with the "--with-sudo=yes" option and have extensive sudo rights
(can run "chmod +s" and "chown" via 'sudo'). If you run 'make install'
as a normal user without sudo rights (or the configure option),
-certain binaries that require additional priviledges will not be
+certain binaries that require additional privileges will not be
installed properly (and autonomous NAT traversal, WLAN, DNS/GNS and
the VPN will then not work).
* Thats it. Note that .my.cnf file is a security risk unless its on
* a safe partition etc. The $HOME/.my.cnf can of course be a symbolic
* link. Even greater security risk can be achieved by setting no
- * password for $USER. Luckily $USER has only priviledges to mess
+ * password for $USER. Luckily $USER has only privileges to mess
* up GNUnet's tables, nothing else (unless you give them more,
* of course).<p>
* Start forwarding to and from the tunnel. This function runs with
- * "reduced" priviledges (saved UID is still 0, but effective UID is
+ * "reduced" privileges (saved UID is still 0, but effective UID is
* the real user ID).
* @param fd_tun tunnel FD
* 25-39 failed to drop privs and then failed to undo some changes to routing table
* 40 failed to regain privs
* 41-55 failed to regain prisv and then failed to undo some changes to routing table
- * 254 insufficient priviledges
+ * 254 insufficient privileges
* 255 failed to handle kill signal properly