+--- LuCI system utilities / init related functions.
+-- @class module
+-- @name luci.sys.init
+init = {}
+init.dir = "/etc/init.d/"
+--- Get the names of all installed init scripts
+-- @return Table containing the names of all inistalled init scripts
+function init.names()
+ local names = { }
+ for _, name in ipairs(luci.fs.glob(init.dir.."*")) do
+ names[#names+1] = luci.fs.basename(name)
+ end
+ return names
+--- Test whether the given init script is enabled
+-- @return Boolean indicating whether init is enabled
+function init.enabled(name)
+ if luci.fs.access(init.dir..name) then
+ return ( call(init.dir..name.." enabled") == 0 )
+ end
+ return false
+--- Get the index of he given init script
+-- @return Numeric index value
+function init.index(name)
+ if luci.fs.access(init.dir..name) then
+ return call("source "..init.dir..name.." && exit $START")
+ end
+--- Enable the given init script
+-- @return Boolean indicating success
+function init.enable(name)
+ if luci.fs.access(init.dir..name) then
+ return ( call(init.dir..name.." enable") == 0 )
+ end
+--- Disable the given init script
+-- @return Boolean indicating success
+function init.enable(name)
+ if luci.fs.access(init.dir..name) then
+ return ( call(init.dir..name.." disable") == 0 )
+ end
-- Internal functions
function _parse_delimited_table(iter, delimiter)