- [Tips](#tips)
- [Compatibility with PeerTube](#compatibility-with-peertube)
- [Spam/moderation plugin](#spammoderation-plugin)
+ - [Other plugin examples](#other-plugin-examples)
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The key should be one of the locales defined in [i18n.ts](https://github.com/Chocobozzz/PeerTube/blob/develop/shared/models/i18n/i18n.ts).
You **must** use the complete locales (`fr-FR` instead of `fr`).
+Translation files are just objects, with the english sentence as the key and the translation as the value.
+`fr.json` could contain for example:
+ "Hello world": "Hello le monde"
### Test your plugin/theme
You'll need to have a local PeerTube instance:
* `filter:api.video-thread-comments.list.result`: to change/hide the text of replies
* `filter:video.auto-blacklist.result`: to automatically blacklist local or remote videos
+### Other plugin examples
+You can take a look to "official" PeerTube plugins if you want to take inspiration from them: https://framagit.org/framasoft/peertube/official-plugins