glob = posix.glob
--- Checks wheather the given path exists and points to a regular file.
--- @param filename String containing the path of the file to read
+-- @param filename String containing the path of the file to test
-- @return Boolean indicating wheather given path points to regular file
function isfile(filename)
return posix.stat(filename, "type") == "regular"
+--- Checks wheather the given path exists and points to a directory.
+-- @param dirname String containing the path of the directory to test
+-- @return Boolean indicating wheather given path points to directory
+function isdirectory(dirname)
+ return posix.stat(dirname, "type") == "directory"
--- Read the whole content of the given file into memory.
-- @param filename String containing the path of the file to read
-- @return String containing the file contents or nil on error