+ * List of addresses of other peers
+ */
+struct PeerAddressList
+ /**
+ * This is a linked list.
+ */
+ struct PeerAddressList *next;
+ /*
+ * Pointer to the validation associated with this
+ * address. May be NULL if already validated!
+ */
+ struct ValidationAddress *validation;
+ /**
+ * Which of our transport plugins does this entry
+ * belong to?
+ */
+ struct TransportPlugin *plugin;
+ /**
+ * Neighbor this entry belongs to.
+ */
+ struct NeighborList *neighbor;
+ /*
+ * Ready list (transport) that this peer belongs to
+ */
+ struct ReadyList *ready_list;
+ /**
+ * How long until we auto-expire this address (unless it is
+ * re-confirmed by the transport)?
+ */
+ struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute expires;
+ /**
+ * Length of addr.
+ */
+ size_t addrlen;
+ /**
+ * The address
+ */
+ char *addr;
+ /**
+ * Is this plugin ready to transmit to the specific target?
+ * GNUNET_NO if not. Initially, all plugins are marked ready. If a
+ * transmission is in progress, "transmit_ready" is set to
+ */
+ int transmit_ready;
+ /**
+ * What was the last latency observed for this plugin
+ * and peer? Invalid if connected is GNUNET_NO.
+ */
+ struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative latency;
+ /**
+ * If we did not successfully transmit a message to the given peer
+ * via this connection during the specified time, we should consider
+ * the connection to be dead. This is used in the case that a TCP
+ * transport simply stalls writing to the stream but does not
+ * formerly get a signal that the other peer died.
+ */
+ struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute timeout;
+ /**
+ * Is this plugin currently connected? The first time
+ * we transmit or send data to a peer via a particular
+ * plugin, we set this to GNUNET_YES. If we later get
+ * an error (disconnect notification or transmission
+ * failure), we set it back to GNUNET_NO. Each time the
+ * value is set to GNUNET_YES, we increment the
+ * "connect_attempts" counter. If that one reaches a
+ * particular threshold, we consider the plugin to not
+ * be working properly at this time for the given peer
+ * and remove it from the eligible list.
+ */
+ int connected;
+ /**
+ * How often have we tried to connect using this plugin?
+ */
+ unsigned int connect_attempts;
* Entry in linked list of network addresses.
struct MessageQueue *next;
- * The message we want to transmit.
+ * The message(s) we want to transmit, GNUNET_MessageHeader(s)
+ * stuck together in memory.
- struct GNUNET_MessageHeader *message;
+ char *message_buf;
+ /*
+ * Size of the message buf
+ */
+ size_t message_buf_size;
* Client responsible for queueing the message;
- * used to check that a client has not two messages
+ * used to check that a client has no two messages
* pending for the same target. Can be NULL.
struct TransportClient *client;
unsigned int priority;
+ /*
+ * Using which specific address should we send this message?
+ */
+ struct PeerAddressList *specific_peer;
struct ReadyList
* This is a linked list.
struct NeighborList *neighbor;
- /**
- * What was the last latency observed for this plugin
- * and peer? Invalid if connected is GNUNET_NO.
- */
- struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative latency;
- /**
- * If we did not successfully transmit a message to the given peer
- * via this connection during the specified time, we should consider
- * the connection to be dead. This is used in the case that a TCP
- * transport simply stalls writing to the stream but does not
- * formerly get a signal that the other peer died.
- */
- struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute timeout;
- /**
- * Is this plugin currently connected? The first time
- * we transmit or send data to a peer via a particular
- * plugin, we set this to GNUNET_YES. If we later get
- * an error (disconnect notification or transmission
- * failure), we set it back to GNUNET_NO. Each time the
- * value is set to GNUNET_YES, we increment the
- * "connect_attempts" counter. If that one reaches a
- * particular threshold, we consider the plugin to not
- * be working properly at this time for the given peer
- * and remove it from the eligible list.
- */
- int connected;
- /**
- * How often have we tried to connect using this plugin?
+ /*
+ * Transport addresses, latency, and readiness for
+ * this particular plugin.
- unsigned int connect_attempts;
+ struct PeerAddressList *addresses;
* Is this plugin ready to transmit to the specific target?
* transmission is in progress, "transmit_ready" is set to
- int transmit_ready;
+ int plugin_transmit_ready;
+ /*
+ * Are any of our PeerAddressList addresses still connected?
+ */
+ int connected; /* FIXME: dynamically check PeerAddressList addresses when asked to! */
struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity id;
- /*
- * Opaque addr of this peer, only known to the plugin
- */
- char *addr;
- /*
- * Size of addr
- */
- size_t addr_len;
* ID of task scheduled to run when this peer is about to
* time out (will free resources associated with the peer).
* (used to make up a fake ACK for clients connecting after
* the neighbor connected to us).
- int saw_ack;
+ int received_pong;
/* The latency we have seen for this particular address for
* this particular peer. This latency may have been calculated
struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPublicKeyBinaryEncoded signer;
+ /*
+ * Size of address appended to this message
+ */
+ size_t addrlen;
struct ValidationAddress *next;
+ /*
+ * What peer_address does this validation belong to?
+ */
+ struct PeerAddressList *peer_address;
* Name of the transport.
struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute expiration;
- /**
- * Length of the address we are validating.
+ /*
+ * At what time did we send this validation?
- size_t addr_len;
+ struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute send_time;
* Challenge number we used.
+struct CheckHelloValidatedContext
+ /**
+ * Plugin for which we are validating.
+ */
+ struct TransportPlugin *plugin;
+ /**
+ * Hello that we are validating.
+ */
+ struct GNUNET_HELLO_Message *hello;
+ /**
+ * Validation list being built.
+ */
+ struct ValidationList *e;
+ /**
+ * Context for peerinfo iteration.
+ * NULL after we are done processing peerinfo's information.
+ */
+ struct GNUNET_PEERINFO_IteratorContext *piter;
* HELLOs awaiting validation.
static uint32_t max_connect_per_transport;
+ * The peer specified by the given neighbor has timed-out or a plugin
+ * has disconnected. We may either need to do nothing (other plugins
+ * still up), or trigger a full disconnect and clean up. This
+ * function updates our state and do the necessary notifications.
+ * Also notifies our clients that the neighbor is now officially
+ * gone.
+ *
+ * @param n the neighbor list entry for the peer
+ * @param check should we just check if all plugins
+ * disconnected or must we ask all plugins to
+ * disconnect?
+ */
+static void disconnect_neighbor (struct NeighborList *n, int check);
+ * Check the ready list for the given neighbor and
+ * if a plugin is ready for transmission (and if we
+ * have a message), do so!
+ *
+ * @param neighbor target peer for which to check the plugins
+ */
+static ssize_t try_transmission_to_peer (struct NeighborList *neighbor);
* Find an entry in the neighbor list for a particular peer.
* @return NULL if not found.
static struct NeighborList *
-find_neighbor (const struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity *key, const char *sender_address,
- size_t sender_address_len)
+find_neighbor (const struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity *key)
struct NeighborList *head = neighbors;
- if (sender_address == NULL)
- {
- while ((head != NULL) &&
- (0 != memcmp (key, &head->id, sizeof (struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity))))
- head = head->next;
- }
- else
- {
- while ((head != NULL) &&
- (0 != memcmp (key, &head->id, sizeof (struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity))) &&
- (sender_address_len != head->addr_len) &&
- (0 != memcmp (sender_address, &head->addr, head->addr_len)))
- head = head->next;
- }
+ while ((head != NULL) &&
+ (0 != memcmp (key, &head->id, sizeof (struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity))))
+ head = head->next;
return head;
= GNUNET_TIME_relative_to_absolute (PLUGIN_RETRY_FREQUENCY);
rl = neighbor->plugins;
+#if WTF /* FIXME: What is this supposed to do? */
while (rl != NULL)
if (rl->connect_attempts > 0)
rl->connect_attempts--; /* amnesty */
rl = rl->next;
- * The peer specified by the given neighbor has timed-out or a plugin
- * has disconnected. We may either need to do nothing (other plugins
- * still up), or trigger a full disconnect and clean up. This
- * function updates our state and do the necessary notifications.
- * Also notifies our clients that the neighbor is now officially
- * gone.
- *
- * @param n the neighbor list entry for the peer
- * @param check should we just check if all plugins
- * disconnected or must we ask all plugins to
- * disconnect?
- */
-static void disconnect_neighbor (struct NeighborList *n, int check);
- * Check the ready list for the given neighbor and
- * if a plugin is ready for transmission (and if we
- * have a message), do so!
- *
- * @param neighbor target peer for which to check the plugins
- */
-static void try_transmission_to_peer (struct NeighborList *neighbor);
* Function called by the GNUNET_TRANSPORT_TransmitFunction
* upon "completion" of a send request. This tells the API
GNUNET_assert (rl != NULL);
if (result == GNUNET_OK)
- rl->timeout =
+ mq->specific_peer->timeout =
"Transmission to peer `%s' failed, marking connection as down.\n",
GNUNET_i2s (target));
- rl->connected = GNUNET_NO;
+ mq->specific_peer->connected = GNUNET_NO;
if (!mq->internal_msg)
"Setting transmit_ready on transport!\n");
- rl->transmit_ready = GNUNET_YES;
+ mq->specific_peer->transmit_ready = GNUNET_YES;
if (mq->client != NULL)
- "Notifying client %p about failed transission to peer `%4s'.\n",
+ "Notifying client %p about transmission to peer `%4s'.\n",
mq->client, GNUNET_i2s (target));
send_ok_msg.header.size = htons (sizeof (send_ok_msg));
send_ok_msg.header.type = htons (GNUNET_MESSAGE_TYPE_TRANSPORT_SEND_OK);
send_ok_msg.peer = n->id;
transmit_to_client (mq->client, &send_ok_msg.header, GNUNET_NO);
- GNUNET_free (mq->message);
+ GNUNET_free (mq->message_buf);
GNUNET_free (mq);
/* one plugin just became ready again, try transmitting
another message (if available) */
- * Check the ready list for the given neighbor and
- * if a plugin is ready for transmission (and if we
- * have a message), do so!
- */
-static void
-try_transmission_to_peer (struct NeighborList *neighbor)
+struct PeerAddressList *
+find_ready_address(struct NeighborList *neighbor)
- struct ReadyList *pos;
- struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative min_latency;
- struct ReadyList *rl;
- struct MessageQueue *mq;
- struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute now;
+ struct ReadyList *head = neighbor->plugins;
+ struct PeerAddressList *addresses;
+ while (head != NULL)
+ {
+ addresses = head->addresses;
+ while ((addresses != NULL) &&
+ ((addresses->connected != GNUNET_YES) ||
+ (addresses->transmit_ready != GNUNET_YES)))
+ {
+ addresses = addresses->next;
+ }
- if (neighbor->addr != NULL)
- {
- _("try_transmission_to_peer entry: at this point neighbor->addr is NOT NULL\n"));
- }
- else
- {
- GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_DEBUG, _("try_transmission_to_peer entry: at this point neighbor->addr is NULL\n"));
+ if (addresses != NULL)
+ {
+ "Found ready address, connected is %d\n",
+ addresses->connected);
+ return addresses;
+ }
+ head = head->next;
+ return NULL;
- if (neighbor->messages == NULL)
- return; /* nothing to do */
- try_alternative_plugins (neighbor);
- rl = NULL;
- mq = neighbor->messages;
- now = GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get ();
- pos = neighbor->plugins;
+#if 0 /* Do some checks to keep everything sane, return lowest latency connection */
while (pos != NULL)
/* set plugins that are inactive for a long time back to disconnected */
pos = pos->next;
- if (rl == NULL)
- {
- "No plugin ready to transmit message\n");
- return; /* nobody ready */
- }
- if (GNUNET_NO == rl->connected)
+ * Check the ready list for the given neighbor and
+ * if a plugin is ready for transmission (and if we
+ * have a message), do so!
+ */
+static ssize_t
+try_transmission_to_peer (struct NeighborList *neighbor)
+ struct GNUNET_TIME_Relative min_latency;
+ struct ReadyList *rl;
+ struct MessageQueue *mq;
+ struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute now;
+ if (neighbor->messages == NULL)
+ return 0; /* nothing to do */
+ try_alternative_plugins (neighbor);
+ rl = NULL;
+ mq = neighbor->messages;
+ now = GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get ();
+ if (mq->specific_peer == NULL)
+ mq->specific_peer = find_ready_address(neighbor); /* Find first available (or best!) address to transmit to */
+ if (mq->specific_peer == NULL)
- rl->connect_attempts++;
- rl->connected = GNUNET_YES;
- "Establishing fresh connection with `%4s' via plugin `%s'\n",
- GNUNET_i2s (&neighbor->id), rl->plugin->short_name);
+ "No plugin ready to transmit message\n");
+ return 0; /* nobody ready */
+ rl = mq->specific_peer->ready_list;
neighbor->messages = mq->next;
mq->plugin = rl->plugin;
if (!mq->internal_msg)
- rl->transmit_ready = GNUNET_NO;
+ mq->specific_peer->transmit_ready = GNUNET_NO;
- "Giving message of type `%u' for `%4s' to plugin `%s'\n",
- ntohs (mq->message->type),
+ "Giving message of size `%u' for `%4s' to plugin `%s'\n",
+ mq->message_buf_size,
GNUNET_i2s (&neighbor->id), rl->plugin->short_name);
- if (rl->neighbor->addr != NULL)
- GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_DEBUG, _("try_transmission_to_peer pre-send: at this point rl->neighbor->addr is NOT NULL, addrlen is %d\n"), rl->neighbor->addr_len);
- else
- GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_DEBUG, _("try_transmission_to_peer pre-send: at this point rl->neighbor->addr is NULL\n"));
- /* FIXME: Change MessageQueue to hold message buffer and size? */
- rl->plugin->api->send (rl->plugin->api->cls,
+ return rl->plugin->api->send (rl->plugin->api->cls,
- (char *)mq->message,
- ntohs(mq->message->size),
+ mq->message_buf,
+ mq->message_buf_size,
- rl->neighbor->addr,
- rl->neighbor->addr_len,
+ mq->specific_peer->addr,
+ mq->specific_peer->addrlen,
&transmit_send_continuation, mq);
* Send the specified message to the specified peer.
* @param client source of the transmission request (can be NULL)
+ * @param peer_address PeerAddressList where we should send this message
* @param priority how important is the message
- * @param msg message to send
+ * @param message_buf message(s) to send GNUNET_MessageHeader(s)
+ * @param message_buf_size total size of all messages in message_buf
* @param is_internal is this an internal message
* @param neighbor handle to the neighbor for transmission
-static void
+static ssize_t
transmit_to_peer (struct TransportClient *client,
+ struct PeerAddressList *peer_address,
unsigned int priority,
- const struct GNUNET_MessageHeader *msg,
+ const char *message_buf,
+ size_t message_buf_size,
int is_internal, struct NeighborList *neighbor)
struct MessageQueue *mq;
struct MessageQueue *mqe;
- struct GNUNET_MessageHeader *m;
+ char *m;
- _("Sending message of type %u to peer `%4s'\n"),
- ntohs (msg->type), GNUNET_i2s (&neighbor->id));
- if (neighbor->addr != NULL)
- GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_DEBUG, _("transmit_to_peer: at this point neighbor->addr is NOT NULL\n"));
if (client != NULL)
/* check for duplicate submission */
/* client transmitted to same peer twice
before getting SendOk! */
GNUNET_break (0);
- return;
+ return 0;
mq = mq->next;
mq = GNUNET_malloc (sizeof (struct MessageQueue));
+ mq->specific_peer = peer_address;
mq->client = client;
- m = GNUNET_malloc (ntohs (msg->size));
- memcpy (m, msg, ntohs (msg->size));
- mq->message = m;
+ m = GNUNET_malloc (message_buf_size);
+ memcpy (m, message_buf, message_buf_size);
+ mq->message_buf = m;
+ mq->message_buf_size = message_buf_size;
mq->neighbor = neighbor;
mq->internal_msg = is_internal;
mq->priority = priority;
/* append */
mqe->next = mq;
- try_transmission_to_peer (neighbor);
+ return try_transmission_to_peer (neighbor);
if (NULL == gc->plug_pos)
- "In address_generator, gc->plug_pos is NULL!\n");
return 0;
- "Should be adding an address...\n");
ret = GNUNET_HELLO_add_address (gc->plug_pos->short_name,
struct NeighborList *npos;
struct GeneratorContext gc;
- "Refreshing my `%s'\n", "HELLO");
gc.plug_pos = plugins;
gc.addr_pos = plugins != NULL ? plugins->addresses : NULL;
gc.expiration = GNUNET_TIME_relative_to_absolute (HELLO_ADDRESS_EXPIRATION);
"Transmitting updated `%s' to neighbor `%4s'\n",
"HELLO", GNUNET_i2s (&npos->id));
- transmit_to_peer (NULL, 0,
- (const struct GNUNET_MessageHeader *) our_hello,
- GNUNET_YES, npos);
+#endif // FIXME: just testing
+ //transmit_to_peer (NULL, NULL, 0,
+ // (const char *) our_hello, GNUNET_HELLO_size(our_hello),
+ // GNUNET_YES, npos);
npos = npos->next;
al = al->next;
- "Plugin `%s' informs us about a new address `%s'\n", name,
- GNUNET_a2s (addr, addrlen));
al = GNUNET_malloc (sizeof (struct AddressList) + addrlen);
al->addr = &al[1];
al->next = p->addresses;
struct ConnectInfoMessage cim;
struct TransportClient *cpos;
- "Informing clients about peer `%4s' connecting to us\n",
- GNUNET_i2s (peer));
cim.header.size = htons (sizeof (struct ConnectInfoMessage));
cim.quota_out = htonl (GNUNET_CONSTANTS_DEFAULT_BPM_IN_OUT / (60 * 1000));
struct DisconnectInfoMessage dim;
struct TransportClient *cpos;
- "Informing clients about peer `%4s' disconnecting\n",
- GNUNET_i2s (peer));
dim.header.size = htons (sizeof (struct DisconnectInfoMessage));
dim.reserved = htonl (0);
return 0;
ret = GNUNET_HELLO_add_address ((*va)->transport_name,
- &(*va)[1], (*va)->addr_len, buf, max);
+ (*va)->peer_address->addr, (*va)->peer_address->addrlen, buf, max);
*va = (*va)->next;
return ret;
struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity pid;
struct NeighborList *n;
- "HELLO validation cleanup background task running...\n");
now = GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get ();
prev = NULL;
pos = pending_validations;
"HELLO", GNUNET_i2s (&pid));
GNUNET_PEERINFO_add_peer (cfg, sched, &pid, hello);
- n = find_neighbor (&pid, NULL, 0);
+ n = find_neighbor (&pid);
if (NULL != n)
try_transmission_to_peer (n);
- ("Another peer saw us using the address `%s' via `FIXME'. If this is not plausible, this address should be listed in the configuration as implausible to avoid MiM attacks.\n"),
- GNUNET_a2s ((const struct sockaddr *) &va[1],
- va->addr_len));
+ ("Another peer saw us using the address `%s' via `%s'. If this is not plausible, this address should be listed in the configuration as implausible to avoid MiM attacks.\n"),
+ GNUNET_a2s ((const struct sockaddr *) &pong[1],
+ ntohs(pong->addrlen)), va->transport_name);
va->ok = GNUNET_YES;
va->expiration =
matched = GNUNET_YES;
+ va->peer_address->connected = GNUNET_YES;
+ va->peer_address->latency = GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get_difference(GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get(), va->send_time);
+ va->peer_address->transmit_ready = GNUNET_YES;
+ va->peer_address->expires = GNUNET_TIME_relative_to_absolute
if (va->ok != GNUNET_YES)
&cleanup_validation, NULL);
- else
+ * Add an entry for each of our transport plugins
+ * (that are able to send) to the list of plugins
+ * for this neighbor.
+ *
+ * @param neighbor to initialize
+ */
+static void
+add_plugins (struct NeighborList *neighbor)
+ struct TransportPlugin *tp;
+ struct ReadyList *rl;
+ neighbor->retry_plugins_time
+ = GNUNET_TIME_relative_to_absolute (PLUGIN_RETRY_FREQUENCY);
+ tp = plugins;
+ while (tp != NULL)
- "Still waiting for %u additional `%s' messages before constructing `%s' for `%4s'.\n",
- not_done, "PONG", "HELLO", GNUNET_i2s (peer));
+ if (tp->api->send != NULL)
+ {
+ rl = GNUNET_malloc (sizeof (struct ReadyList));
+ rl->next = neighbor->plugins;
+ neighbor->plugins = rl;
+ rl->plugin = tp;
+ rl->neighbor = neighbor;
+ rl->addresses = NULL;
+ }
+ tp = tp->next;
-struct CheckHelloValidatedContext
+static void
+neighbor_timeout_task (void *cls,
+ const struct GNUNET_SCHEDULER_TaskContext *tc)
- /**
- * Plugin for which we are validating.
- */
- struct TransportPlugin *plugin;
+ struct NeighborList *n = cls;
- /**
- * Hello that we are validating.
- */
- struct GNUNET_HELLO_Message *hello;
+ "Neighbor `%4s' has timed out!\n", GNUNET_i2s (&n->id));
+ n->timeout_task = GNUNET_SCHEDULER_NO_TASK;
+ disconnect_neighbor (n, GNUNET_NO);
- /**
- * Validation list being build.
- */
- struct ValidationList *e;
+ * Create a fresh entry in our neighbor list for the given peer.
+ * Will try to transmit our current HELLO to the new neighbor. Also
+ * notifies our clients about the new "connection".
+ *
+ * @param peer the peer for which we create the entry
+ * @return the new neighbor list entry
+ */
+static struct NeighborList *
+setup_new_neighbor (const struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity *peer)
+ struct NeighborList *n;
- /**
- * Context for peerinfo iteration.
- * NULL after we are done processing peerinfo's information.
- */
- struct GNUNET_PEERINFO_IteratorContext *piter;
+ GNUNET_assert (our_hello != NULL);
+ n = GNUNET_malloc (sizeof (struct NeighborList));
+ n->next = neighbors;
+ neighbors = n;
+ n->id = *peer;
+ n->last_quota_update = GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get ();
+ n->peer_timeout =
+ GNUNET_TIME_relative_to_absolute
+ n->quota_in = (GNUNET_CONSTANTS_DEFAULT_BPM_IN_OUT + 59999) / (60 * 1000);
+ add_plugins (n);
+ n->timeout_task = GNUNET_SCHEDULER_add_delayed (sched,
+ &neighbor_timeout_task, n);
+ transmit_to_peer (NULL, NULL, 0,
+ (const char *) our_hello, GNUNET_HELLO_size(our_hello),
+ notify_clients_connect (peer, GNUNET_TIME_UNIT_FOREVER_REL);
+ return n;
+static struct PeerAddressList *
+add_peer_address(struct NeighborList *neighbor, const char *addr, size_t addrlen)
+ /* FIXME: should return a list of PeerAddressLists, support for multiple transports! */
+ struct ReadyList *head = neighbor->plugins;
+ struct PeerAddressList * new_address;
+ GNUNET_assert(addr != NULL);
+ while (head != NULL)
+ {
+ new_address = GNUNET_malloc(sizeof(struct PeerAddressList));
+ new_address->addr = GNUNET_malloc(addrlen);
+ memcpy(new_address->addr, addr, addrlen);
+ new_address->addrlen = addrlen;
+ new_address->connect_attempts = 0;
+ new_address->connected = GNUNET_YES; /* Set connected to GNUNET_YES, assuming that we're good */
+ new_address->expires = GNUNET_TIME_relative_to_absolute
+ new_address->latency = GNUNET_TIME_relative_get_forever();
+ new_address->neighbor = neighbor;
+ new_address->plugin = head->plugin;
+ new_address->transmit_ready = GNUNET_YES;
+ new_address->timeout = GNUNET_TIME_relative_to_absolute
+ new_address->ready_list = head;
+ new_address->next = head->addresses;
+ head->addresses = new_address;
+ head = head->next;
+ }
+ return new_address;
+static struct PeerAddressList *
+find_peer_address(struct NeighborList *neighbor, const char *addr, size_t addrlen)
+ struct ReadyList *head = neighbor->plugins;
+ struct PeerAddressList *address_head;
+ while (head != NULL)
+ {
+ address_head = head->addresses;
+ while ((address_head != NULL) &&
+ (address_head->addrlen != addrlen) &&
+ (memcmp(address_head->addr, addr, addrlen) != 0))
+ {
+ address_head = address_head->next;
+ }
+ if (address_head != NULL)
+ return address_head;
+ head = head->next;
+ }
+ return NULL;
* Append the given address to the list of entries
struct TransportPlugin *tp;
struct ValidationAddress *va;
struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity id;
+ struct NeighborList *neighbor;
+ struct PeerAddressList *peer_address;
int sent;
struct TransportPingMessage *ping;
char * message_buf;
sizeof (struct
"Scheduling validation of address `%s' via `%s' for `%4s'\n",
GNUNET_a2s (addr, addrlen), tname, GNUNET_i2s (&id));
- va = GNUNET_malloc (sizeof (struct ValidationAddress) + addrlen);
+ va = GNUNET_malloc (sizeof (struct ValidationAddress));
va->next = e->addresses;
e->addresses = va;
va->transport_name = GNUNET_strdup (tname);
- va->addr_len = addrlen;
(unsigned int) -1);
- memcpy (&va[1], addr, addrlen);
+ va->send_time = GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get();
+ neighbor = find_neighbor(&id);
+ if (neighbor == NULL)
+ neighbor = setup_new_neighbor(&id);
+ peer_address = find_peer_address(neighbor, addr, addrlen);
+ if (peer_address == NULL)
+ {
+ peer_address = add_peer_address(neighbor, addr, addrlen);
+ }
+ GNUNET_assert(peer_address != NULL);
+ va->peer_address = peer_address; /* Back pointer FIXME: remove this nonsense! */
+ peer_address->validation = va;
hello_size = GNUNET_HELLO_size(our_hello);
tsize = sizeof(struct TransportPingMessage) + hello_size;
ping->header.type = htons(GNUNET_MESSAGE_TYPE_TRANSPORT_PING);
memcpy(&ping->target, &id, sizeof(struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity));
GNUNET_log(GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_DEBUG, "hello size is %d, ping size is %d, total size is %d", hello_size, sizeof(struct TransportPingMessage), tsize);
memcpy(message_buf, our_hello, hello_size);
memcpy(&message_buf[hello_size], ping, sizeof(struct TransportPingMessage));
+ GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_DEBUG, "Sending ping message of size %d to address `%s' via `%s' for `%4s'\n",
+ tsize, GNUNET_a2s (addr, addrlen), tname, GNUNET_i2s (&id));
+ sent = transmit_to_peer(NULL, peer_address, GNUNET_SCHEDULER_PRIORITY_DEFAULT,
+ message_buf, tsize, GNUNET_NO, neighbor);
- GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_DEBUG, "Sending ping message to address `%s' via `%s' for `%4s'\n",
- GNUNET_a2s (addr, addrlen), tname, GNUNET_i2s (&id));
- sent = tp->api->send(tp->api->cls, &id, message_buf, tsize, GNUNET_SCHEDULER_PRIORITY_DEFAULT,
GNUNET_log (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_DEBUG, "Transport returned %d from send!\n", sent);
return GNUNET_OK;
+#if WHY
* @param cls handle to the plugin (for sending)
* @param target the peer identity of the peer we are sending to
* Check if addresses in validated hello "h" overlap with
pending_validations = chvc->e;
/* no existing HELLO, all addresses are new */
- GNUNET_HELLO_iterate_addresses (chvc->hello,
- GNUNET_NO, &run_validation, chvc->e);
-#if 0
+/* GNUNET_HELLO_iterate_addresses (chvc->hello,
+ GNUNET_NO, &run_validation, chvc->e);*/
if (h != NULL)
GNUNET_HELLO_iterate_new_addresses (chvc->hello,
GNUNET_HELLO_iterate_addresses (chvc->hello,
GNUNET_NO, &run_validation, chvc->e);
if (h != NULL)
return; /* wait for next call */
/* finally, transmit validation attempts */
GNUNET_assert (GNUNET_OK == GNUNET_HELLO_get_id (chvc->hello, &apeer));
- "Ready to validate addresses from `%s' message for peer `%4s'\n",
- "HELLO", GNUNET_i2s (&apeer));
va = chvc->e->addresses;
count = 0;
while (va != NULL)
"Establishing `%s' connection to validate `%s' address `%s' of `%4s'\n",
- GNUNET_a2s ((const struct sockaddr *) &va[1],
- va->addr_len), GNUNET_i2s (&apeer));
+ GNUNET_a2s ((const struct sockaddr *) va->peer_address->addr,
+ va->peer_address->addrlen), GNUNET_i2s (&apeer));
tp = find_transport (va->transport_name);
GNUNET_assert (tp != NULL);
/* This validation should happen inside the transport, not from the plugin! */
- validate_address (tp->api->cls, va, &apeer,
- &va[1], va->addr_len);
- /* va->ok = GNUNET_SYSERR; will be set by validate_address! */
+ va->ok = GNUNET_SYSERR;
va = va->next;
- "Found %d addresses in hello of size %d\n", count, GNUNET_HELLO_size(chvc->hello));
GNUNET_SCHEDULER_add_delayed (sched,
GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get_remaining (chvc->
chvc = GNUNET_malloc (sizeof (struct CheckHelloValidatedContext) + hsize);
chvc->plugin = plugin;
chvc->hello = (struct GNUNET_HELLO_Message *) &chvc[1];
+ chvc->e = NULL;
memcpy (chvc->hello, hello, hsize);
/* finally, check if HELLO was previously validated
(continuation will then schedule actual validation) */
- * Add an entry for each of our transport plugins
- * (that are able to send) to the list of plugins
- * for this neighbor.
- *
- * @param neighbor to initialize
- */
-static void
-add_plugins (struct NeighborList *neighbor)
- struct TransportPlugin *tp;
- struct ReadyList *rl;
- neighbor->retry_plugins_time
- = GNUNET_TIME_relative_to_absolute (PLUGIN_RETRY_FREQUENCY);
- tp = plugins;
- while (tp != NULL)
- {
- if (tp->api->send != NULL)
- {
- rl = GNUNET_malloc (sizeof (struct ReadyList));
- rl->next = neighbor->plugins;
- neighbor->plugins = rl;
- rl->plugin = tp;
- rl->neighbor = neighbor;
- rl->transmit_ready = GNUNET_YES;
- }
- tp = tp->next;
- }
-static void
-neighbor_timeout_task (void *cls,
- const struct GNUNET_SCHEDULER_TaskContext *tc)
- struct NeighborList *n = cls;
- "Neighbor `%4s' has timed out!\n", GNUNET_i2s (&n->id));
- n->timeout_task = GNUNET_SCHEDULER_NO_TASK;
- disconnect_neighbor (n, GNUNET_NO);
- * Create a fresh entry in our neighbor list for the given peer.
- * Will try to transmit our current HELLO to the new neighbor. Also
- * notifies our clients about the new "connection".
- *
- * @param peer the peer for which we create the entry
- * @return the new neighbor list entry
- */
-static struct NeighborList *
-setup_new_neighbor (const struct GNUNET_PeerIdentity *peer, const char *addr, size_t sender_address_len)
- struct NeighborList *n;
- "Setting up new neighbor `%4s', sending our HELLO to introduce ourselves\n",
- GNUNET_i2s (peer));
- GNUNET_assert (our_hello != NULL);
- n = GNUNET_malloc (sizeof (struct NeighborList));
- n->next = neighbors;
- neighbors = n;
- n->id = *peer;
- n->last_quota_update = GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get ();
- n->peer_timeout =
- GNUNET_TIME_relative_to_absolute
- n->quota_in = (GNUNET_CONSTANTS_DEFAULT_BPM_IN_OUT + 59999) / (60 * 1000);
- add_plugins (n);
- n->timeout_task = GNUNET_SCHEDULER_add_delayed (sched,
- &neighbor_timeout_task, n);
- transmit_to_peer (NULL, 0,
- (const struct GNUNET_MessageHeader *) our_hello,
- notify_clients_connect (peer, GNUNET_TIME_UNIT_FOREVER_REL);
- return n;
* We have received a PING message from someone. Need to send a PONG message
* in response to the peer by any means necessary. Of course, with something
struct TransportPlugin *plugin = cls;
struct TransportPingMessage *ping;
struct TransportPongMessage *pong;
+ struct PeerAddressList *peer_address;
uint16_t msize;
struct NeighborList *n;
pong = GNUNET_malloc(sizeof(struct TransportPongMessage));
msize -= sizeof (struct TransportPingMessage);
- * if (GNUNET_OK != tcp_plugin_address_suggested (plugin, &vcm[1], msize))
- {
- GNUNET_break_op (0);
- GNUNET_SERVER_receive_done (client, GNUNET_SYSERR);
- return;
- }
- if (GNUNET_OK != GNUNET_SERVER_client_get_address (client, &addr, &addrlen))
- {
- GNUNET_break (0);
- GNUNET_SERVER_receive_done (client, GNUNET_SYSERR);
- return;
- }
pong = GNUNET_malloc (sizeof (struct TransportPongMessage) + sender_address_len);
pong->header.size = htons (sizeof (struct TransportPongMessage) + sender_address_len);
pong->header.type = htons (GNUNET_MESSAGE_TYPE_TRANSPORT_PONG);
sizeof (struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPublicKeyBinaryEncoded) + sender_address_len);
pong->purpose.purpose = htonl (GNUNET_SIGNATURE_PURPOSE_TRANSPORT_TCP_PING);
pong->challenge = ping->challenge;
+ pong->addrlen = htons(sender_address_len);
memcpy(&pong->signer, &my_public_key, sizeof(struct GNUNET_CRYPTO_RsaPublicKeyBinaryEncoded));
memcpy (&pong[1], sender_address, sender_address_len);
GNUNET_CRYPTO_rsa_sign (my_private_key,
&pong->purpose, &pong->signature));
- /* Will this nonsense work, even for UDP?
- * The idea is that we need an address to send to for UDP, but we may not know
- * this peer yet. So in that case, we need to create a new neighbor with the
- * current address, but is this address going to be correct, or will it have a
- * random high port or something? Another question is, why didn't we get a WELCOME
- * from this peer with its advertised addresses already? We don't want to
- * differentiate based on transport... */
- n = find_neighbor(peer, NULL, 0);
+ n = find_neighbor(peer);
if (n == NULL)
- {
- "Didn't find peer in list, adding...\n");
- setup_new_neighbor(peer, sender_address, sender_address_len);
- n = find_neighbor(peer, sender_address, sender_address_len);
- GNUNET_assert(n != NULL);
- }
- else if (n->addr == NULL)
- {
- "Found peer in list, but without address, adding!\n");
- n->addr = GNUNET_malloc(sender_address_len);
- memcpy(n->addr, sender_address, sender_address_len);
- n->addr_len = sender_address_len;
- }
+ n = setup_new_neighbor(peer);
- transmit_to_peer(NULL, TRANSPORT_DEFAULT_PRIORITY, &pong->header, GNUNET_NO, n);
+ peer_address = find_peer_address(n, sender_address, sender_address_len);
+ if (peer_address == NULL)
+ peer_address = add_peer_address(n, sender_address, sender_address_len);
+ transmit_to_peer(NULL, NULL, TRANSPORT_DEFAULT_PRIORITY, (char *)pong, ntohs(pong->header.size), GNUNET_NO, n);
return GNUNET_OK;
unsigned int distance, const char *sender_address,
size_t sender_address_len)
- const struct GNUNET_MessageHeader ack = {
- htons (sizeof (struct GNUNET_MessageHeader)),
- };
struct ReadyList *service_context;
struct TransportPlugin *plugin = cls;
struct TransportClient *cpos;
struct InboundMessage *im;
+ struct PeerAddressList *peer_address;
uint16_t msize;
struct NeighborList *n;
- n = find_neighbor (peer, sender_address, sender_address_len);
+ n = find_neighbor (peer);
if (n == NULL)
if (message == NULL)
return; /* disconnect of peer already marked down */
- n = setup_new_neighbor (peer, sender_address, sender_address_len);
+ n = setup_new_neighbor (peer);
+ peer_address = find_peer_address(n, sender_address, sender_address_len);
+ if (peer_address == NULL)
+ peer_address = add_peer_address(n, sender_address, sender_address_len);
service_context = n->plugins;
while ((service_context != NULL) && (plugin != service_context->plugin))
service_context = service_context->next;
if (service_context->connected == GNUNET_NO)
- service_context->connected = GNUNET_YES;
- service_context->transmit_ready = GNUNET_YES;
- service_context->connect_attempts++;
+ /*service_context->connected = GNUNET_YES;*/
+ /* FIXME: What to do here? Should we use these as well, to specify some Address
+ * in the AddressList should be available?
+ */
+ peer_address->transmit_ready = GNUNET_YES;
+ peer_address->connect_attempts++;
- service_context->timeout
+ peer_address->timeout
- /* service_context->latency = latency; */ /* This value should be set by us! */
/* update traffic received amount ... */
msize = ntohs (message->size);
GNUNET_i2s (peer));
process_hello (plugin, message);
- "Sending `%s' message to connecting peer `%4s'.\n", "ACK",
- GNUNET_i2s (peer));
- transmit_to_peer (NULL, 0, &ack, GNUNET_YES, n);
handle_ping(plugin, message, peer, sender_address, sender_address_len);
handle_pong(plugin, message, peer, sender_address, sender_address_len);
- //plugin_env_notify_validation();
- n->saw_ack = GNUNET_YES;
- /* intentional fall-through! */
- "Received message of type %u from `%4s', sending to all clients.\n",
+ "Received \n\nREAL MESSAGE\n\ntype %u from `%4s', sending to all clients.\n",
ntohs (message->type), GNUNET_i2s (peer));
/* transmit message to all clients */
cim.id = n->id;
transmit_to_client (c, &cim.header, GNUNET_NO);
- if (n->saw_ack)
+ if (n->received_pong)
im->peer = n->id;
transmit_to_client (c, &im->header, GNUNET_NO);
GNUNET_SERVER_receive_done (client, GNUNET_SYSERR);
- n = find_neighbor (&obm->peer, NULL, 0);
+ n = find_neighbor (&obm->peer);
if (n == NULL)
- n = setup_new_neighbor (&obm->peer, NULL, 0);
+ n = setup_new_neighbor (&obm->peer); /* But won't ever add address, we have none! */
tc = clients;
while ((tc != NULL) && (tc->client != client))
tc = tc->next;
ntohs (obmm->size),
ntohs (obmm->type), GNUNET_i2s (&obm->peer));
- transmit_to_peer (tc, ntohl (obm->priority), obmm, GNUNET_NO, n);
+ transmit_to_peer (tc, NULL, ntohl (obm->priority), (char *)obmm, ntohs (obmm->size), GNUNET_NO, n);
GNUNET_SERVER_receive_done (client, GNUNET_OK);
"Received `%s' request from client for peer `%4s'\n",
"SET_QUOTA", GNUNET_i2s (&qsm->peer));
- n = find_neighbor (&qsm->peer, NULL, 0);
+ n = find_neighbor (&qsm->peer);
if (n == NULL)
GNUNET_SERVER_receive_done (client, GNUNET_OK);
"Received `%s' request from client %p asking to connect to `%4s'\n",
"TRY_CONNECT", client, GNUNET_i2s (&tcm->peer));
- if (NULL == find_neighbor (&tcm->peer, NULL, 0))
- setup_new_neighbor (&tcm->peer, NULL, 0); /* Can we set up a truly _new_ neighbor without
- knowing its address? Should we ask the plugin
- for more information about this peer? I don't
- think we can... Or set up new peer should only
- happen when transport notifies us of an address,
- and this setup should check for an address in
- the existing list only */
+ if (NULL == find_neighbor (&tcm->peer))
+ setup_new_neighbor (&tcm->peer);