const series = require('async/series')
const loginUtils = require('../utils/login')
+const requestsUtils = require('../utils/requests')
const serversUtils = require('../utils/servers')
const usersUtils = require('../utils/users')
describe('Test parameters validator', function () {
let server = null
- function makePostRequest (path, token, fields, attaches, done, statusCodeExpected) {
- if (!statusCodeExpected) statusCodeExpected = 400
- const req = request(server.url)
- .post(path)
- .set('Accept', 'application/json')
- if (token) req.set('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + token)
- Object.keys(fields).forEach(function (field) {
- const value = fields[field]
- if (Array.isArray(value)) {
- for (let i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
- req.field(field + '[' + i + ']', value[i])
- }
- } else {
- req.field(field, value)
- }
- })
- Object.keys(attaches).forEach(function (attach) {
- const value = attaches[attach]
- req.attach(attach, value)
- })
- req.expect(statusCodeExpected, done)
- }
- function makePostBodyRequest (path, token, fields, done, statusCodeExpected) {
- if (!statusCodeExpected) statusCodeExpected = 400
- const req = request(server.url)
- .post(path)
- .set('Accept', 'application/json')
- if (token) req.set('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + token)
- req.send(fields).expect(statusCodeExpected, done)
- }
- function makePutBodyRequest (path, token, fields, done, statusCodeExpected) {
- if (!statusCodeExpected) statusCodeExpected = 400
- const req = request(server.url)
- .put(path)
- .set('Accept', 'application/json')
- if (token) req.set('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + token)
- req.send(fields).expect(statusCodeExpected, done)
- }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
before(function (done) {
describe('When adding a pod', function () {
it('Should fail with nothing', function (done) {
const data = {}
- makePostBodyRequest(path, null, data, done)
+ requestsUtils.makePostBodyRequest(server.url, path, null, data, done)
it('Should fail without public key', function (done) {
const data = {
url: ''
- makePostBodyRequest(path, null, data, done)
+ requestsUtils.makePostBodyRequest(server.url, path, null, data, done)
it('Should fail without an url', function (done) {
const data = {
publicKey: 'mysuperpublickey'
- makePostBodyRequest(path, null, data, done)
+ requestsUtils.makePostBodyRequest(server.url, path, null, data, done)
it('Should fail with an incorrect url', function (done) {
url: '',
publicKey: 'mysuperpublickey'
- makePostBodyRequest(path, null, data, function () {
+ requestsUtils.makePostBodyRequest(server.url, path, null, data, function () {
data.url = 'http://coucou'
- makePostBodyRequest(path, null, data, function () {
+ requestsUtils.makePostBodyRequest(server.url, path, null, data, function () {
data.url = 'coucou'
- makePostBodyRequest(path, null, data, done)
+ requestsUtils.makePostBodyRequest(server.url, path, null, data, done)
url: '',
publicKey: 'mysuperpublickey'
- makePostBodyRequest(path, null, data, done, 200)
+ requestsUtils.makePostBodyRequest(server.url, path, null, data, done, 200)
it('Should fail with nothing', function (done) {
const data = {}
const attach = {}
- makePostRequest(path, server.accessToken, data, attach, done)
+ requestsUtils.makePostUploadRequest(server.url, path, server.accessToken, data, attach, done)
it('Should fail without name', function (done) {
const attach = {
'videofile': pathUtils.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'video_short.webm')
- makePostRequest(path, server.accessToken, data, attach, done)
+ requestsUtils.makePostUploadRequest(server.url, path, server.accessToken, data, attach, done)
it('Should fail with a long name', function (done) {
const attach = {
'videofile': pathUtils.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'video_short.webm')
- makePostRequest(path, server.accessToken, data, attach, done)
+ requestsUtils.makePostUploadRequest(server.url, path, server.accessToken, data, attach, done)
it('Should fail without description', function (done) {
const attach = {
'videofile': pathUtils.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'video_short.webm')
- makePostRequest(path, server.accessToken, data, attach, done)
+ requestsUtils.makePostUploadRequest(server.url, path, server.accessToken, data, attach, done)
it('Should fail with a long description', function (done) {
const attach = {
'videofile': pathUtils.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'video_short.webm')
- makePostRequest(path, server.accessToken, data, attach, done)
+ requestsUtils.makePostUploadRequest(server.url, path, server.accessToken, data, attach, done)
it('Should fail without tags', function (done) {
const attach = {
'videofile': pathUtils.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'video_short.webm')
- makePostRequest(path, server.accessToken, data, attach, done)
+ requestsUtils.makePostUploadRequest(server.url, path, server.accessToken, data, attach, done)
it('Should fail with too many tags', function (done) {
const attach = {
'videofile': pathUtils.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'video_short.webm')
- makePostRequest(path, server.accessToken, data, attach, done)
+ requestsUtils.makePostUploadRequest(server.url, path, server.accessToken, data, attach, done)
it('Should fail with not enough tags', function (done) {
const attach = {
'videofile': pathUtils.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'video_short.webm')
- makePostRequest(path, server.accessToken, data, attach, done)
+ requestsUtils.makePostUploadRequest(server.url, path, server.accessToken, data, attach, done)
it('Should fail with a tag length too low', function (done) {
const attach = {
'videofile': pathUtils.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'video_short.webm')
- makePostRequest(path, server.accessToken, data, attach, done)
+ requestsUtils.makePostUploadRequest(server.url, path, server.accessToken, data, attach, done)
it('Should fail with a tag length too big', function (done) {
const attach = {
'videofile': pathUtils.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'video_short.webm')
- makePostRequest(path, server.accessToken, data, attach, done)
+ requestsUtils.makePostUploadRequest(server.url, path, server.accessToken, data, attach, done)
it('Should fail with malformed tags', function (done) {
const attach = {
'videofile': pathUtils.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'video_short.webm')
- makePostRequest(path, server.accessToken, data, attach, done)
+ requestsUtils.makePostUploadRequest(server.url, path, server.accessToken, data, attach, done)
it('Should fail without an input file', function (done) {
tags: [ 'tag1', 'tag2' ]
const attach = {}
- makePostRequest(path, server.accessToken, data, attach, done)
+ requestsUtils.makePostUploadRequest(server.url, path, server.accessToken, data, attach, done)
it('Should fail without an incorrect input file', function (done) {
const attach = {
'videofile': pathUtils.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'video_short_fake.webm')
- makePostRequest(path, server.accessToken, data, attach, done)
+ requestsUtils.makePostUploadRequest(server.url, path, server.accessToken, data, attach, done)
it('Should fail with a too big duration', function (done) {
const attach = {
'videofile': pathUtils.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'video_too_long.webm')
- makePostRequest(path, server.accessToken, data, attach, done)
+ requestsUtils.makePostUploadRequest(server.url, path, server.accessToken, data, attach, done)
it('Should succeed with the correct parameters', function (done) {
const attach = {
'videofile': pathUtils.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'video_short.webm')
- makePostRequest(path, server.accessToken, data, attach, function () {
+ requestsUtils.makePostUploadRequest(server.url, path, server.accessToken, data, attach, function () {
attach.videofile = pathUtils.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'video_short.mp4')
- makePostRequest(path, server.accessToken, data, attach, function () {
+ requestsUtils.makePostUploadRequest(server.url, path, server.accessToken, data, attach, function () {
attach.videofile = pathUtils.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'video_short.ogv')
- makePostRequest(path, server.accessToken, data, attach, done, 204)
+ requestsUtils.makePostUploadRequest(server.url, path, server.accessToken, data, attach, done, 204)
}, false)
}, false)
password: 'mysuperpassword'
- makePostBodyRequest(path, server.accessToken, data, done)
+ requestsUtils.makePostBodyRequest(server.url, path, server.accessToken, data, done)
it('Should fail with a too long username', function (done) {
password: 'mysuperpassword'
- makePostBodyRequest(path, server.accessToken, data, done)
+ requestsUtils.makePostBodyRequest(server.url, path, server.accessToken, data, done)
it('Should fail with an incorrect username', function (done) {
password: 'mysuperpassword'
- makePostBodyRequest(path, server.accessToken, data, done)
+ requestsUtils.makePostBodyRequest(server.url, path, server.accessToken, data, done)
it('Should fail with a too small password', function (done) {
password: 'bla'
- makePostBodyRequest(path, server.accessToken, data, done)
+ requestsUtils.makePostBodyRequest(server.url, path, server.accessToken, data, done)
it('Should fail with a too long password', function (done) {
'very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very long'
- makePostBodyRequest(path, server.accessToken, data, done)
+ requestsUtils.makePostBodyRequest(server.url, path, server.accessToken, data, done)
it('Should fail with an non authenticated user', function (done) {
password: 'my super password'
- makePostBodyRequest(path, 'super token', data, done, 401)
+ requestsUtils.makePostBodyRequest(server.url, path, 'super token', data, done, 401)
it('Should succeed with the correct params', function (done) {
password: 'my super password'
- makePostBodyRequest(path, server.accessToken, data, done, 204)
+ requestsUtils.makePostBodyRequest(server.url, path, server.accessToken, data, done, 204)
it('Should fail with a non admin user', function (done) {
password: 'my super password'
- makePostBodyRequest(path, userAccessToken, data, done, 403)
+ requestsUtils.makePostBodyRequest(server.url, path, userAccessToken, data, done, 403)
password: 'bla'
- makePutBodyRequest(path + userId, userAccessToken, data, done)
+ requestsUtils.makePutBodyRequest(server.url, path + userId, userAccessToken, data, done)
it('Should fail with a too long password', function (done) {
'very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very long'
- makePutBodyRequest(path + userId, userAccessToken, data, done)
+ requestsUtils.makePutBodyRequest(server.url, path + userId, userAccessToken, data, done)
it('Should fail with an non authenticated user', function (done) {
password: 'my super password'
- makePutBodyRequest(path + userId, 'super token', data, done, 401)
+ requestsUtils.makePutBodyRequest(server.url, path + userId, 'super token', data, done, 401)
it('Should succeed with the correct params', function (done) {
password: 'my super password'
- makePutBodyRequest(path + userId, userAccessToken, data, done, 204)
+ requestsUtils.makePutBodyRequest(server.url, path + userId, userAccessToken, data, done, 204)