- * Get the hash of a record
- *
- * @param zone hash of the public key of the zone
- * @param name name that is being mapped (at most 255 characters long)
- * @param record_type type of the record (A, AAAA, PKEY, etc.)
- * @param expiration expiration time for the content
- * @param flags flags for the content
- * @param data_size number of bytes in data
- * @param data value, semantics depend on 'record_type' (see RFCs for DNS and
- * GNS specification for GNS extensions)
- * @param record_hash hash of the record (set)
+ * A GNS record.
-GNUNET_NAMESTORE_record_hash (struct GNUNET_NAMESTORE_Handle *h,
- const GNUNET_HashCode *zone,
- const char *name,
- uint32_t record_type,
- struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute expiration,
- enum GNUNET_NAMESTORE_RecordFlags flags,
- size_t data_size,
- const void *data,
- GNUNET_HashCode *record_hash);
+struct GNUNET_NAMESTORE_RecordData
+ /**
+ * Binary value stored in the DNS record.
+ */
+ const void *data;
+ /**
+ * Expiration time for the DNS record.
+ */
+ struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute expiration;
+ /**
+ * Number of bytes in 'data'.
+ */
+ size_t data_size;
+ /**
+ * Type of the GNS/DNS record.
+ */
+ uint32_t record_type;
+ /**
+ * Flags for the record.
+ */
+ enum GNUNET_NAMESTORE_RecordFlags flags;
* Store an item in the namestore. If the item is already present,
* the expiration time is updated to the max of the existing time and
- * the new time.
+ * the new time. This API is used when we cache signatures from other
+ * authorities.
* @param h handle to the namestore
* @param zone hash of the public key of the zone
* @param name name that is being mapped (at most 255 characters long)
- * @param record_type type of the record (A, AAAA, PKEY, etc.)
- * @param expiration expiration time for the content
- * @param flags flags for the content
- * @param data_size number of bytes in data
- * @param data value, semantics depend on 'record_type' (see RFCs for DNS and
- * GNS specification for GNS extensions)
+ * @param expire when does the corresponding block in the DHT expire (until
+ * when should we never do a DHT lookup for the same name again)?
+ * @param rd_count number of entries in 'rd' array
+ * @param rd array of records with data to store
+ * @param signature signature for all the records in the zone under the given name
* @param cont continuation to call when done
* @param cont_cls closure for cont
* @return handle to abort the request
GNUNET_NAMESTORE_record_put (struct GNUNET_NAMESTORE_Handle *h,
const GNUNET_HashCode *zone,
const char *name,
- uint32_t record_type,
- struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute expiration,
- enum GNUNET_NAMESTORE_RecordFlags flags,
- size_t data_size,
- const void *data,
+ struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute expire,
+ unsigned int rd_count,
+ const struct GNUNET_NAMESTORE_RecordData *rd,
+ const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaSignature *signature,
GNUNET_NAMESTORE_ContinuationWithStatus cont,
void *cont_cls);
+ * Check if a signature is valid. This API is used by the GNS Block
+ * to validate signatures received from the network.
+ *
+ * @param public_key public key of the zone
+ * @param name name that is being mapped (at most 255 characters long)
+ * @param rd_count number of entries in 'rd' array
+ * @param rd array of records with data to store
+ * @param signature signature for all the records in the zone under the given name
+ * @return GNUNET_OK if the signature is valid
+ */
+GNUNET_NAMESTORE_verify_signature (const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPublicKeyBinaryEncoded *public_key,
+ const char *name,
+ unsigned int rd_count,
+ const struct GNUNET_NAMESTORE_RecordData *rd,
+ const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaSignature *signature);
- * Store a signature for 'name' in the namestore.
- * Used by non-authorities to store signatures for cached name records.
+ * Store an item in the namestore. If the item is already present,
+ * the expiration time is updated to the max of the existing time and
+ * the new time. This API is used by the authority of a zone.
* @param h handle to the namestore
- * @param zone hash of the public key of the zone
+ * @param pkey private key of the zone
* @param name name that is being mapped (at most 255 characters long)
- * @param sig the signature
+ * @param rd record data to store
* @param cont continuation to call when done
* @param cont_cls closure for cont
* @return handle to abort the request
struct GNUNET_NAMESTORE_QueueEntry *
-GNUNET_NAMESTORE_signature_put (struct GNUNET_NAMESTORE_Handle *h,
- const GNUNET_HashCode *zone,
- const char *name,
- struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaSignature sig,
- GNUNET_NAMESTORE_ContinuationWithStatus cont,
- void *cont_cls);
+GNUNET_NAMESTORE_record_create (struct GNUNET_NAMESTORE_Handle *h,
+ const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPrivateKey *pkey,
+ const char *name,
+ const struct GNUNET_NAMESTORE_RecordData *rd,
+ GNUNET_NAMESTORE_ContinuationWithStatus cont,
+ void *cont_cls);
* "cont"inuation will be called with status "GNUNET_OK" if content
* was removed, "GNUNET_NO" if no matching entry was found and
* "GNUNET_SYSERR" on all other types of errors.
+ * This API is used by the authority of a zone.
* @param h handle to the namestore
- * @param zone hash of the public key of the zone
+ * @param pkey private key of the zone
* @param name name that is being mapped (at most 255 characters long)
- * @param record_type type of the record (A, AAAA, PKEY, etc.)
- * @param size number of bytes in data
- * @param data content stored
+ * @param rd record data
* @param cont continuation to call when done
* @param cont_cls closure for cont
* @return handle to abort the request
struct GNUNET_NAMESTORE_QueueEntry *
GNUNET_NAMESTORE_record_remove (struct GNUNET_NAMESTORE_Handle *h,
- const GNUNET_HashCode *zone,
+ const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPrivateKey *pkey,
const char *name,
- uint32_t record_type,
- size_t size,
- const void *data,
+ const struct GNUNET_NAMESTORE_RecordData *rd,
GNUNET_NAMESTORE_ContinuationWithStatus cont,
void *cont_cls);
* Process a record that was stored in the namestore.
* @param cls closure
- * @param zone hash of the public key of the zone
+ * @param zone_key public key of the zone
+ * @param expire when does the corresponding block in the DHT expire (until
+ * when should we never do a DHT lookup for the same name again)?
* @param name name that is being mapped (at most 255 characters long)
- * @param record_type type of the record (A, AAAA, PKEY, etc.)
- * @param expiration expiration time for the content
- * @param flags flags for the content
- * @param size number of bytes in data
- * @param data content stored
+ * @param rd_count number of entries in 'rd' array
+ * @param rd array of records with data to store
+ * @param signature signature of the record block, NULL if signature is unavailable (i.e.
+ * because the user queried for a particular record type only)
typedef void (*GNUNET_NAMESTORE_RecordProcessor) (void *cls,
- const GNUNET_HashCode *zone,
- const char *name,
- uint32_t record_type,
- struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute expiration,
- enum GNUNET_NAMESTORE_RecordFlags flags,
- size_t size, const void *data);
- * Process a signature for a given name
- *
- * @param cls closure
- * @param zone hash of the public key of the zone
- * @param name name of the records that were signed
- * @param sig the signature
- */
-typedef void (*GNUNET_NAMESTORE_SignatureProcessor) (void *cls,
- const GNUNET_HashCode *zone,
- const char *name,
- struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaSignature sig);
+ const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPublicKeyBinaryEncoded *zone_key,
+ struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute expire,
+ const char *name,
+ unsigned int rd_count,
+ const struct GNUNET_NAMESTORE_RecordData *rd,
+ const struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaSignature *signature);
* Get a result for a particular key from the namestore. The processor
- * will only be called once.
+ * will only be called once.
* @param h handle to the namestore
* @param zone zone to look up a record from
* @param name name to look up
- * @param record_type desired record type
- * @param proc function to call on each matching value;
- * will be called once with a NULL value at the end
+ * @param record_type desired record type, 0 for all
+ * @param proc function to call on the matching records, or with
+ * NULL (rd_count == 0) if there are no matching records
* @param proc_cls closure for proc
* @return a handle that can be used to
* cancel
- * Obtain latest/current signature of a zone's name. The processor
- * will only be called once.
- *
- * @param h handle to the namestore
- * @param zone zone to look up a signature from
- * @param the common name of the records the signature is for
- * @param proc function to call on each matching value;
- * will be called once with a NULL value at the end
- * @param proc_cls closure for proc
- * @return a handle that can be used to
- * cancel
- */
-struct GNUNET_NAMESTORE_QueueEntry *
-GNUNET_NAMESTORE_lookup_signature (struct GNUNET_NAMESTORE_Handle *h,
- const GNUNET_HashCode *zone,
- const char* name,
- GNUNET_NAMESTORE_SignatureProcessor proc, void *proc_cls);
- * Get all records of a zone.
- *
- * @param h handle to the namestore
- * @param zone zone to access
- * @param proc function to call on a random value; it
- * will be called repeatedly with a value (if available)
- * and always once at the end with a zone and name of NULL.
- * @param proc_cls closure for proc
- * @return a handle that can be used to
- * cancel
- */
-struct GNUNET_NAMESTORE_QueueEntry *
-GNUNET_NAMESTORE_zone_transfer (struct GNUNET_NAMESTORE_Handle *h,
- const GNUNET_HashCode *zone,
- GNUNET_NAMESTORE_RecordProcessor proc,
- void *proc_cls);
- * Starts a new zone iteration. This MUST lock the GNUNET_NAMESTORE_Handle
- * for any other calls than
- * GNUNET_NAMESTORE_zone_iterator_next
- * and
- * GNUNET_NAMESTORE_zone_iteration_stop
+ * Starts a new zone iteration (used to periodically PUT all of our
+ * records into our DHT). This MUST lock the GNUNET_NAMESTORE_Handle
+ * for any other calls than GNUNET_NAMESTORE_zone_iterator_next and
+ * GNUNET_NAMESTORE_zone_iteration_stop. "proc" will be called once
+ * immediately, and then again after
+ * "GNUNET_NAMESTORE_zone_iterator_next" is invoked.
* @param h handle to the namestore
- * @param zone zone to access
- * @param proc function to call on a random value; it
+ * @param zone zone to access, NULL for all zones
+ * @param must_have_flags flags that must be set for the record to be returned
+ * @param must_not_have_flags flags that must NOT be set for the record to be returned
+ * @param proc function to call on each name from the zone; it
* will be called repeatedly with a value (if available)
- * and always once at the end with a zone and name of NULL.
+ * and always once at the end with a name of NULL.
* @param proc_cls closure for proc
* @return an iterator handle to use for iteration
struct GNUNET_NAMESTORE_ZoneIterator *
-GNUNET_NAMESTORE_zone_iteration_start(struct GNUNET_NAMESTORE_Handle *h,
- const GNUNET_HashCode *zone,
- GNUNET_NAMESTORE_RecordProcessor proc,
- void *proc_cls);
+GNUNET_NAMESTORE_zone_iteration_start (struct GNUNET_NAMESTORE_Handle *h,
+ const GNUNET_HashCode *zone,
+ enum GNUNET_NAMESTORE_RecordFlags must_have_flags,
+ enum GNUNET_NAMESTORE_RecordFlags must_not_have_flags,
+ GNUNET_NAMESTORE_RecordProcessor proc,
+ void *proc_cls);
* Calls the record processor specified in GNUNET_NAMESTORE_zone_iteration_start
* for the next record.
* @param it the iterator
- * @return 0 if no more records are available to iterate
-GNUNET_NAMESTORE_zone_iterator_next(struct GNUNET_NAMESTORE_ZoneIterator *it);
+GNUNET_NAMESTORE_zone_iterator_next (struct GNUNET_NAMESTORE_ZoneIterator *it);
* Stops iteration and releases the namestore handle for further calls.
* @param it the iterator
-GNUNET_NAMESTORE_zone_iteration_stop(struct GNUNET_NAMESTORE_ZoneIterator *it);
+GNUNET_NAMESTORE_zone_iteration_stop (struct GNUNET_NAMESTORE_ZoneIterator *it);