* `nodenames`: e.g. `{"ignore", "group:tree"}` or `"default:dirt"`
* `minetest.find_nodes_in_area(minp, maxp, nodenames)`: returns a list of positions
* `nodenames`: e.g. `{"ignore", "group:tree"}` or `"default:dirt"`
+* `minetest.find_surface_nodes_in_area(minp, maxp, nodenames)`: returns a list of positions
+ * returned positions are nodes with a node air above
+ * `nodenames`: e.g. `{"ignore", "group:tree"}` or `"default:dirt"`
* `minetest.get_perlin(noiseparams)`
* `minetest.get_perlin(seeddiff, octaves, persistence, scale)`
* Return world-specific perlin noise (`int(worldseed)+seeddiff`)
v3s16 minp = read_v3s16(L, 1);
v3s16 maxp = read_v3s16(L, 2);
std::set<content_t> filter;
- if(lua_istable(L, 3)){
+ if(lua_istable(L, 3)) {
int table = 3;
- while(lua_next(L, table) != 0){
+ while(lua_next(L, table) != 0) {
// key at index -2 and value at index -1
luaL_checktype(L, -1, LUA_TSTRING);
ndef->getIds(lua_tostring(L, -1), filter);
// removes value, keeps key for next iteration
lua_pop(L, 1);
- } else if(lua_isstring(L, 3)){
+ } else if(lua_isstring(L, 3)) {
ndef->getIds(lua_tostring(L, 3), filter);
return 1;
+// find_surface_nodes_in_area(minp, maxp, nodenames) -> list of positions
+// nodenames: eg. {"ignore", "group:tree"} or "default:dirt"
+int ModApiEnvMod::l_find_surface_nodes_in_area(lua_State *L)
+ INodeDefManager *ndef = getServer(L)->ndef();
+ v3s16 minp = read_v3s16(L, 1);
+ v3s16 maxp = read_v3s16(L, 2);
+ std::set<content_t> filter;
+ if(lua_istable(L, 3)) {
+ int table = 3;
+ lua_pushnil(L);
+ while(lua_next(L, table) != 0) {
+ // key at index -2 and value at index -1
+ luaL_checktype(L, -1, LUA_TSTRING);
+ ndef->getIds(lua_tostring(L, -1), filter);
+ // removes value, keeps key for next iteration
+ lua_pop(L, 1);
+ }
+ } else if(lua_isstring(L, 3)) {
+ ndef->getIds(lua_tostring(L, 3), filter);
+ }
+ lua_newtable(L);
+ u64 i = 0;
+ for(s16 x = minp.X; x <= maxp.X; x++)
+ for(s16 z = minp.Z; z <= maxp.Z; z++) {
+ s16 y = minp.Y;
+ v3s16 p(x, y, z);
+ content_t c = env->getMap().getNodeNoEx(p).getContent();
+ for(; y <= maxp.Y; y++) {
+ v3s16 psurf(x, y + 1, z);
+ content_t csurf = env->getMap().getNodeNoEx(psurf).getContent();
+ if(c != CONTENT_AIR && csurf == CONTENT_AIR &&
+ filter.count(c) != 0) {
+ push_v3s16(L, v3s16(x, y, z));
+ lua_rawseti(L, -2, ++i);
+ }
+ c = csurf;
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
// get_perlin(seeddiff, octaves, persistence, scale)
// returns world-specific PerlinNoise
int ModApiEnvMod::l_get_perlin(lua_State *L)
+ API_FCT(find_surface_nodes_in_area);