#include <stdio.h>
#include "cryptlib.h"
#include "bn_lcl.h"
-#ifdef ATALLA
-# include <alloca.h>
-# include <atasi.h>
-# include <assert.h>
-# include <dlfcn.h>
#define TABLE_SIZE 32
-#ifdef ATALLA
- * This routine will dynamically check for the existance of an Atalla AXL-200
- * SSL accelerator module. If one is found, the variable
- * asi_accelerator_present is set to 1 and the function pointers
- * ptr_ASI_xxxxxx above will be initialized to corresponding ASI API calls.
- */
-typedef int tfnASI_GetPerformanceStatistics(int reset_flag,
- unsigned int *ret_buf);
-typedef int tfnASI_GetHardwareConfig(long card_num, unsigned int *ret_buf);
-typedef int tfnASI_RSAPrivateKeyOpFn(RSAPrivateKey * rsaKey,
- unsigned char *output,
- unsigned char *input,
- unsigned int modulus_len);
-static tfnASI_GetHardwareConfig *ptr_ASI_GetHardwareConfig;
-static tfnASI_RSAPrivateKeyOpFn *ptr_ASI_RSAPrivateKeyOpFn;
-static tfnASI_GetPerformanceStatistics *ptr_ASI_GetPerformanceStatistics;
-static int asi_accelerator_present;
-static int tried_atalla;
-void atalla_initialize_accelerator_handle(void)
- {
- void *dl_handle;
- int status;
- unsigned int config_buf[1024];
- static int tested;
- if(tested)
- return;
- tested=1;
- bzero((void *)config_buf, 1024);
- /*
- * Check to see if the library is present on the system
- */
- dl_handle = dlopen("atasi.so", RTLD_NOW);
- if (dl_handle == (void *) NULL)
- {
-/* printf("atasi.so library is not present on the system\n");
- printf("No HW acceleration available\n");*/
- return;
- }
- /*
- * The library is present. Now we'll check to insure that the
- * LDM is up and running. First we'll get the address of the
- * function in the atasi library that we need to see if the
- * LDM is operating.
- */
- ptr_ASI_GetHardwareConfig =
- (tfnASI_GetHardwareConfig *)dlsym(dl_handle,"ASI_GetHardwareConfig");
- if (ptr_ASI_GetHardwareConfig)
- {
- /*
- * We found the call, now we'll get our config
- * status. If we get a non 0 result, the LDM is not
- * running and we cannot use the Atalla ASI *
- * library.
- */
- status = (*ptr_ASI_GetHardwareConfig)(0L, config_buf);
- if (status != 0)
- {
- printf("atasi.so library is present but not initialized\n");
- printf("No HW acceleration available\n");
- return;
- }
- }
- else
- {
-/* printf("We found the library, but not the function. Very Strange!\n");*/
- return ;
- }
- /*
- * It looks like we have acceleration capabilities. Load up the
- * pointers to our ASI API calls.
- */
- ptr_ASI_RSAPrivateKeyOpFn=
- (tfnASI_RSAPrivateKeyOpFn *)dlsym(dl_handle, "ASI_RSAPrivateKeyOpFn");
- if (ptr_ASI_RSAPrivateKeyOpFn == NULL)
- {
-/* printf("We found the library, but no RSA function. Very Strange!\n");*/
- return;
- }
- ptr_ASI_GetPerformanceStatistics =
- (tfnASI_GetPerformanceStatistics *)dlsym(dl_handle, "ASI_GetPerformanceStatistics");
- if (ptr_ASI_GetPerformanceStatistics == NULL)
- {
-/* printf("We found the library, but no stat function. Very Strange!\n");*/
- return;
- }
- /*
- * Indicate that acceleration is available
- */
- asi_accelerator_present = 1;
-/* printf("This system has acceleration!\n");*/
- return;
- }
-/* make sure this only gets called once when bn_mod_exp calls bn_mod_exp_mont */
-int BN_mod_exp_atalla(BIGNUM *r, BIGNUM *a, const BIGNUM *p, const BIGNUM *m)
- {
- unsigned char *abin;
- unsigned char *pbin;
- unsigned char *mbin;
- unsigned char *rbin;
- int an,pn,mn,ret;
- RSAPrivateKey keydata;
- atalla_initialize_accelerator_handle();
- if(!asi_accelerator_present)
- return 0;
-/* We should be able to run without size testing */
-# define ASIZE 128
- an=BN_num_bytes(a);
- pn=BN_num_bytes(p);
- mn=BN_num_bytes(m);
- if(an <= ASIZE && pn <= ASIZE && mn <= ASIZE)
- {
- int size=mn;
- assert(an <= mn);
- abin=alloca(size);
- memset(abin,'\0',mn);
- BN_bn2bin(a,abin+size-an);
- pbin=alloca(pn);
- BN_bn2bin(p,pbin);
- mbin=alloca(size);
- memset(mbin,'\0',mn);
- BN_bn2bin(m,mbin+size-mn);
- rbin=alloca(size);
- memset(&keydata,'\0',sizeof keydata);
- keydata.privateExponent.data=pbin;
- keydata.privateExponent.len=pn;
- keydata.modulus.data=mbin;
- keydata.modulus.len=size;
- ret=(*ptr_ASI_RSAPrivateKeyOpFn)(&keydata,rbin,abin,keydata.modulus.len);
- if(!ret)
- {
- BN_bin2bn(rbin,keydata.modulus.len,r);
- return 1;
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
-#endif /* def ATALLA */
int BN_mod_exp(BIGNUM *r, BIGNUM *a, const BIGNUM *p, const BIGNUM *m,
BN_CTX *ctx)
-#ifdef ATALLA
- if(BN_mod_exp_atalla(r,a,p,m))
- return 1;
-/* If it fails, try the other methods (but don't try atalla again) */
- tried_atalla=1;
/* I have finally been able to take out this pre-condition of
* the top bit being set. It was caused by an error in BN_div
{ ret=BN_mod_exp_simple(r,a,p,m,ctx); }
-#ifdef ATALLA
- tried_atalla=0;
-#ifdef ATALLA
- if(!tried_atalla && BN_mod_exp_atalla(rr,a,p,m))
- return 1;
-/* If it fails, try the other methods */
if (!(m->d[0] & 1))
t = BN_CTX_get(ctx);
if (d == NULL || r == NULL || t == NULL) goto err;
-#ifdef ATALLA
- if (!tried_atalla)
- {
- BN_set_word(t, a);
- if (BN_mod_exp_atalla(rr, t, p, m))
- {
- BN_CTX_end(ctx);
- return 1;
- }
- }
-/* If it fails, try the other methods */
if (in_mont != NULL)