@EXPORT_OK = (@Test::More::EXPORT_OK, qw(bldtop_dir bldtop_file
srctop_dir srctop_file
+ data_file
pipe with cmdstr quotify));
=head1 NAME
and C<$BLDTOP>. Without one of the combinations it refuses to work.
See L</ENVIRONMENT> below.
+With each test recipe, a parallel data directory with (almost) the same name
+as the recipe is possible in the source directory tree. For example, for a
+recipe C<$SRCTOP/test/recipes/99-foo.t>, there could be a directory
use File::Copy;
catdir catfile splitpath catpath devnull abs2rel
use File::Path 2.00 qw/rmtree mkpath/;
+use File::Basename;
# The name of the test. This is set by setup() and is used in the other
=over 4
+=item B<data_file LIST, FILENAME>
+LIST is a list of directories that make up a path from the data directory
+associated with the test (see L</DESCRIPTION> above) and FILENAME is the name
+of a file located in that directory path. C<data_file> returns the resulting
+file path as a string, adapted to the local operating system.
+sub data_file {
+ return __data_file(@_);
+=over 4
=item B<pipe LIST>
LIST is a list of CODEREFs returned by C<app> or C<test>, from which C<pipe>
sub __env {
+ (my $recipe_datadir = basename($0)) =~ s/\.t$/_data/i;
$directories{SRCTOP} = $ENV{SRCTOP} || $ENV{TOP};
$directories{BLDTOP} = $ENV{BLDTOP} || $ENV{TOP};
$directories{BLDAPPS} = $ENV{BIN_D} || __bldtop_dir("apps");
$directories{SRCFUZZ} = __srctop_dir("fuzz");
$directories{BLDTEST} = $ENV{TEST_D} || __bldtop_dir("test");
$directories{SRCTEST} = __srctop_dir("test");
+ $directories{SRCDATA} = __srctop_dir("test", "recipes",
+ $recipe_datadir);
$directories{RESULTS} = $ENV{RESULT_D} || $directories{BLDTEST};
push @direnv, "TOP" if $ENV{TOP};
return ($^X, $f);
+sub __data_file {
+ BAIL_OUT("Must run setup() first") if (! $test_name);
+ my $f = pop;
+ return catfile($directories{SRCDATA},@_,$f);
sub __results_file {
BAIL_OUT("Must run setup() first") if (! $test_name);
print STDERR "DEBUG: __cwd(), directories and files:\n";
print STDERR " \$directories{BLDTEST} = \"$directories{BLDTEST}\"\n";
print STDERR " \$directories{SRCTEST} = \"$directories{SRCTEST}\"\n";
+ print STDERR " \$directories{SRCDATA} = \"$directories{SRCDATA}\"\n";
print STDERR " \$directories{RESULTS} = \"$directories{RESULTS}\"\n";
print STDERR " \$directories{BLDAPPS} = \"$directories{BLDAPPS}\"\n";
print STDERR " \$directories{SRCAPPS} = \"$directories{SRCAPPS}\"\n";