We only had the main 'install' target depend on 'all'. This changes
the dependencies so targets like install_dev, install_runtime_libs,
install_engines and install_programs depend on build targets that are
correspond to them more specifically. This increases the parallel
Fixes #7466
Reviewed-by: Paul Dale <paul.dale@oracle.com>
(Merged from https://github.com/openssl/openssl/pull/7583)
(cherry picked from commit
# Install helper targets #############################################
-install_sw : all install_dev install_engines install_runtime -
+install_sw : install_dev install_engines install_runtime -
install_startup install_ivp
uninstall_sw : uninstall_dev uninstall_engines uninstall_runtime -
map { "COPY/PROT=W:R $_.OLB ossl_installroot:[LIB.'arch']" }
@install_libs) -}
-install_engines : check_INSTALLTOP
+install_engines : check_INSTALLTOP install_runtime_libs build_engines
@ {- output_off() unless scalar @{$unified_info{engines}}; "" -} !
@ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "*** Installing engines"
- CREATE/DIR ossl_installroot:[ENGINES{- $sover_dirname.$target{pointer_size} -}.'arch']
install_runtime: install_programs
-install_runtime_libs : check_INSTALLTOP
+install_runtime_libs : check_INSTALLTOP build_libs
@ {- output_off() if $disabled{shared}; "" -} !
@ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "*** Installing shareable images"
@ ! Install shared (runtime) libraries
@install_shlibs) -}
@ {- output_on() if $disabled{shared}; "" -} !
-install_programs : check_INSTALLTOP install_runtime_libs
+install_programs : check_INSTALLTOP install_runtime_libs build_programs
@ {- output_off() if $disabled{apps}; "" -} !
@ ! Install the main program
- CREATE/DIR ossl_installroot:[EXE.'arch']
# Install helper targets #############################################
-install_sw: all install_dev install_engines install_runtime
+install_sw: install_dev install_engines install_runtime
uninstall_sw: uninstall_runtime uninstall_engines uninstall_dev
-$(RMDIR) $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/pkgconfig
-$(RMDIR) $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)
+install_engines: install_runtime_libs build_engines
@[ -n "$(INSTALLTOP)" ] || (echo INSTALLTOP should not be empty; exit 1)
@$(PERL) $(SRCDIR)/util/mkdir-p.pl $(DESTDIR)$(ENGINESDIR)/
@$(ECHO) "*** Installing engines"
install_runtime: install_programs
+install_runtime_libs: build_libs
@[ -n "$(INSTALLTOP)" ] || (echo INSTALLTOP should not be empty; exit 1)
@ : {- output_off() if windowsdll(); "" -}
@$(PERL) $(SRCDIR)/util/mkdir-p.pl $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)
: {- output_on() if windowsdll(); "" -}; \
-install_programs: install_runtime_libs
+install_programs: install_runtime_libs build_programs
@[ -n "$(INSTALLTOP)" ] || (echo INSTALLTOP should not be empty; exit 1)
@$(PERL) $(SRCDIR)/util/mkdir-p.pl $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALLTOP)/bin
@$(ECHO) "*** Installing runtime programs"
# Install helper targets #############################################
-install_sw: all install_dev install_engines install_runtime
+install_sw: install_dev install_engines install_runtime
uninstall_sw: uninstall_runtime uninstall_engines uninstall_dev
+install_engines: install_runtime_libs build_engines
@if "$(INSTALLTOP)"=="" ( $(ECHO) "INSTALLTOP should not be empty" & exit 1 )
@$(ECHO) "*** Installing engines"
@"$(PERL)" "$(SRCDIR)\util\mkdir-p.pl" "$(ENGINESDIR)"
install_runtime: install_programs
+install_runtime_libs: build_libs
@if "$(INSTALLTOP)"=="" ( $(ECHO) "INSTALLTOP should not be empty" & exit 1 )
@$(ECHO) "*** Installing runtime libraries"
@"$(PERL)" "$(SRCDIR)\util\mkdir-p.pl" "$(INSTALLTOP)\bin"
"$(PERL)" "$(SRCDIR)\util\copy.pl" $(INSTALL_SHLIBPDBS) \
-install_programs: install_runtime_libs
+install_programs: install_runtime_libs build_programs
@if "$(INSTALLTOP)"=="" ( $(ECHO) "INSTALLTOP should not be empty" & exit 1 )
@$(ECHO) "*** Installing runtime programs"
@"$(PERL)" "$(SRCDIR)\util\mkdir-p.pl" "$(INSTALLTOP)\bin"