// The function fire some useful callbacks
requests.makeSecureRequest(params, function (err, res) {
if (err || (res.statusCode !== 200 && res.statusCode !== 201 && res.statusCode !== 204)) {
- logger.error(
- 'Error sending secure request to %s pod.',
- toPod.host,
- {
- error: err ? err.message : 'Status code not 20x : ' + res.statusCode
- }
- )
+ err = err ? err.message : 'Status code not 20x : ' + res.statusCode
+ logger.error('Error sending secure request to %s pod.', toPod.host, { error: err })
return callback(false)
// We want to group requests by destinations pod and endpoint
- const requestsToMakeGrouped = {}
- Object.keys(requests).forEach(function (toPodId) {
- requests[toPodId].forEach(function (data) {
- const request = data.request
- const pod = data.pod
- const hashKey = toPodId + request.endpoint
- if (!requestsToMakeGrouped[hashKey]) {
- requestsToMakeGrouped[hashKey] = {
- toPod: pod,
- endpoint: request.endpoint,
- ids: [], // request ids, to delete them from the DB in the future
- datas: [] // requests data,
- }
- }
- requestsToMakeGrouped[hashKey].ids.push(request.id)
- requestsToMakeGrouped[hashKey].datas.push(request.request)
- })
- })
+ const requestsToMakeGrouped = buildRequestObjects(requests)
logger.info('Making requests to friends.')
const requestIdsToDelete = requestToMake.ids
logger.info('Removing %d requests of unexisting pod %s.', requestIdsToDelete.length, requestToMake.toPod.id)
- RequestToPod.removePodOf.call(self, requestIdsToDelete, requestToMake.toPod.id)
- return callbackEach()
+ return RequestToPod.removePodOf(requestIdsToDelete, requestToMake.toPod.id, callbackEach)
makeRequest(toPod, requestToMake.endpoint, requestToMake.datas, function (success) {
- if (success === true) {
- logger.debug('Removing requests for pod %s.', requestToMake.toPod.id, { requestsIds: requestToMake.ids })
- goodPods.push(requestToMake.toPod.id)
- // Remove the pod id of these request ids
- RequestToPod.removePodOf(requestToMake.ids, requestToMake.toPod.id, callbackEach)
- } else {
+ if (success === false) {
- callbackEach()
+ return callbackEach()
+ logger.debug('Removing requests for pod %s.', requestToMake.toPod.id, { requestsIds: requestToMake.ids })
+ goodPods.push(requestToMake.toPod.id)
+ // Remove the pod id of these request ids
+ RequestToPod.removePodOf(requestToMake.ids, requestToMake.toPod.id, callbackEach)
}, function () {
// All the requests were made, we update the pods score
+function buildRequestObjects (requests) {
+ const requestsToMakeGrouped = {}
+ Object.keys(requests).forEach(function (toPodId) {
+ requests[toPodId].forEach(function (data) {
+ const request = data.request
+ const pod = data.pod
+ const hashKey = toPodId + request.endpoint
+ if (!requestsToMakeGrouped[hashKey]) {
+ requestsToMakeGrouped[hashKey] = {
+ toPod: pod,
+ endpoint: request.endpoint,
+ ids: [], // request ids, to delete them from the DB in the future
+ datas: [] // requests data,
+ }
+ }
+ requestsToMakeGrouped[hashKey].ids.push(request.id)
+ requestsToMakeGrouped[hashKey].datas.push(request.request)
+ })
+ })
+ return requestsToMakeGrouped
// Remove pods with a score of 0 (too many requests where they were unreachable)
function removeBadPods () {
const self = this