Make autodocifier suck less. It still doesn't handle nested USE( USE() ) case
(the inner USE() winds up in the output), but making it recursive involves
getting perl to accept a "for" loop and it's telling me that "break" is an
unrecognized bareword and I hate perl. This is at least an improvement.
# regex && eval away unwanted strings from documentation
sub beautify {
my $text = shift;
- $text =~ s/USAGE_NOT\w+\(.*?"\s*\)//sxg;
- $text =~ s/USAGE_\w+\(\s*?(.*?)"\s*\)/$1"/sxg;
+ $text =~ s/SKIP_\w+\(.*?"\s*\)//sxg;
+ $text =~ s/USE_\w+\(\s*?(.*?)"\s*\)/$1"/sxg;
$text =~ s/"\s*"//sg;
my @line = split("\n", $text);
$text = join('',