* FS: [CG]
- Migration test error scenarios:
- 1) peers fail to connect (very, very rare) => maybe explained with bandwidth bug discovered with transport test
- 2) 1 out of 3 bits of content fails to migrate (destination peer never sees it);
- suspicion: core packs two migration messages into one, and someone throws away the 2nd half!
- => likely reproduced with new core api reliability test (which now passes but showed bugs)
- => might be fixed now with util's server-nc and core's 'short-fuse' bugs begin fixed
- 3) client fails to connect to FS service for download (requests never make it to FS)
- FS was running initially, but is shut down around the time the source peer (!)
- is supposed to die; the OTHER FS service (the one that was supposed to die) is still up!
+ * client fails to connect to FS service for download (requests never make it to FS)
+ FS was running initially, but is shut down around the time the source peer (!)
+ is supposed to die; the OTHER FS service (the one that was supposed to die) is still up!
- TTL/priority calculations
- hot-path routing, load considerations
- statistics
[On W32, we need to select after calling socket before doing connect etc.]
- add support for UNIX domain sockets [CG]
- - write main loop:
- + use g_main_context_set_poll_func to integrate GTK with GNUnet Scheduler!? (YUCK!)
- + OR: add scheduler API to enable integration with GTK main loop instead of doing our own select
- + use g_main_context_pending, g_main_context_query / g_main_context_check / g_main_context_dispatch
- and NEVER g_main_loop_run (can this be done? might be the clean way to do this! But how
- to integrate this with "gtk_main"? Docu says:
- "It's OK to use the GLib main loop directly instead of gtk_main(), though it involves
- slightly more typing. See GMainLoop in the GLib documentation."
- => so maybe it "just works"?
- - implement glade loader
- - implement main quit handler (file-quit and main window close)
- - implement about menu handler
- add license to about dialog
- add authors to about dialog
- add translators to about dialog
- add documenters to about dialog
- add artists to about dialog
- test logo in about dialog
- - test logo in main dialog (window icon)
- implement search dialog opening and actual search
- NS list in search dialog should use colors to offset our own namespaces from the others
- double-clicking on NS list in search dialog should move 'root' to keyword line
+ search
+ unindex
- - handle view-metadata toggle
- - handle view-preview toggle
- implement API to get notifications about bandwidth assignments to individual peers
- implement API to get notifications about updates to liveness of individual peers (before disconnect)
- - handle view-neighbours toggle
- extend peer dialog with green-yellow-red connectivity status lights
- implement statistics tabs
- - handle view-statistics toggle
- do meaningful update to status line (starting up, peer running, #connections, shutdown, ...)
- implement unindex operation (use dialog with all indexed files for selection)
- implement download by URI dialog; figure out where to display those downloads!