uci:set("network", "ffdhcp", "ipaddr", dhcpip)
uci:set("network", "ffdhcp", "netmask", uci:get("freifunk", "community", "dhcpmask"))
+ local dhcp = uci:show("dhcp")
+ if dhcp then
+ for k, v in pairs(dhcp.dhcp) do
+ if v[".type"] == "dhcp" and v.interface == "ffdhcp" then
+ uci:del("dhcp", k)
+ end
+ end
+ local dhcpbeg = 48 + tonumber(ip:match("[0-9]+$")) * 4
+ local sk = uci:add("dhcp", "dhcp")
+ uci:set("dhcp", sk, "interface", "ffdhcp")
+ uci:set("dhcp", sk, "start", dhcpbeg)
+ uci:set("dhcp", sk, "limit", (dhcpbeg < 252) and 3 or 2)
+ uci:set("dhcp", sk, "leasetime", "30m")
+ end
local splash = uci:show("luci_splash")
if splash then
for k, v in pairs(splash.luci_splash) do