# define zbc_lex_next(...) (zbc_lex_next(__VA_ARGS__), BC_STATUS_SUCCESS)
+static BC_STATUS zbc_lex_skip_if_at_NLINE(BcLex *l)
+ if (l->t.t == BC_LEX_NLINE)
+ RETURN_STATUS(zbc_lex_next(l));
+# define zbc_lex_skip_if_at_NLINE(...) (zbc_lex_skip_if_at_NLINE(__VA_ARGS__), BC_STATUS_SUCCESS)
+static BC_STATUS zbc_lex_next_and_skip_NLINE(BcLex *l)
+ BcStatus s;
+ s = zbc_lex_next(l);
+ if (s) RETURN_STATUS(s);
+ // if(cond)<newline>stmt is accepted too (but not 2+ newlines)
+ s = zbc_lex_skip_if_at_NLINE(l);
+# define zbc_lex_next_and_skip_NLINE(...) (zbc_lex_next_and_skip_NLINE(__VA_ARGS__), BC_STATUS_SUCCESS)
static BC_STATUS zbc_lex_text_init(BcLex *l, const char *text)
l->buf = text;
if (s) RETURN_STATUS(s);
if (p->l.t.t != BC_LEX_RPAREN) RETURN_STATUS(bc_error_bad_token());
- s = zbc_lex_next(&p->l);
+ // if(cond)<newline>stmt is accepted too (but not 2+ newlines)
+ s = zbc_lex_next_and_skip_NLINE(&p->l);
if (s) RETURN_STATUS(s);
bc_parse_push(p, BC_INST_JUMP_ZERO);
s = zbc_parse_expr(p, BC_PARSE_REL, bc_parse_next_rel);
if (s) RETURN_STATUS(s);
if (p->l.t.t != BC_LEX_RPAREN) RETURN_STATUS(bc_error_bad_token());
- s = zbc_lex_next(&p->l);
+ // while(cond)<newline>stmt is accepted too
+ s = zbc_lex_next_and_skip_NLINE(&p->l);
if (s) RETURN_STATUS(s);
bc_parse_push(p, BC_INST_JUMP_ZERO);
bc_parse_pushIndex(p, ip.idx);
+//TODO: diagnose "while(cond)<newline><newline>"? Now it is seen as "while() with empty body"
s = zbc_parse_stmt(p);
if (s) RETURN_STATUS(s);
bc_vec_push(&p->exits, &ip);
bc_vec_push(&p->func->labels, &ip.idx);
- s = zbc_lex_next(&p->l);
+ // for(...)<newline>stmt is accepted as well
+ s = zbc_lex_next_and_skip_NLINE(&p->l);
if (s) RETURN_STATUS(s);
s = zbc_parse_stmt(p);
if (p->l.t.t != BC_LEX_LBRACE)
s = bc_POSIX_requires("the left brace be on the same line as the function header");
- // Prevent "define z()<newline>" to be interpreted as function with empty stmt as body
- while (p->l.t.t == BC_LEX_NLINE) {
- s = zbc_lex_next(&p->l);
- if (s) RETURN_STATUS(s);
- }
+ // Prevent "define z()<newline>" from being interpreted as function with empty stmt as body
+ s = zbc_lex_skip_if_at_NLINE(&p->l);
+ if (s) RETURN_STATUS(s);
//TODO: GNU bc requires a {} block even if function body has single stmt, enforce this?
p->in_funcdef++; // to determine whether "return" stmt is allowed, and such