-- This main function of LuCId will wait for events on given file descriptors.
function run()
local pollint = tonumber((cursor:get(UCINAME, "main", "pollinterval")))
+ local threadlimit = tonumber(cursor:get(UCINAME, "main", "threadlimit"))
while true do
- local stat, code = nixio.poll(pollt, pollint)
+ if not threadlimit or tcount < threadlimit then
+ local stat, code = nixio.poll(pollt, pollint)
- if stat and stat > 0 then
- for _, polle in ipairs(pollt) do
- if polle.revents ~= 0 and polle.handler then
- polle.handler(polle)
+ if stat and stat > 0 then
+ for _, polle in ipairs(pollt) do
+ if polle.revents ~= 0 and polle.handler then
+ polle.handler(polle)
+ end
+ elseif stat == 0 then
+ ifaddrs = nixio.getifaddrs()
+ collectgarbage("collect")
- elseif stat == 0 then
- ifaddrs = nixio.getifaddrs()
- collectgarbage("collect")
for _, cb in ipairs(tickt) do
nixio.dup(devnull, nixio.stderr)
return true
\ No newline at end of file