y = pos.y + self.object:get_properties().collisionbox[2] - 0.05,
z = pos.z
+ -- Delete in 'ignore' nodes
+ if node and node.name == "ignore" then
+ self.itemstring = ""
+ self.object:remove()
+ return
+ end
local vel = self.object:getvelocity()
local def = node and core.registered_nodes[node.name]
- -- Avoid entity falling into ignore nodes or unloaded areas
- local is_moving = node and node.name ~= "ignore" and
- ((def and not def.walkable) or vel.x ~= 0 or vel.y ~= 0 or vel.z ~= 0)
+ local is_moving = (def and not def.walkable) or
+ vel.x ~= 0 or vel.y ~= 0 or vel.z ~= 0
local is_slippery = false
if def and def.walkable then