<% for ext, room in luci.util.kspairs(plan.meetmerooms) do rooms_used[room.room] = true %>
<tr class="cbi-section-table-row <%=rowstyle(row)%>">
<td style="text-align: left; padding: 3px" class="cbi-section-table-cell">
- <strong>└ MeetMe Room <em><%=room.room%></em></strong> (<%=room.description%>)
+ <strong>└ MeetMe Room <em><%=room.room%></em></strong>
+ <% if room.description and #room.description > 0 then %> (<%=room.description%>)<% end %>
<p style="padding-left: 1em; margin-bottom:0">
Matches: <%=format_matches(ext)%>
<option value="">-- please select --</option>
<% for ext, room in luci.util.kspairs(ast.meetme.rooms()) do %>
<%# if not rooms_used[room.room] then %>
- <option value="<%=room.room%>"><%=room.room%> (<%=room.description%>)</option>
+ <option value="<%=room.room%>">
+ <%=room.room%>
+ <% if room.description and #room.description > 0 then %>(<%=room.description%>)<% end %>
+ </option>
<%# end %>
<% end %>