source>This is a modal window</source>
- <target>Esta é unha ventá modal</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="This modal can be closed by pressing the Escape key or activating the close button.">
- <source>This modal can be closed by pressing the Escape key or activating the close button.</source>
- <target>Este modal pódese pechar pulsando a tecla Esc ou pulsando o botón pechar.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id=", opens captions settings dialog">
- <source>, opens captions settings dialog</source>
- <target>, abre o diálogo de axustes dos comentarios</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id=", opens subtitles settings dialog">
- <source>, opens subtitles settings dialog</source>
- <target>, abre o diálogo de axustes de subtítulos</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id=", opens descriptions settings dialog">
- <source>, opens descriptions settings dialog</source>
- <target>, abre o diálogo de axustes de descricións</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id=", selected">
- <source>, selected</source>
- <target>, seleccionado</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="captions settings">
- <source>captions settings</source>
- <target>axustes de comentarios</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="subtitles settings">
- <source>subititles settings</source>
- <target>axustes de subtítulos</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="descriptions settings">
- <source>descriptions settings</source>
- <target>axustes de descricións</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Text">
- <source>Text</source>
- <target>Texto</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="White">
- <source>White</source>
- <target>Blanco</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Black">
- <source>Black</source>
- <target>Negro</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Red">
- <source>Red</source>
- <target>Vermello</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Green">
- <source>Green</source>
- <target>Verde</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Blue">
- <source>Blue</source>
- <target>Azul</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Yellow">
- <source>Yellow</source>
- <target>Amarelo</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Magenta">
- <source>Magenta</source>
- <target>Maxenta</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Cyan">
- <source>Cyan</source>
- <target>Ciano</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Background">
- <source>Background</source>
- <target>Fondo</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Window">
- <source>Window</source>
- <target>Ventá</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Transparent">
- <source>Transparent</source>
- <target>Transparente</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Semi-Transparent">
- <source>Semi-Transparent</source>
- <target>Semi-transparente</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Opaque">
- <source>Opaque</source>
- <target>Opaco</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Font Size">
- <source>Font Size</source>
- <target>Tamaño da letra</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Text Edge Style">
- <source>Text Edge Style</source>
- <target>Estilo do bordo da letra</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="None">
- <source>None</source>
- <target>Ningún</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Raised">
- <source>Raised</source>
- <target>Elevado</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Depressed">
- <source>Depressed</source>
- <target>Rebaixado</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Uniform">
- <source>Uniform</source>
- <target>Uniforme</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Dropshadow">
- <source>Dropshadow</source>
- <target>Sombreado</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Font Family">
- <source>Font Family</source>
- <target>Familia tipográfica</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Proportional Sans-Serif">
- <source>Proportional Sans-Serif</source>
- <target>Sans-Serif proporcional</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Monospace Sans-Serif">
- <source>Monospace Sans-Serif</source>
- <target>Sans-Serif monoespaciada</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Proportional Serif">
- <source>Proportional Serif</source>
- <target>Serif proporcional</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Monospace Serif">
- <source>Monospace Serif</source>
- <target>Serif monoespaciada</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Casual">
- <source>Casual</source>
- <target>Casual</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Script">
- <source>Script</source>
- <target>Script</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Small Caps">
- <source>Small Caps</source>
- <target>Minúsculas</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Reset">
- <source>Reset</source>
- <target>Restablecer</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="restore all settings to the default values">
- <source>restore all settings to the default values</source>
- <target>restablecer os axustes aos valores por omisión</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Done">
- <source>Done</source>
- <target>Feito</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Caption Settings Dialog">
- <source>Caption Settings Dialog</source>
- <target>Diálogo de axustes dos comentarios</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Beginning of dialog window. Escape will cancel and close the window.">
- <source>Beginning of dialog window. Escape will cancel and close the window.</source>
- <target>Inicio da ventá de diálogo. Escape cancelará e pechará a ventá.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="End of dialog window.">
- <source>End of dialog window.</source>
- <target>Fin da ventá de diálogo.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="{1} is loading.">
- <source>{1} is loading.</source>
- <target>{1} está cargando.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Quality">
- <source>Quality</source>
- <target>Calidade</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Auto">
- <source>Auto</source>
- <target>Auto</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Speed">
- <source>Speed</source>
- <target>Velocidade</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Subtitles/CC">
- <source>Subtitles/CC</source>
- <target>Subtítulos/CC</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="peers">
- <source>peers</source>
- <target>pares</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="peer">
- <source>peer</source>
- <target>parceiro</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Go to the video page">
- <source>Go to the video page</source>
- <target>Ir a páxina do vídeo</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Settings">
- <source>Settings</source>
- <target>Axustes</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Uses P2P, others may know you are watching this video.">
- <source>Uses P2P, others may know you are watching this video.</source>
- <target>Utiliza P2P, outras poderían saber que está a ver este vídeo.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Copy the video URL">
- <source>Copy the video URL</source>
- <target>Copiar URL do vídeo</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Copy the video URL at the current time">
- <source>Copy the video URL at the current time</source>
- <target>Copiar URL do vídeo na posición actual</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Copy embed code">
- <source>Copy embed code</source>
- <target>Copiar código de inscrustado</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Copy magnet URI">
- <source>Copy magnet URI</source>
- <target>Copiar URI magnet</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Total downloaded: ">
- <source>Total downloaded: </source>
- <target>Total descargado:</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Total uploaded: ">
- <source>Total uploaded: </source>
- <target>Total subido:</target>
- </trans-unit>
- </body>
- </file></xliff>
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<!--XLIFF document generated by Zanata. Visit http://zanata.org for more infomation.-->
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- <file source-language="en-US" datatype="plaintext" original="" target-language="hu-HU">
- <body>
- <trans-unit id="Audio Player">
- <source>Audio Player</source>
- <target>Hanglejátszó</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Video Player">
- <source>Video Player</source>
- <target>Videólejátszó</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Play">
- <source>Play</source>
- <target>Lejátszás</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Pause">
- <source>Pause</source>
- <target>Szünet</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Replay">
- <source>Replay</source>
- <target>Újra</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Current Time">
- <source>Current Time</source>
- <target>Jelenlegi idő</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Duration">
- <source>Duration</source>
- <target>Időtartam</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Remaining Time">
- <source>Remaining Time</source>
- <target>Hátralévő idő</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Stream Type">
- <source>Stream Type</source>
- <target>Közvetítés típusa</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="LIVE">
- <source>LIVE</source>
- <target>ÉLŐ</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Loaded">
- <source>Loaded</source>
- <target>Betöltve</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Progress">
- <source>Progress</source>
- <target>Folyamat</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Progress Bar">
- <source>Progress Bar</source>
- <target>Folyamatjelző</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="progress bar timing: currentTime={1} duration={2}">
- <source>{1} of {2}</source>
- <target>{1} / {2}</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Fullscreen">
- <source>Fullscreen</source>
- <target>Teljes képernyő</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Non-Fullscreen">
- <source>Non-Fullscreen</source>
- <target>Nem teljes képernyő</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Mute">
- <source>Mute</source>
- <target>Némítás</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Unmute">
- <source>Unmute</source>
- <target>Némítás feloldása</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Playback Rate">
- <source>Playback Rate</source>
- <target>Visszajátszási ráta</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Subtitles">
- <source>Subtitles</source>
- <target>Feliratok</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="subtitles off">
- <source>subtitles off</source>
- <target>Feliratok ki</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Captions">
- <source>Captions</source>
- <target>Feliratok</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="captions off">
- <source>captions off</source>
- <target>Feliratok ki</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Chapters">
- <source>Chapters</source>
- <target>Fejezetek</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Descriptions">
- <source>Descriptions</source>
- <target>Leírások</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="descriptions off">
- <source>descriptions off</source>
- <target>Leírások ki</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Audio Track">
- <source>Audio Track</source>
- <target>Hangsáv</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Volume Level">
- <source>Volume Level</source>
- <target>Hangerő</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="You aborted the media playback">
- <source>You aborted the media playback</source>
- <target>Leállítottad a médialejátszást</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="A network error caused the media download to fail part-way.">
- <source>A network error caused the media download to fail part-way.</source>
- <target>Egy hálózati hiba félúton megakadályozta a média letöltését.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="No compatible source was found for this media.">
- <source>No compatible source was found for this media.</source>
- <target>Nem található kompatibilis forrás ehhez a médiához.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="The media is encrypted and we do not have the keys to decrypt it.">
- <source>The media is encrypted and we do not have the keys to decrypt it.</source>
- <target>A média titkosítva van és nincs kulcsunk a visszafejtéshez.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Play Video">
- <source>Play Video</source>
- <target>Videó Lejátszása</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Close">
- <source>Close</source>
- <target>Bezárás</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Close Modal Dialog">
- <source>Close Modal Dialog</source>
- </trans-unit>
- </body>
- </file></xliff>
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<!--XLIFF document generated by Zanata. Visit http://zanata.org for more infomation.-->
-<xliff xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.1" xmlns:xyz="urn:appInfo:Items" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.1 http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/xliff/documents/xliff-core-1.1.xsd" version="1.1">
- <file source-language="en-US" datatype="plaintext" original="" target-language="jbo">
- <body>
- <trans-unit id="Audio Player">
- <source>Audio Player</source>
- <target>te snavi</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Video Player">
- <source>Video Player</source>
- <target>te vidvi</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Play">
- <source>Play</source>
- <target>nu co'a ganvi</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Pause">
- <source>Pause</source>
- <target>nu denpa</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Replay">
- <source>Replay</source>
- <target>nu za'u re'u co'a ganvi</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Current Time">
- <source>Current Time</source>
- <target>temci lo krasi lo cabna</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Duration">
- <source>Duration</source>
- <target>temci</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Remaining Time">
- <source>Remaining Time</source>
- <target>temci lo cabna lo fanmo</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Stream Type">
- <source>Stream Type</source>
- <target>tivni te klesi</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="LIVE">
- <source>LIVE</source>
- <target>.i ca'o tivni</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Loaded">
- <source>Loaded</source>
- <target>.i mo'u samymo'i</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Progress">
- <source>Progress</source>
- <target>ni mulno</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Progress Bar">
- <source>Progress Bar</source>
- <target>nilmulyuidje</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="progress bar timing: currentTime={1} duration={2}">
- <source>{1} of {2}</source>
- <target>{1} moi lo se {2} mei</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Fullscreen">
- <source>Fullscreen</source>
- <target>nu co'a vidnyselclu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Non-Fullscreen">
- <source>Non-Fullscreen</source>
- <target>nu co'u vidnyselclu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Mute">
- <source>Mute</source>
- <target>nu co'a smaji</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Unmute">
- <source>Unmute</source>
- <target>nu co'u smaji</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Playback Rate">
- <source>Playback Rate</source>
- <target>ni lo nu ganvi cu sutra</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Subtitles">
- <source>Subtitles</source>
- <target>vidvi vlapoi</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="subtitles off">
- <source>subtitles off</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Captions">
- <source>Captions</source>
- <target>vidvi vlapoi</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="captions off">
- <source>captions off</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Chapters">
- <source>Chapters</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Descriptions">
- <source>Descriptions</source>
- <target>skicu vlapoi</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="descriptions off">
- <source>descriptions off</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Audio Track">
- <source>Audio Track</source>
- <target>se snavi</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Volume Level">
- <source>Volume Level</source>
- <target>ni cladu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="You aborted the media playback">
- <source>You aborted the media playback</source>
- <target>.i do gasnu lo nu co'u ganvi</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="A network error caused the media download to fail part-way.">
- <source>A network error caused the media download to fail part-way.</source>
- <target>.i pa se tcana nabmi cu rinka lo nu co'u kibycpa lo ganvi</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="The media could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported.">
- <source>The media could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported.</source>
- <target>.i nabmi fi lo nu samymo'i lo ganvi kei fi lo nu ga ja lo samse'u ja lo se tcana cu spofu gi na kakne tu'a lo datni te klesi</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="The media playback was aborted due to a corruption problem or because the media used features your browser did not support.">
- <source>The media playback was aborted due to a corruption problem or because the media used features your browser did not support.</source>
- <target>.i nabmi fi lo nu ganvi kei fa lo nu ga ja lo datni cu toldra gi lo te ganvi cu ckaji da poi lo do kibyca'o na kakne tu'a ke'a</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="No compatible source was found for this media.">
- <source>No compatible source was found for this media.</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="The media is encrypted and we do not have the keys to decrypt it.">
- <source>The media is encrypted and we do not have the keys to decrypt it.</source>
- <target>.i da goi my. mifra lo ganvi .i ku'i mi djuno fi no to'e mifra termifckiku pe my.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Play Video">
- <source>Play Video</source>
- <target>nu co'a vidvi</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Close">
- <source>Close</source>
- <target>nu mipri</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Close Modal Dialog">
- <source>Close Modal Dialog</source>
- <target>nu mipri lo gacri cankyuidje</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Modal Window">
- <source>Modal Window</source>
- <target>gacri cankyuidje</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="This is a modal window">
- <source>This is a modal window</source>
- <target>.i ti gacri cankyuidje</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="This modal can be closed by pressing the Escape key or activating the close button.">
- <source>This modal can be closed by pressing the Escape key or activating the close button.</source>
- <target>.i do nu'o zukte lo ka ce'u te cabra fi la'o zoi. Escape .zoi ja lo mipri batkyuidje kei lo nu mipri lo vi gacri cankyuidje</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Text">
- <source>Text</source>
- <target>vlapoi</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="White">
- <source>White</source>
- <target>blabi</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Black">
- <source>Black</source>
- <target>xekri</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Red">
- <source>Red</source>
- <target>xunre</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Green">
- <source>Green</source>
- <target>crino</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Blue">
- <source>Blue</source>
- <target>blanu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Yellow">
- <source>Yellow</source>
- <target>pelxu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Magenta">
- <source>Magenta</source>
- <target>nukni</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Cyan">
- <source>Cyan</source>
- <target>cicna</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Background">
- <source>Background</source>
- <target>trixe</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Window">
- <source>Window</source>
- <target>cankyuidje</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Transparent">
- <source>Transparent</source>
- <target>klina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Semi-Transparent">
- <source>Semi-Transparent</source>
- <target>no'e klina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Opaque">
- <source>Opaque</source>
- <target>to'e klina</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Font Size">
- <source>Font Size</source>
- <target>ci'artadji ni barda</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Text Edge Style">
- <source>Text Edge Style</source>
- <target>tarmi lo korbi be lo lerfu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Uniform">
- <source>Uniform</source>
- <target>manfo</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Font Family">
- <source>Font Family</source>
- <target>ci'artadji girzu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Reset">
- <source>Reset</source>
- <target>nu lo krasi cu basti</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Done">
- <source>Done</source>
- <target>.uo</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Caption Settings Dialog">
- <source>Caption Settings Dialog</source>
- <target>vidvi vlapoi te tcimi'e cankyuidje</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="{1} is loading.">
- <source>{1} is loading.</source>
- <target>.i ca'o samymo'i la'o zoi. {1} .zoi</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Quality">
- <source>Quality</source>
- <target>ni tilcfu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Auto">
- <source>Auto</source>
- <target>zmiku</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Speed">
- <source>Speed</source>
- <target>ka sutra</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Subtitles/CC">
- <source>Subtitles/CC</source>
- <target>vidvi vlapoi</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="peers">
- <source>peers</source>
- <target>da jikca tcana</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="peer">
- <source>peer</source>
- <target>da jikca tcana</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Go to the video page">
- <source>Go to the video page</source>
- <target>nu vitke lo kibypapri pe lo se vidvi</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Settings">
- <source>Settings</source>
- <target>te tcimi'e</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Uses P2P, others may know you are watching this video.">
- <source>Uses P2P, others may know you are watching this video.</source>
- <target>.i pilno lo benji simxu ciste .i lo drata ka'e la'a cu'i djuno lo du'u do catlu ma kau noi vidvi</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Copy the video URL">
- <source>Copy the video URL</source>
- <target>fukpi lo veirjudri be le vidvi</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Copy the video URL at the current time">
- <source>Copy the video URL at the current time</source>
- <target>fukpi lo veirjudri be le vidvi be'o pe lo ca temci</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Copy embed code">
- <source>Copy embed code</source>
- <target>nu fukra'e lo kibypapri ci'erse'a vlapoi</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Copy magnet URI">
- <source>Copy magnet URI</source>
- <target>nu fukra'e lo me la .magnet. ku veirtermi'u</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Total downloaded: ">
- <source>Total downloaded: </source>
- <target>.i lo'i se kibycpa cu klani</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Total uploaded: ">
- <source>Total uploaded: </source>
- <target>.i lo'i se kibdu'a cu klani </target>
- </trans-unit>
- </body>
- </file></xliff>
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
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- <body>
- <trans-unit id="Audio Player">
- <source>Audio Player</source>
- <target>Garso grotuvas</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Video Player">
- <source>Video Player</source>
- <target>Video Grotuvas</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Play">
- <source>Play</source>
- <target>Groti</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Pause">
- <source>Pause</source>
- <target>Sustabdyti</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Replay">
- <source>Replay</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Current Time">
- <source>Current Time</source>
- <target>Tikslus laikas</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Duration">
- <source>Duration</source>
- <target>Trukmė</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Remaining Time">
- <source>Remaining Time</source>
- <target>Likęs laikas</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Stream Type">
- <source>Stream Type</source>
- <target>Srauto tipas</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="LIVE">
- <source>LIVE</source>
- <target>Gyvai</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Loaded">
- <source>Loaded</source>
- <target>Kraunama</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Progress</source>
- <target>Progresas</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Progress Bar">
- <source>Progress Bar</source>
- <target>Progreso juosta</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="progress bar timing: currentTime={1} duration={2}">
- <source>{1} of {2}</source>
- <target>{1} ar {2}</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Fullscreen">
- <source>Fullscreen</source>
- <target>Pilna rezoliucija</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Non-Fullscreen">
- <source>Non-Fullscreen</source>
- <target>Ne per visą ekraną</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Mute">
- <source>Mute</source>
- <target>Nutildyti</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Unmute">
- <source>Unmute</source>
- <target>Išjungti garsą</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Playback Rate">
- <source>Playback Rate</source>
- <target>Atkūrimo sparta</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Subtitles">
- <source>Subtitles</source>
- <target>Subtitrai</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="subtitles off">
- <source>subtitles off</source>
- <target>Išjungti subtitrus</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Captions">
- <source>Captions</source>
- <target>Antraštė</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="captions off">
- <source>captions off</source>
- <target>Išjungti antraštes</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Chapters">
- <source>Chapters</source>
- <target>Skyrius</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Descriptions">
- <source>Descriptions</source>
- <target>Aprašymas</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="descriptions off">
- <source>descriptions off</source>
- <target>Išjungti aprąšyma</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Audio Track">
- <source>Audio Track</source>
- <target>Garso takelis</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Volume Level">
- <source>Volume Level</source>
- <target>Garsumo lygis</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="You aborted the media playback">
- <source>You aborted the media playback</source>
- <target>Jūs nutraukėte medijos atkūrimą</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="A network error caused the media download to fail part-way.">
- <source>A network error caused the media download to fail part-way.</source>
- <target>Dėl tinklo klaidos medijos atsisiuntimas buvo neveiksmingas.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="The media could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported.">
- <source>The media could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported.</source>
- <target>Negalima įkelti laikmenos, nes serveris arba tinklas nerastas, arba todėl, kad formatas nepalaikomas.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="The media playback was aborted due to a corruption problem or because the media used features your browser did not support.">
- <source>The media playback was aborted due to a corruption problem or because the media used features your browser did not support.</source>
- <target>Žiniasklaidos atkūrimas buvo nutrauktas dėl korupcijos problemos arba dėl to, kad jūsų naudojamoje žiniasklaidos priemonėje jūsų naršyklė nepalaikė.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="No compatible source was found for this media.">
- <source>No compatible source was found for this media.</source>
- <target>Žiniasklaidos atkūrimas buvo nutrauktas dėl problemos arba dėl to, kad būtų galima žinoti, kaip tai padaryti.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="The media is encrypted and we do not have the keys to decrypt it.">
- <source>The media is encrypted and we do not have the keys to decrypt it.</source>
- <target>Žiniasklaida yra užšifruota ir neturime raktų, kad ją iššifruoti.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Play Video">
- <source>Play Video</source>
- <target>Leisti vaizdo įrašą</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Close">
- <source>Close</source>
- <target>Uždaryti</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Close Modal Dialog">
- <source>Close Modal Dialog</source>
- <target>Uždaryti modulinį dialogą</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Modal Window">
- <source>Modal Window</source>
- <target>Modalinis langas</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="This is a modal window">
- <source>This is a modal window</source>
- <target>Tai modalas</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="This modal can be closed by pressing the Escape key or activating the close button.">
- <source>This modal can be closed by pressing the Escape key or activating the close button.</source>
- <target>Šį modalą galima uždaryti paspaudus klavišą Escape arba įjungiant uždarymo mygtuką.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id=", opens captions settings dialog">
- <source>, opens captions settings dialog</source>
- <target>atidaro antraščių nustatymų dialogą</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id=", opens subtitles settings dialog">
- <source>, opens subtitles settings dialog</source>
- <target>, atidaro subtitrų nustatymų dialogą</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id=", opens descriptions settings dialog">
- <source>, opens descriptions settings dialog</source>
- <target>, atidaro aprašymų parametrų dialogo langą</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id=", selected">
- <source>, selected</source>
- <target>, pasirinkta</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="captions settings">
- <source>captions settings</source>
- <target>antraščių nustatymus</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="subtitles settings">
- <source>subititles settings</source>
- <target>subtitrų nustatymai</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="descriptions settings">
- <source>descriptions settings</source>
- <target>aprašymų nustatymai</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Text">
- <source>Text</source>
- <target>Tekstas</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="White">
- <source>White</source>
- <target>Balta</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Black">
- <source>Black</source>
- <target>Juoda</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Red">
- <source>Red</source>
- <target>Raudona</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Green">
- <source>Green</source>
- <target>Žalia</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Blue">
- <source>Blue</source>
- <target>Męlyna</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Yellow">
- <source>Yellow</source>
- <target>Geltona</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Magenta">
- <source>Magenta</source>
- <target>Purpurinė</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Cyan">
- <source>Cyan</source>
- <target>Žydra</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Background">
- <source>Background</source>
- <target>Fonas</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Window">
- <source>Window</source>
- <target>Langas</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Transparent">
- <source>Transparent</source>
- <target>Skaidrus</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Semi-Transparent">
- <source>Semi-Transparent</source>
- <target>Pusiau permatomas</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Opaque">
- <source>Opaque</source>
- <target>Nepermatomas</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Font Size">
- <source>Font Size</source>
- <target>Šrifto dydis</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Text Edge Style">
- <source>Text Edge Style</source>
- <target>Teksto krašto stilius</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="None">
- <source>None</source>
- <target>nė joks</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Raised">
- <source>Raised</source>
- <target>Pakelta</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Depressed">
- <source>Depressed</source>
- <target>Prislėgtas</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Uniform">
- <source>Uniform</source>
- <target>Uniforma</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Dropshadow">
- <source>Dropshadow</source>
- <target>Mesti šešėlį</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Font Family">
- <source>Font Family</source>
- <target>Šrifto šeima</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Proportional Sans-Serif</source>
- <target>Proporcingas Sans-Serif</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Monospace Sans-Serif">
- <source>Monospace Sans-Serif</source>
- <target>Monospace Sans-Serif</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Proportional Serif">
- <source>Proportional Serif</source>
- <target>Proporcinis Serif</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Monospace Serif">
- <source>Monospace Serif</source>
- <target>Monospace Serif</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Casual">
- <source>Casual</source>
- <target>Atsitiktinis</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Script">
- <source>Script</source>
- <target>Skriptas</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Small Caps">
- <source>Small Caps</source>
- <target>Mažos galvutės</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Reset">
- <source>Reset</source>
- <target>Atstatyti</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="restore all settings to the default values">
- <source>restore all settings to the default values</source>
- <target>atkurti visus nustatymus pagal numatytas reikšmes</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Done">
- <source>Done</source>
- <target>Baigta</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Caption Settings Dialog">
- <source>Caption Settings Dialog</source>
- <target>Antraštės nustatymai dialogo langas</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Beginning of dialog window. Escape will cancel and close the window.">
- <source>Beginning of dialog window. Escape will cancel and close the window.</source>
- <target>Dialogo lango pradžia. Escape atšaukia ir uždarys langą.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="End of dialog window.">
- <source>End of dialog window.</source>
- <target>Dialogo lango pabaiga.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="{1} is loading.">
- <source>{1} is loading.</source>
- <target>{1} įkeliama.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Quality">
- <source>Quality</source>
- <target>Kokybė</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Auto">
- <source>Auto</source>
- <target>Automatinis</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Speed">
- <source>Speed</source>
- <target>Greitis</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Subtitles/CC">
- <source>Subtitles/CC</source>
- <target>Subtitrai / CC</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="peers">
- <source>peers</source>
- <target>Partneriai</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="peer">
- <source>peer</source>
- <target>Partneris</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Go to the video page">
- <source>Go to the video page</source>
- <target>Eiti į vaizdo įrašo puslapį</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Settings">
- <source>Settings</source>
- <target>Nustatymai</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Uses P2P, others may know you are watching this video.">
- <source>Uses P2P, others may know you are watching this video.</source>
- <target>Naudoja P2P tinklą, kiti gali žinoti, kad žiūrite šį vaizdo įrašą.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Copy the video URL">
- <source>Copy the video URL</source>
- <target>Nukopijuokite vaizdo įrašo URL</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Copy the video URL at the current time">
- <source>Copy the video URL at the current time</source>
- <target>Kopijuokite vaizdo įrašo URL šiuo metu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Copy embed code">
- <source>Copy embed code</source>
- <target>Kopijuoti įterpimo kodą</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Copy magnet URI">
- <source>Copy magnet URI</source>
- <target>Kopijuoti magnet URI</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Total downloaded: ">
- <source>Total downloaded: </source>
- <target>Iš viso atsisiuntė:</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Total uploaded: ">
- <source>Total uploaded: </source>
- <target>Iš viso įkelta:</target>
- </trans-unit>
- </body>
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\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
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- <target>Lydspiller</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Video Player">
- <source>Video Player</source>
- <target>Videospiller</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Play</source>
- <target>Spill av</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Pause">
- <source>Pause</source>
- <target>Pause</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Replay</source>
- <target>Gjenta</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Current Time</source>
- <target>Nåværende tid</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Duration">
- <source>Duration</source>
- <target>Varighet</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Remaining Time">
- <source>Remaining Time</source>
- <target>Gjenværende</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Stream Type">
- <source>Stream Type</source>
- <target>Strømtype</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="LIVE">
- <source>LIVE</source>
- <target>SANNTIDSVISNING</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Loaded">
- <source>Loaded</source>
- <target>Innlastet</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Progress</source>
- <target>Framdrift</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Progress Bar">
- <source>Progress Bar</source>
- <target>Framdriftsviser</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="progress bar timing: currentTime={1} duration={2}">
- <source>{1} of {2}</source>
- <target>{1} av {2}</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Fullscreen">
- <source>Fullscreen</source>
- <target>Fullskjermsvisning</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Non-Fullscreen">
- <source>Non-Fullscreen</source>
- <target>Ikke-fullskjerm</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Mute</source>
- <target>Forstum</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Unmute">
- <source>Unmute</source>
- <target>Opphev forstumming</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Playback Rate">
- <source>Playback Rate</source>
- <target>Avspillingshastighet</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Subtitles">
- <source>Subtitles</source>
- <target>Undertekster</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="subtitles off">
- <source>subtitles off</source>
- <target>Undertekster av</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Captions</source>
- <target>Bildetekster</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="captions off">
- <source>captions off</source>
- <target>Bildetekster av</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Chapters">
- <source>Chapters</source>
- <target>Kapittel</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Descriptions</source>
- <target>Beskrivelser</target>
- </trans-unit>
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\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
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- <source>Audio Player</source>
- <target>Audio Prehrávač</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Video Player">
- <source>Video Player</source>
- <target>Video Prehrávač</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Play</source>
- <target>Prehrať</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Pause">
- <source>Pause</source>
- <target>Pozastaviť</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Replay">
- <source>Replay</source>
- <target>Opakovať</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Current Time">
- <source>Current Time</source>
- <target>Aktuálny čas</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Duration</source>
- <target>Trvanie</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Remaining Time">
- <source>Remaining Time</source>
- <target>Zostávajúci čas</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Stream Type</source>
- <target>Typ dátového toku</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>LIVE</source>
- <target>NAŽIVO</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Loaded</source>
- <target>Nahraté</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Progress">
- <source>Progress</source>
- <target>Priebeh</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Progress Bar">
- <source>Progress Bar</source>
- <target>Ukazovateľ priebehu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="progress bar timing: currentTime={1} duration={2}">
- <source>{1} of {2}</source>
- <target>{1} z {2}</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Fullscreen">
- <source>Fullscreen</source>
- <target>Na celú obrazovku</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Non-Fullscreen">
- <source>Non-Fullscreen</source>
- <target>V okne</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Mute">
- <source>Mute</source>
- <target>Ztlmiť</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Unmute">
- <source>Unmute</source>
- <target>Ozvučiť</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Playback Rate">
- <source>Playback Rate</source>
- <target>Rýchlosť prehrávania</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Subtitles">
- <source>Subtitles</source>
- <target>Titulky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="subtitles off">
- <source>subtitles off</source>
- <target>Bez tituliek</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Captions">
- <source>Captions</source>
- <target>Nápisy</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="captions off">
- <source>captions off</source>
- <target>Bez nápisov</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Chapters">
- <source>Chapters</source>
- <target>Kapitoly</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Descriptions">
- <source>Descriptions</source>
- <target>Popisy</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="descriptions off">
- <source>descriptions off</source>
- <target>Bez popisov</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Audio Track">
- <source>Audio Track</source>
- <target>Audio stopa</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Volume Level">
- <source>Volume Level</source>
- <target>Ǔroveň hlasitosti</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="You aborted the media playback">
- <source>You aborted the media playback</source>
- <target>Prerušili ste prehrávanie média</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="A network error caused the media download to fail part-way.">
- <source>A network error caused the media download to fail part-way.</source>
- <target>Chyba v sieti spôsobila zlyhanie počas sťahovania média</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="The media could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported.">
- <source>The media could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported.</source>
- <target>Médium sa nepodarilo nahrať, buď kôli serveru alebo zlyhala sieť alebo kôli nepodporovanému formátu.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="The media playback was aborted due to a corruption problem or because the media used features your browser did not support.">
- <source>The media playback was aborted due to a corruption problem or because the media used features your browser did not support.</source>
- <target>Prehrávanie média bolo prerušené kôli poškodeniu alebo médium používa funkcie, ktoré Váš prehliadač nepodporuje.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="No compatible source was found for this media.">
- <source>No compatible source was found for this media.</source>
- <target>Pre toto médium sa nenašie kompatibilný zdroj.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="The media is encrypted and we do not have the keys to decrypt it.">
- <source>The media is encrypted and we do not have the keys to decrypt it.</source>
- <target>Médium je zašifrované a nemáme dešifrovacie kľúče.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Play Video">
- <source>Play Video</source>
- <target>Prehrať video</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Close">
- <source>Close</source>
- <target>Zatvoriť</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Close Modal Dialog">
- <source>Close Modal Dialog</source>
- <target>Zatvoriť modálne dialógové okno</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Modal Window">
- <source>Modal Window</source>
- <target>Modálne okno</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="This is a modal window">
- <source>This is a modal window</source>
- <target>Toto je modálne okno</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="This modal can be closed by pressing the Escape key or activating the close button.">
- <source>This modal can be closed by pressing the Escape key or activating the close button.</source>
- <target>Toto modálne okno možno zatvoriť tlačidlom Esc alebo aktivovaním tlačidla Zatvoriť.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id=", opens captions settings dialog">
- <source>, opens captions settings dialog</source>
- <target>, otvorí dialógové okno nastavenia nápisov</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id=", opens subtitles settings dialog">
- <source>, opens subtitles settings dialog</source>
- <target>, otvorí dialógové okno nastavenia titulkov</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id=", opens descriptions settings dialog">
- <source>, opens descriptions settings dialog</source>
- <target>, otvorí dialógové okno nastavenia popiskov</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id=", selected">
- <source>, selected</source>
- <target>, vybraté</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="captions settings">
- <source>captions settings</source>
- <target>nastavenie nápisov</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="subtitles settings">
- <source>subititles settings</source>
- <target>nastavenie titulkov</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="descriptions settings">
- <source>descriptions settings</source>
- <target>nastavenie popiskov</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Text">
- <source>Text</source>
- <target>Text</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="White">
- <source>White</source>
- <target>Biela</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Black">
- <source>Black</source>
- <target>Čierna</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Red">
- <source>Red</source>
- <target>Červená</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Green">
- <source>Green</source>
- <target>Zelená</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Blue">
- <source>Blue</source>
- <target>Modrá</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Yellow">
- <source>Yellow</source>
- <target>Žltá</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Magenta">
- <source>Magenta</source>
- <target>Purpurová</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Cyan">
- <source>Cyan</source>
- <target>Tyrkisová</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Background">
- <source>Background</source>
- <target>Pozadie</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Window">
- <source>Window</source>
- <target>Okno</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Transparent">
- <source>Transparent</source>
- <target>Priehľadné</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Semi-Transparent">
- <source>Semi-Transparent</source>
- <target>Polo-priehľadné</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Opaque">
- <source>Opaque</source>
- <target>Nepriehľadné</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Font Size">
- <source>Font Size</source>
- <target>Veľkosť písma</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Text Edge Style">
- <source>Text Edge Style</source>
- <target>Štýl hrany textu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="None">
- <source>None</source>
- <target>Žiadne</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Raised">
- <source>Raised</source>
- <target>Zdvihnuté</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Depressed">
- <source>Depressed</source>
- <target>Stlačené</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Uniform">
- <source>Uniform</source>
- <target>Uniforma</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Dropshadow">
- <source>Dropshadow</source>
- <target>Vrhanie tieňa</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Font Family">
- <source>Font Family</source>
- <target>Rodina písma</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Proportional Sans-Serif">
- <source>Proportional Sans-Serif</source>
- <target>Pomerný Sans-Serif</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Monospace Sans-Serif">
- <source>Monospace Sans-Serif</source>
- <target>Monospace Sans-Serif</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Proportional Serif">
- <source>Proportional Serif</source>
- <target>Pomerný Serif</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Monospace Serif">
- <source>Monospace Serif</source>
- <target>Monospace Serif</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Casual">
- <source>Casual</source>
- <target>Príležitostné</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Script">
- <source>Script</source>
- <target>Písané</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Small Caps">
- <source>Small Caps</source>
- <target>Malé písmená</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Reset">
- <source>Reset</source>
- <target>Reset</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="restore all settings to the default values">
- <source>restore all settings to the default values</source>
- <target>obnoviť všetky nastavenia na predvolené hodnoty</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Done">
- <source>Done</source>
- <target>Hotovo</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Caption Settings Dialog">
- <source>Caption Settings Dialog</source>
- <target>Dialógové okno nastavenia nápisov</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Beginning of dialog window. Escape will cancel and close the window.">
- <source>Beginning of dialog window. Escape will cancel and close the window.</source>
- <target>Začiatok dialógového okna. Esc zruší a zatvorí toto okno.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="End of dialog window.">
- <source>End of dialog window.</source>
- <target>Koniec dialógového okna.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="{1} is loading.">
- <source>{1} is loading.</source>
- <target>Nahrávanie {1}.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Quality">
- <source>Quality</source>
- <target>Kvalita</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Auto">
- <source>Auto</source>
- <target>Automaticky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Speed">
- <source>Speed</source>
- <target>Rýchlosť</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Subtitles/CC">
- <source>Subtitles/CC</source>
- <target>Titulky</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="peers">
- <source>peers</source>
- <target>rovesníkov</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="peer">
- <source>peer</source>
- <target>rovesník</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Go to the video page">
- <source>Go to the video page</source>
- <target>Prejsť na stránku s videom</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Settings">
- <source>Settings</source>
- <target>Nastavenia</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Uses P2P, others may know you are watching this video.">
- <source>Uses P2P, others may know you are watching this video.</source>
- <target>Používa P2P, ostatní môžu zistiť, že pozaráte toto video.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Copy the video URL">
- <source>Copy the video URL</source>
- <target>Skopírovať odkaz na toto video</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Copy the video URL at the current time">
- <source>Copy the video URL at the current time</source>
- <target>Skopírovať odkaz na toto video v danom čase</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Copy embed code">
- <source>Copy embed code</source>
- <target>Skopírovať včleňovací kód</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Copy magnet URI">
- <source>Copy magnet URI</source>
- <target>Skopírovať odkaz typu magnet</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Total downloaded: ">
- <source>Total downloaded: </source>
- <target>Celkovo stiahnuté:</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Total uploaded: ">
- <source>Total uploaded: </source>
- <target>Celkovo nahraté:</target>
- </trans-unit>
- </body>
- </file></xliff>
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
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-<!--XLIFF document generated by Zanata. Visit http://zanata.org for more infomation.-->
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- <file source-language="en-US" datatype="plaintext" original="" target-language="sl-SI">
- <body>
- <trans-unit id="Audio Player">
- <source>Audio Player</source>
- <target>Predvajalnik zvoka</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Video Player">
- <source>Video Player</source>
- <target>Video predvajalnik</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Play">
- <source>Play</source>
- <target>Predvajaj</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Pause">
- <source>Pause</source>
- <target>Premor</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Replay">
- <source>Replay</source>
- <target>Ponovitev</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Current Time">
- <source>Current Time</source>
- <target>Trenutni čas</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Duration">
- <source>Duration</source>
- <target>Trajanje</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Remaining Time">
- <source>Remaining Time</source>
- <target>Preostali čas</target>
- </trans-unit>
- </body>
- </file></xliff>
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
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- <body>
- <trans-unit id="Duration">
- <source>Duration</source>
- <target>நேரம்</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Remaining Time">
- <source>Remaining Time</source>
- <target>மீதமுள்ள நேரம்</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="LIVE">
- <source>LIVE</source>
- <target>நேரடி</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="progress bar timing: currentTime={1} duration={2}">
- <source>{1} of {2}</source>
- <target>{2} ல் {1}</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Fullscreen">
- <source>Fullscreen</source>
- <target>முழுதிரை</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Chapters">
- <source>Chapters</source>
- <target>தொடர்கள்</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Descriptions">
- <source>Descriptions</source>
- <target>விவரங்கள்</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Volume Level">
- <source>Volume Level</source>
- <target>ஒலி அளவு</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Play Video">
- <source>Play Video</source>
- <target>காண்பி</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Close">
- <source>Close</source>
- <target>மூடு</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Modal Window">
- <source>Modal Window</source>
- <target>மாடல் திரை</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="This is a modal window">
- <source>This is a modal window</source>
- <target>இது ஒரு மாடல் திரை</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="This modal can be closed by pressing the Escape key or activating the close button.">
- <source>This modal can be closed by pressing the Escape key or activating the close button.</source>
- <target>இந்த மாடலை Esc அழுத்தி மூடலாம்</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id=", selected">
- <source>, selected</source>
- <target>தேர்வுசெய்யப்பட்டவை</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="captions settings">
- <source>captions settings</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="subtitles settings">
- <source>subititles settings</source>
- <target>துணையுரை அமைப்புகள்</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Text">
- <source>Text</source>
- <target>எழுத்து</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="White">
- <source>White</source>
- <target>வெள்ளை</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Black">
- <source>Black</source>
- <target>கருப்பு</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Red">
- <source>Red</source>
- <target>சிவப்பு</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Green">
- <source>Green</source>
- <target>பச்சை</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Blue">
- <source>Blue</source>
- <target>நீலம்</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Yellow">
- <source>Yellow</source>
- <target>மஞ்சள்</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Magenta">
- <source>Magenta</source>
- <target>நன்னிறம்</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Cyan">
- <source>Cyan</source>
- <target>மயில் நிறம்</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Background">
- <source>Background</source>
- <target>பின் திரை</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Window">
- <source>Window</source>
- <target>திரை</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Transparent">
- <source>Transparent</source>
- <target>தெளிவு</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Semi-Transparent">
- <source>Semi-Transparent</source>
- <target>அறைகுறை தெளிவு</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Font Size">
- <source>Font Size</source>
- <target>எழுத்து அளவு</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="None">
- <source>None</source>
- <target>எதுவும் இல்லை</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Raised">
- <source>Raised</source>
- <target>உயர்ந்த</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Uniform">
- <source>Uniform</source>
- <target>சமமான</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Font Family">
- <source>Font Family</source>
- <target>எழுத்து வகை</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Monospace Sans-Serif">
- <source>Monospace Sans-Serif</source>
- <target>Monospace Sans-Serif</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Proportional Serif">
- <source>Proportional Serif</source>
- <target>Proportional Serif</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Monospace Serif">
- <source>Monospace Serif</source>
- <target>Monospace Serif</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Casual">
- <source>Casual</source>
- <target>சாதாரணமான</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Done">
- <source>Done</source>
- <target>முடிந்தது</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Quality">
- <source>Quality</source>
- <target>தன்மை</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Speed">
- <source>Speed</source>
- <target>வேகம்</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Settings">
- <source>Settings</source>
- <target>அமைப்புகள்</target>
- </trans-unit>
- </body>
- </file></xliff>
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
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- <body>
- <trans-unit id="Audio Player">
- <source>Audio Player</source>
- <target>โปรแกรมเล่นเสียง</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Video Player">
- <source>Video Player</source>
- <target>โปรแกรมเล่นวิดีโอ</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Play">
- <source>Play</source>
- <target>เล่น</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Pause">
- <source>Pause</source>
- <target>หยุดชั่วคราว</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Replay">
- <source>Replay</source>
- <target>เล่นซ้ำ</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Current Time">
- <source>Current Time</source>
- <target>เวลาปัจจุบัน</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Duration">
- <source>Duration</source>
- <target>ความยาว</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Remaining Time">
- <source>Remaining Time</source>
- <target>เวลาที่เหลือ</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Stream Type">
- <source>Stream Type</source>
- <target>รูปแบบสตรีม</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="LIVE">
- <source>LIVE</source>
- <target>สด</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Loaded">
- <source>Loaded</source>
- <target>โหลดเสร็จสิ้น</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Progress">
- <source>Progress</source>
- <target>ความคืบหน้า</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Progress Bar">
- <source>Progress Bar</source>
- <target>แถบความคืบหน้า</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="progress bar timing: currentTime={1} duration={2}">
- <source>{1} of {2}</source>
- <target>{1} จาก {2}</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Fullscreen">
- <source>Fullscreen</source>
- <target>เต็มหน้าจอ</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Non-Fullscreen">
- <source>Non-Fullscreen</source>
- <target>ไม่เต็มหน้าจอ</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Mute">
- <source>Mute</source>
- <target>ปิดเสียง</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Unmute">
- <source>Unmute</source>
- <target>เปิดเสียง</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Playback Rate">
- <source>Playback Rate</source>
- <target>ความเร็วในการเล่น</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Subtitles">
- <source>Subtitles</source>
- <target>คำบรรยายใต้ภาพ</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="subtitles off">
- <source>subtitles off</source>
- <target>ปิดคำบรรยายใต้ภาพ</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Captions">
- <source>Captions</source>
- <target>คำบรรยายเสียง</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="captions off">
- <source>captions off</source>
- <target>ปิดคำบรรยายเสียง</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Chapters">
- <source>Chapters</source>
- <target>ตอน</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Descriptions">
- <source>Descriptions</source>
- <target>คำอธิบาย</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="descriptions off">
- <source>descriptions off</source>
- <target>ปิดคำอธิบาย</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Audio Track">
- <source>Audio Track</source>
- <target>ช่องเสียง</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Volume Level">
- <source>Volume Level</source>
- <target>ระดับเสียง</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="You aborted the media playback">
- <source>You aborted the media playback</source>
- <target>คุณได้หยุดการเล่นสื่อ</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="A network error caused the media download to fail part-way.">
- <source>A network error caused the media download to fail part-way.</source>
- <target>การดาวน์โหลดสื่อได้หยุดเนื่องจากปัญหาเครือข่าย</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="The media could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported.">
- <source>The media could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported.</source>
- <target>ไม่สามารถโหลดสื่อได้ เนื่องจากปัญหาระบบเซิร์ฟเวอร์หรือเครือข่ายขัดข้อง หรือรูปแบบสื่อไม่รองรับ</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="The media playback was aborted due to a corruption problem or because the media used features your browser did not support.">
- <source>The media playback was aborted due to a corruption problem or because the media used features your browser did not support.</source>
- <target>การเล่นสื่อได้หยุดลงเนื่องจากปัญหาสื่อไม่สมบูรณ์ หรือสื่อที่รับชมใช้คุณสมบัติที่เบราเซอร์ของคุณไม่รองรับ</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="No compatible source was found for this media.">
- <source>No compatible source was found for this media.</source>
- <target>ไม่พบต้นทางที่เข้ากันได้สำหรับสื่อนี้</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="The media is encrypted and we do not have the keys to decrypt it.">
- <source>The media is encrypted and we do not have the keys to decrypt it.</source>
- <target>สื่อนี้ถูกเข้ารหัสและไม่สามารถถอดรหัสได้ เนื่องจากเราไม่มีกุญแจสำหรับการถอดรหัส</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Play Video">
- <source>Play Video</source>
- <target>เล่นวิดีโอ</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Close">
- <source>Close</source>
- <target>ปิด</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id=", selected">
- <source>, selected</source>
- <target>เลือกอยู่</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="captions settings">
- <source>captions settings</source>
- <target>การตั้งค่าคำบรรยายเสียง</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="subtitles settings">
- <source>subititles settings</source>
- <target>การตั้งค่าคำบรรยายใต้ภาพ</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="descriptions settings">
- <source>descriptions settings</source>
- <target>การตั้งค่าคำอธิบาย</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Text">
- <source>Text</source>
- <target>ข้อความ</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="White">
- <source>White</source>
- <target>ขาว</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Black">
- <source>Black</source>
- <target>ดำ</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Red">
- <source>Red</source>
- <target>แดง</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Green">
- <source>Green</source>
- <target>เขียว</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Blue">
- <source>Blue</source>
- <target>ฟ้า</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Yellow">
- <source>Yellow</source>
- <target>เหลือง</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Magenta">
- <source>Magenta</source>
- <target>แดงม่วง</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Cyan">
- <source>Cyan</source>
- <target>น้ำเงินเขียว</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Background">
- <source>Background</source>
- <target>พื้นหลัง</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Window">
- <source>Window</source>
- <target>หน้าต่าง</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Transparent">
- <source>Transparent</source>
- <target>โปร่งใส</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Semi-Transparent">
- <source>Semi-Transparent</source>
- <target>โปร่งแสง</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Opaque">
- <source>Opaque</source>
- <target>ทึบ</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Reset">
- <source>Reset</source>
- <target>รีเซ็ท</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="restore all settings to the default values">
- <source>restore all settings to the default values</source>
- <target>คืนค่าเริ่มต้น</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Done">
- <source>Done</source>
- <target>เสร็จสิ้น</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="{1} is loading.">
- <source>{1} is loading.</source>
- <target>{1} กำลังโหลดอยู่</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Quality">
- <source>Quality</source>
- <target>คุณภาพ</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Auto">
- <source>Auto</source>
- <target>อัตโนมัติ</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Speed">
- <source>Speed</source>
- <target>ความเร็ว</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Subtitles/CC">
- <source>Subtitles/CC</source>
- <target>คำบรรยาย/CC</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="peers">
- <source>peers</source>
- <target>จำนวน peer</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="peer">
- <source>peer</source>
- <target>peer</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Go to the video page">
- <source>Go to the video page</source>
- <target>ไปที่หน้าวิดีโอ</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Settings">
- <source>Settings</source>
- <target>การตั้งค่า</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Uses P2P, others may know you are watching this video.">
- <source>Uses P2P, others may know you are watching this video.</source>
- <target>ใช้เทคโนโลยี P2P ผู้อื่นอาจทราบว่าคุณกำลังรับชมวิดีโอนี้อยู่</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Copy the video URL">
- <source>Copy the video URL</source>
- <target>คัดลอก URL วิดีโอ</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Copy the video URL at the current time">
- <source>Copy the video URL at the current time</source>
- <target>คัดลอก URL วิดีโอ ณ เวลาปัจจุบัน</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Copy embed code">
- <source>Copy embed code</source>
- <target>คัดลอกโค้ดฝัง</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Copy magnet URI">
- <source>Copy magnet URI</source>
- <target>คัดลอก magnet URI</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Total downloaded: ">
- <source>Total downloaded: </source>
- <target>ปริมาณข้อมูลที่ดาวน์โหลดไปแล้วทั้งหมด: </target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Total uploaded: ">
- <source>Total uploaded: </source>
- <target>ปริมาณข้อมูลที่อัพโหลดไปแล้วทั้งหมด: </target>
- </trans-unit>
- </body>
- </file></xliff>
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
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-<!--XLIFF document generated by Zanata. Visit http://zanata.org for more infomation.-->
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- <file source-language="en-US" datatype="plaintext" original="" target-language="tr-TR">
- <body>
- <trans-unit id="Audio Player">
- <source>Audio Player</source>
- <target>Ses Oynatıcı</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Video Player">
- <source>Video Player</source>
- <target>Video Oynatıcı</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Play">
- <source>Play</source>
- <target>Oynat</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Pause">
- <source>Pause</source>
- <target>Duraklat</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Replay">
- <source>Replay</source>
- <target>Yeniden oynat</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Current Time">
- <source>Current Time</source>
- <target>Mevcut süre</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Duration">
- <source>Duration</source>
- <target>Süre</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Remaining Time">
- <source>Remaining Time</source>
- <target>Kalan süre</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Stream Type">
- <source>Stream Type</source>
- <target>Akış türü</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="LIVE">
- <source>LIVE</source>
- <target>CANLI</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Loaded">
- <source>Loaded</source>
- <target>Yüklendi</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Progress">
- <source>Progress</source>
- <target>İlerleme</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Progress Bar">
- <source>Progress Bar</source>
- <target>İlerleme çubuğu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="progress bar timing: currentTime={1} duration={2}">
- <source>{1} of {2}</source>
- <target>{1} / {2}</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Fullscreen">
- <source>Fullscreen</source>
- <target>Tam ekran</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Non-Fullscreen">
- <source>Non-Fullscreen</source>
- <target>Tam ekrandan çık</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Mute">
- <source>Mute</source>
- <target>Sessize al</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Unmute">
- <source>Unmute</source>
- <target>Sesi aç</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Playback Rate">
- <source>Playback Rate</source>
- <target>Oynatma oranı</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Subtitles">
- <source>Subtitles</source>
- <target>Altyazılar</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="subtitles off">
- <source>subtitles off</source>
- <target>altyazılar kapalı</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Captions">
- <source>Captions</source>
- <target>Açıklamalar</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="captions off">
- <source>captions off</source>
- <target>açıklamalar kapalı</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Chapters">
- <source>Chapters</source>
- <target>Bölümler</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Descriptions">
- <source>Descriptions</source>
- <target>Açıklamalar</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="descriptions off">
- <source>descriptions off</source>
- <target>açıklamalar kapalı</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Audio Track">
- <source>Audio Track</source>
- <target>Müzik parçası</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Volume Level">
- <source>Volume Level</source>
- <target>Ses yüksekliği</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="You aborted the media playback">
- <source>You aborted the media playback</source>
- <target>Medya oynatmayı iptal ettiniz</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="A network error caused the media download to fail part-way.">
- <source>A network error caused the media download to fail part-way.</source>
- <target>Bir ağ hatası medya indirmesinin başarısız olmasına neden oldu.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="The media could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported.">
- <source>The media could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported.</source>
- <target>Sunucu veya ağ başarısız olduğu ya da format desteklenmediği için medya yüklenemedi.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="The media playback was aborted due to a corruption problem or because the media used features your browser did not support.">
- <source>The media playback was aborted due to a corruption problem or because the media used features your browser did not support.</source>
- <target>Medya oynatımı, bir sorun nedeniyle veya kullanılan medya dosyası tarayıcınız tarafından desteklenmediği için iptal edildi.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="No compatible source was found for this media.">
- <source>No compatible source was found for this media.</source>
- <target>Bu medya için uyumlu bir kaynak bulunamadı.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="The media is encrypted and we do not have the keys to decrypt it.">
- <source>The media is encrypted and we do not have the keys to decrypt it.</source>
- <target>Medya şifreli ve şifresini çözmek için anahtarlarımız yok.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Play Video">
- <source>Play Video</source>
- <target>Videoyu oynat</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Close">
- <source>Close</source>
- <target>Kapat</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Close Modal Dialog">
- <source>Close Modal Dialog</source>
- <target>İletişim Kutusunu Kapat</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Modal Window">
- <source>Modal Window</source>
- <target>İletişim Penceresi</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="This is a modal window">
- <source>This is a modal window</source>
- <target>Bu bir iletişim penceresidir</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="This modal can be closed by pressing the Escape key or activating the close button.">
- <source>This modal can be closed by pressing the Escape key or activating the close button.</source>
- <target>Bu pencere, Escape tuşuna basılarak veya kapat düğmesine basılarak kapatılabilir.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id=", opens captions settings dialog">
- <source>, opens captions settings dialog</source>
- <target>, açıklama ayarları iletişim kutusunu açar</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id=", opens subtitles settings dialog">
- <source>, opens subtitles settings dialog</source>
- <target>, altyazı ayarları iletişim kutusunu açar</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id=", opens descriptions settings dialog">
- <source>, opens descriptions settings dialog</source>
- <target>, açıklama ayarları iletişim kutusunu açar</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id=", selected">
- <source>, selected</source>
- <target>, seçili</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="captions settings">
- <source>captions settings</source>
- <target>açıklama ayarları</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="subtitles settings">
- <source>subititles settings</source>
- <target>altyazı ayarları</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="descriptions settings">
- <source>descriptions settings</source>
- <target>açıklama ayarları</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Text">
- <source>Text</source>
- <target>Metin</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="White">
- <source>White</source>
- <target>Beyaz</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Black">
- <source>Black</source>
- <target>Siyah</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Red">
- <source>Red</source>
- <target>Kırmızı</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Green">
- <source>Green</source>
- <target>Yeşil</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Blue">
- <source>Blue</source>
- <target>Mavi</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Yellow">
- <source>Yellow</source>
- <target>Sarı</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Magenta">
- <source>Magenta</source>
- <target>Eflatun</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Cyan">
- <source>Cyan</source>
- <target>Camgöbeği</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Background">
- <source>Background</source>
- <target>Arka plan</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Window">
- <source>Window</source>
- <target>Pencere</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Transparent">
- <source>Transparent</source>
- <target>Saydam</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Semi-Transparent">
- <source>Semi-Transparent</source>
- <target>Yarı saydam</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Opaque">
- <source>Opaque</source>
- <target>Opak</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Font Size">
- <source>Font Size</source>
- <target>Yazı tipi boyutu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Text Edge Style">
- <source>Text Edge Style</source>
- <target>Metin kenar stili</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="None">
- <source>None</source>
- <target>Yok</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Raised">
- <source>Raised</source>
- <target>Yükseltilmiş</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Depressed">
- <source>Depressed</source>
- <target>Bastırılmış</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Uniform">
- <source>Uniform</source>
- <target>Tekdüze</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Dropshadow">
- <source>Dropshadow</source>
- <target>Alt gölge</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Font Family">
- <source>Font Family</source>
- <target>Yazı tipi ailesi</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Proportional Sans-Serif">
- <source>Proportional Sans-Serif</source>
- <target>Orantılı Sans-Serif</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Monospace Sans-Serif">
- <source>Monospace Sans-Serif</source>
- <target>Monospace Sans-Serif</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Proportional Serif">
- <source>Proportional Serif</source>
- <target>Orantılı Serif</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Monospace Serif">
- <source>Monospace Serif</source>
- <target>Monospace Serif</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Casual">
- <source>Casual</source>
- <target>Gündelik</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Script">
- <source>Script</source>
- <target>Komut</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Small Caps">
- <source>Small Caps</source>
- <target>Küçük Resimler</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Reset">
- <source>Reset</source>
- <target>Sıfırla</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="restore all settings to the default values">
- <source>restore all settings to the default values</source>
- <target>tüm ayarları varsayılan değerlere geri yükle</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Done">
- <source>Done</source>
- <target>Bitti</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Caption Settings Dialog">
- <source>Caption Settings Dialog</source>
- <target>Açıklama Ayarları Penceresi</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Beginning of dialog window. Escape will cancel and close the window.">
- <source>Beginning of dialog window. Escape will cancel and close the window.</source>
- <target>İletişim penceresi başlatılıyor. Çıkış yapmak; iptal eder ve pencereyi kapatır.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="End of dialog window.">
- <source>End of dialog window.</source>
- <target>İletişim penceresinin sonu.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="{1} is loading.">
- <source>{1} is loading.</source>
- <target>{1} yükleniyor.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Quality">
- <source>Quality</source>
- <target>Kalite</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Auto">
- <source>Auto</source>
- <target>Otomatik</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Speed">
- <source>Speed</source>
- <target>Hız</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Subtitles/CC">
- <source>Subtitles/CC</source>
- <target>Altyazılar/CC</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="peers">
- <source>peers</source>
- <target>eş</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="peer">
- <source>peer</source>
- <target>eş</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Go to the video page">
- <source>Go to the video page</source>
- <target>Video sayfasına git</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Settings">
- <source>Settings</source>
- <target>Ayarlar</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Uses P2P, others may know you are watching this video.">
- <source>Uses P2P, others may know you are watching this video.</source>
- <target>P2P kullanılıyor. Bu videoyu izlediğinizi diğerleri biliyor olabilir.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Copy the video URL">
- <source>Copy the video URL</source>
- <target>Video URL'sini kopyalayın</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Copy the video URL at the current time">
- <source>Copy the video URL at the current time</source>
- <target>Geçerli sürenin video URL'sini kopyalayın</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Copy embed code">
- <source>Copy embed code</source>
- <target>Gömme kodunu kopyalayın</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Copy magnet URI">
- <source>Copy magnet URI</source>
- <target>Magnet URL'sini kopyalayın</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Total downloaded: ">
- <source>Total downloaded: </source>
- <target>Toplam indirme:</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Total uploaded: ">
- <source>Total uploaded: </source>
- <target>Toplam yükleme:</target>
- </trans-unit>
- </body>
- </file></xliff>
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<!--XLIFF document generated by Zanata. Visit http://zanata.org for more infomation.-->
-<xliff xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.1" xmlns:xyz="urn:appInfo:Items" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.1 http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/xliff/documents/xliff-core-1.1.xsd" version="1.1">
- <file source-language="en-US" datatype="plaintext" original="" target-language="uk-UA">
- <body>
- <trans-unit id="Audio Player">
- <source>Audio Player</source>
- <target>Аудіо Плеєр</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Video Player">
- <source>Video Player</source>
- <target>Відео Плеєр</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Play">
- <source>Play</source>
- <target>Відтворити</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Pause">
- <source>Pause</source>
- <target>Пауза</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Replay">
- <source>Replay</source>
- <target>Повтор</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Current Time">
- <source>Current Time</source>
- <target>Поточний час</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Duration">
- <source>Duration</source>
- <target>Тривалість</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Remaining Time">
- <source>Remaining Time</source>
- <target>Час, що залишився</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Stream Type">
- <source>Stream Type</source>
- <target>Тип Потоку</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="LIVE">
- <source>LIVE</source>
- <target>НАЖИВО</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Loaded">
- <source>Loaded</source>
- <target>Завантажено</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Progress">
- <source>Progress</source>
- <target>Прогрес</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Progress Bar">
- <source>Progress Bar</source>
- <target>Прогрес бар</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="progress bar timing: currentTime={1} duration={2}">
- <source>{1} of {2}</source>
- <target>{1} з {2}</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Fullscreen">
- <source>Fullscreen</source>
- <target>Повноекранний режим</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Non-Fullscreen">
- <source>Non-Fullscreen</source>
- <target>Вийти з повноекранного режиму</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Mute">
- <source>Mute</source>
- <target>Без звуку</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Unmute">
- <source>Unmute</source>
- <target>Із звуком</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Playback Rate">
- <source>Playback Rate</source>
- <target>Швидкість відтворення</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Subtitles">
- <source>Subtitles</source>
- <target>Субтитри</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="subtitles off">
- <source>subtitles off</source>
- <target>Без субтитрів</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Captions">
- <source>Captions</source>
- <target>Підписи</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="captions off">
- <source>captions off</source>
- <target>Без підписів</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Chapters">
- <source>Chapters</source>
- <target>Глави</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Descriptions">
- <source>Descriptions</source>
- <target>Опис</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="descriptions off">
- <source>descriptions off</source>
- <target>Без опису</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Audio Track">
- <source>Audio Track</source>
- <target>Аудіодоріжка</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Volume Level">
- <source>Volume Level</source>
- <target>Рівень гучності</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="You aborted the media playback">
- <source>You aborted the media playback</source>
- <target>Ви припинили відтворення відео</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="A network error caused the media download to fail part-way.">
- <source>A network error caused the media download to fail part-way.</source>
- <target>Помилка мережі викликала збій під час завантаження відео.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="The media could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported.">
- <source>The media could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported.</source>
- <target>Неможливо завантажити відео через мережевий чи серверний збій або формат не підтримується.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="The media playback was aborted due to a corruption problem or because the media used features your browser did not support.">
- <source>The media playback was aborted due to a corruption problem or because the media used features your browser did not support.</source>
- <target>Відтворення відео було припинено через пошкодження або у зв'язку з тим, що відео використовує функції, які не підтримуються вашим браузером.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="No compatible source was found for this media.">
- <source>No compatible source was found for this media.</source>
- <target>Сумісні джерела для цього відео відсутні.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="The media is encrypted and we do not have the keys to decrypt it.">
- <source>The media is encrypted and we do not have the keys to decrypt it.</source>
- <target>Відео в зашифрованому вигляді, і ми не маємо ключів для розшифровки.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Play Video">
- <source>Play Video</source>
- <target>Відтворити відео</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Close">
- <source>Close</source>
- <target>Закрити</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Close Modal Dialog">
- <source>Close Modal Dialog</source>
- <target>Закрити Модальне Вікно</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Modal Window">
- <source>Modal Window</source>
- <target>Модальне Вікно</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="This is a modal window">
- <source>This is a modal window</source>
- <target>Це модальне вікно.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="This modal can be closed by pressing the Escape key or activating the close button.">
- <source>This modal can be closed by pressing the Escape key or activating the close button.</source>
- <target>Модальне вікно можна закрити, натиснувши клавішу Esc або кнопку закриття вікна.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id=", opens captions settings dialog">
- <source>, opens captions settings dialog</source>
- <target>, відкриється діалогове вікно налаштування підписів</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id=", opens subtitles settings dialog">
- <source>, opens subtitles settings dialog</source>
- <target>, відкриється діалогове вікно налаштування субтитрів</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id=", opens descriptions settings dialog">
- <source>, opens descriptions settings dialog</source>
- <target>, відкриється діалогове вікно налаштування описів</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id=", selected">
- <source>, selected</source>
- <target>, обраний</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="captions settings">
- <source>captions settings</source>
- <target>налаштування підписів</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="subtitles settings">
- <source>subititles settings</source>
- <target>налаштування субтитрів</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="descriptions settings">
- <source>descriptions settings</source>
- <target>налаштування описів</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Text">
- <source>Text</source>
- <target>Текст</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="White">
- <source>White</source>
- <target>Білий</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Black">
- <source>Black</source>
- <target>Чорний</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Red">
- <source>Red</source>
- <target>Червоний</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Green">
- <source>Green</source>
- <target>Зелений</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Blue">
- <source>Blue</source>
- <target>Голубий</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Yellow">
- <source>Yellow</source>
- <target>Жовтий</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Magenta">
- <source>Magenta</source>
- <target>Пурпурний</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Cyan">
- <source>Cyan</source>
- <target>Блакитний</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Background">
- <source>Background</source>
- <target>Фон</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Window">
- <source>Window</source>
- <target>Вікно</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Transparent">
- <source>Transparent</source>
- <target>Прозорий</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Semi-Transparent">
- <source>Semi-Transparent</source>
- <target>Пів-прозорий</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Opaque">
- <source>Opaque</source>
- <target>Прозорість</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Font Size">
- <source>Font Size</source>
- <target>Розмір шрифту</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Text Edge Style">
- <source>Text Edge Style</source>
- <target>Стиль краю тексту</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="None">
- <source>None</source>
- <target>Нічого</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Raised">
- <source>Raised</source>
- <target>Піднятий</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Depressed">
- <source>Depressed</source>
- <target>Знижений</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Uniform">
- <source>Uniform</source>
- <target>Однаковий</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Dropshadow">
- <source>Dropshadow</source>
- <target>Тінь</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Font Family">
- <source>Font Family</source>
- <target>Шрифт</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Proportional Sans-Serif">
- <source>Proportional Sans-Serif</source>
- <target>Пропорційний без засічок</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Monospace Sans-Serif">
- <source>Monospace Sans-Serif</source>
- <target>Моноширинний без засічок</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Proportional Serif">
- <source>Proportional Serif</source>
- <target>Пропорційний із засічками</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Monospace Serif">
- <source>Monospace Serif</source>
- <target>Моноширинний із засічками</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Casual">
- <source>Casual</source>
- <target>Випадковий</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Script">
- <source>Script</source>
- <target>Писемний</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Small Caps">
- <source>Small Caps</source>
- <target>Малі прописні</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Reset">
- <source>Reset</source>
- <target>Скинути</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="restore all settings to the default values">
- <source>restore all settings to the default values</source>
- <target>скинути всі налаштування за замовчуванням</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Done">
- <source>Done</source>
- <target>Готово</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Caption Settings Dialog">
- <source>Caption Settings Dialog</source>
- <target>Діалог налаштувань підпису</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Beginning of dialog window. Escape will cancel and close the window.">
- <source>Beginning of dialog window. Escape will cancel and close the window.</source>
- <target>Початок діалогового вікна. Клавіша Esc скасує дію і закриє вікно.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="End of dialog window.">
- <source>End of dialog window.</source>
- <target>Кінець діалогового вікна.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="{1} is loading.">
- <source>{1} is loading.</source>
- <target>{1} завантажується.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Quality">
- <source>Quality</source>
- <target>Якість</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Auto">
- <source>Auto</source>
- <target>Автоматично</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Speed">
- <source>Speed</source>
- <target>Швидкість</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Subtitles/CC">
- <source>Subtitles/CC</source>
- <target>Субтитри/Підписи</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="peers">
- <source>peers</source>
- <target>піри</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="peer">
- <source>peer</source>
- <target>пір</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Go to the video page">
- <source>Go to the video page</source>
- <target>Перейти на сторінку відео</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Settings">
- <source>Settings</source>
- <target>Налаштування</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Uses P2P, others may know you are watching this video.">
- <source>Uses P2P, others may know you are watching this video.</source>
- <target>Використовує P2P, інші користувачі можуть дізнатися, що ви дивитесь дане відео.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Copy the video URL">
- <source>Copy the video URL</source>
- <target>Скопіювати URL-адресу відео</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Copy the video URL at the current time">
- <source>Copy the video URL at the current time</source>
- <target>Скопіювати URL-адресу відео і поточний час</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Copy embed code">
- <source>Copy embed code</source>
- <target>Скопіювати вбудований код</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Copy magnet URI">
- <source>Copy magnet URI</source>
- <target>Скопіювати magnet-посилання</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Total downloaded: ">
- <source>Total downloaded: </source>
- <target>Всього завантажено:</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Total uploaded: ">
- <source>Total uploaded: </source>
- <target>Всього віддано:</target>
- </trans-unit>
- </body>
- </file></xliff>
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<!--XLIFF document generated by Zanata. Visit http://zanata.org for more infomation.-->
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- <body>
- <trans-unit id="Audio Player">
- <source>Audio Player</source>
- <target>Trình phát Âm thanh</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Video Player">
- <source>Video Player</source>
- <target>Trình phát Video</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Play">
- <source>Play</source>
- <target>Phát</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Pause">
- <source>Pause</source>
- <target>Ngừng</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Replay">
- <source>Replay</source>
- <target>Phát lại</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Current Time">
- <source>Current Time</source>
- <target>Thời điểm Hiện tại</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Duration">
- <source>Duration</source>
- <target>Độ dài</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Remaining Time">
- <source>Remaining Time</source>
- <target>Còn</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Stream Type">
- <source>Stream Type</source>
- <target>Kiểu truyền</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="LIVE">
- <source>LIVE</source>
- <target>TRỰC TIẾP</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Loaded">
- <source>Loaded</source>
- <target>Đã tải</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Progress">
- <source>Progress</source>
- <target>Quá trình</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Progress Bar">
- <source>Progress Bar</source>
- <target>Thanh quá trình</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="progress bar timing: currentTime={1} duration={2}">
- <source>{1} of {2}</source>
- <target>{1} trên {2}</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Fullscreen">
- <source>Fullscreen</source>
- <target>Toàn màn hình</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Non-Fullscreen">
- <source>Non-Fullscreen</source>
- <target>Không toàn màn hình</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Mute">
- <source>Mute</source>
- <target>Tắt tiếng</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Unmute">
- <source>Unmute</source>
- <target>Ngừng tắt tiếng</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Playback Rate">
- <source>Playback Rate</source>
- <target>Mức độ Phát lại</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Subtitles">
- <source>Subtitles</source>
- <target>Phụ đề</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="subtitles off">
- <source>subtitles off</source>
- <target>phụ đề tắt</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Descriptions">
- <source>Descriptions</source>
- <target>Mô tả</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="descriptions off">
- <source>descriptions off</source>
- <target>mô tả tắt</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Volume Level">
- <source>Volume Level</source>
- <target>Âm Lượng</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="You aborted the media playback">
- <source>You aborted the media playback</source>
- <target>Bạn đã ngừng phát lại phương tiện</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="A network error caused the media download to fail part-way.">
- <source>A network error caused the media download to fail part-way.</source>
- <target>Lỗi mạng khiến việc tải về phương tiện bị thất bại giữa chừng.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="The media could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported.">
- <source>The media could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported.</source>
- <target>Không thể tải phương tiện, có thể vì máy chủ hay mạng bị lỗi, hoặc định dạng không được hỗ trợ.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="No compatible source was found for this media.">
- <source>No compatible source was found for this media.</source>
- <target>Không tìm thấy nguồn tương thích cho phương tiện này.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="The media is encrypted and we do not have the keys to decrypt it.">
- <source>The media is encrypted and we do not have the keys to decrypt it.</source>
- <target>Phương tiện đã được mã hoá và chúng tôi không có chìa để giải mã.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Play Video">
- <source>Play Video</source>
- <target>Phát Video</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Close">
- <source>Close</source>
- <target>Đóng</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Close Modal Dialog">
- <source>Close Modal Dialog</source>
- <target>Đóng hộp thoại modal</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Modal Window">
- <source>Modal Window</source>
- <target>Cửa sổ Modal</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="This is a modal window">
- <source>This is a modal window</source>
- <target>Đây là một cửa sổ modal</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="This modal can be closed by pressing the Escape key or activating the close button.">
- <source>This modal can be closed by pressing the Escape key or activating the close button.</source>
- <target>Có thể nhấn phím Esc hoặc kích hoạt nút đóng để đóng modal này bằng</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id=", selected">
- <source>, selected</source>
- <target>, đã chọn</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="descriptions settings">
- <source>descriptions settings</source>
- <target>tuỳ chỉnh mô tả</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Text">
- <source>Text</source>
- <target>Chữ</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="White">
- <source>White</source>
- <target>Trắng</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Black">
- <source>Black</source>
- <target>Đen</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Red">
- <source>Red</source>
- <target>Đỏ</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Green">
- <source>Green</source>
- <target>Xanh lá</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Blue">
- <source>Blue</source>
- <target>Xanh dương</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Yellow">
- <source>Yellow</source>
- <target>Vàng</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Magenta">
- <source>Magenta</source>
- <target>Hồng sẫm</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Cyan">
- <source>Cyan</source>
- <target>Xanh lơ</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Background">
- <source>Background</source>
- <target>Nền</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Window">
- <source>Window</source>
- <target>Cửa sổ</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Transparent">
- <source>Transparent</source>
- <target>Trong suốt</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Font Size">
- <source>Font Size</source>
- <target>Cỡ phông</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="None">
- <source>None</source>
- <target>Không</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Font Family">
- <source>Font Family</source>
- <target>Gia đình phông</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Reset">
- <source>Reset</source>
- <target>Đặt lại</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="restore all settings to the default values">
- <source>restore all settings to the default values</source>
- <target>đặt lại toàn bộ tuỳ chỉnh về mặc định</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Done">
- <source>Done</source>
- <target>Xong</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="{1} is loading.">
- <source>{1} is loading.</source>
- <target>Đang tải {1}.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Quality">
- <source>Quality</source>
- <target>Chất lượng</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Auto">
- <source>Auto</source>
- <target>Tự động</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Speed">
- <source>Speed</source>
- <target>Tốc độ</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Subtitles/CC">
- <source>Subtitles/CC</source>
- <target>Phụ đề</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="peers">
- <source>peers</source>
- <target>peer</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="peer">
- <source>peer</source>
- <target>peer</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Go to the video page">
- <source>Go to the video page</source>
- <target>Tới trang video</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Settings">
- <source>Settings</source>
- <target>Tuỳ chỉnh</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Uses P2P, others may know you are watching this video.">
- <source>Uses P2P, others may know you are watching this video.</source>
- <target>Thứ này dùng P2P, người khác có thể biết bạn đang xem video này.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Copy the video URL">
- <source>Copy the video URL</source>
- <target>Chép URL video</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Copy the video URL at the current time">
- <source>Copy the video URL at the current time</source>
- <target>Chép URL video tại thời điểm hiện tại</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Copy embed code">
- <source>Copy embed code</source>
- <target>Chép mã chèn</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Copy magnet URI">
- <source>Copy magnet URI</source>
- <target>Chép magnet URI</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Total downloaded: ">
- <source>Total downloaded: </source>
- <target>Tổng tải về:</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Total uploaded: ">
- <source>Total uploaded: </source>
- <target>Tổng tải lên:</target>
- </trans-unit>
- </body>
- </file></xliff>
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
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- <trans-unit id="Music">
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- <target>موسيقى</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Films">
- <source>Films</source>
- <target>أفلام</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Vehicles">
- <source>Vehicles</source>
- <target>مركبات</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Art">
- <source>Art</source>
- <target>فن</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Sports">
- <source>Sports</source>
- <target>رياضة</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Travels">
- <source>Travels</source>
- <target>سفر</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Gaming">
- <source>Gaming</source>
- <target>لعب</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="People">
- <source>People</source>
- <target>أشخاص</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Comedy">
- <source>Comedy</source>
- <target>كوميديا</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Entertainment">
- <source>Entertainment</source>
- <target>ترفيه</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="News & Politics">
- <source>News & Politics</source>
- <target>أخبار وسياسة</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="How To">
- <source>How To</source>
- <target>كيف</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Education">
- <source>Education</source>
- <target>تعليم</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Activism">
- <source>Activism</source>
- <target>فعاليات</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Science & Technology">
- <source>Science & Technology</source>
- <target>علوم وتقنية</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Animals</source>
- <target>حيوانات</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kids">
- <source>Kids</source>
- <target>أطفال</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Food">
- <source>Food</source>
- <target>غذاء</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Attribution">
- <source>Attribution</source>
- <target>نسب المصنف</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Attribution - Share Alike">
- <source>Attribution - Share Alike</source>
- <target>نسب المصنف - الترخيص بالمثل</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Attribution - No Derivatives">
- <source>Attribution - No Derivatives</source>
- <target>نسب المصنف - منع الشتقاق</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Attribution - Non Commercial">
- <source>Attribution - Non Commercial</source>
- <target>نسب المصنف - غير تجاري</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Attribution - Non Commercial - Share Alike">
- <source>Attribution - Non Commercial - Share Alike</source>
- <target>نسب المصنف - غير تجاري - الترخيص بالمثل</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Attribution - Non Commercial - No Derivatives">
- <source>Attribution - Non Commercial - No Derivatives</source>
- <target>نسب المصنف - غير تجاري - منع الشتقاق</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Public Domain Dedication">
- <source>Public Domain Dedication</source>
- <target>رخصة عمومية</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Public">
- <source>Public</source>
- <target>عام</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Unlisted">
- <source>Unlisted</source>
- <target>غير مدرج</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Private">
- <source>Private</source>
- <target>خاص</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Published">
- <source>Published</source>
- <target>تم نشرها</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="To transcode">
- <source>To transcode</source>
- <target>إعادة ترميز</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="To import">
- <source>To import</source>
- <target>للاستيراد</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Pending">
- <source>Pending</source>
- <target>معلّقة</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Success">
- <source>Success</source>
- <target>نجح</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Failed">
- <source>Failed</source>
- <target>فشل</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="This video does not exist.">
- <source>This video does not exist.</source>
- <target>هذا الفيديو غير موجود</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="We cannot fetch the video. Please try again later.">
- <source>We cannot fetch the video. Please try again later.</source>
- <target>لا يمكن الوصول للفيديو. أعد المحاولة لاحقا </target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Sorry">
- <source>Sorry</source>
- <target>عذرا</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="This video is not available because the remote instance is not responding.">
- <source>This video is not available because the remote instance is not responding.</source>
- <target>هذا الفيديو غير متوفر لأن مثيل الخادوم البعيد لا يستجيب</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Misc">
- <source>Misc</source>
- <target>أخرى</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Unknown">
- <source>Unknown</source>
- <target>مجهولة</target>
- </trans-unit>
- </body>
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\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
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- <source>Films</source>
- <target>Film</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Vehicles</source>
- <target>Køretøjer</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Art</source>
- <target>Kunst</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Sports</source>
- <target>Sport</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Travels">
- <source>Travels</source>
- <target>Rejser</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Gaming</source>
- <target>Computerspil</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="People">
- <source>People</source>
- <target>Mennesker</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Comedy">
- <source>Comedy</source>
- <target>Humor</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Entertainment">
- <source>Entertainment</source>
- <target>Underholdning</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="News & Politics">
- <source>News & Politics</source>
- <target>Nyheder og politik</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="How To">
- <source>How To</source>
- <target>Instruktioner</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Education">
- <source>Education</source>
- <target>Uddannelse</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Activism">
- <source>Activism</source>
- <target>Aktivisme</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Science & Technology">
- <source>Science & Technology</source>
- <target>Videnskab og teknologi</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Animals">
- <source>Animals</source>
- <target>Dyr</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kids">
- <source>Kids</source>
- <target>Børn</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Food">
- <source>Food</source>
- <target>Mad</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Attribution">
- <source>Attribution</source>
- <target>Navngivelse</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Attribution - Share Alike">
- <source>Attribution - Share Alike</source>
- <target>Navngivelse – Del på samme vilkår</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Attribution - No Derivatives">
- <source>Attribution - No Derivatives</source>
- <target>Navngivelse – Ingen bearbejdelser</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Attribution - Non Commercial">
- <source>Attribution - Non Commercial</source>
- <target>Navngivelse – Ikke-kommerciel</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Attribution - Non Commercial - Share Alike">
- <source>Attribution - Non Commercial - Share Alike</source>
- <target>Navngivelse – Ikke-kommerciel – Del på samme vilkår</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Attribution - Non Commercial - No Derivatives">
- <source>Attribution - Non Commercial - No Derivatives</source>
- <target>Navngivelse – Ikke-kommerciel – Ingen bearbejdelser</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Public Domain Dedication">
- <source>Public Domain Dedication</source>
- <target>Offentligt domæne</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Public">
- <source>Public</source>
- <target>Offentlig</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Unlisted">
- <source>Unlisted</source>
- <target>Unoteret</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Private">
- <source>Private</source>
- <target>Privat</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Published">
- <source>Published</source>
- <target>Offentliggjort</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="To transcode">
- <source>To transcode</source>
- <target>At omkode</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="To import">
- <source>To import</source>
- <target>At importere</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Pending">
- <source>Pending</source>
- <target>Afventende</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Success">
- <source>Success</source>
- <target>Lykkedes</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Failed">
- <source>Failed</source>
- <target>Mislykkedes</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Regular">
- <source>Regular</source>
- <target>Regulær</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Watch later">
- <source>Watch later</source>
- <target>Se senere</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="This video does not exist.">
- <source>This video does not exist.</source>
- <target>Denne video findes ikke.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="We cannot fetch the video. Please try again later.">
- <source>We cannot fetch the video. Please try again later.</source>
- <target>Vi kan ikke hente videoen. Prøv igen senere.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Sorry">
- <source>Sorry</source>
- <target>Undskyld</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="This video is not available because the remote instance is not responding.">
- <source>This video is not available because the remote instance is not responding.</source>
- <target>Denne video er ikke tilgængelig, fordi den eksterne instans reagerer ikke.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Misc">
- <source>Misc</source>
- <target>Diverse</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Unknown">
- <source>Unknown</source>
- <target>Ukendt</target>
- </trans-unit>
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\ No newline at end of file
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- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Films">
- <source>Films</source>
- <target>Films</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Vehicles">
- <source>Vehicles</source>
- <target>Vehicles</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Art">
- <source>Art</source>
- <target>Art</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Sports">
- <source>Sports</source>
- <target>Sports</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Travels">
- <source>Travels</source>
- <target>Travels</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Gaming">
- <source>Gaming</source>
- <target>Gaming</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="People">
- <source>People</source>
- <target>People</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Comedy">
- <source>Comedy</source>
- <target>Comedy</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Entertainment">
- <source>Entertainment</source>
- <target>Entertainment</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>News & Politics</source>
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- <source>We cannot fetch the video. Please try again later.</source>
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- <source>Sorry</source>
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- <source>This video is not available because the remote instance is not responding.</source>
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\ No newline at end of file
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- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Attribution</source>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Attribution - Share Alike</source>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Attribution - No Derivatives</source>
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- <source>Attribution - Non Commercial - No Derivatives</source>
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- <source>Public Domain Dedication</source>
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- <source>Failed</source>
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- <source>Watch later</source>
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- <source>This video does not exist.</source>
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- <source>We cannot fetch the video. Please try again later.</source>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Sorry</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="This video is not available because the remote instance is not responding.">
- <source>This video is not available because the remote instance is not responding.</source>
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- <source>Unknown</source>
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- <target>گردشها</target>
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- </trans-unit>
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- </trans-unit>
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- <target>Correcta</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Failed</source>
- <target>Fallou</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <target>Ver máis tarde</target>
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- <source>This video does not exist.</source>
- <target>Este vídeo non existe</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>We cannot fetch the video. Please try again later.</source>
- <target>Non atopamos o vídeo. Por favor, inténteo máis tarde.</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Sorry</source>
- <target>Lamentámolo</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="This video is not available because the remote instance is not responding.">
- <source>This video is not available because the remote instance is not responding.</source>
- <target>Este vídeo non está dispoñible porque a instancia remota non resposta.</target>
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\ No newline at end of file
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- </trans-unit>
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- <target>Járművek</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- </trans-unit>
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- <target>Gaming</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- </trans-unit>
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- <target>Komédia</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <target>Szórakozás</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>News & Politics</source>
- <target>Hírek & Politika</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>How To</source>
- <target>Hogyan kell</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Education</source>
- <target>Oktatás</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Activism</source>
- <target>Aktivizmus</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Science & Technology</source>
- <target>Tudomány & Technológia</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Animals</source>
- <target>Állatok</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Kids</source>
- <target>Gyermekek</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Food</source>
- <target>Ételek</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Attribution</source>
- <target>Nevezd meg!</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Attribution - Share Alike">
- <source>Attribution - Share Alike</source>
- <target>Nevezd meg! - Így add tovább!</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Attribution - No Derivatives">
- <source>Attribution - No Derivatives</source>
- <target>Nevezd meg! - Ne változtasd!</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Attribution - Non Commercial">
- <source>Attribution - Non Commercial</source>
- <target>Nevezd meg! - Ne add el!</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Attribution - Non Commercial - Share Alike">
- <source>Attribution - Non Commercial - Share Alike</source>
- <target>Nevezd meg! - Ne add el! - Így add tovább!</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Attribution - Non Commercial - No Derivatives">
- <source>Attribution - Non Commercial - No Derivatives</source>
- <target>Nevezd meg! - Ne add el! - Ne változtasd!</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Public Domain Dedication">
- <source>Public Domain Dedication</source>
- <target>Közkincs nyilatkozat</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Public">
- <source>Public</source>
- <target>Nyilvános</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Unlisted">
- <source>Unlisted</source>
- <target>Nem listázott</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Private">
- <source>Private</source>
- <target>Privát</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Published">
- <source>Published</source>
- <target>Közzétéve</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="To transcode">
- <source>To transcode</source>
- <target>Átkódolásra vár</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="To import">
- <source>To import</source>
- <target>Importálásra vár</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Pending">
- <source>Pending</source>
- <target>Folyamatban</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Success</source>
- <target>Siker</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Failed">
- <source>Failed</source>
- <target>Sikertelen</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Regular">
- <source>Regular</source>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Watch later">
- <source>Watch later</source>
- <target>Megnézem később</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="This video does not exist.">
- <source>This video does not exist.</source>
- <target>Ez a videó nem létezik.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="We cannot fetch the video. Please try again later.">
- <source>We cannot fetch the video. Please try again later.</source>
- <target>Nem tudjuk lekérni a videót. Kérjük próbáld újra később.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Sorry">
- <source>Sorry</source>
- <target>Sajnáljuk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="This video is not available because the remote instance is not responding.">
- <source>This video is not available because the remote instance is not responding.</source>
- <target>Ez a videó nem elérhető, mert a távoli példány nem válaszol.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Misc">
- <source>Misc</source>
- <target>Egyéb</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Unknown">
- <source>Unknown</source>
- <target>Ismeretlen</target>
- </trans-unit>
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\ No newline at end of file
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- </trans-unit>
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- <target>marce</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Art</source>
- <target>larcu</target>
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- <target>te jivna</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Travels</source>
- <target>nu litru</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Gaming</source>
- <target>samselkei</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="People">
- <source>People</source>
- <target>prenu</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Comedy">
- <source>Comedy</source>
- <target>xajmi</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Entertainment">
- <source>Entertainment</source>
- <target>zdile</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="News & Politics">
- <source>News & Politics</source>
- <target>nuzba ja cu jecra'a</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Education">
- <source>Education</source>
- <target>ctuca</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Activism">
- <source>Activism</source>
- <target>sarji</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Science & Technology">
- <source>Science & Technology</source>
- <target>saske</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Animals</source>
- <target>danlu</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Kids</source>
- <target>verba</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Food</source>
- <target>cidja</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Public</source>
- <target>gubni</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Unlisted</source>
- <target>na cmima lo se liste</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Private</source>
- <target>sivni</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>This video does not exist.</source>
- <target>.i lo se vidvi na zasti</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Sorry</source>
- <target>.uu</target>
- </trans-unit>
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\ No newline at end of file
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- <target>영화</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Vehicles</source>
- <target>탈 것</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <target>예술</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Sports</source>
- <target>스포츠</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Travels</source>
- <target>여행</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Gaming</source>
- <target>게임</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>People</source>
- <target>사람</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Comedy">
- <source>Comedy</source>
- <target>코미디</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Entertainment">
- <source>Entertainment</source>
- <target>엔터테인먼트</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="News & Politics">
- <source>News & Politics</source>
- <target>뉴스 & 정치</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>How To</source>
- <target>하는 법</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Education">
- <source>Education</source>
- <target>교육</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Activism</source>
- <target>액티비즘</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Science & Technology</source>
- <target>과학 & 기술</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Animals</source>
- <target>동물</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Kids</source>
- <target>아동</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Food</source>
- <target>음식</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Attribution">
- <source>Attribution</source>
- <target>저작자표시</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Attribution - Share Alike">
- <source>Attribution - Share Alike</source>
- <target>저작자표시 - 동일조건변경허락</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Attribution - No Derivatives">
- <source>Attribution - No Derivatives</source>
- <target>저작자표시 - 변경금지</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Attribution - Non Commercial">
- <source>Attribution - Non Commercial</source>
- <target>저작자표시 - 비영리</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Attribution - Non Commercial - Share Alike">
- <source>Attribution - Non Commercial - Share Alike</source>
- <target>저작자표시 - 비영리 - 동일조건변경허락</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Attribution - Non Commercial - No Derivatives">
- <source>Attribution - Non Commercial - No Derivatives</source>
- <target>저작자표시 - 비영리 - 변경금지</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Public Domain Dedication">
- <source>Public Domain Dedication</source>
- <target>퍼블릭 도메인 기증</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Public</source>
- <target>공개</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Unlisted</source>
- <target>목록에 미표시</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Private</source>
- <target>비공개</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Published">
- <source>Published</source>
- <target>공개됨</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="To transcode">
- <source>To transcode</source>
- <target>변환중</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="To import">
- <source>To import</source>
- <target>들여오는 중</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Pending">
- <source>Pending</source>
- <target>대기중</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Success">
- <source>Success</source>
- <target>성공</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Failed">
- <source>Failed</source>
- <target>실패</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Regular</source>
- <target>보통</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Watch later">
- <source>Watch later</source>
- <target>나중에 보기</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="This video does not exist.">
- <source>This video does not exist.</source>
- <target>이 영상은 존재하지 않습니다.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="We cannot fetch the video. Please try again later.">
- <source>We cannot fetch the video. Please try again later.</source>
- <target>영상을 불러올 수 없습니다. 나중에 다시 시도해보세요.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Sorry">
- <source>Sorry</source>
- <target>죄송합니다</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="This video is not available because the remote instance is not responding.">
- <source>This video is not available because the remote instance is not responding.</source>
- <target>이 영상은 원격 인스턴스가 응답하지 않아 사용할 수 없습니다.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Misc">
- <source>Misc</source>
- <target>기타</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Unknown">
- <source>Unknown</source>
- <target>알 수 없음</target>
- </trans-unit>
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\ No newline at end of file
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- <source>Films</source>
- <target>Filmai</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Vehicles</source>
- <target>Transportas</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Art</source>
- <target>Menas</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Sports</source>
- <target>Sportas</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Travels</source>
- <target>Kelionės</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Gaming">
- <source>Gaming</source>
- <target>Žaidimai</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="People">
- <source>People</source>
- <target>Žmonės</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Comedy</source>
- <target>Komedijos</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Entertainment</source>
- <target>Pramogos</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="News & Politics">
- <source>News & Politics</source>
- <target>Naujienos ir Politika</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>How To</source>
- <target>Kaip</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Education">
- <source>Education</source>
- <target>Švietimas</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Activism">
- <source>Activism</source>
- <target>Aktyvizmas</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Science & Technology">
- <source>Science & Technology</source>
- <target>Mokslas ir technologijos</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Animals">
- <source>Animals</source>
- <target>Gyvūnai</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kids">
- <source>Kids</source>
- <target>Vaikai</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Food">
- <source>Food</source>
- <target>Maistas</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Attribution">
- <source>Attribution</source>
- <target>Priskyrimas</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Attribution - Share Alike">
- <source>Attribution - Share Alike</source>
- <target>Priskyrimas - dalinkitės panašiai</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Attribution - No Derivatives">
- <source>Attribution - No Derivatives</source>
- <target>Priskyrimas - išvestinių finansinių priemonių nėra</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Attribution - Non Commercial">
- <source>Attribution - Non Commercial</source>
- <target>Priskyrimas - nekomercinis</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Attribution - Non Commercial - Share Alike">
- <source>Attribution - Non Commercial - Share Alike</source>
- <target>Priskyrimas - nekomercinis - dalinkitės panašiai</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Attribution - Non Commercial - No Derivatives">
- <source>Attribution - Non Commercial - No Derivatives</source>
- <target>Priskyrimas - nekomercinės - ne išvestinės priemonės</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Public Domain Dedication">
- <source>Public Domain Dedication</source>
- <target>Viešojo domeno paskirtis</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Public">
- <source>Public</source>
- <target>Viešas</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Unlisted">
- <source>Unlisted</source>
- <target>Neįtrauktas</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Private">
- <source>Private</source>
- <target>Privatus</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Published">
- <source>Published</source>
- <target>Paskelbtas</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="To transcode">
- <source>To transcode</source>
- <target>Perkoduoti</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="To import">
- <source>To import</source>
- <target>Importuoti</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Pending">
- <source>Pending</source>
- <target>Įkraunama</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Success">
- <source>Success</source>
- <target>Sėkmingai</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Failed">
- <source>Failed</source>
- <target>Nepavyko</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Regular">
- <source>Regular</source>
- <target>Reguleriai</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Watch later">
- <source>Watch later</source>
- <target>Žiūrėti vėliau</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="This video does not exist.">
- <source>This video does not exist.</source>
- <target>Šitas vaizdo įrašas neegzistuoja</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="We cannot fetch the video. Please try again later.">
- <source>We cannot fetch the video. Please try again later.</source>
- <target>Negalime gauti vaizdo įrašo. Pabandykite dar kartą vėliau.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Sorry">
- <source>Sorry</source>
- <target>Atsiprašome</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="This video is not available because the remote instance is not responding.">
- <source>This video is not available because the remote instance is not responding.</source>
- <target>Šis vaizdo įrašas nėra prieinamas, nes nuotolinis egzempliorius nereaguoja.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Misc">
- <source>Misc</source>
- <target>Įvairūs</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Unknown">
- <source>Unknown</source>
- <target>Nežinomas</target>
- </trans-unit>
- </body>
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\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
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- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Films</source>
- <target>Filmer</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Vehicles</source>
- <target>Kjøretøy</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Art</source>
- <target>Kunst</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Sports">
- <source>Sports</source>
- <target>Sport</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Travels</source>
- <target>Reise</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Gaming">
- <source>Gaming</source>
- <target>Spill</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="People">
- <source>People</source>
- <target>Folk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Comedy">
- <source>Comedy</source>
- <target>Komedikk</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Entertainment</source>
- <target>Underholdning</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="News & Politics">
- <source>News & Politics</source>
- <target>Nyheter og politikk</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="How To">
- <source>How To</source>
- <target>Veiledninger</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Education">
- <source>Education</source>
- <target>Utdannelse</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Activism</source>
- <target>Aktivisme</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Science & Technology</source>
- <target>Vitenskap og teknologi</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Animals</source>
- <target>Dyr</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kids">
- <source>Kids</source>
- <target>Barn</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Food</source>
- <target>Mat</target>
- </trans-unit>
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\ No newline at end of file
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- <target>Hry</target>
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- </trans-unit>
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- <target>Ako na to</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Public Domain Dedication</source>
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- <target>Na import</target>
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- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Watch later</source>
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- <source>This video does not exist.</source>
- <target>Toto video neexistuje</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>We cannot fetch the video. Please try again later.</source>
- <target>Nepodarilo sa prichistať video. Prosím, skúste neskôr.</target>
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- <source>Sorry</source>
- <target>Prepáčte</target>
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- <source>This video is not available because the remote instance is not responding.</source>
- <target>Toto video je nedostupné pretože vzialený server neodpovedá.</target>
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- </trans-unit>
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- </trans-unit>
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- </trans-unit>
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- <target>Živali</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <target>ภาพยนตร์</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Vehicles</source>
- <target>ยานพาหนะ</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Art</source>
- <target>ศิลปะ</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Sports</source>
- <target>กีฬา</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Travels</source>
- <target>การท่องเที่ยว</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Gaming</source>
- <target>เกม</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>People</source>
- <target>ผู้คน</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Comedy">
- <source>Comedy</source>
- <target>ละครตลก</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Entertainment</source>
- <target>ความบันเทิง</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>News & Politics</source>
- <target>ข่าวและการเมือง</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>How To</source>
- <target>วิธีการต่าง ๆ</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Education</source>
- <target>การศึกษา</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Activism</source>
- <target>กิจกรรมเพื่อการเปลี่ยนแปลง</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Science & Technology</source>
- <target>วิทยาศาสตร์และเทคโนโลยี</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Animals</source>
- <target>สัตว์</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Kids</source>
- <target>เด็ก</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Food</source>
- <target>อาหาร</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Attribution</source>
- <target>แสดงที่มา</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Attribution - Share Alike</source>
- <target>แสดงที่มา-อนุญาตแบบเดียวกัน</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Attribution - No Derivatives</source>
- <target>แสดงที่มา-ไม่ดัดแปลง</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Attribution - Non Commercial</source>
- <target>แสดงที่มา-ไม่ใช้เพื่อการค้า</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Attribution - Non Commercial - Share Alike</source>
- <target>แสดงที่มา-ไม่ใช้เพื่อการค้า-อนุญาตแบบเดียวกัน</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Attribution - Non Commercial - No Derivatives</source>
- <target>แสดงที่มา-ไม่ใช้เพื่อการค้า-ไม่ดัดแปลง</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Public Domain Dedication</source>
- <target>สาธารณสมบัติ</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Public</source>
- <target>สาธารณะ</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Unlisted</source>
- <target>ไม่เปิดเผย</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Private</source>
- <target>ส่วนตัว</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Published</source>
- <target>เผยแพร่เมื่อ</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>To transcode</source>
- <target>กำลังประมวลผล</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>To import</source>
- <target>กำลังนำเข้า</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Pending</source>
- <target>กำลังดำเนินการ</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Success</source>
- <target>เสร็จสิ้น</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Failed</source>
- <target>ล้มเหลว</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Regular</source>
- <target>ปกติ</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Watch later</source>
- <target>ดูภายหลัง</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>This video does not exist.</source>
- <target>ไม่มีวิดีโอนี้</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="We cannot fetch the video. Please try again later.">
- <source>We cannot fetch the video. Please try again later.</source>
- <target>เราไม่สามารถดึงข้อมูลวิดีโอได้ โปรดลองอีกครั้งในภายหลัง</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Sorry">
- <source>Sorry</source>
- <target>ขออภัย</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="This video is not available because the remote instance is not responding.">
- <source>This video is not available because the remote instance is not responding.</source>
- <target>วิดีโอนี้ไม่สามารถรับชมได้เนื่องจากระบบต้นทางไม่ตอบสนอง</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Misc</source>
- <target>อื่น ๆ</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Unknown</source>
- <target>ไม่ทราบ</target>
- </trans-unit>
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\ No newline at end of file
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- <target>Film</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <target>Araçlar</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Art</source>
- <target>Sanat</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Sports</source>
- <target>Spor</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Travels</source>
- <target>Seyahat</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Gaming</source>
- <target>Oyun</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>People</source>
- <target>İnsan</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Comedy</source>
- <target>Komedi</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Entertainment</source>
- <target>Eğlence</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>News & Politics</source>
- <target>Haber ve Politika</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="How To">
- <source>How To</source>
- <target>Nasıl yapılır?</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Education</source>
- <target>Eğitim</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Activism</source>
- <target>Aktivizm</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Science & Technology</source>
- <target>Bilim ve Teknoloji</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Animals</source>
- <target>Hayvanlar</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Kids</source>
- <target>Çocuklar</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Food</source>
- <target>Yiyecek</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Attribution</source>
- <target>Atıf</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Attribution - Share Alike">
- <source>Attribution - Share Alike</source>
- <target>Atıf - Benzer paylaşım</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Attribution - No Derivatives">
- <source>Attribution - No Derivatives</source>
- <target>Atıf - Türev yok</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Attribution - Non Commercial</source>
- <target>Atıf - Ticari olmayan</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Attribution - Non Commercial - Share Alike</source>
- <target>Atıf - Ticari olmayan - Aynen paylaşım</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Attribution - Non Commercial - No Derivatives">
- <source>Attribution - Non Commercial - No Derivatives</source>
- <target>Atıf - Ticari olmayan - Türev yok</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Public Domain Dedication</source>
- <target>Kamuya Adanmış</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Public</source>
- <target>Herkese açık</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Unlisted</source>
- <target>Liste dışı</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Private</source>
- <target>Özel</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Published</source>
- <target>Yayınlanan</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>To transcode</source>
- <target>Kod dönüştürmek için</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>To import</source>
- <target>İçe aktarmak için</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Pending">
- <source>Pending</source>
- <target>Beklemede</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Success</source>
- <target>Başarılı</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Failed">
- <source>Failed</source>
- <target>Başarısız oldu</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Regular</source>
- <target>Normal</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Watch later</source>
- <target>Daha sonra izle</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="This video does not exist.">
- <source>This video does not exist.</source>
- <target>Bu video mevcut değil.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="We cannot fetch the video. Please try again later.">
- <source>We cannot fetch the video. Please try again later.</source>
- <target>Videoyu alamıyoruz. Lütfen daha sonra tekrar deneyiniz.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Sorry">
- <source>Sorry</source>
- <target>Üzgünüz</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="This video is not available because the remote instance is not responding.">
- <source>This video is not available because the remote instance is not responding.</source>
- <target>Bu video kullanılamıyor. Çünkü uzaktaki örnek yanıt vermiyor.</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Misc</source>
- <target>Çeşitli</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Unknown</source>
- <target>Bilinmeyen</target>
- </trans-unit>
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\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
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- <trans-unit id="Music">
- <source>Music</source>
- <target>Музика</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Films">
- <source>Films</source>
- <target>Фільми</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Vehicles">
- <source>Vehicles</source>
- <target>Транспорт</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Art">
- <source>Art</source>
- <target>Мистецтво</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Sports">
- <source>Sports</source>
- <target>Спорт</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Travels">
- <source>Travels</source>
- <target>Подорожі</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Gaming">
- <source>Gaming</source>
- <target>Ігри</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="People">
- <source>People</source>
- <target>Люди</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Comedy">
- <source>Comedy</source>
- <target>Комедії</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Entertainment">
- <source>Entertainment</source>
- <target>Розваги</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="News & Politics">
- <source>News & Politics</source>
- <target>Новини та Політика</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="How To">
- <source>How To</source>
- <target>Як</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Education">
- <source>Education</source>
- <target>Освіта</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Activism</source>
- <target>Активізм</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Science & Technology">
- <source>Science & Technology</source>
- <target>Наука та Технології</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Animals</source>
- <target>Тварини</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Kids</source>
- <target>Діти</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Food</source>
- <target>Їжа</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Attribution</source>
- <target>Зазначення авторства</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Attribution - Share Alike</source>
- <target>Із зазначенням авторства — Розповсюдження на тих самих умовах</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Attribution - No Derivatives">
- <source>Attribution - No Derivatives</source>
- <target>Із зазначенням авторства — Без похідних творів</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Attribution - Non Commercial</source>
- <target>Із зазначенням авторства — Некомерційна</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Attribution - Non Commercial - Share Alike</source>
- <target>Із зазначенням авторства — Некомерційна — Розповсюдження на тих самих умовах</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Attribution - Non Commercial - No Derivatives</source>
- <target>Із зазначенням авторства — Некомерційна — Без похідних творів</target>
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- <source>Public Domain Dedication</source>
- <target>Суспільне надбання</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Public</source>
- <target>Публічний</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Unlisted</source>
- <target>Не вказано</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Private</source>
- <target>Приватний</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Published</source>
- <target>Опубліковано</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="To transcode">
- <source>To transcode</source>
- <target>Перекодувати</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>To import</source>
- <target>Імпортувати</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Pending</source>
- <target>Очікує</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Success">
- <source>Success</source>
- <target>Успішно</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Failed</source>
- <target>Помилка</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>This video does not exist.</source>
- <target>Це відео не існує.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="We cannot fetch the video. Please try again later.">
- <source>We cannot fetch the video. Please try again later.</source>
- <target>Не вдається отримати відео. Будь-ласка спробуйте пізніше.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Sorry">
- <source>Sorry</source>
- <target>Вибачте</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="This video is not available because the remote instance is not responding.">
- <source>This video is not available because the remote instance is not responding.</source>
- <target>Це відео недоступне, оскільки віддалений сервер не відповідає.</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Misc</source>
- <target>Різне</target>
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- <source>Unknown</source>
- <target>Невідоме</target>
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\ No newline at end of file
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- <trans-unit id="Music">
- <source>Music</source>
- <target>Âm nhạc</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Films</source>
- <target>Phim ảnh</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Vehicles</source>
- <target>Phương tiện</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Art">
- <source>Art</source>
- <target>Nghệ thuật</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Sports">
- <source>Sports</source>
- <target>Thể thao</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Travels">
- <source>Travels</source>
- <target>Du lịch</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Gaming">
- <source>Gaming</source>
- <target>Trò chơi</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="People">
- <source>People</source>
- <target>Con người</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Comedy">
- <source>Comedy</source>
- <target>Hài hước</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Entertainment</source>
- <target>Giải trí</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>News & Politics</source>
- <target>Tin tức & Chính trị</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="How To">
- <source>How To</source>
- <target>Hướng dẫn</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Education">
- <source>Education</source>
- <target>Giáo dục</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Activism</source>
- <target>Hoạt động xã hội</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Science & Technology</source>
- <target>Khoa học & Công nghệ</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Animals</source>
- <target>Động vật</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Kids">
- <source>Kids</source>
- <target>Trẻ em</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Food">
- <source>Food</source>
- <target>Ẩm thực</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Attribution">
- <source>Attribution</source>
- <target>Ghi công</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Attribution - Share Alike">
- <source>Attribution - Share Alike</source>
- <target>Ghi công - Chia sẻ tương tự</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Attribution - No Derivatives">
- <source>Attribution - No Derivatives</source>
- <target>Ghi công - Không phái sinh</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Attribution - Non Commercial">
- <source>Attribution - Non Commercial</source>
- <target>Ghi công - Phi thương mại</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Attribution - Non Commercial - Share Alike">
- <source>Attribution - Non Commercial - Share Alike</source>
- <target>Ghi công - Phi thương mại - Chia sẻ tương tự</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Attribution - Non Commercial - No Derivatives">
- <source>Attribution - Non Commercial - No Derivatives</source>
- <target>Ghi công - Phi thương mại - Không phái sinh</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Public Domain Dedication">
- <source>Public Domain Dedication</source>
- <target>Dành cho Miền Công cộng</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Public">
- <source>Public</source>
- <target>Công cộng</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Unlisted">
- <source>Unlisted</source>
- <target>Không công khai</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Private">
- <source>Private</source>
- <target>Riêng tư</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Published">
- <source>Published</source>
- <target>Đã xuất bản</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="To transcode">
- <source>To transcode</source>
- <target>Để chuyển mã</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="To import">
- <source>To import</source>
- <target>Để nhập</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Pending">
- <source>Pending</source>
- <target>Đang chờ</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Success">
- <source>Success</source>
- <target>Thành công</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Failed">
- <source>Failed</source>
- <target>Thất bại</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Regular">
- <source>Regular</source>
- <target>Thường</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Watch later">
- <source>Watch later</source>
- <target>Xem sau</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="This video does not exist.">
- <source>This video does not exist.</source>
- <target>Video không tồn tại.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="We cannot fetch the video. Please try again later.">
- <source>We cannot fetch the video. Please try again later.</source>
- <target>Chúng tôi không lấy được video. Xin thử lại sau.</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Sorry">
- <source>Sorry</source>
- <target>Thật tiếc</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="This video is not available because the remote instance is not responding.">
- <source>This video is not available because the remote instance is not responding.</source>
- <target>Video này không sẵn có vì đơn vị từ xa không phản hồi.</target>
- </trans-unit>
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- <source>Misc</source>
- <target>Khác</target>
- </trans-unit>
- <trans-unit id="Unknown">
- <source>Unknown</source>
- <target>Không biết</target>
- </trans-unit>
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