# continuing to use directory structure from prev test
rm -rf mdev.testdir/dev/*
-echo "@8,0 :1 644" >mdev.testdir/etc/mdev.conf
+echo "@8,0 0:1 644" >mdev.testdir/etc/mdev.conf
testing "mdev #maj,min and no explicit uid" \
"env - PATH=$PATH ACTION=add DEVPATH=/block/sda chroot mdev.testdir /mdev 2>&1;
ls -lnR mdev.testdir/dev | $FILTER_LS" \
"-5\n""0\n" \
"" ""
-# We are "more correct" here than bash/coreutils: they happily print -2
-# as if it is a huge unsigned number
-testing "printf handles %u -N" \
- "${bb}printf '%u\n' 1 -2 3 2>&1; echo \$?" \
- "1\n""printf: -2: invalid number\n""0\n""3\n""0\n" \
- "" ""
+# "FIXED" now to act compatibly
+## We are "more correct" here than bash/coreutils: they happily print -2
+## as if it is a huge unsigned number
+#testing "printf handles %u -N" \
+# "${bb}printf '%u\n' 1 -2 3 2>&1; echo \$?" \
+# "1\n""printf: -2: invalid number\n""0\n""3\n""0\n" \
+# "" ""
# Actually, we are wrong here: exit code should be 1
testing "printf handles %d bad_input" \
testing "seq count down by 2" "seq 8 -2 4" "8\n6\n4\n" "" ""
testing "seq count wrong way #1" "seq 4 -2 8" "" "" ""
testing "seq count wrong way #2" "seq 8 2 4" "" "" ""
+# Fails: first item is printed as 3, not 3.0
+# note: makes sense to fix "seq 3 .30 4" case as well
testing "seq count by .3" "seq 3 .3 4" "3.0\n3.3\n3.6\n3.9\n" "" ""
testing "seq count by -.9" "seq .7 -.9 -2.2" "0.7\n-0.2\n-1.1\n-2\n" "" ""
testing "seq count by zero" "seq 4 0 8 | head -n 10" "" "" ""
testing "seq one argument with padding" "seq -w 003" "001\n002\n003\n" "" ""
testing "seq two arguments with padding" "seq -w 005 7" "005\n006\n007\n" "" ""
testing "seq count down by 3 with padding" "seq -w 8 -3 04" "08\n05\n" "" ""
+# Known to fail
testing "seq count by .3 with padding" "seq -w 03 .3 0004" "003.0\n003.3\n003.6\n003.9\n" "" ""