echo "yapf not detected, please install yapf if you plan on contributing python code"
-if test $1 = "-d"; then
- if existence texi2mdoc; then
- echo "texi2mdoc: exists, pass --enable-texi2mdoc-generation to configure"
- else
- dir=$(dirname "$(readlink -f -- "$0")")
- mkdir -p $dir/contrib/vendored
- cd contrib/vendored
- if existence curl; then
- curl --output texi2mdoc-0.1.2.tgz
- elif existence wget; then
- wget
- elif existence ftp; then
- ftp
- elif existence fetch; then
- fetch
- else
- echo "skipping texi2mdoc build, no ftp or curl or wget or fetch found"
- fi
- if test -e texi2mdoc-0.1.2.tgz; then
- tar xzf texi2mdoc-0.1.2.tgz
- cd texi2mdoc-0.1.2
- dir=$(dirname "$(readlink -f -- "$0")")
- make
- echo "please prepend or append $dir/contrib/vendored/texi2mdoc/ to your PATH before running configure"
- echo "and pass --enable-texi2mdoc-generation to configure"
- else
- echo "no texi2mdoc, skipping"
- fi
- fi
+# if test $1 = "-d"; then
+# if existence texi2mdoc; then
+# echo "texi2mdoc: exists, pass --enable-texi2mdoc-generation to configure"
+# else
+# dir=$(dirname "$(readlink -f -- "$0")")
+# mkdir -p $dir/contrib/vendored
+# cd contrib/vendored
+# if existence curl; then
+# curl --output texi2mdoc-0.1.2.tgz
+# elif existence wget; then
+# wget
+# elif existence ftp; then
+# ftp
+# elif existence fetch; then
+# fetch
+# else
+# echo "skipping texi2mdoc build, no ftp or curl or wget or fetch found"
+# fi
+# if test -e texi2mdoc-0.1.2.tgz; then
+# tar xzf texi2mdoc-0.1.2.tgz
+# cd texi2mdoc-0.1.2
+# dir=$(dirname "$(readlink -f -- "$0")")
+# make
+# echo "please prepend or append $dir/contrib/vendored/texi2mdoc/ to your PATH before running configure"
+# echo "and pass --enable-texi2mdoc-generation to configure"
+# else
+# echo "no texi2mdoc, skipping"
+# fi
+# fi
+# fi
echo "checking for libtoolize / libtool... "