optimization options. Older Sparc's work better with only UNROLL, but
there's no way to tell at compile time what it is you're running on */
-#if defined( __sun ) /* Newer Sparc's */
+#if defined(sparc) || defined(__sparc__) /* Newer Sparc's */
# define DES_PTR
# define DES_RISC1
# define DES_UNROLL
# include <sys/select.h>
# endif
-# if defined(__sun)
-# include <sys/filio.h>
+# ifndef VMS
+# include <sys/ioctl.h>
# else
-# ifndef VMS
+ /* ioctl is only in VMS > 7.0 and when socketshr is not used */
+# if !defined(TCPIP_TYPE_SOCKETSHR) && defined(__VMS_VER) && (__VMS_VER > 70000000)
# include <sys/ioctl.h>
-# else
- /* ioctl is only in VMS > 7.0 and when socketshr is not used */
-# if !defined(TCPIP_TYPE_SOCKETSHR) && defined(__VMS_VER) && (__VMS_VER > 70000000)
-# include <sys/ioctl.h>
-# endif
# endif
# endif
# endif
-# if defined(__sun) && !defined(__svr4__) && !defined(__SVR4)
- /* include headers first, so our defines don't break it */
-# include <stdlib.h>
-# include <string.h>
- /* bcopy can handle overlapping moves according to SunOS 4.1.4 manpage */
-# define memmove(s1,s2,n) bcopy((s2),(s1),(n))
-# define strtoul(s,e,b) ((unsigned long int)strtol((s),(e),(b)))
-extern char *sys_errlist[];
-extern int sys_nerr;
-# define strerror(errnum) \
- (((errnum)<0 || (errnum)>=sys_nerr) ? NULL : sys_errlist[errnum])
- /* Being signed SunOS 4.x memcpy breaks ASN1_OBJECT table lookup */
-# include "internal/o_str.h"
-# define memcmp OPENSSL_memcmp
-# endif
# if defined(MONOLITH) && !defined(OPENSSL_C)
# define OPENSSL_EXIT(n) return(n)